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必修一 Unit 1 School life检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019南通质检) We had_ really wet November this year.I cant remember_ autumn when it rained so much.A不填;不填 B不填; theCthe; an Da; an解析:选D考查冠词。句意:“我们今年有一个很潮湿的十一月。”“我记忆中没有哪一个秋天下了这么多雨。”根据句意,此题两空都翻译成“一个”,即泛指,故选 D。2Fully _ to looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club.Aattached BattachingCdevoting Ddevoted解析:选D句意:因为完全专注于在家照看三个孩子,她不再有时间到俱乐部去尽享各种各样的活动。be devoted to“专注于”,此处为过去分词短语在句中作状语。attach to“附属于,依恋于”。3_ on my computer, I found an email from my penfriend, _ me to spend the summer holiday in his city.AOn turning; invitedBOn turning; invitingCWhen having turned; to inviteDAfter having turned; inviting解析:选B句意:一打开电脑,我就发现一份来自我的笔友的邮件,邀请我到他所居住的城市过暑假。第一个空考查ondoing .结构,意为“一就”;第二个空为动词ing形式作非限制性定语,和email之间构成逻辑上的主动关系。4As is known to all, India attained _ independence in 1947, after _ long struggle.A/; a Bthe; aCan; / Dan; the解析:选A句意:众所周知,印度在经过一段长期的斗争之后,在1947年获得独立。此处independence是不可数名词,且非特指,前面不加冠词;第二空意为“一段长期的斗争”,struggle为可数名词,故答案为A。5Tom is a man of much _ and he had a lot of interesting _ in his life.Aexperience; experiences Bexperiences; experienceCexperience; experience Dexperiences; experiences解析:选A句意:汤姆是个经验丰富的人,他的生活中有很多有趣的经历。experience作“经验”讲时为不可数名词,指某人的“经历”时是可数名词。根据题意应选A。6(2019南通、泰州模拟)The argument doesnt hold much ground _ family backgrounds offer graduates an advantage in the career competition nowadays.Awhere BthatCwhich Dwhen解析:选B句意:如今,家庭背景能够在就业方面给予毕业生优势的这种论点不太站得住脚。分析句子结构可知,空格后是argument的同位语从句,从句中不缺少任何成分,故选that。7(2019无锡质检)I could have got good grades in the maths exam, but _ I made some mistakes and failed.Asomewhat BsomehowCanyhow Danyway解析:选B句意:我本来能够在这次数学考试中得到高分的。但是不知怎么地,我犯了一些错误,失败了(没有考得高分)。somewhat“稍微,有点,达到某种程度”;somehow“不知何故,不知怎么地”;anyhow“无论如何,总之,不管怎样”;anyway“无论如何”。故选B项。8Though they were in the mountain area, they were well_ about the world by watching TV.Atold BsaidCspoken Dinformed解析:选D句意:虽然他们在山区,但是他们通过看电视熟知外面的世界。be well informed about“熟知,对某事消息灵通”。9China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals _ all its citizens.Ain charge of Bfor the purpose of Cin honor of Dfor the benefit of解析:选D句意:为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推行公立医院的改革。A项意为“管理,负责”;B项意为“为了”;C项意为“向表示敬意”;D项意为“为了的利益”。根据句意可知D项正确。10I am sorry I spoke to you that way, but I didnt _ to be so rude.Amean BwantCsuppose Dhope解析:选A句意:我很抱歉我那样对你说话,但我并不是有意要那么无礼的。I didnt mean to do常用在口语中,表示“不是有意那样做”。11As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _.Athe more for life are you equippedBthe more equipped for life you areCthe more life you are equipped forDyou are equipped the more for life解析:选B句意:在我看来,教育与学习有关;而且,你们学得越多,越能为将来的人生做好准备。the more ., the more .是固定结构,意为“越, 越”。12(2019徐州高三质检)If better use is _ your spare time, youll make greater progress.Amade up Bmade ofCmade from Dmade in解析:选B句意:如果你能更好地利用自己的空闲时间,你就会取得更大的进步。make good use of“充分利用”;be made up of“由组成”;be made from“由做成”;be made in“由某地制造”。本句使用了make good use of的被动语态形式,故B项正确。13(2019泰州高三质检)One of the best temporary cures for pride and affection is seasickness. Thats exactly the case! A man who wants to throw up never_.Ahas green fingers Bputs on airsCfeels blue Dkills the fatted calf解析:选B句意:“晕船是对傲慢与矫饰的最佳临时治疗法之一。”“的确是!要呕吐的人从不装腔作势。” have green fingers“新手”;put on airs “摆架子”;feel blue“心情沮丧”;kill the fatted calf“热情款待”。根据句意可知选B。14(2019南京高三质检)With natural resources becoming fewer and fewer, how to make use of_ energy, such as sunlight and wind, has become our top priority. Aaggressive BalternativeCambiguous Daverage解析:选B句意:随着自然资源越来越少,如何利用可替代能源,如太阳能和风能,已成为我们的当务之急。aggressive“侵略性的,好斗的”;alternative“选择性的,供选择的”;ambiguous“模糊不清的”;average“平均的”。根据句意可知选B。15(2019南通高三质检)Why cant I use the gym in the hotel? _, but your room price doesnt cover it.ANo offence BNo worriesCNo doubt DNo need解析:选A句意:“为什么我不能在旅店使用健身房呢?”“并无恶意,但是您的房间价格不包括这项服务。”no offence“并无恶意,请勿见怪”;no worries“别客气”;no doubt“毫无疑问”;no need“用不着”。根据句意可知选A。.完形填空(2019江苏盐城期中调研)Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.Martin Luther KingI agree with Kings statement and argue while academic achievement is an essential _1_ of education, developing the selfrespect, confidence and character of our children is _2_ important.My journey as a(n) _3_ began 13 years ago. I had just graduated from Boston College and I was _4_ about teaching and inspiring children from my community.However, I quickly became _5_ of the challenges that often prevented children from making the most of their education. While insufficient _6_ such as books and technology are commonly regarded as the leading factors impacting student performance _7_, I discovered that low selfrespect and lack of confidence are more damaging.My students struggles with low selfrespect _8_ my memory that when I was young I would be _9_ and considered unattractive because I had dark skin, tightly coiled hair and high cheekbones.My students struggles, _10_ with my own experience, forced me to write a song called My Black Is Beautiful in a(n) _11_ to change the way young girls of color view themselves.Since the _12_ of social media, developing the selfrespect and confidence of our children has become more _13_, not less. Students are being exposed to images of beauty that do not _14_ who they are, reminding them they do not fit societys beauty standard.After years of observing many students struggling with low selfrespect and confidence, I began to integrate ways to _15_ the problem in my teaching. Although it _16_ me there were no standardized methodologies _17_ to handle these issues, it didnt discourage me from developing my own curriculum to motivate students to believe in themselves.So I decided to write a song, and _18_ twelve of my students in its music video. In this way, I attempted to inspire them to embrace their natural beauty and to _19_ the message to them that beauty does not always meet with a single, _20_ standard.Differences in skin colors, hair textures, shapes and sizes are not deficiencies but rather assets that make us beautiful and unique.语篇解读:马丁路德金说过:“开发智力培养人格才是教育的真谛。”作为一名黑人教育工作者,作者在教育学生的过程中发现他的学生们对自己的肤色、发型等黑人特征极其自卑,缺少自信。联想到自己儿时的经历,他决定通过自己的课堂等活动来改变学生们对自我的看法以及对美的理解。1A.processBcomponentCmeans Dburden解析:选B我同意金的说法,我认为尽管学习成绩是教育必要的组成部分。component意为“成分,组成部分”;process意为“过程;进程”;means意为“方法,手段”;burden意为“负担,重担”。2A.equally BapparentlyCfully Dpartly解析:选A但是培养我们孩子的自尊、自信以及性格也同样重要。equally意为“相等地,同样地”;apparently意为“表面上;明显地”。3A.advisor BeducatorCreporter Dscholar解析:选B根据下文的“about teaching and inspiring children”可知,我作为一名教育工作者的历程始于十三年前。educator意为“教师,教育工作者;教育家”;advisor意为“顾问”;reporter意为“记者”;scholar意为“学者”。4A.particular BconcernedCoptimistic Dnervous解析:选C我刚刚从波士顿学院毕业,对教育并激励来自我的社区的孩子们很乐观。optimistic意为“乐观的”;particular意为“特别的,尤其的”;concerned意为“关心的,关注的;担忧的”;nervous意为“焦虑的,紧张不安的”。5A.conscious BscaredCcautious Dguilty解析:选A然而,我很快意识到了挑战,这些挑战常常妨碍孩子们充分利用他们的教育。conscious意为“有意识的,意识到的”;scared意为“害怕的,恐惧的”;cautious意为“小心的,谨慎的”;guilty意为“内疚的,有罪的”。6A.causes BpreparationsCsources Dresources解析:选D根据下文的“such as books and technology”可知,虽然诸如书籍和技术之类的资源不足通常被认为是主导因素。resource意为“资源,物力,财力”;cause意为“原因,理由”;preparation意为“准备,筹备”;source意为“来源,源头,根源”。7A.rarely BrandomlyCnegatively Dtemporarily解析:选C对学生的表现产生负面影响的主导因素。negatively意为“消极地,负面地”;rarely意为“罕见地”;randomly意为“随机地”;temporarily意为“临时地”。8A.erased BstrengthenedCchanged Djogged解析:选D我的学生与自卑的斗争唤起了我的回忆。jog ones memory为固定短语,意为“提醒,唤起某人的回忆”。9A.blamed BteasedCdeserted Dopposed解析:选B根据下文的“considered unattractive because I had dark skin”可知,我小时候总是被别人嘲笑,因为一身黑皮肤的我总是被认为长得难看。tease意为“取笑,嘲笑”;blame意为“责备,指责”;desert意为“抛弃,遗弃”;oppose意为“反对,阻挠”。10A.coupled BequippedCfaced Dfilled解析:选A我学生的挣扎加上我自己的经历迫使我写了一首叫作我的黑色是漂亮的歌曲。couple意为“加上,结合;连接”;equip意为“装备,配备”。11A.emotion BeffortChurry Dposition解析:选B为了努力改变有色人种的年轻女孩们看待自己的方式。effort意为“努力,精力”;emotion意为“情感;情绪”;hurry意为“匆忙,急忙”;position意为“位置;地位”。12A.release BslideCdecline Drise解析:选D自从社交媒体的崛起。rise意为“增加,上涨;兴起”;release意为“发行;释放”;slide意为“滑动,滑梯”;decline意为“减少,下降;衰退”。13A.smooth BarbitraryCchallenging Dthorough解析:选C培养我们孩子的自尊和自信已经变得越来越艰巨,而不是变容易。challenging意为“艰巨的,具有挑战性的”;smooth意为“光滑的,平坦的;顺利的”;arbitrary意为“武断的,任意的,专制的”;thorough意为“彻底的,全面的,充分的”。14A.reflect BimplyCdeclare Dinform解析:选A学生们正受到美丽形象的影响,而这些形象并没有表现出他们,这提醒他们自身不符合社会的审美标准。reflect意为“反映,体现”;imply意为“暗示,意味着”;declare意为“宣布,宣称,声称”;inform意为“通知,告知”。15A.ignore BapproachCreject Draise解析:选B观察许多学生与自卑以及自信不足斗争多年后,我开始在我的教学中整合解决问题的方法。approach意为“处理,解决”;ignore意为“忽视,忽略”;reject意为“拒绝;抛弃;不接受”;raise意为“抚养;提出;提高”。16A.astonished BoffendedCreminded Dbothered解析:选D没有标准化的方法论这点使我烦恼。bother意为“麻烦;烦恼;担忧”;astonish意为“使惊讶,使吃惊”;offend意为“冒犯,得罪”;remind意为“提醒,使想起”。17A.in detail Bin formCin place Din order解析:选C没有恰当处理这些问题的标准化的方法论。in place意为“合适的,恰当的”;in detail意为“详细地”;in form意为“状况良好”;in order意为“按顺序,井然有序”。18A.featured BemployedCappointed Dcomforted解析:选A所以我决定写一首歌,并由我的十二个学生在音乐电视中担任主演。feature意为“由主演”;employ意为“雇佣,使用”;appoint意为“任命,委派,指定”;comfort意为“安慰,抚慰”。19A.deliver BexplainCsubmit Dconvey解析:选D我尝试以这种方式来激励他们去接受自己的自然美并向他们传递信息。convey意为“表达,传达”;deliver意为“递送,运送”;explain意为“解释,说明”;submit意为“顺从;屈服;提交,呈递”。20A.flexible BuniformCreasonable Dprecise解析:选B美不总是符合单一且统一的标准。uniform意为“全部相同的,一律的”;flexible意为“易变通的,灵活的”;reasonable意为“合理的;理智的”;precise意为“准确的,精确的”。.任务型阅读When you listen to artists like JayZ, or Common, just the thought of freestyle rap might be frightening enough to make you shy away. Scientific research shows that rap might offer you an opportunity for selfexploration and expression. Besides, freestyle rap might improve your brains creative power, too, and when it does, it can free you from boredom and relax you from everyday tasks. Heres how.In a study, brain researcher Siyuan Liu and his colleagues compared freestyle rap and rehearsed rap of native English speakers to see how their brains operated under both conditions. When you perform a rehearsed act, the lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) (额叶前皮层), which is instrumental in thought control and recall, is activated. But they found that for more spontaneous (自发的) singing, the lateral PFC is not activated because you rely more on strong emotions to find the right language without the distraction of prepared melodies. When trying to complete a task, your focused brain is essential. But for creativity, your brain must go into regrouping mode to avoid habits and form new ideas. Freestyle rap will train you to access this capacity in your brain.During this rap study, leftsided brain regions which are responsible for language and movement were also activated. These regions are usually activated by the act of speaking, so there was no surprise that rapping had the same effect. However, freestyle rap causes these regions to be activated above normal, which indicates that something special occurs. Freestyle rap requires you to find novel words and phrases that rhyme. This search for unique language patterns is a way to train your brain to become more creative. However, words are not all the same. By making freestyle rap part of your everyday routine, you will add emotional weight to your words, allowing you to communicate in a more effective and accurate way.The rehearsed and freestyle rappers in the study had no difference in movement. They produced the same number of syllables, and the primary movement areas in the brain were similar in both groups. However, there was greater involvement of secondary movement areas in freestyle rap. When secondary movement areas engage, the movement is more enriched. This is similar to the way an inspired figure skater moves as opposed to that of a wellrehearsed skater who goes on technically but without the same beautiful sense of timing. Secondary movement in rap reflects the demand for rap sppeed, the rushed need to find the best words, and the way such words fit with a rhythm. Consequently, when you want to express yourself at greater speed to catch someones attention or create a bigger impact in a meeting or something like that, your essay in freestyle rap can be of great help to you.To understand the connections between the different brain regions, the researchers of the study expanded to further analyses. The results indicated that freestyle rap requires the brain to access special regions involved with emotion and motivation. This makes sense when you think about the emotional intensity (强度) behind JayZs rap tracks that require him to process information and storylines. In this way, freestyle rap reminds you to invest in what you truly care about. Rather than functioning like a robot in your daytoday life, you can put your unique spin on things.Benefits offreestyle rapIt might enable you to explore and express yourself.It may empower your brain with creativity.It can help you (1)_ yourself of boredom and daily tasks.Four ways freestyle rap (2)_ a better youYou learn to let goUnlike rehearsed rap, performing freestyle rap (3)_ to activate the lateral PFC.When completing freestyle rap, you turn to your emotions and your brain becomes more focused.Freestyle rap trains your brain to be creative no longer under the (4)_ of your habits and forming new ideas.You gain (5)_ to powerful wordsFreestyle rap can also activate your brain regions (6)_ for language and movement.With freestyle rap, you need to search for novel words and phrases in rhyme.Freestyle rap helps give emotional weight to your words, allowing you to communicate effectively and accurately.You become a fascinating speakerBesides the primary movement areas (7)_ in both rapper groups, secondary movement areas are more activated in freestyle rap.Secondary movement in rap signals the need for speed, word selection and ways to make words arranged in rhyme.Your attempt at freestyle rap can (8)_ you in attracting others on occasions like a meeting.You find emotional richness and motivationFreestyle rap requires the brain to access special regions concerning emotion and motivation.Freestyle rap makes (9)_ on rappers to process information and storylines.Freestyle rap reminds you to devote yourself to what really (10)_ you.答案:1.rid2.unlocks/makes3.fails4.control5.access6responsible7.involvement8.benefit9.demands10interests检测评价B卷阅读理解AELIGIBILITYAll current University of Chicago (UChicago) students are qualified to take courses offered by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business (Booth) within the guidelines set forth by Booth and the students department/division. Tuition (学费) charges are based on the tuition policy of your department or division.If you are not a current University of Chicago student, enrollment (注册) is possible through the Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies. Booth graduates can take up 300 units tuitionfree at any time after graduation.Note: Courses are offered only if a seat is available at the time when your registration is processed. Booth students have priority for registration, so popular courses may be closed due to space limitations.ACCOMMODATIONSStudents who have or expect to obtain a letter of accommodation from the Universitys Office of Student Disability Services should indicate this in their registration request poll and be prepared to present an accommodation letter after successful enrollment in a Booth course.Course Material FeesEach Booth course will have a fee of 25 for cases and articles that are delivered electronically through Canvas, faculty course webpages, or hard copies in class. This Booth Book Fee is apart from any textbooks that may be required, and is nonrefundable for courses dropped after Friday, Week 2 of the quarter.1Which statement about the courses may the author agree with?AGraduates from Booth have free access to all the courses.BPopular courses are reserved for students from Booth.COnly students from UChicago can take the courses.DCourses are offered on a spaceavailable basis.解析:选D推理判断题。根据ELIGIBILITY部分中的“Courses are offered only if a seat is available at the time when your registration is processed”可知,只有当你的注册申请被审核、有可用的座位的情况下,课程才会被提供。也就是说,课程是在有可用空间的基础上才会被提供的。故选D。2What can be learned from the last paragraph?AThe 25 fee excludes textbooks needed.BThe Booth courses last for about eight weeks.CThe Booth courses are mainly delivered online.DFees can be paid back when one withdraws halfway.解析:选A细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Each Booth course will have a fee of 25”“This Booth Book Fee is apart from any textbooks that may be required”可知,25美元的费用中是不含可能需要的课本的费用的。故选A。BThe rate of deaths related to Alzheimers (阿尔茨海默) disease jumped by 54.5% over 15 years, according to a new report from the US. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)The disease currently affects an estimated 5.5 million people in the US. but that number is expected to rise dramatically in people over the age of 65 to 13.8 million in 2050. The researchers examined death certificate data from the National Vital Statistics System to reach their findings.Keith Fargo, director of the scientific program at the Alzheimers Association, said that the study highlights the need for support and research into treatment of Alzheimers disease.“Its the only cause of death in the top 10 that does not have a way to prevent it or stop it,” Fargo told ABC News.CDC researchers did not study why there was a


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