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Unit 4 What can you do? 第1课时,Warming up,1. Greetings.,2. Listen to music: “What can you do?”.,规则:同学们随着优美的旋律哼唱,第二遍播放时老师边唱边做动作,同学们集中注意力模仿。,What, what, what can you do? I can sing, sing English songs. What, what, what can you do? I can do, do kung fu. Wow! Its wonderful. We will have a wonderful English party.,Presentation,Who are they? What are they talking about?,1.学习Main scene部分。,(1)Look at the picture and then answer the questions.,(2)同学们两人一组展开讨论。,Questions: Who are they? What are they talking about?,Answers: They are Miss White, Chen Jie, Zoom and zip. They are talking about what they can do for the English party.,阅读 Main scene 部分,选择正确答案。 (1) What can Zip do? He can dance. He can sing. (2) Who can play the pipa? Sarah can play the pipa. Chen Jie can play the pipa.,(3) 展示讨论结果。听录音,模仿朗读,理解对话内容, 并完成探究学习第一题。,(4) 小组内分角色进行表演性朗读、小组表演、师生共评。,(5) 观察以下挂图,思考并回答下面两个问题。,Who are they? What are they talking about?,(6) 学生以 pair work 的形式,两人一组讨论不懂的句子, 随后向老师提出问题。,(7) 老师解答问题,并领读,同学们模仿朗读,进一步理解 对话内容,并完成探究学习第二题。,阅读 Main scene 部分,选择正确答案。 (1) Can John play ping-pong? Yes, he can. No, he cant. (2) Can John play with Mr Li? Yes, he can. No, he cant.,(8) 小组内分角色朗读、自愿上台表演、师生互评。,2. 学习 Lets try 部分。,(1) 听 Lets try 部分的录音,选择正确答案。,(2)核对答案。,3. 学习 Lets talk 部分。,复习原来学过的动物名词,同时老师问学生:“Bird, bird, bird, what can you do?” ,同学们利用“I can.”回答。,bird,fish,cat,mouse,pig,大家一起欣赏老师自编的歌谣。,Fish, fish, fish, what can you do? I can swim. I can swim. Cat, cat, cat, what can you do? I can catch mice. I can catch mice. Pig, pig, pig, what can you do? I can eat. I can eat. Bird, bird, bird, what can you do? I can sing songs. I can sing songs.,(2) 全班起立,边做动作边唱这首歌谣。,Fish, fish, fish, what can you do? I can swim. I can swim. Cat, cat, cat, what can you do? I can catch mice. I can catch mice. Pig, pig, pig, what can you do? I can eat. I can eat. Bird, bird, bird, what can you do? I can sing songs. I can sing songs.,(3) Answer the question.,Fish can swim, cat can catch mice, bird. What can you do, class?,(4) 同学们一起听两遍 Lets talk 部分的录音,然后完成探 究学习第三题,之后三人一组讨论:What can the classmates do for the English party?,听录音判断。听 Lets talk 部分的录音,判断正误。 ( ) (1) They will have an English party next Thursday. ( ) (2) Zhang Peng can do some kung fu. ( ) (3) John can sing English songs.,(5) 完成第三题后,同学们发表讨论结果。,Zhang Peng can sing English songs. John can do some kung fu.,结果:,(6) 完成探究学习第四题。,读课文对话回答问题。 (1) What can Zhang Peng do for the English party? _. (2) What can John do for the English party? _.,(7) 同学们听录音、朗读对话、并翻译对话。 (8) 小组内分角色朗读 Lets talk 部分的对话并背诵,培养合 作意识。 (9) 分小组进行表演展示,以检查同学们对本课对话的掌握情 况,教师评价、生生互评。,Consolidation,规则:两人一组,根据提示单词和短语创编对话。 sing, dance, draw pictures, do kung fu, clean the classroom. A: What can you do? B: I can.,1. Make up a dialogue.,2. Be a reporter(小记者调查站).,活动方式:咱们班级在下周五也要开展一个英语派对,请你当一名小记者做调查并向同学们汇报调查过程和结果。


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