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综合模拟预测卷(八) 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What dessert will the man order?AIce cream. BA chocolate cake. CNothing.2What will the man do this weekend?AGo to the movies with the woman.BCelebrate his sisters birthday.CGo skiing with his parents.3What does the man ask the woman to do?AHelp him paint his bedroom.BMake lunch for him.CTake care of his brother.4Who is the woman?AA waitress. BA doctor. CA driver.5What is the man doing?AHaving an interview.BTalking with his boss.CWriting a rsum.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6What size shoes did the woman wear last year?A6. B7. C8.7Why have the womans feet been hurting?AHer shoes are too small.BShe walks too much each day.CHer shoes are of very low quality.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Where is the woman going?ATo her house.BTo an appointment.CTo West 22nd Street.9What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman is in a rush.BIt is going to rain soon.CThe traffic is heavy at the moment.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Who are the speakers?AGirlfriend and boyfriend.BTeacher and student.CDirector and actor.11How does the man appear to the woman?AHurt. BMad. CHappy.12What does the woman want the man to do?AExpress his sad feelings.BShow more anger.CTake a break.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the speakers mainly talking about?AThe origin of soccer.BTheir understanding of soccer.CThe difference between football and basketball.14How long has the man been in London?AOne year. BTwo years. CThree years.15What does the man think of soccer?AIt is a confusing sport.BIts not fast enough.CIts not violent enough.16What does the woman say about the Euro 2015?AThere are a lot of goals.BShe has watched every game.CShe likes the variety of playing styles.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Who is the speaker?AA TV host.BA radio host.CA professor.18What did the study conducted by Harvard University find?AFast readers get the best grades.BParents education is important to kids success.CMore books at home most relate to kids success in school.19According to the speaker,what is the best part of reading?AIts a fun activity.BIts relaxing at bedtime.CIts a great way to communicate.20When should parents start to read to their kids?AAs early as possible.BWhen their kids learn to speak.CAs soon as their kids can hold a book.听力原文Text 1M:I think Ill have ice cream for dessert.What would you like to have?W:The chocolate cake looks delicious to me.But I want to lose weight.Text 2W:Do you have any plans for this weekend,John?M:Im actually supposed to go out of town with my parents.Its my dads birthday,and they invited my sister and I to go skiing with them.W:Oh,that sounds nice!I was going to ask if you wanted to go to the movies with me.M:How about next weekend?Text 3M:Josie,would you mind helping me paint my bedroom tomorrow?My brother was going to help me,but he broke his arm yesterday.I will make you lunch.what do you say?W:Of course I will help you,Oliver.I am sorry to hear about your brothers arm.I hope he feels better soon.Text 4M:How do you figure out the fare?W:Well,the first five kilometers are $5,and every extra kilometer costs you $3.Text 5W:Do you have any experience of doing this kind of work,Mr.Jacobs?M:Im afraid I dont,madam,but Ive always been interested in this type of work.And I have a lot of other experience,as you can see from my rsum.Text 6M:Hello,madam.What can I do for you?W:My feet hurt.I think I need some new shoes.M:What size do you wear?W:The last time I bought new shoes was about a year ago,and at that time,my size was 7.M:Well,once you get to be in your twenties,your feet will stop growing,so your size is probably still 7.But lets measure them just in case.W:OK.so,that does it say?M:Well,it looks like your size is 8.No wonder your feet have been hurting.Youve been wearing shoes that are one size smaller!Text 7W:Whew!Thanks for stopping.Sometimes it can be impossible to get a cab in the rain.M:No worries.Where to?W:Im going to Fifth Avenue and East 22nd Street.No rush hour.Im one of the lucky ones.Usually,I would have an appointment around this time,but today I get to go home early!M:Thats great,madam.Ill try to get you home as early as possible.Text 8W:OK,thats a cut!Lets take it from the top,everyone.M:What is the problem this time?W:The feeling is all wrong,Mike.She is telling you that she doesnt want to see you anymore,and I want to get more anger from you.Youre acting hurt and sad,but thats not how your character would act in this situation.M:But Jason and Laura have been together for three years.Dont you think his reaction would be both anger and sadness?W:At this point,no.I think he would react the way most guys would,and then later on,we would see his real feelings.M:Im not so sure about that.W:Lets try it my way,and you can see how you feel when youre saying your lines.After that,if it still doesnt feel right,we can go back to the drawing board.Text 9W:Have you been watching the Euro 2015 football tournament?M:Just a bit.Why,have you?W:Of course!Ive really started to like football since I came to London.Just think,a year ago,I was still in Montreal and didnt know anything about it.M:Well,Im from New Jersey.Americans arent so into football.Actually,we call it soccer.When Americans say “football”,what we mean is American rules football.Ive been here two years now,and I still get confused when people call soccer “football”W:I know all about America.For you,“football” means the sport where those big guys wear helmets and violently run into each other.M:Yeah.Americans prefer watching sports that are fast,like basketball.I think basketball players are the greatest athletes on earth.What they can do just amazes me.But when I watch a soccer match,I just get bored.There arent enough goals.W:Well,I see what youre saying,but theres so much more to “soccer”,as you call it,than goals.Therere a lot of strategies involved.And in a tournament like the Euro 2015,its fascinating to see how the different countries have different styles of playing.Text 10Welcome back to Modern Parenting.Weve already talked about being open and honest with your kids,but there is one thing that all good parents do,and its surprisingly simple:read to your kids.Studies show that children are better prepared for school and tend to get better grades later on if their parents have a habit of reading to them from a young age.One study from Harvard University found that the number of books in the home was the single biggest factor related to success in school,more than the education or income of the parents!Reading is fun,and it can be an important part of relaxing at bedtime.Best of all,it gives parents an opportunity to communicate with their children and teach them about the world.Its never too early to start reading to your children.Many parents buy books for their kids long before they can talk,and some even start reading to their children before they are born!Trips to the library or the bookstore can be fun activities.or young families to do together.So parents,if youre wondering what to do with your kids tonight,remember:all you need is a good book!Thats all for Modern Partenting.This is Lesley,on 105.7 FM,saying good night.答案1.A2.C3.A4.C5.A6.B7.A8.A 9C10.C11.A12.B13.B14.B15.B16.C 17B18.C19.C20.A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A“The Man with the Golden Arm” may sound like the name of some superhero in a comic book.But this name belongs to 78-year-old James Harrisonan Australian man who has donated blood almost every week,saving more than 2 million babies in the process.Harrison told CNN,an American channel,about why he chooses to donate,even though its not the most pleasurable experience:“Never once have I watched the needle go in my arm.I cant stand the sight of blood,and I cant stand pain.”An amazingly unique antibody (抗体) in Harrisons blood makes it a true lifesaver for babies who could be affected by rhesus disease.The condition occurs during some pregnancies,when a woman who has rhesus-negative blood produces antibodies that destroy her babies cells.This can happen when the baby has the same rhesus-positive blood as the father.Rhesus disease can cause health issues in babies.It can even result in death.Harrisons blood helped physicians develop an injection called Anti-D in the 1960s,which prevents women who have rhesus-negative blood from developing the harmful antibodies while pregnant.After Harrison completes one of his routine donations,his blood can be used to create more vaccines (疫苗)“I started donating in 1955,two days after I turned 18,” Harrison said when he completed his 1,075th donation.As CNN reported,every Anti-D vaccine created in Australia has something to do with a donation from Harrison,who holds the record for most blood donations in Australia.“A number of mothers have come up to me and said,Thank you very much for what youve done,because I now have one,two,three healthy children,” Harrison said.Harrisons own daughter,Tracey Mellowship,had been one of the 17 percent of women who need Anti-D during their pregnancy.The injection helped guarantee her second son would be born healthy.“Dad had always donatedwe knew that,” Mellowship said.“But it didnt hit home until I was pregnant and knew the consequences.”【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。澳大利亚一位老翁的血液中含有罕见的溶血性疾病抗体,他从18岁开始每周献血,至今已坚持了约60年,拯救了两百多万婴儿的性命。21From the first two paragraphs we can infer that Harrison is_Ahumorous and smart Bbrave and unselfishCfriendly but nervous Doptimistic but weak答案B推理判断题。根据第一段中的who has donated blood almost every week,saving more than 2 million babies in the process可知,Harrison坚持每周献血,拯救了两百多万婴儿的性命,由此可以看出,他很无私;根据第二段中的Never once have I watched the needle go in my arm.I cant stand the sight of blood,and I cant stand pain可知,Harrison既晕血又怕疼,但他还敢献血,说明他很勇敢。22Babies affected by rhesus disease_Ahave the same blood type as their mothersBdevelop the disease after being bornCcant form blood themselvesDgrow problematic cells答案D细节理解题。根据第四段中的.when a woman who has rhesus-negative blood produces antibodies that destroy her babies cells可知,当溶血性疾病发生时,母亲血液中的抗体会进入胎儿体内破坏胎儿的细胞,导致胎儿出生后有些细胞有缺陷。23Harrisons blood can_Ahelp patients develop Anti-DBavoid the risk of rhesus diseaseCcure rhesus disease affected babiesDstop babies from producing antibodies答案B细节理解题。根据第五段中的Harrisons blood helped physicians develop an injection called Anti-D in the 1960s,which prevents women who have rhesus-negative blood from developing the harmful antibodies while pregnant可知,基于Harrison血液的注射剂可以防止孕妇产生影响胎儿的抗体,避免溶血性疾病的发生。24Before Mellowship was injected Anti-D,her family didnt_Aunderstand the meaning of Harrisons actBexpect she would have another healthy sonCrealize the high rate of potential rhesus diseaseDknow Harrison held a record for donating blood答案A推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,Harrison一家知道他一直在献血,但是直到他的女儿怀孕并需要注射Anti-D时,他的家人才清楚溶血性疾病可能带来的后果,从而理解了他献血的意义。BIt was the middle of third grade and I was not sure what had got into me.I lied about many thingsI lied that I had eaten all my dinner,when in fact I buried it in the trash can.I lied that I had made my bed,when clearly I had not.My lies were not hurting anyone,but for some reason I felt the need to tell lies on an impulse (冲动) that didnt feel like my own.I was labeled a liar.One day my sisters and I were invited to spend the weekend with my aunt.We all loved it.She spoiled us with her time.And she was an amazing artist.She had cool pencils,erasers and other supplies that any young girl would love to get her hands on.Then it happened.someone took one of Aunt Kims good art erasers and rubbed it across the entire top of the TV.The eraser ruined the shiny finish on the TVs casing.All the three of us were called into the TV room and asked to admit.Nobody did!Aunt Kim told us how disappointed she was.The next thing I knew was that she was on the phone with my parents and they were on their way to picking me up.It had to be me! I was the liar.I argued,but no one listened.And then before dinner there was a knock at the front door! Aunt Kim was standing there.It turned out my younger sister finally felt guilty! She admitted that she was the one who rubbed the eraser on the TV.I was invited back!A lie may take care of the present,but it has no future.No matter how big or small your lies are,once you are labeled a liar,earning trust takes a lot of work and time.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者为自己的撒谎行为付出代价的故事。25Why does the author tell lies?AShe just does that out of a strong desire.BShe can find pleasure in telling a lie.CShe is afraid to admit her mistakes.DShe likes to play tricks on others.答案A推理判断题。根据第一段的“My lies were not hurting anyone,but for some reason I felt the need to tell lies on an impulse (冲动) that didnt feel like my own”可知作者撒谎是出于一种难以抑制的冲动。26What may make Aunt Kim disappointed most?AThe TVs finish was ruined.BThe author told a lie again.CNobody admitted the mistake.DThe erasers were totally useless.答案C推理判断题。根据第二段的叙述,尤其是“Nobody did!Aunt Kim told us how disappointed she was”可推知,姑姑之所以感到失望是因为没有一个人承认这个错误。27Whats the reaction of the authors parents and aunt to the incident?AThey felt puzzled about who did it.BNone of them blamed the three girls.CThey gave the author a chance to admit.DThey believed it was done by the author.答案D细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The next thing I knew was that she was on the phone with my parents and they were on their way to picking me up.It had to be me”可知,因为作者经常撒谎,作者的父母和姑姑都认为是作者做了那件事。28What lesson did the author learn?AA bad beginning makes a bad ending.BA liar pays a lot to win trust again.CLies can never change the fact.DAn honest man will speak out.答案B推理判断题。根据最后一段的“No matter how big or small your lies are,once you are labeled a liar,earning trust takes a lot of work and time”可知,作者通过自己的亲身经历明白了一个道理:撒谎的人如果想重新赢得他人的信任需要花费很多时间和努力。CWe are looking for someone to look after our boys in our family home and take them to and pick them up from school.Hours would be 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm to 5:15 pm.We need you Monday to Friday in the morning and Tuesday to Friday in the afternoon.We would like you to have fun with the boys,take them to the park,and play games.Fantastic if you like basketball or play the piano.This might suit someone who already works in a school or educational institution and is looking for additional hours.This will start on Monday 7th September and you will be required term time onlywe both work in education.Pay to be discussed.Smith,LondonWe are looking for a friendly reliable person to assist my 7-year-old with personal care.She is partially deaf with autism (自闭症) and needs assistance with using the toilet.She is friendly and likes people with a sense of humor.You need get her dressed for the day,take her to the taxi outside the house during term time,and pick her up from the taxi at 3 pm.Two evenings babysitting per week.Immediate starts,no time-wasters.Pocket money is negotiable for 35 hours per week.Gillingham,KentWe are a professional family with 2 boys and are looking for some after-school and holiday help.The boys are very sporty and attend after-school clubs so we will need this person to pick them up from school and take them to football and help with homework and cook healthy home-made meals for them during term time.We would also need some support during school holidays and very occasionally overnight if we are both away.We will pay an hourly rate dependent on your experience.We are looking for a September start preferably! Brown,Berkshire【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章是招聘保姆的广告。29If you worked for Smith,how long would you have to work in a week?A9 hours. B10 hours.C13 hours. D15 hours.答案C推理判断题。由第一段中的Hours would be 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm to 5:15 pm.We need you Monday to Friday in the morning and Tuesday to Friday in the afternoon可知,周一工作1小时,周二至周五每天工作3小时,故每周工作13小时。30Whats special about Gillinghams needs?AThey need someone who can work with children.BThey need someone who can send children to school.CThey need someone who can begin to work in no time.DThey need someone who can provide evening babysitting.答案C细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句Immediate starts,no time-wasters可知。31We can learn that Brown_Ais strict with his sons studiesBstresses the importance of sportsCwill pay the babysitter by the weekDis too busy to take care of his sons答案D细节理解题。由第三段开头的We are a professional family及他招聘保姆的要求可知,Brown是上班族,无暇照顾孩子。DSay youre in the supermarket parking lot,holding your baby,bags of goods,and trying to open your car.A stranger walks up and says,“ Here,let me hold your baby.” Should you let him?According to a new New York University study,knowing whether or not to trust someone is so important that we can tell whether a face is trustworthy before we even consciously know its there. The researchers knew from previous studies that people are fairly similar when it comes to how they judge a faces trustworthiness. They wanted to find out whether that would be true if people only saw a face for a quick momentan amount of time so short that it would prevent making a consciou


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