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Basic Writing Introducing a place,介绍 the UK,(1). be located in/on The UK is located in the northwest of Europe and faces the Atlantic Ocean. The UK lies in the northwest of Europe and (2). lie in/on /to +方位名词 +of +地点 日本位于中国的东部。 Japan lies to the east of China. (3).接壤:neighbour/border 面临:face 靠近:be next/close to,1. 表示地点方位的句型,加拿大位于北美大陆的北部,南面与美国接壤 ,东面濒临大西洋,西临太平洋,Canada _ the northern part of the North American continent and _ the US on the south, _ the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific on the west.,is located in,neighbors,with,2.描述人口(population)的句型,3.描述面积(area)的句型, has a population of . The population of is ,Its area is It covers an area of It has an area of ,介绍 the UK,It has a population of about 161 million and an area of 244,820 square kilometers.,如何高级化?,概况 面积+人口 地理位置+气候 历史+旅游 文化或经济或社会评价,同位语 分词作状语 可用介词短语“with.” 状语从句,介绍 the UK,1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 2. The UK has a population of 1.61 billion. 3. The UK has an area of 244,820 km2.,The United Kingdom of and Northern Ireland, _ a population of and an area of ,概况+面积+人口,with/having,加拿大,9,976,000平方公里(世界第二大国家),人口约3000多万,_ an area of km2 and a population of more than 30 million, Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world.,句型1:With an area ofkm2 and a population of, A(城市或国家) is .,With,北京是中国的首都,人口为1200多万,面积16,411km2。,With an area of km2 and a population of more than 12 million, Beijing is the capital of China.,介绍 the UK,地理位置+气候,It lies in the northwest of Europe, and faces the Atlantic Ocean, so it enjoys warm winters and cool summers with a lot of rainfall throughout the year.,facing,_ in the northwest of Europe and _ the Atlantic Ocean, it enjoys warm winters and cool summers with a lot of rainfall throughout the year.,Lying,facing,Located/Situated,句型2:Located/Situated/Lying in, it enjoys warm winters and cool summers with,4.气候特征 It is warm in winter and cool in summer with a lot of rainfall throughout the year. It enjoys warm winters and cool summers. The climate varies from place to place/from west to east, so it is in the west while in the east.,荔湾镇,广东省东北部的名镇,终年温暖、潮湿、夏季多雨,_ in the northeast of Guangdong Province, the town of Liwan, a famous town, is _ throughout the year _.,中国地域辽阔(vast),所以气候差异大。,Because China is very vast, the climate varies from place to place/ the climate is different from area to area.,Lying/Located,warm, wet,with a lot of rainfall in summer,句型3:Because A is very vast, the climate varies from place to place. A is very vast, so the climate is different from area to area.,介绍 the UK,Its capital is London, which is also known as the City of Fog.,London, (which is) known as the City of Fog, is the capital of the UK.,Thanks to its long history, the UK has many places of interest such as.and so on.,With a,5.历史 have/with a long history of years 6.著名景点 many places of interest a historical attraction,句型4:Thanks to/With its/a long history, A has many places of interest such as.and so on.,西藏,有着700多年的悠久历史,有很多享誉海内外的名胜古迹,如布达拉宫。,北京有许多的著名的历史景点,每年吸引着大量来自世界各地的游客。,With a long history of more than 700 years, Tibet has many _ places of interest such as Potala Palace.,world-famous,Beijing has a lot of famous historical sites and attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world., attracting,_ a lot of famous historical sites, Beijing attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world.,With,7.物产、特色 is famous/well-known for/as be rich in (natural/tourist resources),台湾是一个多山的海岛,风景秀丽。,Taiwan is an island _ many mountains, and _ its natural scenery.,with,its well-known for,中国自然资源和旅游资源丰富。,China is _ natural resources _ tourist resources.,not only rich in,but also in,8. 表示“是.之乡/乐土” This region is the home of many species of wild flower. 这一地区是多种野花的家园。 The Rockies are home to some bears. 落基山脉中有熊生长。 9. 表示“有美誉” This area enjoys the reputation of a land with milk and honey. 这个地方有“鱼米之乡”的美誉。 leave people a good impression because,take a bus, a train or a plane to go to by bus/train/plane,坐汽车、火车、飞机到,交通便利 has convenient transportation (a city) with convenient transportation both on land and water,10.介绍交通(transportation),广东是华南工业发达地区之一,水陆交通便利,海运发达。,It is also _ of the most _ industrial provinces in South China, and it has _.,one,developed,convenient transportation on both land and water.,with,经济快速发展: Its economy has been developing rapidly. It enjoys rapid development of economy, culture as well as politics. 是的中心 Its the center of,11.介绍经济、文化、政治 (economy, culture, politics),南极洲世界上最寒冷的地方,常年有冰雪覆盖 Antarctica, is the coldest continent in the world. Antarctica, is covered with cold thick ice and deep snow all year round.,1.使用定语从句或同位语优化句子表达,which is covered with cold,thick ice and deep snow all(the) year round,the coldest continent in the world,语法,句法高分tips,夏天几乎不下雨,但一下起来就很大。 It hardly ever rain in summer _it rains heavily.,3.运用非谓语动词和with结构优化句子表达,我的家乡位于中国广东,毗邻香港 My hometown,_ is located in Guangdong Province of China.,but whenever it does,neighboring Hong Kong,2. 使用状语从句优化句子表达,宝岛台湾美丽而神秘,越来越多游客到台湾观光旅游。请你根据下表内容介绍有关台湾的一些情况。 写作内容,台湾,美丽而神秘,位于中国东南部,是中国最大的岛屿,人口约22,000,面积36,000平方公里,Located in the southeast of China, Taiwan, beauty and mysterious, is the largest island in China.,It has a population of about 22 million and covers an area of 36,000 km2.,It has a population of about 22 million, _ an area of 36,000 km2.,covering/with,台湾是一个多山的海岛,风景秀丽。,Taiwan is an island _ many mountains, and _ its natural scenery.,with,its well-known for,有许多闻名中外的名胜古迹,每年大量游客慕名前来观光。,It has a lot of world-famous places of interest and attracts a great number of tourists every year., attracting,_(have) a lot of world-famous places of interest, it attracts a great number of tourists every year.,Having,社会评价:台湾地区经济、文化发展迅速,台湾人(Taiwanese)热情友好,文明有礼,Taiwan leaves people a good impression because_,it enjoys a rapid development of,economy and culture and Taiwanese are friendly, po


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