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必修一 Unit 1 单元话题 语篇训练(每单元3练)练(一)阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解AKenny Li is waiting patiently at a coach terminus(终点站) in Kowloon on a misty and cold Hong Kong morning.He is planning to have lunch in the city of Zhuhai, which on a normal day would take him about four hours to reach by road. But today the journey will take just over 30 minutes, because today is not a normal day.Kenny is one of scores of passengers including the correspondent (记者) who are queuing for a seat on one of the first crossborder coaches to travel over the newlyopened Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge.The DS| 20bn, 55km bridge and 6.7km undersea tunnel link Hong Kongs Lantau island to Zhuhai on the southern coast of Guangdong Province and Macao. The mega structure is supported by three cablestayed bridges and designed to withstand typhoonforce winds.It took more than eight years to build and, according to ambitious plans hatched (策划) in Beijing, will help form a hightech and economic region, namely Greater Bay Area, to rival New York, San Francisco and Tokyo bay areas.But those lofty aims feel fairly irrelevant to the band of eager passengers who have assembled at the Kowloon coach terminus on Wednesday morning. This group wants something different from the HZMB, as it has become known. For just HK DS| 120 for a single trip ticket, we can be part of history.“I was the first person to get the ticket three days ago,” says Li, as he waits patiently for the coach to arrive.Other passengers are similarly excited. YW Cheung and his wife bought the tickets on Sunday as soon as he heard about the news about coach companies running the bridge service.“I want to take the first coach to cross the bridge,” he said. “We will meet friends in Zhuhai and eat out with them, and then we will go to Macao.”语篇解读:港珠澳大桥是中国境内一座连接香港、珠海和澳门的桥隧工程。2018年10月24日大桥正式通车。本文主要报道了港珠澳大桥通车时人们期待乘坐长途公共汽车来往于三地的情景。1Why is today different for Kenny Li?ABecause it is a misty and cold day in the morning.BBecause he has to wait patiently at a coach terminus.CBecause the time to Zhuhai will be saved more.DBecause he can have lunch in Zhuhai by road.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第二段可推知,对Kenny Li来说,今天之所以特殊是因为他可以乘坐贯穿港珠澳大桥的公共长途汽车,这大大地缩短了到珠海的时间,故选C。2What is special for Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge?AIt can withstand typhoonforce winds.BA round trip ticket of the coach by it just costs HK 120.CIt is irrelevant to passengers at the Kowloon coach terminus.DIt is part of history, more brilliant than New York.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“The mega structure is supported by three cablestayed bridges and designed to withstand typhoonforce winds.”可推知,港珠澳大桥的特别之处在于其能承受台风,故选A。3Where does this text probably come from?AA fashion magazine.BA history book.CA tourist brochure. DA latest newspaper.解析:选D文章出处题。根据全文的内容和语言风格可推知,本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了港珠澳大桥建成通车时的情形,由此可推知,本文可能出自一份最新的报纸,故选D。BThree experimental fields of seawater rice were harvested in China on Wednesday, a further step toward its future practical use. Also known as salinealkali tolerant rice (耐盐碱水稻), the seawater rice is designed to grow in seaside flats or other areas with high salt content and has been developed by experts through crossbreeding (杂交) and other technologies.One type of seawater rice growing in Qingdaos Chengyang district, Shandong Province, produced 3.9 metric tons (公吨) per hectare (公顷), experts announced. Once widely planted in large areas, the output could be much higher.The Qingdao SalineAlkali Tolerant Rice Research and Development Center, led by renowned Chinese agricultural scientist Yuan Longping, was established several years ago. It set itself a threeyear target of developing a kind of saltresistant rice capable of producing 4.5 tons a hectare, which would guarantee growers the minimum acceptable level of profit. The average rice output in China is 6.75 tons a hectare.Planting in the experimental field in Chengyang district and five other plots of salinealkali land started at the end of May. The five other plots were in Dongying, Shandong Province; Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province; Yanan, Shaanxi Province; Kashgar, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; and Daqing, Heilongjiang Province. The sites represent actually every type of salinealkali land in China and researchers aim to grow different kinds of rice able to cope with different climate, salinity and soil structure conditions. The test crops in Kashgar and Daqing were also harvested on Wednesday. In Kashgar, the output reached more than 7.5 tons per hectare, according to experts tests, much higher than expected. The harvest in Kashgar was satisfactory. The result means it is possible to plant such saltresistant rice in southern Xinjiang in the future. Xinjiang has about 2 million hectares of salinealkali land that have the potential to be planted with saltresistant rice, and if it is widely planted it will generally improve rice production in the region.The seawater rice grown in Daqing only produced 3.1 tons per hectare. A live video on Shandong TV showed growers appearing a little disappointed by the result, as they hoped the experts efforts would increase production greatly. The water and soil conditions of the site were not ideal, and the pH level was extremely high.语篇解读:2018年7月,青岛海水稻研发中心传来喜讯,袁隆平试种的包括“海水稻”在内的80多个水稻品种分批成熟。“海水稻”研究在国内外都有很长的一段历史,袁隆平领导的海水稻项目使中国技术处于海水稻研究的前列。4Which is the main feature of seawater rice according to the text?AIt has a shorter growing period.BIt is a kind of highly productive crop.CIt can grow in the soil with high salt content.Dit is the combination of many technologies.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the seawater rice is designed to grow in seaside flats or other areas with high salt content”可知,海水稻最大的优势是可以种植在含盐量高的土壤里 。5How much rice does a farmer harvest at least to meet the cost?A3.9 tons a hectare. B4.5 tons a hectare.C6.75 tons a hectare. D7.5 tons a hectare.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“which would guarantee growers the minimum acceptable level of profit”可知,每公顷4.5吨的产量对种植者来说是最低的收益保障。6The researchers chose the experimental fields according to _.Athe distance between themBthe type of the soil and climateCthe local governments supportDthe local agricultural conditions解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,研究人员选择试验田的依据是气候、土壤的盐度和土壤结构。7What can we infer about the seawater rice from the last paragraph?AThe seawater rice is not fit for all kinds of salinealkali soils.BIt is impossible for the seawater rice to have a good harvest.CGrowers from Shandong Province were a little disappointed by the result.DThe output of the seawater rice grown in Daqing is the lowest.解析:选A推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,海水稻并非适合所有的土壤。C(2019押题卷四)Some of the questions you ask your human resources (HR) (人力资源) department could soon be answered by, well, nonhumans.Thats the concept behind Talla, a Bostonarea startup that has developed a chatbot (一种聊天程序) to do some of the tasks that HR departments carry out, including explaining company policy, surveying employees, collecting information or training new hires. The Talla bot operates inside enterprise group messaging software, such as Slack, HipChat or Microsoft Teams, which has increasingly become an alternative to email as a method of digital communication within companies. Some 1,200 companies have brought in Talla, about a quarter of whom use the service regularly, said Tallas founder Rob May.Robots promise to be a violent force in the global economy. Some scientists expect they will undoubtedly replace lowwage workers, such as drivers and factory labor. As artificial intelligence continues to become more developed, robots may eventually do work instead of humans in many fields. Already, bots are being employed in fields as varied as law, journalism, medicine and engineering.Does that mean HR will depend only on bots? Maybe, but not for several decades, predicts May. In fact, he says the introduction of chatbots to HR allows the human staff to focus on tasks that require a greater degree of intellect.“Whats actually going to happen is that youre going to allow the HR department to be more human by automating (使自动化) a lot of their repeated work,” he said. “HR spends a lot of time doing these lowlevel, monotonous tasks,” May continued. “What youll find is that more of the work that does not need communicating with other humans is the kind of work that will be automated.”语篇解读:本文属于科普说明文,主要介绍了Rob May的公司Talla开发的聊天程序,它用来帮助人力资源部做那些重复性的、不需要与人交流的单调工作。8What do we know about chatbots?AThey can increase human staffs intelligence.BThey help companies advance their service.CThey are welcomed in many companies.DThey will get less and less human.解析:选C细节理解题。第二段中的“Some 1,200 companies have brought in Talla, about a quarter of whom use the service regularly”说明Talla开发的chatbot被很多公司运用。9What will HR do according to May?AUse chatbots instead of robots.BCommunicate more with chatbots.CLet chatbots replace them completely soon.DFree themselves from less significant tasks.解析:选D推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的最后一句和最后一段中的第一句可知,Rob May认为人力资源部的那些任务难度相对小的、重复性的、不需要与人交流的、不太重要的工作会自动化,这样人力资源部的人就可以抽身去做其他更有意义的工作。10What does the underlined word “monotonous” in the last paragraph probably mean?AHard. BBoring.CHopeless. DWorthless.解析:选B词义猜测题。本句前一句谈到通过自动化,人力资源部就无须再做那些重复性的工作。结合该段,由于是重复性的、无须与他人交流的工作,故可推知这些工作“单调乏味”。故选B项。11What does the text mainly focus on?AChatbots role and HR.BRobots and chatbots.CHRs heavy work.DChatbots future.解析:选A主旨大意题。本文主要讲了Rob May的公司Talla开发的聊天程序chatbot运用到了人力资源行业,帮助做一些人力资源行业中单调乏味的工作。因此选A。D(2019郑州质检)Imagine youre standing in line to buy a snack at a store.You step up to the counter and the cashier scans your food.Next, you have to pay.But instead of scanning a QR code (二维码) with your smartphone, you just hold out your hand so the cashier can scan your fingerprint.Or, a camera scans your face, your eyes or even your ear.Now, this type of technology might not be far away.As technology companies move away from the traditional password, biometric (生物特征识别的) security, which includes fingerprints, faces and voice ID, is becoming increasingly popular.In 2013, Apple introduced the iPhone 5s, one of the first smartphones with a fingerprint scanner.Since then, using ones fingerprint to unlock a phone and make mobile payments has become a commonplace, bringing convenience to our lives.And since 2016, Samsung has featured eyescanning technology in its top smartphones, while Apples new iPhone X can even scan a users face.But despite its popularity, experts warn that biometrics might not be as secure as we imagine.“Biometrics is ideally good in practice, not so much,” said John Michener, a biometrics expert.When introducing the new iPhones face ID feature, Phil Schiller, Apples senior vicepresident, said, “The chance that a random person in the population could look at your iPhone X and unlock it with their face is about one in a million.” But its already been done.In a video posted on a community website Reddit, two brothers showed how they were each able to unlock the same iPhone X using their own face.And they arent even twins.“We may expect too much from biometrics,” Anil Jain, a computer science professor at Michigan State University, told CBS News.“No security systems are perfect.”Earlier last year, Jain found a way to trick biometric security.Using a printed copy of a thumbprint, she was able to unlock a dead persons smartphone for the police, according to a tech website Splinter.“Its good to see biometrics being used more,” Jain told CBS News, “because it adds another factor for security.But using multiple security measures is the best defense.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了生物测量术的应用及其存在的一些安全问题。12Which is the latest identification technology in a smartphone according to the passage?AFace scanning. BEye scanning.CQR code scanning. DFingerprint scanning.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段可知,2013年iPhone 5s使用了指纹扫描;2016年三星在智能手机上运用了眼部扫描技术,而iPhone X甚至可以扫描用户的脸。所以,在智能手机中最新的识别技术应是面部识别。13What is a major problem of the iPhone Xs face ID system?AIt takes too long to unlock the phone.BIt often fails to recognize its owners face.CFace data can be used for other purposes.DDifferent faces can be used to unlock the same phone.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段中的最后两句可知,iPhone X的面部识别技术的问题是不同的脸可以解锁同一部手机。14What is Anil Jains opinion about biometric security?AIt is as secure as traditional measures.BIt is perfect without much improvement.CIt has caused much trouble for the police.DIt should be used with other security measures.解析:选D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的最后一句可知,Anil Jain认为生物测量术应该与其他保护措施一起使用。15What does the author intend to tell us in this passage?AThe popularity of biometrics.BSecurity problems of biometrics.CVarious problems with biometrics.DGreat changes caused by biometrics.解析:选B写作目的题。根据全文内容,尤其是第三段中的最后两句可知,通过这篇文章作者想告诉我们的是生物测量术存在的一些安全问题。.阅读七选五(2019贵阳摸底)Many teenagers want to look cool. _16_ Chloe Murray, an eighthgrader at Jefferson Middle School in the US, realized this problem and established a charitable clothes closet (衣橱) to help her peers._17_ The school let her use a room for the project. Chloes classmates joined her as well. Last month, the charitable clothes closet, called Chloes Closet, opened. _18_ “Confidence is a real issue in middle school, especially when it comes to clothing,” Chloe told the Chicago Tribune, a daily newspaper in Chicago, the US._19_ Many people from the schools community and neighboring schools donated used and new clothes. The clothes closet is only open after school. Students can “buy” these clothes by earning “money” when they turn in their schoolwork on time, make corrections on homework, participate in a school activity or express helpfulness to their peers and teachers. Since the first week in March, about 100 items have been “sold” to students.“_20_ Then, they will be better able to focus on the learning material rather than paying too much attention to what they are wearing,”Shannon Arko, a language arts teacher at the school, said about the mission (使命) of the closet.“Feeling good about yourself translates into a better learning experience overall.”AWhere are the clothes from?BHer school supported the idea too.CFashion has already become an important part of students lives.DYou need to supply children with basic needs, such as clothing.EBut everyone can afford to keep up with the changing fashion trends.FBut not everyone can afford to keep up with the changing fashion trends.GIts filled with trendy clothes for girls and boys to help students look their best.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了一个美国学生发起的并得到学校支持的慈善衣橱活动。16解析:选F此处承接上文的“Many teenagers want to look cool”,再结合下文的慈善衣橱可推知,并不是每个人都有钱去紧跟时尚潮流,所以F项符合语境。17解析:选B此处承接下文中的“The school let her use a room for the project”,由此可推知,学校对Chloe的这一举动予以支持,故B项符合语境。18解析:选G根据第一段的内容及空后一句可推知,Chloe建立这样一个慈善衣橱是为了帮助同龄人表现出最好的状态,因此衣橱里捐赠的都是时尚的衣物,所以G项符合语境。19解析:选A根据空后一句可推知,此处介绍了捐赠的衣物的来源,所以A项符合语境。20解析:选D此处承接下文中的“Then, they will be better able to focus on the learning material rather than paying too much attention to what they are wearing”,由此可推知,只有满足学生的基本需求,比如衣物,他们才能集中注意力学习而不是过多地关注穿着,所以D项符合语境。练(二)语言知识运用组块专练练准度(限时:30分钟).完形填空(2019济南模拟)Mrs. Hudson walked into the classroom with a girl limping (瘸着走) behind her. She introduced, “This is Margaret. She just moved here from Florida. Lets _1_ her.” The teacher guided her _2_ to a front seat, then bent over and _3_ something in her ear. Finishing explaining the math problems, Mrs. Hudson _4_, “Break time. See you in ten minutes.”Boys _5_ first. “Today, lets meet at the far end of the sidewalk. And make sure the new girl doesnt follow us!” I said. After a while, I came back to the _6_. I wanted to find out if Mrs. Hudson liked my book report. With her usual big smile, she began, “Jack, you are a good _7_.” Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I was a little _8_ that Mrs. Hudson liked me so much. Her _9_ let me know how much she appreciated having me around. My teacher _10_ in her quiet voice. “Thats _11_ I am sure you will invite Margaret to play with you today.” Her _12_ words sounded like frozen knives aiming at my heart. Could she _13_ suspect what we had been saying about Margaret? Could she know how _14_ I was?Then I managed to _15_ Margaret in our group. While many school memories have _16_ over the years, the _17_ Mrs. Hudson taught me has stayed with me. Mrs. Hudson gently guided me, _18_ me to do the right thing. She believed in me, and _19_ what she did, I rose to the level of her _20_, both for Margaret long ago and even later in my choice of career.语篇解读:本文是学校生活类记叙文。Hudson夫人是作者的老师。一天,她带着一个走路一瘸一拐的女孩进了教室,包括作者在内的几个男孩取笑这个女孩。而Hudson夫人用激励、爱心和智慧教育了作者,启迪了他的心灵,作者从此不再孤立女孩。这段经历对作者的一生产生了很大的影响。1A.welcomeBintroduceCrecommend Dfollow解析:选A上文讲到Hudson夫人带着一个走路一瘸一拐的女孩进了教室,将这个女孩介绍给班里的孩子们,让大家“欢迎”她,所以选A。welcome“欢迎”;introduce“介绍”;recommend“推荐”;follow“跟随”。2A.casually BgentlyCnervously Dhurriedly解析:选B上文讲到女孩走路一瘸一拐,接着说Hudson夫人“缓缓地”将女孩带到了前排的一个座位,所以选B。casually“随便地”;gently“温柔地,缓缓地”;nervously“紧张地”;hurriedly“匆忙地”。3A.spread BdeliveredCrepeated Dwhispered解析:选DHudson夫人先是将女孩带到了前排的一个座位上,接着弯下腰来在她的耳边“小声说话”,所以选D。spread“传播”;deliver“递送,发表(演讲),接生”;repeat“重复”;whisper“小声说”。4A.cried BsighedCannounced Dagreed解析:选CHudson夫人讲完数学题后,“宣布”该休息了,所以选C。cry“喊叫,哭”;sigh“叹气”;announce“宣布”。5A.looked out Braced outCturned up Dgave up解析:选B根据上文可知,老师宣布了下课,根据常识可推知,下课后,男孩们先“跑了出去”,故raced out符合语境。look out“朝外看”;turn up“出现,露面,调高(音量等)”;give up“放弃”。6A.school BofficeCclassroom Dplatform解析:选C上文提到男孩们跑了出去,所以过了一会儿,作者应该是回到了“教室”。school“学校”;office“办公室”;classroom“教室”;platform“平台,月台,讲台”。7A.guard BcolleagueCperson Dspeaker解析:选CHudson夫人对作


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