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,Unit7 How was your weekend? SectionB1a-2c,Laiwu Shiyan School Ms. Song November20,2007,Past forms of verbs(动词过去式):,played /d/,cleaned /d/,stayed/d/,visited /id/,practiced /t/,Studied /d/,did,went,had,was,were,清后 /t/ ,元浊/d/ ; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/,get,got,What did I do last weekend?,cleaned the room,played computer games,stayed at home,/-d /,practiced English,watched TV,What did do last weekend?,/-t /,studied for a test,What did do last weekend?,visited grandparents,study for a test,visit grandparents,/-id /,What did she do last weekend?,did homework,did some reading,What did do last weekend?,went to the beach,went to the library,went to the movies,go to the beach,go to the movies,go to the library,What did they do last weekend?,had a party,had a class,1,2,3,What did do last weekend?,played the guitar,studied geography,went to the library,4,visited a friends house,It was Ok!,Great!,It wasnt good.,How was your weekend?,A: How was your weekend? B: It was great/OK/not good. A: What did you do last weekend? B: I . Useful Phrases(词组) stay at home go out 1)watched TV 1)went to the beach 2)played the piano 2)played soccer 3)played chess 3)played tennis 4)cleaned her room 4)visited a friend 5)did some reading 5)went to the movies 6)practiced English 6) went shopping 7)did homework 7)had a party,Pairwork,1a Here are some things that Sally and Jim did yesterday. Match the words with the pictures.,C,D,1 played the guitar 2 did my homework 3 studied geography 4 went to the library,B,D,A,C,1b Are these activities fun or not fun? Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture.,C,D,Bills weekend,On Saturday morning, he.,Kevins weekend,On Saturday morning, Kevin.,Support language: I think had a great weekend. Because on Saturday morning, he . On , he . Support phrases: got up late, played computer games , watched TV, played cards went to library, played basketball, did homework, practiced English,Who had a great weekend?,2aListen.What did sally and Jim do last weekend? Complete the chart.,did her homework,went to the library,played soccer,went to a movie,visited his friends house,.,played tennis,went to the beach,went to the movies,cleaned the room,played soccer,did homework,2b Talk about what sally and Jim did last weekend?,Make a survey: ask your friends what they did last weekend.,A: Hello! B: Hello! A: How was your weekend? B: It was great. A: What did you do on Saturday morning? B: On Saturday morning, I did my homework.,Give a report like this: My weekend was great. On Saturday morning, I went to the beach. My friend is .Her/His weekend was. On Sa


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