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,Unit4 Hobbies,本ppt来自:千教网(),Look at the pictures, say the words loudly. 看到图片做动作并大声说,Magic eyes,本ppt来自:千教网(),play table tennis,play basketball,dance,draw,sing,swim,play football,skate,I can read,本ppt来自:千教网(),playing table tennis,playing basketball,dancing,drawing,singing,swimming,playing football,skating,Can you read?,本ppt来自:千教网(),本ppt来自:千教网(),What do they like doing?,They like climbing.,They like dancing.,They like swimming.,HOBBIES,like,动词+ing,(动名词),Bobby-hobby,Enjoy a song,本ppt来自:千教网(),5A Unit 4 Hobbies,hobby 业余爱好,like doing,本ppt来自:千教网(),I like drawing.,I also like watching TV. (也),I can say,本ppt来自:千教网(),I say,you say,I like drawing. I also like watching TV. 也,Tip: like后面的动词一定要加ing哦!,You can use these words: (你们可以使用以下单词) drawing/ skating/ climbing/ boating/ swimming/ running/ reading/dancing/ singing / playing basketball-,I like_.I also like _.,本ppt来自:千教网(),This is my friend Miss Wang.,She likes dancing.,I can talk,She also likes playing the piano.,本ppt来自:千教网(),本ppt来自:千教网(),This is my friend .,He/She likes . He/She also likes .,I can talk 介绍好朋友的爱好,本ppt来自:千教网(),Q1:What is Mike talking about? 迈克在谈论什么? A. Subjects B. Hobbies Q2:Who is Mike talking about? 迈克在谈论谁?,Learning tip: 在听和看的过程中,要仔细听清楚和看清楚关键的人物和活动。,watch and circle,本ppt来自:千教网(),本ppt来自:千教网(),What is Mike talking about? A. Subjects B. Hobbies,watch and circle,本ppt来自:千教网(),Q2:Who is Mike talking about?,watch and circle,本ppt来自:千教网(),Mike: I like playing _ and _. I like _ too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim. 和一起,I can play _ well , but I am not good at _.,basketball,basketball,football,football,drawing,Listen and say,本ppt来自:千教网(),cant play well,I like drawing, but I am not good at it.,I like_, but I am not good at it.,本ppt来自:千教网(),Im Mike 我们一起来扮演Mike吧!,I like I can,Im not good at,I like too. I usually,本ppt来自:千教网(),Task 1: Read and tick . (读课文,并在方框内打“”),likesing,swimming,playing table tennis,reading stories,watching films,playing football,dancing,playing the piano,本ppt来自:千教网(),is a story.,is also a story.,They are both stories.,read stories,两个都,本ppt来自:千教网(),Task 1: Read and tick . (读课文,并在方框内打“”),likesing,swimming,playing table tennis,reading stories,watching films,playing football,dancing,playing the piano,本ppt来自:千教网(),本ppt来自:千教网(),Task 2:Read and choose (细读课文,选择答案),1. Tim likes _. A. dancing B. playing football C. drawing 2. Liu Tao plays _well. A. football B. basketball C. table tennis 3. Yang Ling has a lot of_. A. hobbies B. pianos C. books,本ppt来自:千教网(),I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim. 和一起,Tim likes _ A. dancing B. playing football C. drawing,C,本ppt来自:千教网(),He likes playing football too. He is good at it.,擅长于,2. Liu Tao plays _ well. A. football B. basketball C. table tennis,A,本ppt来自:千教网(),She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books.,许多,=many,3. Yang Ling has a lot of _. A. hobbies B. pianos C. books,C,本ppt来自:千教网(),I like playing basketball and football. I can play basketball well, but I am not good at football. I like drawing too. I usually draw in the park with my brother Tim.,本ppt来自:千教网(),This is my friend Liu Tao. He likes playing football too. He is good at it. He also likes playing table tennis.,本ppt来自:千教网(),This is Yang Ling. She is my friend too. She likes reading stories. She has a lot of books. She also likes playing the piano.,本ppt来自:千教网(),Here are Su Hai and Su Yang. They are twins. Su Hai likes dancing. Su Yang likes watching films. They both like swimming.,本ppt来自:千教网(),Lets read together. 打开书,齐读课文,注意语音语调哦!,本ppt来自:千教网(),Lets retell the text together. 让我们一起看着板书复述课文吧!,本ppt来自:千教网(),Learning tips: 当我们介绍朋友时,可以用左边的句型哦!,This is She/He likes She/He also likes She/He can well She/He is(not)good at ,Lets retell,本ppt来自:千教网(),选择文中你最喜欢的两个人物,介绍一下他(她)的爱好吧。,This is She/He likes She/He also likes She/He can well She/He is(not)good at ,Lets retell,本ppt来自:千教网(),This is She/He likes She/He also likes She/He can well She/He is(not)good at ,Lets retell,本ppt来自:千教网(),Remember,Every man has his hobby. 萝卜青菜各有所爱。,Good hobby makes good life! 好习惯成就美好未来!,本ppt来自


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