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Module 11标准检测卷(满分:120分时间:100分钟)题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(20分)一、听句子,选择符合句意的图画(每小题1分,共5分)1_2._3._4_5._二、听对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)6What did David do on the Great Wall?AHe took photos. BHe bought books.CHe sent books.7Which photo does the man like?AThe photo of the mountain.BThe photo of the sea.CThe photo of the cat.8What happened to the camera?AIt doesnt work. BIts missing.CIts too expensive.9Whats the boys father doing?AHes laughing.BHes talking to Ms Liu.CHes talking to Mr Liu.10How long did Mike stay in China?AFor two weeks. BFor three days.CFor eleven days.三、听对话,选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)11Who is the man?ASallys teacher. BA policeman.CSallys friend.12Why does the woman come to ask for help?AShe cant find her daughter.BHer daughter didnt go to school.CShe wants to ask for a leave for her daughter.13What does Sally look like?AShe has long brown hair and black eyes.BShe has short golden hair and blue eyes.CShe has short brown hair and blue eyes.14How tall is Sally?AAbout 1.4 metres tall.BAbout four metres tall.CAbout four feet tall.15What colour is Sallys skirt?ABrown.BBlack.CBlue.四、听短文,填空(每小题1分,共5分)16People in early photos didnt _ because it took a long time to take a picture.17In _,Kodak introduced a camera that could be used by everyone.18The camera that was introduced by Kodak wasnt _,and it was easy to use.19The photos _ by digital cameras are developed immediately(立刻)on the screen,so there isnt a need for printing them.20And with the development of camera phones,maybe there isnt even a _ for a camera at all.笔试部分(100分)五、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21Do you like_movie Big Hero 6? Yes, it is_interesting film.I like it very much.Aa;an Bthe;anCa;the Dthe;a22 Congratulations _ our winners and thanks _ everyone who entered the competition.Ato;to Bto;forCwith;to Dto;with23Are you coming to my eighteenth birthday party?_.ANo,it cant BYou betCBetter not DOf course not24 The woman_is the most important in my life is my mother.Awhich Bwho Cwhom Dwhat25 Mum, can you see my Tshirt _ I put here just now? Oh, Ive taken it to your bedroom.Awhich Bwho Cwhose26 _its hard work,I enjoy it. AEven though BBecauseCIf DUntil27 The photo _ we liked best in the City and People group was taken by Zhao Min.Awhat Bwhich Cwho Dwhom28Im very sorry. I broke your teacup. _.AIt doesnt matter BYoud better notCTake it easy DIts too bad29Where is Jamie?I saw him just now. Oh,he must be on the playground. I guess he cant wait to _ his new bike.Amake of Bturn outCfall off Dtry out30_ the children in this poor village,we are very lucky.ALiving with BCompared withCWorried about DThanks to31If you arent _ your marks in the exams,you should work harder.Apleased with Bbored withCinterested Dexcited about32Betty has lived in the city for 30 years,so she _ living in the countryside now.Aused to Bdidnt use toCisnt used to Dis used to33Whose Tshirt is this? It _ be Johns. Its _ small for him.Acant;much too Bcant;too muchCmustnt;much too Dmustnt;too much34Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English? _.AIts my pleasure BTake it easyCThats all right DThats a good idea35Would you mind my opening the window? _ Its much too hot here.ACertainly. BOf course not.CAll right. DYes,you can.六、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) (词数:约180建议用时:5分钟)Anne is a newspaper reporter. She chose this _36 so she could travel around the world. The work has taught her many unforgettable lessons. She has seen wars,earthquakes and deaths. But she has _37seen courage,hope and happiness.Last year,she won an award for her reporting in Africa. She was very proud _38 it.At first,she thought she got the award because of her good work. But then she realized that she should thank many other people for _39 help.Anne was born in Jamaica. Her family was not poor,but it was not _40,either. Her parents had to _41 hard so that she could go to school. At school,Anne was not a good student,_42 she enjoyed writing because her English teacher said,“Anne,you are a wonderful _43.”The teacher encouraged her all the time.Later,Anne went to university in Canada and then _44for a job. It was very difficult. Then,one day,she went to see the editor of a newspaper in Ottawa. The editor gave her a job.“Everyone needs a _45 at first,”he said.36A. bookBjob Csweater Dpicture37A. still Bnever Calso Donly38A. to Bof Cfor Dfrom39A. my Bhis Cour Dtheir40A. rich Bnew Csmall Dbig41A. study Bwalk Cwork Dplay42A. but Bif Cbecause Dso43A. farmer Bnurse Cdoctor Dwriter44A. looked Bmade Cjoined Dfound45A. ticket Bhobby Cchance Dhabit七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A (词数:约160建议用时:4分钟)One day a poor man was cutting a big piece of wood near a river. Suddenly his old axe(斧) fell into the water. He felt very sad because he lost his only axe. Then all at once a beautiful fairy(仙女)came out and asked the man what was the matter.“I have lost my axe,”he said.“It fell into the water when I was cutting the wood.”The fairy showed him a gold axe and asked,“Is this yours?”“No,”said the man.The fairy then showed him a silver axe and asked again,“Is this yours?”“No,”again answered the man. Then she showed him the old axe.“Yes,this is mine,”called out the happy man.“I know that well enough,”said the fairy.“I only want to see if you can tell me the truth,and now Ill give you the gold axe and the silver axe besides your own one.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。46The man with his old axe fell into the river.47The fairy came out and asked what was wrong with him.48The sad man only wanted the gold and silver axes.49The fairy found his lost axe for the man.50From the story,we know that an honest man may get more.B(词数:约310建议用时:7分钟)We were very pleased with the photo competition. Compared with other years,we received many more photos. Even though all of the photos are excellent,we cant give prizes to everyone. There are four prizes,so read on to find out who the winners are.The person who won the prize for the “Most Beautiful Nature”photography is fifteenyearold Li Wei. Li took photos of the mountains in Xiangshan Park.The park isnt far from his home,about 500 metres,and he knows it well.The photo we liked best in the “Historic China”group was taken by Zhao Min.Zhao is only 12 years old. Her photo is of Tiananmen Square. Its 880 metres from north to south and 500 metres wide at the northern end. Her photo shows the size and beauty of the square perfectly.The best photo in the “Music”category was taken by He Zhong who is fourteen years old. His photo of this years best band Crazy Feet shows the singer,Becky Wang,and the band playing at a concert in Shenzhen. He Zhong manages to show the movement and the sounds of this great new band,and the fun which their fans are having.A collection of photos called “Many Faces of Our City”which features Beijing won the prize for the “Most Unusual” category. Three pupils at the same school worked on this entry. It includes photos of different parts of the city,old and new. It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition. We are very lucky that the famous photographer John Black is in China to talk about his new book. He has agreed to present the prizes at the prize giving ceremony at the end of this month.51The passage mainly talks about the results of the_.Astudent photo competitionBstudent speaking competitionCadult photo competitionDstudent swimming competition52What category do you think Li Weis prize was for?AEveryday City Life. BMusic.CMost Unusual. DNature.53Whats the subject of Zhao Mins photo?ABeijing. BThe mountains in Xiangshan Park.CTiananmen Square. DCrazy Feet.54Which of the following sentences is true?AThe photo competition was more popular in the past than it was this year.BTiananmen Square is longer from north to south than from west to east.CThere was one photo which won the “Most Unusual”prize.DJohn Black is coming to China soon.55Why are the fans having fun?ABecause of the movement of the band.BBecause of the sounds of the band.CBecause of the movement and the sounds of the band.DBecause Crazy Feet is the best band.C(词数:约190建议用时:5分钟)Wherever travellers go,cameras are sure to follow.Its great fun taking photos,and even more fun showing slides of the trip to friends and relatives when they come back home.Theres Aunt Sarah,smiling in front of Buckingham Palace;Aunt Sarah,smiling under the Eiffel Tower;and Aunt Sarah,smiling in Venice. Everyone knows what Aunt Sarah looks like;they also know what Europes great landmarks(地标)look like.But a young man named David,just back from a trip to Greece,asked a few friends over to see his slides. The young man had an artists eyes. His pictures were not familiar Greek architecture(建筑)Instead he took pictures of farmers at work in the field,fishermen repairing their nets,and bearded priests(神父) bending over their Bibles. He captured(抓住)the colour and character of the country. His friends were so interested that they asked for more.Any amateur can do the same. All he needs is a simple camera and a little sensitivity. When he learns that a nation lives in its people as well as in its landmarks,he moves from an amateur to an artist.56What does the underlined word “slides”mean in Chinese?A故事 B幻灯片 C风景 D路线57People who watch Aunt Sarahs slides would be _.Afrightened Bexcited Cbored Dsad58Davids pictures were about _.Alandmarks BarchitectureCpeople Dhistory59David is _.AfoolishBthe same as Aunt SarahCstrangeDoriginal(有独创性的)60A traveller can become an artist if he _.Atakes a camera with himBknows the history of a countryCis interested in not only the landmarks but also the people of a placeDlearns how to draw and paint pictures of a place八、看图填词(每小题1分,共10分) (词数:约210建议用时:6分钟)“Pictogram” is a compound word made from “picture” and “telegram”Pictograms are usually simple _61, and they are often made with letters and words.A pictogram is a symbol which represents an idea _62 an object through an image(图像)Also, it is a kind of communication system which must be learned but is very useful in our lives. The user must learn to see, _63 and remember the different pictogram symbols. There are 1,400 different symbols _64 the present time. A Canadian named Subhas Maharaj came up with the idea for pictograms at the beginning of the 1980s.At first, pictograms were introduced to help people _65 had disabilities in speaking,reading, or writing. Pictograms are images of objects that are _66 to see and create. Today, pictograms are used in many different ways. For example, there are traffic,recycling and _67signs, even animal symbols and so on.Pictograms are _68 in white against a black background.The combination of white against a black background creates extremely contrast(对比), and this makes pictograms friendlier to users. A good example of a pictogram is the public _69 symbols for “Men” and “Women”, just like the one on the right. Pictograms are a useful method of communication, and people can have fun as they _70 each pictogram.九、根据汉语完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)71我肯定你的小表弟有获胜的机会! Im sure your little cousin is in _ a _!72和去年相比,今年我们更成功。_ _ last year,we have been more _ this year.73祝贺你赢得一等奖。_ to you on _ the first prize.74你即使坐出租车去,也赶不上这趟火车了。_ _ you take a taxi,youll _ the train.75我认识那位穿红衣服的女孩。I know the girl _ is in red.十、书面表达(25分)假设你是李平,请根据下面所提供的信息,介绍今天在你校操场举行的“ONE for ONE”图书义卖活动的情况并谈谈你的感受。注意:1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称。2语言通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。3词数80左右。文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 This afternoon a charity sale was held on the playground in our school. _Module 11标准检测卷听力材料 一、1.Thats the Sydney Opera House.Its like a huge sailing boat. 2.The most beautiful nature photograph is Toms photo of the mountains in Xiangshan Park.3Zhao Mins photo shows the beauty of Tiananmen Square.4The best photo in the music category was taken by He Zhong.The photo shows us the great singer at a concert,and the fun which her fans were having.5A collection of photos called“Our City”includes photos of different parts of the city.二、6.W:Did you have fun in China,David?M:Yes,I visited the Great Wall and took many photos.7W:Do you like the photo of the mountain or the one of the sea?M:Neither,I like the photo of the cat.8W:May I try out your camera,Daming?M:Im afraid you cant,because theres something wrong with it.9W:Is the man who is laughing your father?M:No,my father is the man who is talking to Mr Liu.10W:Oh,its you,Mike.I didnt expect to meet you.M:Yeah, I went to China two weeks ago.And I returned three days ago.三、W:Can you help me,sir?M:Oh,yes,whats the matter?W:Its about my daughter,Sally.She went to school this morning and she hasnt come back yet.M:Take it easy,madam.Tell me in detail,please.What does she look like?W:Oh,this is her photo which was taken three days ago.M:She has short brown hair and blue eyes,right?W:Yes,and she is about four feet tall.M:And what was she wearing when she went to school this morning?W:She was wearing a blue skirt and black shoes.M:Dont worry,madam.Well do our best to find her.If you have some information about her,please call us at 911.W:OK,I will.Thank you very much.四、Do you know the history of photography?The first successful photograph was produced in 1827.At first,it took a long time to take a picture,so people in early photos didnt smile.They had to sit still for a long time.Then in 1888,Kodak introduced a camera that could be used by everyone.It wasnt expensive,and it was easy to use,and Kodak produced the pictures.Digital cameras were introduced in the 1990s.The photos are developed immediately on the screen,so there isnt even a need for printing them.And with the development of camera phones,maybe there isnt even a need for a camera at all.听力答案:一、15:DCAEB二、610:ACACC三、1115:BACCC四、16.smile17.188818.expensive19.taken20need笔试部分五、21.B点拨:考查冠词的用法。the表特指,a/an表泛指,又由于interesting发音以元音音素开头,故选B项。22A23B点拨:用语境法答题。you bet当然。根据语境可知选B项。24B点拨:句中先行词The woman是人,且关系词在从句中作主语,因此选who。25A点拨:本题考查定语从句中关系代词的辨析。先行词为my Tshirt,指物,关系代词应选which/that,故可知答案为A项。26A点拨:even though引导让步状语从句,根据句意可知选A项。27B点拨:先行词为物时,关系代词用which或that,故选B项。28A 点拨:根据句意“对不起。我把你的茶杯打碎了。”可以判断用“It doesnt matt来回答。所以选择A。29D点拨:此题用句意判断法。根据“我猜想他迫不及待去试骑他的新自行车。”可知选D。30B点拨:句意:与这个贫穷乡村的孩子们相比,我们非常幸运。故选B。31A点拨:此题用句意判断法。句意为“如果你对考试的分数不满意,你应该更加努力学习。”故选A。32C点拨:be used to doing sth.习惯做某事。由题意知此处应用其否定形式,故选C。33A点拨:回答为“对他来说,它太小了。”否定的推测用cant。too much修饰不可数名词;much too修饰形容词或副词。故选A。34D点拨:情景分析法。A不用谢;B别急;C没关系;D那是个好主意。根据Why dont you 可知是提建议,如果同意就说“Thats a good idea.”。故选D。35B点拨:情景交际法。根据后面Its much too hot here.可知是不介意开窗户,故选B。六、36.B点拨:考查名词辨析。由文章首句可知,Anne的工作是报社记者。故选B项。37C 点拨:上文中提到她目睹过战争、地震和死亡。所以可推知她也看到过勇气、希望和幸福,故应该用also。故选C项。38B 点拨:考查固定搭配。be proud of意为“因而自豪”,故选B。39D 点拨:考查形容词性物主代词的用法。根据句意可知,Anne意识到应该感谢很多其他人的帮助。所以用形容词性物主代词their。40A 点拨:根据上下文可知,她的家庭不是很贫穷。同时根据本句中的“but”可知,前后表示转折关系,故选A项。41C 点拨:句意:她的父母为了她能够上学,不得不努力工作。故选C项。42A 点拨:前后是转折关系,因此用转折连词but。43D 点拨:通过上文中“she enjoyed writing”可知,Anne喜欢写作,所以她的老师应该赞扬她是个很好的作者。故选D项。44A 点拨:考查固定短语。look for a job意为“寻找一份工作”,符合语境。故选A项。45C 点拨:句意:每个人开始的时候都需要一个机会。名词chance意为“机会”,符合文意。七、A46.F点拨:细节理解题。由第一段第二句可知,斧掉入水里,这个人没有掉下去。故本句表述是错误的。47T 点拨:细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知,本句表述是正确的。48F 点拨:细节理解题。由第二、三段内容可知,仙女先后向他展示了金斧和银斧,他都说不是自己的。故本题表述是错误的。49T 点拨:由第三段最后一句“Then she showed him the old axe.”和第四段中第一句可知,本句表述是正确的。50T 点拨:推理判断题。由文中最后一段中的“.to see if you can te


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