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中国扇子,扇子,在中国已经有了四、五千年的历史了,是中华民族文化的代表产物。,Fan in China ,with a long history of four or five thousand years, is a product representative of Chinese national culture.,诸葛亮,铁扇公主,济公,一、扇子的历史(History),扇子最早出现在商代,用五光十色的野鸡毛制成,称之为“障扇”。当时,扇子是作为帝王外出巡视时遮阳挡风避沙之用。 The fan first appeared in the Shang Dynasty, made the resplendent with variegated coloration pheasant feather, called “disabled“.,一、扇子的历史(History),战国晚期开始,扇子开始在民间流行。当时扇子多为禽类羽毛制成,故称“羽扇”,多在贵族阶层中使用。 The late warring states period, the fan started in folk pop. When the fan for more poultry feathers, therefore calls “feather fan“, used in the aristocracy.,一、扇子的历史(History),东汉过后出现了很多种扇子,许多扇子因为小巧受到当时仕女的喜爱。 After the eastern han dynasty appeared a lot of kinds of fans, many fans won ladies love for their delicate size.,一、扇子的历史(History),随着时间的变化,扇子除了用来扇风,更多的是用作一种装饰,充满了艺术的风味。 Fan as time changes, in addition to the wind, more is used as a decoration, full of art flavor.,二、扇子的结构(Structure),折扇的主要构成:扇面(sector) 扇骨(Fan rib ),扇骨:是支撑、保护扇面的部件(Support and protect ) 扇钉:是固定扇骨的轴,用来控制扇子的开合(fixed) 扇面:位于扇骨上,主要特色在扇面呈现,团扇,三、扇子的种类(classification),檀香扇,折扇,编织扇,团扇,Circular fan,团扇又称宫扇、纨扇。因形似圆月,且宫中多用之,故称。是一种圆形有柄的扇子,也是中国汉族传统工艺品及艺术品。团扇的扇面近似圆形,扇柄不长。边框及柄以竹制,扇面用洁白的丝娟,上画山水、花鸟等。,团扇简介,Fan profile,The fan is also called the palace fan, silk fan. For the shape of Moon Palace, and the use of, hence the name. Is a round handle of the fan, but also Chinese traditional crafts and art of Han nationality.,团扇的分类 Fan classification,团扇根据扇面装饰材质可分为书画团扇和刺绣团扇,其中又包括日月,山水,人物,花鸟等图案。,书画团扇Calligraphy and painting fan,刺绣团扇 Embroidery fan,团扇与中国书画,在中国书画的门类中,历代书画家大都喜欢在扇面上绘画或书写以抒情达意,或为他人收藏或赠友人以诗留念。,Fan and Chinese calligraphy and painting,In China painting and calligraphy classes, Chinese Calligraphers and painters in the sector most like painting or writing to express ones thoughts and feelings, or for others collection or with friends in poetry as a souvenir.,书画团扇欣赏,Fan appreciation,团扇与中国刺绣 Fan and China embroidery,During the Qin and Han Dynasties, embroidery technology in our country has a very developed, but the embroidery fan was produced in the “embroidered paintings” popular in the Tang dynasty.,秦汉时期,我国的刺绣工艺已非常发达,但刺绣团扇却产生于“画绣”流行的唐代。中国丝织品的种类很多,制作团扇大多采用质地轻薄的材料,如纱、绢等。,刺绣团扇欣赏,Fan appreciation,檀香扇 Sandalwood fan,檀香简介(profile of Sandalwood ),檀香源于印度,广泛用于佛教,被称为佛树;檀香木有招财避邪之用,被誉为“招财之树”,是金钱的招财宝树 Sandalwood from India, is widely used in Buddhism, known as the Buddha tree; Sandalwood is lucky ward off evil spirits, and is known as “lucky tree“, is the fortune of money tree,檀香扇作为汉族特色手工艺品 ,苏州一大特产 Sandalwood fan as han Chinese characteristics handicrafts, a specialty in suzhou,制作精细,扇面绘有精美图案,题材广泛,色彩优雅,是赏心悦目的艺术品。 Made careful, sector with exquisite design, is a feast for the eyes of art,檀香扇的代表类型(Typical fan) 分为团扇和折扇两种,团扇雅而不俗 装饰性强 多数作为装饰品,折扇种类丰富 名称雅致 具有美观大方,携带方便的特点,扇风送凉breezing to cool 驱赶蚊虫preventing mosquitoes 情侣定情信物,爱情的象征 Both couples a token, a symbol of love,檀香扇的功能 Function,檀香扇与雕刻艺术,以雕刻人物、山水为主,也有雕刻花鸟、鱼虫的,栩栩如生,令人惊叹不已。 With carved figures, landscape is given priority to, also have carved flowers and birds, and worms, lifelike, amazing.,雕刻艺术,花鸟题材,人物,山水,檀香扇欣赏Fan appreciation,折扇,Folding Fan,折扇简介 profile,一般说来,折扇是一种日用品,主要的原材料是竹、纸等。折扇携带方便,出入怀袖,扇面书画,是文人雅士的最爱。 Generally speaking, folding fan is a kind of commodity, the main raw material is bamboo, paper, etc. Folding fan, easy to carry out his sleeve, sector calligraphy and painting, is a favorite of literati.,折扇的代表类型(Typical fan) 扇面以其本身材料,加工和装饰来分,有纸扇面和绢扇面两大类。,纸扇 (paper fan) 绢扇 (silk fan),折扇 与 书画艺术,古往今来,许多文人骚客在扇面上留下的题诗、书法和绘画,备受人们的珍爱和收藏,由此而繁衍出来的另一种传统的艺术形式扇面书画。 Through the ages ,many men of literature and writing had been living poetry、calligraphy and traditional chinese painting in the fans.Therefore,the phenomenon can develop into a genre of colorful fan-art.,扇面画常用的题材有仕女、山水、花鸟鱼虫以及诗词书法艺术等。 扇面 之 花鸟虫鱼 (flower and painting),扇面之 山水仕女 (landscapes and meticulous ladies ),扇面之 人物故事(the charaters and the story),扇面之 诗词书法(poetry and calligraphy),编织扇 Braided fan,一、蒲葵扇 二、四川竹丝扇 三、新会织扇 四、浦江麦秆扇,种类(classification),蒲葵扇,四川竹丝扇,新会织扇,浦江麦秆扇,蒲葵扇(Palmetto Fan),用蒲葵叶制成的扇。俗称蒲扇,亦称“葵扇”“芭蕉扇”。,这种扇轻便风大,价格低廉,从古到今人们都喜欢用它。 This fan portable wind is big, the price is low, from ancient people like to use it.,四、扇子的制作(making),檀香扇,折扇,团扇,团扇制作,准备工具:工艺铁丝、丝布、剪刀、针线、笔(铅笔、毛笔)、颜料。 Prepare tools: craft wire, wire cloth, scissors, sewing, pen (pencil, Mao Bi), pigment.,The fan of the production,The first step, the process of wire into a circle,then The excess wire loop handle into a handle.,第一步:用工艺铁丝弯出一个圆,把剩余铁丝纽成一个手柄。,第二步:用丝布剪成比铁丝的圆更大一点的圆。注意是双面的。,The second step: use cloth cut into the wire round than a larger circle. Attention is two-sided.,第三步:用棉线把双面丝布缝在铁丝边框上。,The third step: the double-sided cloth sewn with cotton thread in wire frame.,第四步:选定好花样之后,用铅笔描摹线稿。也可以打印出稿子在衬在下面描摹。,The fourth step: after the selected pattern, use a pencil to depict the line draft. Can also print the manuscript in the lining in the following description.,第五步:线稿描摹完成后,用细小的毛笔按画稿上色。,The fifth step: line draft description is completed, with a small brush to color sketch.,第六步:涂色完成后,将扇面悬挂晾干。再配以吊坠等小饰品即可。,The sixth step: the painting is completed, will fan hang dry. With pendants and other small accessories can be.,折扇制作,1、扇面: 将彩色纸片剪成 扇形Cut the colorful paper into the fan 2、扇骨: 细线穿过竹片Put the line through the bamboo 3、整合: 将扇面用胶水贴在做 好的扇骨上Mix them by using the glue,折纸扇,DIY,檀香扇制作 第一步:选题材(Choose subject ),檀香扇题材广泛,可以是花鸟鱼虫,山水人物,也可以是诗词歌赋要考虑图案的单独性和完整性 Sandalwood fan theme is extensive, can be a flower, landscape cha


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