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5/21/2019,Project 1 Being a good student,六年级下册,5/21/2019,There _ a lion in the _. It was _ and _. One day, a _ and _ mouse _ by. The lion was _. He wanted _ eat it. Please _ eat me . I can _ you some day. The mouse said _. The lion laughed _ and _ it go. The _day, two men _ the lion with a large _. The mouse _him. It _ the net with his _ teeth. At last, they _ good friends.,was,forest,large,strong,small,weak,walked,angry,to,dont,help,quietly,loudly,let,next,caught,net,helped,bit,sharp,became,Retell the story,5/21/2019,Say fast (Good or Bad),1.get up early,2.go to bed early,4.brush teeth in the morning and before bedtime,5.Put things in order,6.finish homework in time,8.listen to your teachers at school,9.do well at home,11.Keep your room clean and tidy,12.Help your parents,3.do homework late.,7.go to bed late and feel sleepy,13.do not work hard,14.always play computer games,10.do not finish your homework,15 wait for the green man before we cross the road,16 often eat too many sweets,17 run quickly on the road,18 eat a lot of meat for lunch and dinner,5/21/2019,Good habits.,1.get up early 2.go to bed early 3.brush teeth in the morning and before bedtime 4.Put things in order 5.finish homework in time 6.listen to your teachers at school 7.do well at home 8.Keep your room clean and tidy 9.Help your parents,10.Wait for the green man before we cross the road,5/21/2019,Bad habits,1.do homework late.,2.go to bed late and feel sleepy,3.do not work hard,4.always play computer games,5.do not finish your homework,6 often eat too many sweets,7 run quickly on the road,8 eat a lot of meat for lunch and dinner,5/21/2019,1 listens to 2. He keeps his room 3. He helps 4. He often does . 5. He sometimes feels.,1gets up 2. He brushes his teeth 3. he always puts. 4. He finishes.,Tasks: 选择一个人物来描述。,Wang Bing and Liu Tao are good boys.,3个好习惯,2个坏习惯!,大家帮我想想怎么改进吧!,5/21/2019,Lets enjoy some food,5/21/2019,sign,plastic,Countable Nouns 可数名词,Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词,water,newspaper,chip,wood,vegetable,milk,noodle,tree,rice,sandwich,energy,meat,bottle,peach,bread,egg,juice,cake,mango,Lets play: Pick apples,5/21/2019,Countable Nouns 可数名词,Uncountable Nouns 不可数名词,water,vegetable,milk,noodle,fruit,rice,sandwich,meat,peach,bread,egg,juice,cake,mango,以下单词属于不可数名词, 我们通常不在单词后面加 “s”或“es”,我们通常在以下单词后面加 “s”或“es”,用来表示复 数形式。,5/21/2019,He drinks _.,What does he drink for lunch?,a lot of juice,some juice,a little juice,some juice,Lets guess,5/21/2019,a lot of eggs,some eggs,a few eggs,a lot of juice,some juice,a little juice,Find the differences,Lets know: 1. “A few”和“a little”在意思上相近,都表示比some少的数量。不同的是,a few和可数名词连用,表示“几个”,a little和不可数名词连用表示“一点儿”、“少许”。 2.“some”和“a lot of “后面既可以接 ,也可以接 复数形式。,可数名词,不可数名词,5/21/2019,5/21/2019,Ask and answer:,(1)Who can say something about Mikes diet? (2)What about Yang Lings diet? (3)Who has a healthy diet? Why?,5/21/2019,Does Mike have a healthy diet?,He likes eating _. He doesnt like drinking _. He only drinks a little _ every day.,He has some _ for breakfast. He has _for lunch. Every week he has a few _,5/21/2019,Yang Ling: Breakfast: _ Lunch and dinner: _,Does Yang Ling eat a lot of sweet food?.,,5/21/2019,In a healthy diet ,there is_fruit and v_.There is also _rice and bread .You can have _meat and fish in your meals .You can have _milk every day .S_ food is nice ,but it is not good for your teeth.Eat only_sweet food every day.,a few,a little,some,a lot of,A healthy diet,5/21/2019,How to cross the road safely?,We should/must/can(look forwait forwaitonlook left,right,left, crosswith) We shouldnt/mustnt/cant,Lets talk,5/21/2019,1.讨论 What makes a good student? ( A good student must A good student mustnt) 2.组长汇报 3.其他组补充。,Grou


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