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Lesson 8 Who is he?,科普版小学英语三年级下册,Li Chuan Primary School,Lets learn,邓 国 英,教材分析:,本课的内容是科普版小学英语三年级下册 Lesson 8 Who is he ?Lets learn。 本课的话题是“家庭成员”,通过主要句型的学习,最终让学生熟练地掌握询问人物的句型Who is she/he ?,教学目标:,1、知识目标: (1) 使学生能认读单词:father、 mother、 brother、 sister、teacher 。 (2) 使学生掌握询问人物的句型:Who is she/he?,并能用She/He is正确回答。 2、语言技能目标: 在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演, 培养学生灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力。 3、情感态度目标: 通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语,做游戏,敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立自信心。在小组活动及游戏中积极参与合作,从而意识到交流对学习英语的重要性,并对学生进行亲情教育。,教学重难点:,教学重点:学习家庭成员名称father、mother、 brother、sister及老师名称teacher和熟悉并掌握询问人物句型Whos he/she ?的问与答。 教学难点:he和she的意义区分及发音。并且运用Lets learn中所学的句型对新情景进行描述,真正培养学生综合运用语言的能力。,教学环节:,第一步:复习,热身(warm-up, revision),第二步:导入(lead in),第三步: 句型输入(sentence presentation)和练习(practice),第四步:游戏(a game),第五步:听力巩固(listening consolidation),第六步:拓展(Extension),最后,课后作业(Homework),Clap your hands,Clap, clap, clap your hands, As slowly as you can. Clap, clap, clap your hands, as quickly as you can. Shake, shake,shake your hands, As slowly as you can. Shake, shake, shake your hands, as quickly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands, As slowly as you can. Roll,roll,roll your hands ,as quickly as you can. Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers, As slowly as you can. Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your finger, as quickly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists, As slowly as you can. Pound,pound,pound your fists, as quickly as you can.,Lets listen a song!,mother,father,brother,sister,teacher,Lets chant,爸爸、爸爸father,father-father-father,妈妈、妈妈mother,mother-mother-mother,哥哥、弟弟brother,brother-brother-brother,姐姐、妹妹sister,sister-sister-sister,教师、教师teacher,teacher-teacher-teacher,Who is he ?,Hes my father.,Who is she ?,Shes my mother.,brother,sister,Presentation,My family photo,Whos she ?,She is _.,your teacher,Practice:,Lets chant!,He,he,who is he? Father,father,he is my- father.,Lets chant!,She,she,who is she? Mother,mother,she is my- mother.,He,he,who is he? Brother,brother,he is my- brother.,She,she,who is she? Sister,sister,she is my- sister.,She,she,who is she? Teacher,teacher,she is my- teacher.,Lets show!,Who is he ?,He is my father.,Who is she ?,She is my mother.,Who is he ?,He is my brother.,Who is he ?,He is my brother.,Who is she ?,She is my sister.,Lets play games!,Game 1,I collected(收集) many photos(照片) of you. I choose(选择)one, you ask(问): Who is he/she? Then the right person(照片所属者) stand up and answer(回答): He is my the right answer(答对者)can get(得到)an apple!,Game,十个气球里都有不同的内容,有的是炸弹,有的是苹果,有的是问答任务。男女生组轮流派一名学生上来选气球,选到炸弹本组扣一个苹果,选到苹果图本组加一个苹果,选到任务图,你问对方组齐答,问对答对都可加苹果。,1,2,3,5,4,7,8,6,9,10,Lets listen and do!,1.补全下列单词。 f_ther m_ther br_ther s_ster h_ 2.听音,标号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.听音,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )1.She is ten. ( )2.Eves mother is a teacher. ( )3.He is Toms f


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