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Section Learning about Language,Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip课后篇巩固提升一、用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空in additionplay jokes oncome upbe confidentbreak upabove alldream ofbe honest withsensitive toafter all1.Its time for us to our party.It is nearly twelve oclock.答案break up2.If you others,they will be glad to help you.答案are honest with3.You should be kind to these students.,they are kids.答案After all4.When I was a young girl,I becoming a movie star.答案dreamed of5.He is so clever that he always with new ideas.答案comes up6.We often our friends but no one gets angry.答案play jokes on7.,Im going to travel during the holiday because I want to relax myself after a long and hard term.答案In addition8.I that Im firmly suitable for the post.答案am confident9.There are many things to do when the Spring Festival is coming.,being happy is the first one.答案Above all10.When the author first went to Huaplee Beach,he became the smell.答案sensitive to二、用适当的介词填空1.Have you ever dreamed visiting the Mars by spaceship one day?答案of2.Will you pay for it cash?答案in3.Its impolite for you to play a joke your teachers.答案on4.We should rely Thomas to keep the secret for us.答案on5.The voice on the phone is familiar me,but I cant recognize it.答案to6.If you are sensitive the drug,youd better stop taking it.答案to7.What should we do to promote peace,in addition the suggestions mentioned above?答案to8.We werent able to come up any new suggestions.答案with9.And all,I wanted to show that I didnt care.答案above10.He studies hard,so we are confident his passing the entrance exam.答案of三、单句语法填空1.be honest,we admired the way he solved the problem.答案To2.My children (performance) two plays each school year.答案perform3.(2017天津)Driverless cars may end up being form of public transport rather than vehicles you own,says Ryan Calo at Stanford University,California.答案a4.Theres no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive the price.答案to5.What I care about is not what he can learn at school but whether he can build up his(confident) in the new environment.答案confidence四、七选五How to Read a Difficult BookEven if you have lots of experience in reading books,you will still come across books that are just difficult to get through.When you are just trying to get through a book,it may not really matter to you why the book is difficult.You just want to finish the work,so you can move on to your next reading pick.1Find a comfortable reading spot.Under what conditions are you able to concentrate,study,and read most effectively?It may be easier for you to read at a desk,at a table in a quiet library or by the lake.2 So find an ideal place particularly when youre reading a difficult book.Dont let the book discourage you.3 Such as who the characters are,what is happening,etc.This method is sometimes called “skimming”,but make sure you read as much as possible,including the idea of what the book is about and what the writer is trying to tell.So when you go back and re-read the material,it wont be so difficult.4It can be tempting(诱惑) to put off finishing the book when the book seems too difficult,but dont give in to that temptation.If you put off continuing your reading,youll forget what youve finished so far.You may forget about important details.So,just keep on reading!Get help.If youre still having a difficult time with the book,a tutor(家庭教师) might be able to answer your questions.5 Ask him/her questions about the book.A.Dont stop reading for too long.B.Dont put yourself in a hard situation.C.Some readers take no interest in reading.D.Here are the tips on how to read a difficult book.E.Some readers cant concentrate with noises around them.F.Also,consider talking with your teacher about your confusion.G.Read the entire book,so youll make sense of what the book is about.答案15 DEGAF五、完形填空It is now my senior year,and it is quickly coming to an end.I am always very fond of 1 and I am proud to be a member of our 2.However,I once almost gave up last year because of my 3 of playing solos(独奏曲).Two months ago my director 4 me that he wanted me to be the featured soloist in a piece of music.Of course I was 5,but he told me that everything would be okay.Up until four days before the performance,I could not 6 it through the solo.I would always seem to get discouraged before I played it,and 7 every morning thinking “I wonder how I can mess things up today”.I decided to ask my 8 for help thinking that he would tell me that I didnt have to do it and that he was still proud of me.9,all he said was “You just have to have 10 in yourself.”I thought what he said was clich(老生常谈) so I didnt really 11 it.But,I figured trying his advice wouldnt 12,so I started the next morning 13.Instead of wondering how I could mess up,I 14 myself playing through my solo with confidence and I kept on telling myself that I could do it.The 15 thing was.it worked!Every single day after that I played the solo without any 16.Tomorrow is my big concert,and Im a little 17,but,I know that I can do this.I 18 that the only person that was holding me back from being my best,was myself.I have faith in myself.And,19 after tomorrow the quote “If you do what youve always done,youll get what youve always gotten” wont 20 me any more.1.A.dancingB.musicC.paintingsD.poems答案B解析结合下文中的“of playing solos(独奏曲)”可知,作者非常喜欢音乐(music)。2.A.bandB.familyC.societyD.homeland答案A解析由上文可知,作者喜欢音乐,故此处指作者为自己是乐队(band)的成员之一而感到骄傲。3.A.reliefB.wishC.fearD.goal答案C解析与上文的gave up呼应,此处指作者由于害怕演奏独奏曲而差点放弃音乐。fear“害怕,恐惧”,符合语境。4.A.educatedB.suggestedC.persuadedD.told答案D解析结合空后的“that he wanted me to be the featured soloist in a piece of music”可知,这里是指指挥告诉(told)作者。5.A.frightenedB.excitedC.puzzledD.surprised答案A解析根据后面的“but he told me that everything would be okay”可知,作者听到自己要表演独奏曲,感到害怕(frightened)。6.A.takeB.makeC.bringD.break答案B解析根据语境可知,这里指在表演前的四天,作者仍然无法熟练演奏独奏曲。make it through“渡过难关,熬过”,符合语境。7.A.went throughB.took offC.woke upD.calmed down答案C解析结合空后的“every morning thinking.”可知,这里指作者每天早上醒来(woke up)时想着8.A.directorB.parentC.friendD.partner答案A解析上文提到是指挥让作者演奏独奏曲,因此这里表示作者去向她的指挥(director)寻求帮助。9.A.BesidesB.OtherwiseC.InsteadD.Therefore答案C解析根据空后的“You just have to have 10 in yourself”可知,指挥说的话与作者的预期相反,故选Instead。10.A.interestB.confidenceC.responsibilityD.hope答案B解析根据语境可知,此处表示指挥并没有像作者想象的那样说,而是让作者对自己有信心(confidence)。14空后的“with confidence”是提示。11.A.dream ofB.rely onC.think aboutD.work on答案C解析与前面的“I thought what he said was clich(老生常谈)”呼应,此处指作者认为指挥说的都是老生常谈,所以她没有考虑。12.A.hurtB.deserveC.succeedD.perform答案A解析根据语境可知,此处表示作者认为试一试指挥的建议也不会损害(hurt)什么。13.A.usuallyB.newlyC.informallyD.differently答案D解析根据下文的叙述可知,这里指作者以不同的方式开启第二天早晨。14.A.enjoyedB.imaginedC.devotedD.appreciated答案B解析根据语境和空前的“wondering how I could mess up”可知,空处应和wondering同义,指作者想象自己带着自信来进行独奏。15.A.terribleB.regularC.strangeD.familiar答案C解析根据后面的it worked可知,作者想象自己能够自信地演奏这个方法竟然发挥了作用,所以这是奇怪的(strange)事情。16.A.mistakesB.ideasC.excusesD.senses答案A解析根据语境可知,由于作者的自信,从那天后她演奏的时候也不犯错误(mistakes)了。17.A.positiveB.calmC.sensitiveD.nervous答案D解析由空后的“but,I know that I can do this”和常识可知,此处


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