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PPT制作及播放:,Man and Nature modern life and chemical ecology,一、相关人员与组织的介绍,Kirkpatrick Sale,Murray Bookchin,Christopher Manes,George Sessions,Paul Howe Shepard, Jr.,Arne Dekke Eide Nss,Murray Bookchin,澳洲原住民,Earth First(地球优先),Kirkpatrick Sale 柯克帕特里克塞尔 Life and work 柯克帕特里克塞尔,1937年生于纽约,美国独立学者,新分离论理论家。主要作品有伊甸园之后:人类统治的进化、反抗未来:勒德分子及他们在工业革命时期的斗争等。 Kirkpatrick Sale柯克帕特里克塞尔 (born in Ithaca, New York, June 27, 1937) is an independent scholar and author who has written prolifically about political decentralism, environmentalism, luddism and technology. He has been described as having a “philosophy unified by decentralism“ and as being “a leader of the Neo-Luddites,“ an “anti-globalization leftist,“ and “the theoretician for a new secessionist movement.“,Sale grew up in Cayuga Heights, Ithaca, New York, and would later say of the village that he “spent most of my first twenty years there, and that has made an imprint on meon my philosophy, social attitudes, certainly on my politicsthat has lasted powerfully for the rest of my life.“ He graduated from Cornell University, majoring in history, in 1958. He served as editor of the student-owned and managed newspaper, the Cornell Daily Sun. Sale was one of the leaders of the May 23, 1958 protest against university policies forbidding male and female students fraternizing and its “in loco parentis“ policy. Sale and his friend and roommate Richard Farina, and three others, were charged by Cornell. The protest was described in Farinas 1966 novel, Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me. In 1958 he collaborated with Thomas Pynchon on an unproduced futuristic musical called “Minstrel Island.“ Upon graduating in 1958, Sale married Faith Apfelbaum, who later worked as an editor with Thomas Pynchon, Kurt Vonnegut, Joseph Heller and Amy Tan. Faith died in 1999.,Sale worked initially in journalism for the leftist journal New Leader, “a magazine founded in 1924 in part by socialists Norman Thomas and Eugene Debs,“ and the New York Times Magazine, before becoming a freelance journalist. He spent time in Ghana and wrote his first book about it. His second book, SDS, was about the radical 1960s group Students for a Democratic Society, of which he was a founder. The book “is still considered one of the best sources on the youth activist organization that helped define 1960s radicalism.“ In 1968, he signed the “Writers and Editors War Tax Protest” pledge, vowing to refuse tax payments in protest against the Vietnam War. Subsequent books explored radical decentralism, bioregionalism, environmentalism, the Luddites and similar themes. He “has been a regular contributor to progressive magazines like Mother Jones and The Nation for the better part of his writing career,“ and has continued to write for those publications, as well as for The American Conservative,CounterPunch, The New York Review of Books, and the Utne Reader. Sale presented public affairs programming for WBAI in the early 1980s and has made appearances on alternative radio over the years. Sale has donated 16 boxes of materialstypescripts, galley proofs, correspondence, etc.for each one of his books to the archives at Cornell University (2BKroch Library, Cornell, Ithaca, 14853), where they are available for public inspection.,Murray Bookchin Murray Bookchin (January 14, 1921 July 30, 2006) was an American libertarian socialist author, orator, and philosopher. A pioneer in the ecology movement, Bookchin was the founder of the social ecology movement within anarchist, libertarian socialist and ecological thought. He was the author of two dozen books on politics, philosophy, history, and urban affairs as well as ecology. In the late 1990s he became disenchanted with the strategy of political Anarchism and founded his own libertarian socialist ideology called Communalism. Bookchin was born in New York City to Russian Jewish immigrants. He grew up in the Bronx, where his grandmother, Zeitel, a Socialist Revolutionary, imbued him with Russian populist ideas。 Bookchin was an anti-capitalist and vocal advocate of the decentralisation of society along ecological and democratic lines. His writings on libertarian municipalism, a theory of face-to-face, assembly democracy, had an influence on the Green movement and anti-capitalist direct action groups such as Reclaim the Streets.,默里布克金(Murray Bookchin,1921-2006),生前系美国新泽西拉马波学院教授、佛蒙特社会生态学研究所(ISE)创始人,主要研究领域是社会生态学和环境政治理论,相关著作包括我们的人工环境、后稀缺无政府主义、走向一种生态社会、城市化的兴起与公民权的衰弱、重建社会和社会生态学的哲学等。 莫里布克金(1921年1月14日2006年7月30日)生于纽约,父母为俄国犹太裔移民。早年曾参加共产党活动,因不满其集权专制倾向转而投身无政府主义研究。美国自由社会主义者,政治家、哲学家,环境主义者、生态保护主义者,无神论者,演说家、作家。他的大半个人生中,都称自己是一位坚贞的无政府主义者。代表作自由生态学。,Murray Bookchin,Christopher Manes Biography In her book Coyotes and Town Dogs: Earth First! and the Environmental Movement (published by the University of Arizona Press), nature writer Susan Zakin observes that Christopher Manes, a former Earth First! Activist and associate editor of the Earth First! Journal, wrote a 1987 article for the Journal using the pseudonym “Miss Anne Thropy.” The article argues: “As radical environmentalists, we can see AIDS not as a problem, but a necessary solution” to what he viewed as human destruction of the earth. In 1990 Manes wrote Green Rage: Radical Environmentalism and the Unmaking of Civilization, in which he called for a severe reduction in the earths human population - and the elimination of fossil fuel use, cattle production, and commercial logging, among other policies. Since then, Manes has withdrawn from the Earth First! movement. “I was pretty radical back then,” he says, “But you grow up.” Manes more recently began advocating animal welfare from a religious perspective. He wrote Rediscovering the Spirituality of Animals in 1997.,澳洲原住民(Indigenous Australians)是最早居住在澳洲大陆及其附近岛屿的民族。自欧洲人来澳定居前至今,仍然有土著居住在澳洲。 澳洲原住民泛指所有世代居在澳洲,拥有传统土地的土著,包括澳洲大陆、塔斯马尼亚岛、离岸岛屿和托雷斯海峡群岛。他们也被称为土著(Aborigines)。托雷斯海峡位于澳洲最北端与新几内亚之间,该岛的土著也称为托雷斯海峡岛民(Torres Strait Islanders)。,Arne Dekke Eide Nss (27 January 1912 12 January 2009) was a Norwegian philosopher who inspired the Deep Ecology movement.6 Nss asserted that environmental groups of the time were only addressing shallow ecological issues which did not aim to change the institutional causes of these problems, but rather only address the symptoms. He emphasized the equal right of all living things to thrive.7 Nss cited Rachel Carsons 1962 book Silent Spring as being a key influence in his vision of deep ecology. Nss combined his ecological vision with Gandhian nonviolence and on several occasions participated in direct action. In 1970, together with a large number of demonstrators, he chained himself to rocks in front of Mardalsfossen, a waterfall in a Norwegian fjord, and refused to descend until plans to build a dam were dropped. Though the demonstrators were carried away by police and the dam was eventually built, the demonstration launched a more activist phase of Norwegian environmentalism.8 In 1958, Arne Nss founded the interdisciplinary journal of philosophy Inquiry.9,Arne Dekke Eide Nss,Paul Howe Shepard, Jr. (June 12, 1925 July 27, 1996) was an American environmentalist and author best known for introducing the “Pleistocene paradigm“ to deep ecology. His works have attempted to establish a normative framework in terms of evolutionary theory and developmental psychology. He offers a critique of sedentism/civilization and advocates modeling human lifestyles on those of nomadic prehistoric humans. He explores the connections between domestication, language, and cognition. Based on his early study of modern ethnographic literature examining contemporary nature-based peoples, Shepard created a developmental model for understanding the role of sustained contact with nature in healthy human psychological development, positing that humans, having spent 99% of their social history in hunting and gathering environments, are therefore evolutionarily dependent on nature for proper emotional and psychological growth and development. Drawing from ideas of neoteny, Shepard postulated that many humans in post-agricultural society are often not fully mature, but are trapped in infantilism or an adolescent state. He died of lung cancer on July 21, 1996 in Salt Lake City.1,Paul Howe Shepard, Jr.,George Sessions George Sessions Perry (May 5, 1910-December 13, 1956) was an American novelist, World War II correspondent and one of the highest paid popular magazine contributors of his time. He is remembered best for his 1941 novel Hold Autumn in Your Hand, which won the National Book Award and the Texas Institute of Letters award in 1941. In 1945, famed French director Jean Renoir directed The Southerner, based on Hold Autumn in Your Hand, starring Zachary Scott and Beulah Bondi. The critical praise and comparisons to John Steinbeck established Perry as one of the top writers of his era. Born in Rockdale, Texas, he was the only son of Andrew Perry, a businessman who owned the local drug store, and Laura Perry, who set the social scene in Rockdale. After the death of his father in 1922 and the suicide of his mother a year later, George lived with his maternal grandmother Mai Van de Venter, whom he later immortalized in his book My Granny Van, and his Uncle Perry. He spent a year at Southwestern University in nearby Georgetown, the first of three attempts at a college education that included stints at Southwestern, Purdue and the University of Houston, never earning a degree. At Southwestern he met Claire Hodges, daughter of a Beaumont medical doctor who rode out the devastating 1900 hurricane in Galveston, Texas。,Earth First(地球优先) Earth First is a radical environmental advocacy group1 that emerged in the Southwestern United States in 1979. It was co-founded on April 4th, 19802 by Dave Foreman, Mike Roselle, Howie Wolke, and less directly, Bart Koehler and Ron Kezar.3 There are Earth First groups in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Belgium, Philippines, Czech Republic, India, Mexico, France, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Nigeria, Slovakia, Ireland, Italy, and Spain. During the groups early years (19791986), Earth First mixed publicity stunts (such as rolling a plastic “crack“ down Glen Canyon Dam) with far-reaching wilderness proposals that reportedly went beyond what mainstream environmental groups were willing to advocate (with conservation biology research from a biocentric perspective). On May 23, 1985, Mike Jakubal made the first Earth First! tree sit. Starting in the mid-1980s, Earth First began an increasing promotion of and identification with “Deep Ecology“, a philosophy put forward by Arne Nss, Bill Devall, and George Sessions, which holds that all forms of life on Earth have equal value in and of themselves, without regard for their utility to human beings。,地球优先(Earth First!,简称EF)1是1979年在美国西南部兴起的激进环境主义组织2。 受雷切尔卡森的寂静的春天、奥尔多利奥波德的土地伦理和爱德华阿比(Edward Abbey)的故意破坏帮(The Monkey Wrench Gang)的启示,一群行动主义者发誓:“保卫地球母亲,决不妥协!”(No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth!)环境主义行动分子戴夫佛曼(Dave Foreman)、前易比士(青年国际党)Mike Roselle、怀俄明州荒野协会代表Bart Koehler和Howie Wolke,以及土地管理局职员Ron Kezar乘坐佛曼的大众汽车,从墨西哥北部的Pincate沙漠(Pincate Desert)到新墨西哥州,地球优先!的标识:活动板手和石头锤子 在美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、荷兰、比利时、菲律宾、捷克共和国、印度、墨西哥、法国、德国、新西兰、波兰、尼日利亚、斯洛伐克、爱尔兰、意大利和西班牙都有地球优先!的团体。3,二:Socialist Scholars Conference社会主义学者会议 社会主义学者会议是美国社会主义学者的大型年会。近20年来,每年四月中旬的第一个周末,美国激进的活动家、社会主义者、女性主义和民主主义学者会聚一堂,商谈当代社会发展的理论和实践问题,形成了美国马克思主义活动的传统。20年来,社会主义学者会议的形式并没有改变,但每年的主题都会变化。因为每年会议的主题都是围绕着世界发展中的最前沿问题和最新的社会思潮展开的,世界历史的变化,尤其是最重大历史事件的发生,都会成为下一年度会议的新主题。可以说,社会主义学者会议体现了马克思主义研究的最新动向。因此,社会主义学者会议吸引了越来越多的马克思主义学者和组织。现在,社会主义学者会议已经成为世界马克思主义学者的年会。,三、各学院介绍及其背景和意义,Institute for Social Ecology(社会生态学院),Californias Sierra College加利福尼亚山脉学院,Institute for Social Ecology(社会生态学院) The Institute for Social Ecology is an educational institution in the United States offering courses related to social ecology, an anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian strain of ecology that is a form of libertarian socialism. It was founded in 1974 by Murray Bookchin and Daniel Chodorkoff. Historically, the Institute for Social Ecology has been a pioneer in the exploration of ecological approaches to food production, alternative technologies, and urban design, and has played an essential, catalytic role in movements to challenge nuclear power, global injustices and unsustainable biotechnologies, while building participatory, community-based alternatives. Established in 1974 and incorporated in 1981, the ISE is an independent institution of higher education dedicated to the study of social ecology, an interdisciplinary field drawing on philosophy, political and social theory, anthropology, history, economics, the natural sciences, and feminism. The ISE has offered intensive summer programs, a year-round B.A. degree program, workshops on issues such as biotechnology, fall and winter lecture series, internship opportunities, and a speakers bureau. In addition, the ISE is involved in research as well as publishing and activist projects. It is the ISEs core belief that the human potential to play a creative role in natural and social evolution can be realized, thereby allowing us to foster communities free from hierarchy, social inequity, and ecological degradation.,Californias Sierra College加利福尼亚山脉学院 Sierra College, a California community college, has its main campus located in Rocklin, California. Rocklin is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, approximately twenty minutes from the state capital of Sacramento and 105 miles (169 km) east of San Francisco. The campus lies within the watershed of Secret Ravine, a site of mining operations during the California Gold Rush. In addition to the 300


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