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第二讲,各种社交书信写作,General Introduction 书信是传递信息、交流情感最常用的方式之一,特别是在当今日益增长的涉外活动中,英文书信尤其必不可少。什么样的英文书信能让收信人准确地理解写信人的意图,而又得体的传达情感呢?首先应做到清楚( Clarity)。书信的内容一定要写得清楚、准确,让人读后能明确理解写信人的目的、意图、其二应做到简洁(Conciseness)。,在人们的工作、生活中,大家都很容易接受简洁、通顺的语言,而繁杂冗长的语言只会令人生厌。所以写书信时应该避繁就简,用简短的段落、简短的句子来构成一篇简短易懂的书信。其三应做到礼貌(Courtesy)。书信应写得得体、有礼貌,同时要朴实,不要使人感到做作、虚伪。这就是书信得3C原则。 书信的种类很多,本讲只介绍邀请信、感谢信、祝贺信、慰问信、吊唁信、道歉信、投诉信等七种,第一节 邀请信 邀请信是邀请某人进午餐、晚餐,参加宴会、茶话会、舞会,观看戏剧、电影及邀请参加学术活动、出席仪式、典礼等社交活动的信函。根据社交活动的性质、场合不同,通常运用不同的邀请方式。(其中之一是请柬,我们在“卡片英语”中已作介绍),1。邀请参加宴会 Dear Tom, We are planning a dinner party to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Professor Li Mings teaching at Luojia Hotel and we want you to come. Its next Saturday, Jan. the seventh, at six oclock. We do hope you can make it, as we are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you. Affectionately yours Larry,2. 邀请看电影 Dear Jane, We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you and Lin Ming join us? Well be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so dont disappoint us! Warmest regards. Alice,当收到邀请信后,应该回信明确表示是否接受邀请,以便别人好安排活动,并应对别人的邀请表示感谢。,Dear Larry, Thank you very much for your invitation. It will be a great pleasure for me to come to your dinner party on the seventh at six oclock. Professor Li Ming is much respected by all of us and I shall be glad to attend such a party in his honor. Thank you for thinking of me. Affectionately Tom,Dear Clare: I am very glad to get your invitation to your party and thank you very much. But Im very sorry to tell you that I wont be able to attend your party as I must go to Wuhan to gather some information for my paper this weekend. I certainly suppose it will be a wonderful party and you all will have a lot of fun. Best wishes! Truly yours, Tommy,Dear Alice, I think youd better ask some other couple for Friday. My husband is in Shanghai and wont be back for another week. Wait till he hears what a wonderful evening hr missed with you and Frank! Thanks for asking us, Alice, Im certainly sorry we cant say “yes”! Yours Jane 另一种常见的邀请信是邀请参加会议、学术活动、典礼、仪式等。邀请参加学术会议的信一般由会议组委会某一负责人来写。也应写得热情有礼,并对被邀请者得威望和学术水平等表示推崇和赞誉。应写明会议得名称、时间、地点寄有关事宜,以便对方考虑好后再作决定。,Dear Professor Zhou, On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2007 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from August 25th to August 28th,2007. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference.,We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from your country. We enclose a copy of the advance program. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours, Peter,Dear Professor Bederson, We have received your letter of February 7th, 2007, inviting a delegation from the Peoples Republic of China to attend the fourteenth biennial meeting of the International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collision (ICEPEAC XIV) which will be held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, this summer. We greatly appreciate and admire your enthusiasm and efforts in promoting the academic exchanges of the scientists between China and other countries.,We shall be happy to accept your invitation and would send a delegation to attend the ICPEAC XIV, and you will be informed of the spokesman and the members of the delegation after we have contacted the departments of the Academic of Science and the university community concerned. We look forward to meeting you soon. Sincerely yours, Liu Jun,Dear Professor McCardell, Many thanks for your letter dated 15th August, inviting me to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2005 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from August 25th to 28th, 2007. Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have been suffering from a disease since this summer. I am firmly advised that it would be unwise to undertake any distant and long travel in the near future. I feel very sad to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many others in the field of Computer Science. I wish the conference a complete success. Faithfully yours, Zhou Lin,第二节 感谢信,感谢信是用来对馈赠礼物者或曾经得到某人得关怀、照顾表示感谢。对他人得慰问信、祝贺信也要表示感谢。在西方国家,当你在朋友或亲友处小住一段时间,离开后,也应该给对方写一封短信表示感谢。感谢信应写得真挚,表达感激之情,不能给人一种草率得印象,由于感谢得对象、原因不同,感谢得内容不同,用语也不一样,应作出适当得选择。 Dear Sandy, When you left a package for me yesterday, I had difficulty waiting until my birthday to open it. I dont know how to thank you for such an affective present. It is something that will give me pleasure for a long time to come. Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes. Cordially, Susan,Dear Professor Rose, Many thanks for the great favor you did me, and the kind interest you took in me. I am glad to inform you that by your invaluable recommendation, I have obtained the position I applied for. I shall exert my best efforts in performing my duties, and try to be worthy of your assistance. My best regards. Respectfully yours, Jim,Dear Miss Allen, Thank you very much for your kind letter of April 14th, 2004, concerning our service. It is always gratifying to receive a complimentary letter like yours, which indicates that our efforts to serve you are appreciated. You may be sure that our department will receive appropriate recognition for a job well done. Thank you again for your courtesy. Cordially, Smith,Dear Professor Anthony, Thank you for a delightful stay. Your home is lovely, your meals delectable, and I enjoyed the fun and companionship. I am still thinking about it and enjoying it in retrospect. Many thanks again for your warm hospitality. Cordially, Tom,第三节 祝贺信,在西方得社交生活中,当得知朋友订婚、结婚、生孩子、毕业、升职时,都要写信表示祝贺,如若知道朋友过生日,也要写上一封短笺表示祝贺。(祝贺信的另一种形式就是我们在“卡片英语”一节中讲过的“贺卡”) Dear Shelly, May I join your many friends and admirers in wishing you a happy birthday? I have held dear your friendship during the last ten years and I look forward to enjoying it for many years to come. Heres hoping you have many happy birthdays in store for you. With affectionate birthday wishes. Sincerely, Alice,Dear Kate, Thats great news about you and Laura! Shes a wonderful girl in every way, and I congratulate you and your good fortune. Best wishes from me on your engagement. I hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together. Affectionately Simon,My dear Carter, Congratulations on your recent marriage. I wish you and your bride the best of luck, and ever-increasing happiness as the years go by. Sincerely yours, Peter Dear Martin, I know how happy you and Jane must be at the news of your promotion. Youve worked hard, and the new title is well deserved. My best wishes to you. Cordially, Bob,Dear Carter, This is a notable day in your life and of course for your parents, relatives and friends. Graduation is a time for rejoicing and I rejoice with you on this happy occasion. It is also a time for reflection. You will be going out into the world to make a career for yourself. You stand on the threshold of what I hope will be a happy life and a rewarding career. I wish you will in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness. Sincerely, William,第四节 慰问信,当友人生病、受伤或者遇到了不幸贺不顺心的事时,特别需要别人的安慰贺鼓励。因此,写慰问信是为了表达友谊、同情和鼓励。应写得真诚和关切,使对方受到安慰和鼓舞。千万不要提到病人疾病得细节,及挫折得具体事实。 Dear Joe, I was sorry to learn that you had not been successful in the examination. Although Im sending you my sympathy I fell you ought not to be unduly distressed at the result. You are still eligible to sit again for the examination and I am confident that this time next year, I shall be sending a letter, not sympathy, but of congratulation. My kindest regards and best wishes. Sincerely yours, Suzan,Dear Jack, I was sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well! Everybody misses you, and we are all hoping you will be back soon. Sincerely Tom Dear Mr. Wang, I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your mothers illness, and am anxious to know how she is of late. Under a separate cover I am sending her a box of assorted biscuits with my best regards. Sincerely yours, Wu Yang,Dear Jimmy, I am very sorry to learn of your illness these days. But a headache is nothing so serious to a strong young man like you. You must hurry and get well! Everybody miss you very much, and we are all hoping you will be back soon, as we are not happy without your companion. Best wishes! Truly yours, Frank,Dear Mr. Yu, I was astonished when I learned that you had lost your position. Please dont feel too much distressed for this frustration. A well-educated and competent young man like you cannot be laid off too long, and I am sure you will soon get an even better position. Please let me know of any assistance I can render you. Truly Yours, Adams,Dear Jane, I heard of the bad news. But you will have a make-up test next term. And I am sure you will pass it and you will stay in the same class with me. My dear Jane, you are talented and hard-working. If you do some review and be careful in the exam, you will certainly succeed. Pull yourself together and be happy! Yours sincerely Peter,第五节 吊唁信,当友人失去亲人时,从礼仪上讲,应写一封吊唁信。写这类信件时要求态度认真、措辞严谨,不能用华丽得词藻,而且要避免提及故去人生病和死亡得细节,以免使收信人感到再度悲伤。 Dear Mrs. Strala, It was a profound shock and sorrow that I learned of the death of your husband and I know that these feelings are shared by all who know him and worked with him during his years with this firm. Please accept the deepest sympathy of all your husbands former colleagues here, and of myself personally. Yours sincerely, Duda,Dear Margaret, Today I heard you had lost your father. I know the sadness of it must have been a dreadful shock, and I just cant tell you how sorry I am. I wish there were something I could do or say to soften your grief. With deepest sympathy to you and all your family. Affectionately Jack,Dear Mr. Forest, Word of the recent death of your brother has just come to me and I hasten to offer condolences. I had the privilege of knowing your brother in years past, and I realize your great loss. He was a fine and brilliant man, and he will not soon be forgotten by the many who admired and respected him. Please convey my sympathy and my warm personal regards to all your family. Cordially, Jim,第六节 道歉信,自己因失误或疏忽而做错了事,给他人带来了麻烦或损失,应立即写信向对方道歉。这种信应写明原因,务必坦诚。 Dear Mr. May, Kindly excuse me for my being absent yesterday morning. I was suddenly taken ill, and had to stay at home. Yours truly, Sandy,Dear Jessica, I am very sorry that I was out when you called yesterday morning. Could you come again tomorrow evening as I have something important to talk with you. Marry Dear Miss Nancy, Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party last Saturday, owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day. Hoping to see you soon. Sincerely yours Clark,Dear Professor Liu, Im deeply sorry that I missed the a


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