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Section Grammar课后篇巩固提升一、从括号内选择正确的关系词完成句子1.The soldier leg was broken in the battle was taken to hospital.(that/whose)答案:whose2.The student the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor.(which/不填)答案:不填3.This is the museum we visited last year.(which/whom)答案:which4.We found an old temple was not far away from the town.(不填/that)答案:that5.The teacher with you talked yesterday is our English teacher.(who/whom)答案:whom6.They were talking about the interesting stories and persons they remembered.(whom/that)答案:that7.The house roof is red is my uncles house.(which/whose)答案:whose8.This is the second book I have ever finished this month.(which/that)答案:that二、用适当的关系代词填空1.The boy I thought to be honest lied to me.答案:who2.This is the room my grandma used to live in.答案:that/which3.Yesterday evening I came across the man you think is pleased to work with.答案:who4.Finally he reached a lonely island was completely cut off from the outside world.答案:which5.Happiness and success often come to those are good at recognizing their own strengths.答案:who6.Her parents wouldnt marry her to anyone family was poor.答案:whose7.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those lives were affected.答案:whose8.The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works are known to us.答案:that9.Mr Green said that Suzhou was the first city he had visited in China.答案:that10.Finally the thief handed in everything he had stolen to the police.答案:that三、把下列句子合并成一个句子,并使第二个句子成为定语从句1.I want to talk to the boys.Their homework hasnt been handed in.答案:I want to talk to the boys whose homework hasnt been handed in.2.The brush is mine.He has taken it away.答案:The brush(that/which)he has taken away is mine.3.I have a friend.He likes playing the piano very much.答案:I have a friend who likes playing the piano very much.4.The students will not pass the examination.They dont study hard.答案:The students who dont study hard will not pass the examination.5.The film was quite moving.I saw the film last night.答案:The film (that/which) I saw last night was quite moving.四、单句填空1.From the (frighten) expression on his face,we know he is (frighten).答案:frightened;frightened2.His parents wouldnt let him make friends with anyone family was poor.答案:whose3.I have found a man can help you.答案:who4.Please pass me the dictionary cover is red.答案:whose5.He made another wonderful discovery, I think is of great importance to science.答案:which五、翻译句子1.他指给我看他画的画。答案:He showed me the picture that he drew/had drawn.2.我不认识那个和你说话的女孩。答案:I dont know the girl whom/who you speak to.3.她是一个叫玛丽的女孩。答案:She is a girl who is called Mary.4.那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友。答案:Those boys who are playing tennis are my friends.5.你记不记得我们一起度过的那一天?答案:Do you remember the day that/which we spent together?六、完形填空Earthquakes are common;thousands of them happen each day.But most are 1 weak to feel.During a 2 earthquake,there is often a great noise first.Then the earth 3 terribly and many houses 4 down.Railway tracks break and trains go 5 lines;a great many factories are 6;thousands of deaths are caused,and many more lose homes.7 the great damage and deaths caused by the earthquake 8,other disasters such as fires often9.More buildings are destroyed and more 10 caused.It is well known of the 11 of a possible earthquake,and for centuries man has been making researches on earthquakes.More than 2,000 years ago,12,a Chinese scientist named Zhang Heng 13 a machine which could find out from which 14 the seismic(地震的) waves had come,and this machine is still 15 by scientists today.Now we know much more about earthquakes and 16 they happen,but we still cannot 17 exactly when and where an earthquake will happen,and cannot 18 it from happening.So earthquakes are among the 19 disasters in the world.No one can stop natural earthquakes.20,scientists can help stop earthquakes destroying whole cities and causing too many deaths.1.A.veryB.tooC.quiteD.so答案:B解析too.to.“太以至于不能”。有些地震太弱了,以至于人们感觉不到。2.A.realB.weakC.bigD.small答案:C解析根据其后的“there is often a great noise first”可推知应选big。3.A.movesB.shakesC.jumpsD.breaks答案:B解析由常识可知,发生地震时,地面在晃动(shake)。4.A.getB.putC.setD.fall答案:D解析地震导致房屋倒塌(fall down)。get down“下来”;put down“放下”;set down“记下,写下”。5.A.offB.onC.intoD.behind答案:A解析由“Railway tracks break”可知,铁轨断了,火车出轨(off)了。6.A.burstB.struckC.destroyedD.buried答案:C解析工厂被破坏(destroyed)。burst“爆发”;strike“袭击,攻击”;bury“埋”。7.A.ExceptB.BesidesC.Instead ofD.Because of答案:B解析由后文的“other disasters such as.”可知“除了”地震造成的损失之外,还有别的灾难,故B项正确。8.A.lonelyB.laterC.themselvesD.itself答案:D解析与后面的火灾相对应,强调地震“本身”造成的破坏。9.A.followB.copyC.comeD.enter答案:A解析此处表示伴随地震而来的灾害,用follow“跟着”。10.A.quakesB.deathsC.difficultiesD.results答案:B解析由于火灾随之而来,在原来地震造成的房屋倒塌和人员死亡的基础上有更多的房屋倒塌和人员死亡。11.A.informationB.questionsC.dangersD.frights答案:C解析由常识可知,地震是很危险的。12.A.as a resultB.in factC.for exampleD.as well答案:C解析下面是作者的举例,说明人们为预测地震所作的研究,故选C项。13.A.inventedB.discoveredC.foundD.bought答案:A解析invent指发明原来世上不存在的东西或事物,符合句意。discover“发现”;find“发现,找到”;buy“买”。14.A.countryB.directionC.wayD.city答案:B解析预测地震从什么方向传过来。direction“方向”。country“国家”;way“方法,道路”;city“城市”。15.A.improvedB.repairedC.protectedD.used答案:D解析现代的科学家仍然在“使用”张衡发明的地动仪。由still可知D项正确。16.A.whereB.whenC.whatD.why答案:D解析由后面的when and where判断,选why。17.A.speakB.tellC.talkD.point答案:B解析tell“说明白,讲清楚”。18.A.makeB.prepareC.stopD.let答案:C解析我们已经研究出为什么会发生地震,但无法预测它什么时间发生,在哪里发生,也无法阻止它发生。stop.from doing.“阻止做”。19.A.worstB.bestC.mostD.fast答案:A解析worst“最坏的”;best“最好的”;most“最多的”;fast“快的”。由于无法准确预测地震何时发生,故认为其是最严重的灾难之一。20.A.HoweverB.ButC.AndD.So答案:A解析前后句存在转折关系,but表示转折时不用逗号与其后内容隔开。七、七选五阅读理解We all know it is not always so easy to be happy.We also know how stressed(有压力的) you are,with homework,exams,sports meets and extra outdoor activities,let alone trying to have a life outside school.1ExercisePhysical activities produce all sorts of things which help us to relax and feel good.Exercise can also make us feel more confident(自信的),which certainly makes us happier.You dont have to be a future Olympian.2 If you hate PE,find something less competitive:go for a walk,dance around your room or hit a park.ThankfulnessIts easy to take the good things in life without thinking about them or showing youre thankful.3 An easy way to do this is to make a list before bed of five things youre thankful for.They can be big things,like your family and friends,or little things,like a good hair day.Laugh4 But research has shown that a good laugh reduces(减少) stress and,even if you start by forcing yourself to laugh,improves how you feel.SleepGet enough ZZZs.5 Not getting enough sleep makes you angry and sad,so leave your phone outside your room,turn off the lights and let yourself have a good sleep.Sweet dreams!A.Teens especially need at least eight hours.B.If youre feeling blue,know that youre not alone.C.You can increase happiness if you exercise with a friend.D.So here are our top tips on being happy and staying happy.E.Everyone can get something good from moving a little bit.F.But studies have shown that giving thanks can make you happier.G.Some days,laughing is just about the last thing you feel like doing.【语篇导读】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了几种使自己快乐的方法。1.D该空前提出快乐不易,再结合下文的四种方法可知,D项内容在此承上启下。2.EE项中的get something good和上文中的“help us to relax and feel good”,“make us feel more confident(自信的)”相呼应;moving a little bit和下文中的“go for a walk,dance around your room or hit a p


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