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市场细分,Overview and Introduction 基于细分市场的营销定义,基于细分市场的营销是,在核心客户类型中识别细分市场并为每个目标细分市场找到特制相应的关键信息和经验的一个过程. 针对每个目标细分市场不成比例 disproportionately investing in an integrated set of brand levers against each target segment to achieve the segments Behavioral Objective.,Overview and Introduction 什么是细分市场的过程?,细分市场的过程不是 一种仅由市场研究机构拥有的单纯数字统计练习, 仅仅基于新的量化研究 唯一的一种资源配置 单次的决策过程(不重复、或更新),细分市场的过程是 高度互动和策略性地运用多种数据 被组织中的所有相关利益者开发、理解和内在化 随时间的变化而更新 输入关键决策/信息传递和资源配置的行动 建立组织的现有数据和实践经验库,细分市场的程序,在核心客户类型内识别独特的客户细分市场,其核心客户在需求、信念以及相关优先市场机会的行为存在差异,并按其优先排列次序出最具吸引力的细分市场的过程。,Overview and Introduction 指南: 细分方法的选择,行为或人口的细分,态度、需求的细分,细分方法 将会权衡 可操作性(例如:能容易辨别一个细分市场的成员数) 和更有意义性(例如:能深入洞察行为规律) 两方面,正向: 非常可操作 基于经济机会按优先次序排列客户 反向: 无法代表性提供具有意义的行为分析理由 细分市场不稳定,因为他们依据的行为年年在变化,正向: 深层次地提供对根本的需求、信念和态度的洞察理解。 反向: 比较难于找到客户,可操作性有限 不能经常完全解释现实的行为r,更为可操作性,更有意义性,混合的细分方法,混合,一种混合方法可以获得具有可操作性又具有意义的重要因素,行为或人口的细分,态度、需求的细分,结合不同类型的可变因素来建立具有操作性的细分市场,这种细分市场可以提供我们要了解的关键行为以及驱使那些行为的根本需求和态度,细分市场的方法,细分过程的方法有很大的差异,取决于一个产品的生命周期阶段以及时间和资源的可用程度,通过新的定量研究的细分方法,运用现有数据的细分方法 (选择新的数据弥补),方法 2,方法 1,描述,可应用的产品状况,展开一个或多个定量研究 通过全新的改进分析测试变量和方案,大品牌, 尤其正要上市的产品 高度竞争或不稳定市场的产品,通过对现有数据的分析开发原有的细分解决方案 现有数据包括现有的管理经验和洞察力 (例如., 依据类似的情形) 用小规模的增加研究测试细分逻辑性,拥有大量现有数据的产品 上市时间短暂的产品 较少资源的产品 处于生命衰退周期的产品,选择最佳的细分市场,无论使用哪种方法, 最佳的细分方法 在细分市场中对关键行为和关键行为在需求、信念和态度方面的根本驱动力上展示出最明显的的差异性 显示出每个细分市场的最相似的地方 具有可操作性并可依据市场细分作为团队的市场策略,1,2,3,Overview and Introduction 如何使用细分市场的工具?,步骤 7: 排列出最具吸引力的细分市场,步骤 8: 产生细分目标,排序选择及最终确定选择,“获得成功能力” 细分市场评估,客户细分,步骤 4: 获得细分市场的深刻洞察,步骤 5: 识别特殊细分市场的行为目的及区分优先驱动力与相关壁垒的优先次序,细分市场的优先排序 与目标挑选,步骤 6: 确定难度和获得成功的程度,单元 II,单元 III,单元 I,步骤 1: 确定细分程序的范围,步骤 2: 识别具有意义及可操作性的细分变量,步骤 3: 创建客户细分,单元 I: 客户细分概述,Step 4: 获得细分市场的深刻洞察,步骤 2: 识别具有意义及可操作性的细分变量,步骤,步骤 1: 确定细分的范围,1a: 识别核心客户类型和聚焦关键行为 1b: 确定决策以便获得细分支持,结果,2a: 列出潜在细分变量清单 2b: 评估变量的可操作性和意义程度,Step 3: 创建客户的细分,3a: 挑选细分方法 3b: 测试细分选择,挑选最终细分方案,4a: 勾画和依据大小排列细分市场 4b: 创建客户描述 4c: 撰写细分市场的故事,单元 I 步骤 1 a: 确定细分市场过程的范围,在进行细分市场之前需做出关键的决策: 细分哪类客户? 处方者, 消费者或两者? 我们需要了解哪些行为? 细分将支持哪些决策和行动? 不支持哪些? 细分过程需要涉及哪些关键职能部门和赞助?,单元 I, 步骤 1b: 识别决策和行动力的最佳方案与关键技巧,以下清单可以用来在高层面上识别细分支持下列哪些潜在决策和行动 确认识别目标数是可管理的和灵活得到 定期查阅这一清单来确认所挑选的决策和行动聚焦的细分遗漏市场,例证说明,单元I, 步骤1b: 技巧与最佳实践:确定我们是否可以通过销售队伍去执行,在这个步骤期间, 我们应该确定是否(以及在什么程度上)可以动用销售队伍来执行细分工作 为了做出决策, 我们应该询问一下问题: 您通过那类销售队伍(如: 专科销售队伍还是PC销售队伍等)来执行您的细分 针对细分市场您将如何组织您的销售队伍来执行? 例如:分割销售队伍来聚焦不同的细分市场,每个销售人员是否能聚焦所有的细分市场? 等 在PDE配置中或您其他杠杆的配置中,细分会导致哪些变化? (链接选择10 资源配置) (如果相关) 对于产品组合有哪些牵连? 针对哪些牵连您的计划是什么? (如果相关) 对于您的合作伙伴的牵连是什么? 销售队伍需要什么技能来执行细分? 您有的差距在哪里? 您将提供什么激励措施给销售队伍 ,如何衡量和跟踪销售队伍的工作?,单元 I, 步骤 1: 总结,核心客户类型细分及认知的行为,医生 透过产品组合的处方行为 Reyataz: 上市期高处方量,与Videx合用 Sustiva: 处方药连续增长; 并与Zerit一线用药联合使用 Zerit: 处方量呈下降趋势 Videx EC: 二线用药, 继续稳定增长,决策与行动及 涉及的关键职能,销售队伍的资源配置 销售队伍有效性管理 促销方案与差异化传递信息 营销 促销教育 教育代理 医生广告 广告 / 媒介购买中介,例证说明,以下表中总结步骤一:,单元 I: 客户细分 总结,步骤 4: 获得细分市场的深刻洞察,步骤 2: 识别具有意义及可操作性的细分变量,步骤,步骤 1: 确定细分的范围,结果,2a: 列出潜在细分变量清单 2b: 评估变量的可操作性和意义程度,步骤 3: 创建客户的细分,4a: 勾画和依据大小排列细分市场 4b: 创建客户描述 4c: 撰写细分市场的故事,1a: 识别核心客户类型和聚焦关键行为 1b: 确定决策以便获得细分支持,3a: 挑选细分方法 3b: 测试细分选择,挑选最终细分方案,Module I, Step 2a: 脑力激荡潜力细分市场的变量,脑力激荡医生及或病人特点以解释行为的差异性 杠杆现有数据和经验来脑力激荡潜力细分变量,考虑探索性的定量研究作为一种选择 列出详尽的潜力变量清单 既要考虑通用的细分变量, 又要脑力激荡那些对产品/市场/治疗领域特殊的变量,Illustrative Example,Module I, Step 2a: 使用通用的细分市场变量表格,以下是通用变量的列表,所有的产品应考虑作为潜力细分的变量,参见附录其他的建议变量,单元 I, 步骤 2b: 评估可变的行动力和有益点,评估每一变量的意义和操作性是确保获得最终的细分 (1) 解释关键的行为 (2) 越过潜力杠杆可以执行的 其目标是产生一揽子变量 具有高度意义和可操作性变量的平衡组合,具有意义的,可操作的,该变量是否帮助我们解释要了解的关键行为的差异性?,该变量能否用于识别和接近客户为您的关键决策和行动提供依据?,单元 I, 步骤 2b: 将潜力的细分变量排列优先顺序,Illustrative Example,用所有现存的数据和专家来评估每个变量的意义, 并依据证明关键行为最明显的差异程度来排列优先次序 评估每个变量的可操作性, 并依据对细分支持的决策和行动来排列优先次序 这一步骤的最终结果是一揽子具有高度意义和可操作性变量的平衡组合,Module I: Customer Segmentation 总结概述,步骤 4: 获得细分市场的深刻洞察,步骤 2: 识别具有意义及可操作性细分变量,步骤,步骤 1: 确定细分的范围,结果,2a: 列出潜在细分变量清单 2b: 评估变量的可操作性和意义程度,步骤 3: 创建客户的细分,4a: 勾画和依据大小排列细分市场 4b: 创建客户描述 4c: 撰写细分市场的故事,1a: 识别核心客户类型和聚焦关键行为 1b: 确定决策以便获得细分支持,3a: 挑选细分方法 3b: 测试细分选择,挑选最终细分方案,Module I, Step 3a: 选择细分市场的方法,用来发展混合细分的方法将取决于几个因素, 包括产品的生命周期阶段,可用的规模、时间水平和资源, 市场的竞争程度以及现有数据的可用性。,通过进行新的定量研究发展的细分方法,运用现有数据的细分方法 (选择新的数据弥补),方法 2,方法 1,描述,展开一个或多个定量研究 通过全新的改进分析测试变量和方案,通过对现有数据的分析开发原有的细分解决方案 现有数据包括现有的管理经验和洞察力 (例如., 依据类似的情形) 用小规模的增加研究测试细分逻辑性,可应用的产品状况,大品牌, 尤其正要上市的产品 高度竞争或不稳定市场的产品,拥有大量现有数据的产品 上市时间短暂的产品 较少资源的产品 处于生命衰退周期的产品,无论使用哪种方法, 最佳的细分方法 在细分市场中对关键行为和关键行为在需求、信念和态度方面的根本驱动力上展示出最明显的的差异性 显示出每个细分市场的最相似的地方 具有可操作性并可依据市场细分作为团队的市场策略,Module I, Step 3b: 如何选择最佳的细分市场方案,1,2,3,Module I, Step 3a-b: 方法 1: 通过进行新的定量市场研究进行市场细分,展开一个或多个定量研究 通过全新的改进分析测试变量和方案,通过进行新的定量研究发展的细分方法,运用现有数据的细分方法 (选择新的数据弥补),Develop original segmentation solution through analysis of existing data Existing data can include existing management experience and insight (e.g., analog situations) Test segmentation logic with small(er) scale incremental research,方法 2,方法1,单元 I, 步骤 3a-b: 方法 1: 通过进行新的定量市场研究进行市场细分,在开发一个细分市场时,尽管这种能力不提供特别的对研究和所用分析工具的建议, 但以下可以给与一些技巧和最佳的实践观点,技巧 / 最佳实践 当使用新的定量数据开发一个细分市场时,需要确认新的研究中包含潜力的细分变量 可以使用多个工具(例如, 多样研究) 作为初始变量以找到可以定义每个细分市场和创建最终细分方案的最佳变量 确定创建一个时间线路包含一个创立、实地、分析大规模定量的研究较长的过程 我们应与产品研发人员沟通所有细分研究的目标, 应该为是否包含细分结果提供清晰的指导。,Module I, Step 3a-b: 方法 2: 应用现有数据进行市场细分,Deploy one or more quantitative studies Test variables / solutions through newly developed analysis,Segmentation Developed by Conducting New Quantitative Study,运用现有数据的细分方法 (选择新的数据弥补),通过对现有数据的分析开发原有的细分解决方案 现有数据包括现有的管理经验和洞察力 (例如., 依据类似的情形) 用小规模的增加研究测试细分逻辑性,方法 2,Approach 1,Module I, Step 3a: 方法 2: 应用现有数据进行市场细分,在用现有数据开发一个细分市场时,我们能依靠多种数据来源 过去定量的研究 (例如, 调查, 日记研究, 或其他细分的研究) 过去的定性研究(例如, 焦点小组访谈, 一对一的面访) 辛迪加提供的数据 / 第三方数据 其他二手信息来源和行业委托报告 发挥内部专家的作用-从不同的职能部门和产品组成员(例如:市场人员、销售队伍)收集初始数据 如果定量数据是可用的,就严格运用这些数据来测试细分市场 (通过t-检验, ANOVA 检验, CHAID, 回归分析, 或其他首选的统计方法) 一旦现有数据来源不够,确定是否有必要进行小规模的定性研究来进一步检验细分市场,Module I, Step 3a: 方法 2: 选择细分市场的可变因素,使用现有数据开发一个细分市场时, 通过从回顾第二步骤获得的变量 开始,对具有意义和可操作性的变量进行排列优先次序用来细分市场 处于不具意义的变量应该放弃 对于低操作性的变量不应给予排列优先次序,除非相信有足够的数据找到这些变量的亮点,Illustrative Example,单元 I, 步骤 3a:方法 2: 创建结合变量,技巧与最佳实践 哪里可用的话,就用现有的研究、数据和专家来做不同的组合 避免在每一变量内识别过多的客户人群 (例如.,创建少于5个年龄段的人群而不要创建10个年龄段人群) 在识别客户人群时深思熟虑细分市场的可操作性 (例如.,如果仅能在20岁年龄增加段买到数据,也不要用10岁年龄段的数据),Illustrative Example,创建优先细分变量的不同组合 来寻找不同的细分市场,为每一变量识别客户人群,结合方法1: 医生专业与 品牌TRx,结合方法 2: 药品使用率, 病人组合 及功效安全的关注,Module I, Step 3a: 方法 2: 进行细分市场的选择,用提出的变量结合创建出细分选择,细分选择 1: 医生专业和品牌处方(TRx),细分选择 2: 使用率, 病人组合, 功效与安全的关注,技巧 / 最佳实践 Teams have full discretion on the number of segmentation options they want to develop and on which prioritized variables they want to include in each option 建立可视框架对于用于创建细分市场的变量的每次组合是由帮助的 (见 案例),专业价值变量,品牌处方价值变量,从这两个变量套出的细分市场,Illustrative Examples,单元 I, 步骤3b: 方法2: 测试细分市场的选择,用现有的定性或定量数据测试细分选择 ,如果有必要的话, 可以增加小规模的研究试验 测试各种变量的组合来确保这些变量交叉点显示有意义的差异是很重要的 我们可以选择进行小规模的定性研究以弥补数据的不足或进一步测试和提炼细分结果 研究应关注数据关于特殊细分变量的意义或细分变量的组合的差距点 如果研究显示细分选择不能对细分市场显示有意义的行为差异,则需要提出和测试新的选择方案 一旦所有新的和现有的数据分析结束后,我们必须掉眩最终的细分方案,单元 I: 客户细分 总结概述,步骤 4: 获得细分市场的深刻洞察,步骤 2: 识别具有意义及可操作性细分变量,步骤,步骤 1: 确定细分的范围,结果,2a: 列出潜在细分变量清单 2b: 评估变量的可操作性和意义程度,步骤 3: 创建客户的细分,4a: 勾画和依据大小排列细分市场 4b: 创建客户描述 4c: 撰写细分市场的故事,1a: 识别核心客户类型和聚焦关键行为 1b: 确定决策以便获得细分支持,3a: 挑选细分方法 3b: 测试细分选择,挑选最终细分方案,Module I, Step 4a: 针对细分市场的变量创建细分市场,Create short summary profiles of customer segments, including all variables used to identify them and variables for behaviors teams want to understand; the purpose is to: 测试细分市场的意义:这些细分市场的关键的差异性是什么? 差异有多大? 测试细分市场的操作性::从多给的变量看, 我们能否找到或获得每个细分市场的客户吗t?,是否有一个标记帮助识别接受新产品的医生?,Illustrative Example,技巧和最佳实践 Fill out profile with quantitative data on the percentage of customers in each segment that exhibit each characteristic,Module I, Step 4a: 每个细分市场的量化大小(尺度),潜在细分市场 大小的矩阵,客户 (医生/患者) 每个细分市场的客户总数 该品牌占总客户量的份额 处方 细分市场的总处方量 品牌占总处方量的份额 prescriptions 收入 细分市场的总收入 品牌占总收入的份额,潜在收入增长的驱动因素,患者的数量 诊断的次数频率 医生的治疗频率 患者的持续水平 每次剂量的价格,一旦细分市场最总方案确定,聚焦数据量化每个细分市场的大小和增长潜力? 该练习是帮助我们评价细分市场的相对吸引力(机会大小),数据来源 每个细分市场的历史数据 内部专家 行业专家 分析师 关键意见领袖,Module I, Step 4a: Summary: 每一客户细分市场的容量及增长情况,Worksheet,Module I, Step 4b: 细分市场勾画: 了解医生与患者的相互作用,Physician Segmentation,Physicians in Segment 1 treat patient type A differently from patient types B, C, and D,During segment profiling, consider if and how patient type affects physician behavior In some markets, physicians have different needs, beliefs, treatment goals, brand preferences, etc. for different patient types It is useful to understand the interaction between physicians and patients, as they drive key differences that should be captured in segment profiles and message development Use the intersection of physicians and patients to illustrate how drivers and barriers for physician segments differ by patient type (can be included Customer Portraits) These differences in physician behavior by patient situation can also lead to different messages in Choice 7,Intersections of Physician Segments and Patient Types (captures differences in physician behavior by patient type),Data Sources Use existing data sources to identify relevant patient types that should “intersect” with physician segments Disease states identified in brands Market Map (Choice 1) Use patient flow created in Business Opportunity (Choice 2) to identify stages where different patient types result in different physician behaviors,Worksheet,Module I, Step 4b: 创造客户的Create Customer Portraits,Behaviors,Demographics and Environment,Aesthetic, emotional, functional, self-expressive, or financial state desired experience Desired product benefits & attributes during product purchase and usage Preferred information channels & vehicles,Category, product and brand beliefs & associations Brand awareness Brand consideration and preference Beliefs about themselves Beliefs about payors and their influence on prescribing behavior Beliefs about information channels & vehicles,Who they are specialty, practice type, practice patterns, # of patients, etc. etc. Economic environment insurance coverage, payor influence, etc. Social, organizational and physical environment,Learning Behaviors How they acquire information (preferred channels, KOLs, reactive vs. proactive, etc.),Desired Experience,Beliefs and Associations,Customer Portrait,A Customer Portrait provides deep insight into each segment by explaining segment behavior and the motivations for that behavior,Treatment behavior Prescribing behavior volume and frequency Reimbursement behavior,Worksheet,Module I, Step 4b: Creating Customer Portraits,Customer Portraits help in the selection of target segments by providing deeper insight into segment behavior and its drivers Customer Portraits consolidate all the segment data available, turn it into customer insight, and present it in a clear way Customer Portraits are enduring and useful communication vehicles beyond the purpose of segmentation Teams can refer back to Customer Portraits while developing segment-specific value propositions / messages and while selecting segment-specific levers / tactics,Customer Portraits should be integrated with segmentation; each should map to a specific customer segment identified in Module I Customer Portraits should be consistent with other choices made and overall Business Opportunities Creating Customer Portraits is an iterative process Data can be added at any time Focus / scope can be changed to reflect new choices made (e.g., new Business Opportunity, new segmentation, new messaging),Developing Customer Portraits,Customer Portraits Benefits,模型 I, 步骤 4b: 定制关键问题: Physician Customer Portrait (1 of 4),What is this segment like demographically? Age? Gender? Location? What is their specialty? Tenure? Academic affiliation? What is the size of their practice? What types of patients do they see? What is the context / environment they are in? Are they in a hospital or office setting? Rural / urban? What treatments / classes / brands can they choose from? What opportunities / constraints are present? How much time do they spend on direct patient care? With each patient? How familiar are they with this environment? With this condition / disease? With their patients? With their treatment options? What responsibilities do they have to meet? Who are the main influencers of their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior? What influence do patients, other physicians, and guidelines have on their decisions? What is their economic environment like? What influence do payors have on their decisions? What influence does insurance coverage / formulary status have on their decisions? What is the size of this segment? Other key questions specific to brand / market situation,人口统计与环境因素,样本问题,Note: The above lists consists of generic questions which should be customized for each brand / market,Tips / Best Practices Demographic and environmental variables are usually highly actionable variables that can serve as markers for less actionable variables that may have been used to define segments,Module I, Step 4b: 定制关键问题: Physician Customer Portrait (2 of 4),What type of experience do they want for themselves and for different patient types? What functional / emotional benefits are most important? What would they like to see in drugs clinical profile? What are the most important attributes? How does that vary by patient type? How do they want the product to be self expressive of themselves? How do they want to treat / prescribe to different patient types? What do they want / expect from payors? What are their expectations in terms of pricing / coverage? What type of information and sources do they want? How do they want it to be communicated? Do they prefer to actively seek information, or would they rather receive unsolicited information? How frequently does they want updates? What level of detail do they prefer? Other key questions specific to brand / market situation,渴望获得的经验,样本问题,Note: The above lists consists of generic questions which should be customized for each brand / market,These questions will be particularly important lever selection (Choice 8),Module I, Step 4b: Customize Key Questions: Physician Customer Portrait (3 of 4),What do they believe about different treatments / classes / brands and their attributes / benefits? How satisfied are they with each? How do they feel about switching? Compliance? Side effects? How do they feel about different patient types, their behaviors, and how they should be treated? What do they believe about treatment guidelines? What drives their choices? (efficacy, evidence-based, leading-edge, convenience, etc.) To what extent are they loyal to specific brands or classes of drug? How critical are different indications? What degree of experience / familiarity do they have with different treatments / classes / brands? What do they believe about different information sources? How important is timeliness and degree of detail? What do they believe about themselves as physicians and specifically with regards to this disease / condition? What do they believe about payors? How do they feel about the price of the product? Do they believe payors influence their prescribing behavior? How? Other key questions specific to brand / market situation,Beliefs and Associations,Sample Questions,Note: The above lists consists of generic questions which should be customized for each brand / market,Module I, Step 4b: Customize Key Questions: Physician Customer Portrait (4 of 4),What treatments / classes / brands do they prescribe? How often and how much do they prescribe (Rx behavior) each? In what occasions do they prescribe each? What do they do for different patient types? How often do they switch? Under what circumstances do they try or sample brands? What is their reimbursement behavior? Other key questions specific to brand / market situation Learning Behaviors Where does the physician look for information on the drug? What methods of communication do they use (e.g., publications, interactions with others, conferences, sales force)? Will this segment actively seek information about this drug/indication? How frequently does the get updated with the latest information? How much background and detail does this segment require to change perceptions/beliefs?,处方行为,Sample Questions,Note: The above lists consists of generic questions which should be customized for each brand / market,These questions will be particularly important lever selection (Choice 8),Tips / Best Practices Treatment behaviors are usually highly actionable variables that can serve as markers for less actionable variables that may have been used to define segments,Module I, Step 4b: Customize Key Questions: Patient Customer Portrait,What type of experience do they want for themselves? What functional / emotional benefits are most important? How do they want their condition, treatment, lifestyle to be self expressive of themselves? How do they want to gather or receive information? What type of information and sources do they want? What timeliness and degree of detail? How do they want to be treated by their physicians? What type of interaction do they want to have with their physicians?,What do they believe about different treatments / classes / brands and their attributes / benefits? How satisfied are they with their current treatment? How do they feel about switching? Side effects? What do they believe is their role in treatment? How do they feel about successful vs. failed therapy? How do they feel about different physician types? What degree of experience / familiarity do they have with their condition and different treatments / classes / brands? What do they believe about different information sources? How important is timeliness and degree of detail? How important is price to the patient in purchasing a drug?,What is this segment like demographically? What is the context / environment they are in? What conditions do they have and how severe are they? How critical is this condition to their quality of life? How long since they were diagnosed? How long since they started drug therapy? What line of therapy are they on? What treatments have they been on before? What type of doctors do they see? Where? How often? What type of health coverage do they have? What physicians / treatments are accessible to them? What opportunities / constraints are present? How familiar are they with their environment, disease, treatment, etc.? Is their behavior influenced by others? If so,


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