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湖南师大附中 蒋立耘,新课程背景下高考英语 有效复习策略,E-mail: ,内容 夯实词汇 突破语法 落实阅读 提高写作 强化听力,策略 练前有规划 有练必有查 课堂重指导 课外重实效 知识与运用 理解与表达,第一步 记忆词汇 第二步 巩固词汇 第三步 扩展词汇,夯实词汇,Means of test (Two tests per unit),第一步 记忆词汇,Means of test,词汇考查(1)班次 _ 姓名 _ 按所给汉语写出相应的英语,或按所给的英语写出相应的汉语。(注意词性) 1. _ adj. 有天赋的; 有才华的 2. _(短语)放弃,投降 3. _(短语)熄灭;过时 4. _ n. 地球仪;地球 5. _ a. 金(黄)色的 6. as good as _ 7. _ n. 政府 8. gradually _ 9. _ n. 毕业,毕业典礼 10. _ n. 祖父母,外祖父母,第一步 记忆词汇,第二步 巩固词汇,汉译英 1. 在英国上一年的高中那是令我非常开心、非常兴奋的一段经历。 2. 我发现这里的家庭作业不想我以前在原来学校时那么繁重。 3. 我每天都在使用英语,每天还花一个小时在图书馆里读英语书,因此,我的英语有了很大的进步。 4. 尽管完工之后它看上去并不像一张桌子,但我还是很喜欢它。 5. 正如你文章中所提到的那样,我的确喜欢吃甜食。,A a(n) art. abandon v. ability n. able a. abnormal a. aboard prep. abolish v. abortion n. about ad.& prep. above prep.,a.& ad. abroad a. & ad.,absence n. absent a. absolute a. absorb v. abstract a. & n. absurd a. abundant a. abuse v. academic a. & n. academy n. accelerate v. accent n.,第二步 巩固词汇(课标词汇表),1. 补充词语意义,Are you being attended to? I decided to take the train to work rather than brave the traffic.,affect attend brave spell,Everybody was affected to tears. There was an affected laugh on his face.,Delay spells losses.,第三步 扩展词汇,做作的,create,creator,creature,creation,creative,recreation,recreational activities,creativity,productive, productivity,2. 了解构词法,3. 词形、词义、拼写比较,depend on: jewelry: analyze analysis: personally, in person:,rely on, live on, count on, feed on, exist on,scenery, citizenry, poetry, machinery,diagnosediagnosis, paralyseparalysis,particularly, in particular; partly, in part; timely, in time; generally, in general; additionally, in addition,4. 归类总结,strength: in fact: concentrate on sth.:,strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons, pluses and minuses, in actual fact, as a matter of fact, in truth, in effect, actually focus on sth., be bent on sth, apply oneself to sth., throw oneself into sth., bury oneself in sth.;,提高记忆词汇的科学性 求理解:“你所不理解的东西是你无法占有的。” “知其义而明其根。” 勤复习:及时复习对巩固所学词汇能起到事半功倍的效果。 巧记忆:利用形象记忆,概念记忆,逻辑记忆,情绪记忆,循环记忆,视听记忆等。,提高记忆词汇的科学性 多动笔:“好脑袋不如烂笔头”。学思结合,手脑并用,养成 “不动笔墨不读书”的好习惯.对于不容易记住的词汇更要多动笔写,比单纯口背目记效果要好得多。 抓重点: 立足于全面,系统,突出重点,对常用词汇进行重点记忆理解使用。,掌握基本英语语法概念 熟悉常用英语语法规则,突破语法,1. 谓语动词为单句的重要标志。 2. 单句之间的连接可以用连词、关系词、 分号、破折号、冒号但不能是逗号。 3. 名词性从句在句中相当于一个名词; 定语从句在句中相当于一个形容词; 状语从句在句中相当于一个副词。 4. 助动词的作用(帮助动词,表示主语人称、 数,表示句子的时态,表示对主语的肯定、否定、疑问等语气。),掌握基本英语语法概念,1. 归纳总结 2. 比较联系,熟悉常用英语语法规则,I like it when Im free and the weather is fine. I hate it if people smoke while I am eating. sb. hate / love / like / appreciate / cant stand it when/if常见句型,归纳总结,spend pay take cost,归纳总结,表示“花费”的句型总结,Time permitting, well arrange a visit to the museum. If time permits, well arrange a visit to the museum. The watch, having been repaired several times, works poorly. The watch, which has been repaired several times, works poorly.,简单句与主从复合句的对比和转换,从句之间的比较和转换 He put forward the suggestion that everyone should plant trees to protect our environment. (同位语从句) He suggested that everyone should plant trees to protect our environment. (宾语从句) His suggestion was that everyone should plant trees to protect our environment. (表语从句) The suggestion that he put forward at the meeting (定语从句) was that everyone should plant trees to protect our environment.,时态的比较 He lived in Shanghai for three years. Then, he went to Beijing. (正确) He had lived in Shanghai for three years before he moved to Beijing. (正确) He was writing a letter this morning. He wrote a letter this morning. He had written a letter before I went to see him.,从句之间的辨析 No matter what / where / when / who/ which / how / whether /引导让步状语从句。 whatever / whoever / wherever / however 引导让步状语从句,引导主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句等 what 用在主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句等, 但是不能用在定语从句中。 I live in what is called Fenghua. I live in the place that is called Fenghua.,落实阅读,在课堂上教师指导阅读技巧、进行限时阅读训练 在课外教师引导学生广泛阅读,在课堂上教师指导阅读技巧, 培养学生快速看出文章主旨、体会作者态度的能力。 培养学生快速看出文章结构的能力。 培养学生理解难句的能力。 指导学生熟悉命题者常采用的“表达转换的方法”。,分析长难句,准确理解全文。,例1:2000 NMET 短文C中的第一句:Decision-thinking is not unlike poker it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.,做决策犹如打扑克,重要的常常不仅在 于你怎么想,还在于别人认为你怎么想, 以及你认为别人怎样琢磨你的想法。,例2:The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场 导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消 费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他 们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么 应该被制造出来。,课堂上进行限时阅读训练,提高阅读速度和理解的准确率。 课堂限时阅读材料体裁和题材要广泛;语言要地道、优美、流畅、要适合学生的认知水平。设题选项要涉及到主旨要义、事实细节、判断推理、作者态度和词义猜测等题型。 要有激励和评价机制,让学生有成就感。,My cat Posy, a tortoiseshell tabby, lives with my family in a house in London, England. Like most cats, Posy is never pleased to see another cat on her territory - or anywhere, for that matter. Whenever she encounters a cat-like fellow, her hair stands on end, and she begins to hiss. In extreme cases, she sets up a yowling that warns the whole neighborhood. Though she may be a proud defender of her turf, there is a reason why my dad has always referred to her as “a cat of very little brain.” One day my mum came home with a purchase she was delighted with a large tea cozy in the shape of a cat, with all the cat features, from ears to tail, drawn in. Naturally, when teatime rolled around the next afternoon, out came the new tea cozy to keep the pot warm. It received a lot of admiration from the rest of the family because it had the look of a real cat. This cat looked almost like a king sitting there, guarding the pot, with a half-smile on his cloth face. Suddenly, a slight sound emerged over the clink of teaspoons on china a slow, steady hiss. I turned around to see Posy behind me in the kitchen doorway, hair standing on end, ears laid back, staring straight at the tea cozy. The tea cozy stared back. Posy edged nearer with suspicion, as her eyes narrowed, while she sent out more hissing sounds as she sized up her rival a rival whod not only managed to get INTO her house but was now ON her table. And here was the family doing nothing about it. Needless to say, we had almost fallen off our chairs laughing by this time we couldnt believe she actually thought the tea cozy was a real cat! Luckily, Posy stopped short of jumping on the unexpected invader. Eventually we took pity on her, lifted the cozy off the pot and finally convinced her that, the presence of this particular cat on her home turf was no good reason to cause fur to fly.,在课外教师引导学生广泛阅读 鼓励学生阅读他们感兴趣的英语文章。 向推荐学生一些语言地道,优美、感人的文章,让学生欣赏、朗读或背诵。,应试类阅读教学的误区,阅读讲解重现率低,每篇讲解方式单一; 过多依赖模拟题目而对真题重视不足; 文章讲解上花费过多时间,题目虎头蛇尾; 阅读只依赖词汇基础,忽视词义态度判断; 未控制学生的解题时间,超时严重;,强化听力,精听与泛听相结合 在课堂上利用教材Task部分Skill building 1 来训练学生的英语听力。在听的过程中,教师要设计听前、听中、听后个阶段的任务,让学生在提高听力能力的过程中不读发展技巧、丰富知识。 听力过程: 语篇理解:大意与细节 推理判断:对话的场合;讲话人喜恶、意图、态度;人物关系等 听力答题的策略指导: 读题 猜题 听 答题 读题 在课外,鼓励学生多听英语广播、歌曲,看英文原版电影,在娱乐活动中获取知识,提高能力。,强化听力,听力题型训练的多样性 现状:目前大部分学校采取统一购买高考英语听力训练书,每天在固定的时间全年级进行听力训练。这种做法对提高学生高考听力成绩是有一定的帮助,但固定的听力题型、一些乏味的听力材料、不合理的题目设置、错误的答案等挫伤学生的积极性。,强化听力,听力题型训练的多样性 听力题型:1)听力填空、听力选择 2)正误判断、连线、画图 3)完成句子、补全信息、边听边做 笔记 听力材料:BBC 和 VOA中的News Science report Agriculture Features,提高写作,了解高考写作要求 提高审题能力 规范表达,了解高考写作要求: 准确使用语法和词汇, 使用一定的句型或词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的情感、态度和价值观, 写作做到文体规范,语句通顺。,提高审题能力 (2009年湖南卷作文)假设你是某中学新老师李红,请给你的朋友张华写一封信,告诉他你第一天上课的情况,主要内容如下: 1.描述一件课堂上令你印象深刻的事情; 2.介绍你处理该事的方式; 3.谈谈你的感想。 注意: 1.词数不少于120个; 2.可适当发挥想象,增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.文中不得出现与本人及学校相关的任何真实信息。,描述了上课情况,但没有具体到某一件事情, 行文完整,最多给20分。 描述的事情与课堂无关,但发生在学校,且 行文完整,最多给12分。 描述的事情与学校无关,不给分。 以学生身份表达,但行文完整,最多给15分。 考生在作文中,主体人物身份发生变化(如 人物变化混乱)应扣3分,如使用第三人称但 行文完整最多15分。 语言错误在各信息点中酌情扣分,在不影响 表达的情况下,整篇语法错误扣分不超过8分。,扣分标准:,在阅卷发现的审题方面的问题: 1. 以学生身份表达。(最多15分) 2. 主体人物身份发生变化。(扣三分) 3. 选取事例不具体。(最多20分),(2010年湖南卷作文)假设你和几位同学成立了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期两个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在课堂上进行经验交流,请写一篇发言稿,主要内容如下: 1.简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的主要活动; 2.谈谈你们开展活动的收获。 注意: 1.词数不少于120个; 2.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。,介绍了俱乐部开展的一系列活动,没有具体到一项主要活动,但谈了开展该活动的收获,且行文完整,最多给20分。 介绍了俱乐部开展的一项主要活动,但谈到收获或感受时内容很简单,缺乏逻辑性,最多给18分。 介绍了俱乐部开展的一系列活动,没有具体到一项主要活动,且没有谈开展该活动的收获,且行文完整(基本上没有语法错误,语句通顺),最多给16分。 介绍与俱乐部相关的活动(含建设俱乐部活动等),且没有谈开展该活动的收获,但行文完整,最多给16分。 描写的一项活动与英语无关,但行文完整(即:语言可以,但跑题),最多给12分。,扣分标准:,语言错误在各信息点中扣分,在不影响表达的情况下,整篇语法错误扣分不超过6分。 书写较差,标点符号错误过多,扣1分。 抄袭计0分。,扣分标准:,1. 采用汉译英的形式,让学生灵活地运用五种基本句型来进行表达。 2. 强化语言知识的训练,克服学生在写作方面的常见错误,如:主谓不一致,时态混乱,指代不一致,单复数不一致等)。 3. 帮助学生收集整理某些形式的作文题中的常用套语,如图表作文,讨论型作文等。 4. 为学生归纳出表示不同逻辑关系的 linking words.,如何提高学生的英语写作技能,5. 对学生进行(词、词组、句子)表达多样化 的训练。 6. 对学生进行运用复合句、复杂句方面的 训练。 7. 对学生进行文章布局方面的训练。 8. 规范卷面。,英语写作课例介绍,高三年级 英语,授课者:蒋立耘,Better Your Writing,高考英语专题复习,The Criteria of English Writing Evaluation 评价作文的标准 1. _zation(篇章结构) 2. Coherence and Cohesion (连贯性和紧凑性) 3. _ness and Vividness (丰富性和生动性),Organi,Rich,Organization: What should be included? What is the focus? Coherence & Cohesion: Proper use of linking words. Richness & Vividness: Proper use of catchy words, phrases and sentences.,Evaluate Students Writing,根据写作任务的要求,作者应着重对毁林过程进行描述,而习作I的第一段大篇幅地描述了森林的原貌,偏离了重心,应简化。 习作的第三段呼吁公众保护森林,升华了主题,呼应了题目。因此,虽然写作任务没有规定这个要点,该段仍应保留,但要言简意骇。,Organization,Coherence & Cohesion,Proper use of linking words.,1. 顺序过渡词 2. 递进过渡词 3. 转折、对比过渡词 4. 原因与结果过渡词 5. 等同过渡词 6. 例举过渡词 7. 概括性过渡词 8. 事实性过渡词,Linking words,My hometown used to be a beautiful place. (1)_, people here wanted to develop economy. They began to cut down the tress and crops. (2)_, they fed their cattle and sheep on the grass. The trees and grass disappeared. (3)_, the forest turned into a wasteland. (4)_, when wind blows, the sand on the ground flies into the air.,Coherence & Cohesion,Richness & Vividness,Proper use of catchy words, phrases and sentences.,The woman works in a shop. The pretty woman wearing a beautiful dress, which is of the same color as yours, works in a grocery shop opposite to the post office at the corner of the street.,Tip 1: Use adj. / adv. / participle / prepositional phrases / attributive clause or adverbial clause.,Tip 2: Use some catchy or advanced words and phrases as possible as you can.,When he was a child, he had a strong appetite for knowledge. When he was a child, he was desperate for knowledge.,When he was a child, he wanted to learn everything.,I left the school hurriedly. I left my schoolbag in the classroom. so that 句型 such that 句型 Adverbial clause of reason (状语从句) Participle (分次) Inversion (倒装),Tip 3: Use some sentence structures.,1. The trees and grass disappeared . 2. When wind blows the sand on the ground flies into the air. 3. In my opinion, people should be punished for the bad result. 4. We must ask the public to protect the environment.,Practice,The trees and grass disappeared. At last, the forest turned into a wasteland. (with的复合结构) With the trees and grass disappearing, the forest turned into a wasteland.,If each of us takes action, we will build a harmonious society. ( only when 倒装句) Only when each of us takes action will we build a society in harmony.,Some years later, people wanted to develop economy. They began to cut down the trees and grow crops. ( in order to ) Years later, in order to develop economy, people began to cut down the trees and grow crops.,请以“我人生中一次真正的考验”(A Real Test in My life) 为题,根据以下段首句的提示, 写一篇120词左右的英语短文,重点记述“超越自我”的经历。,Feedback,Student A: Organization Student B: Coherence & Cohesion Student C: Richness & Vividness Student D: Summary and Presentation,Evaluation,Possible version When I was a fifteen, I was asked to attend an English speech contest on behalf of my class. Just imagine! To speak before the whole grade! That would be a real test to me.,时间、地点、人物、事件,I had no other choice. The hardest part


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