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Period SixGrammar & Writing.用所给词的适当形式填空1China sent up Shenzhou manned spaceship into space successfully,which shows science and technology have been developing (develop) rapidly in China.2Years ago we didnt know this,but recent science has shown (show) that people who dont sleep well get ill easily.3The two friends have been chatting (chat) on the Internet for three hours,and they will go on till next morning.4How long have you been working (work) in the factory? Since 1990.5The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,and their power has been (be) increased enormously ever since.6Do you regret not having gone abroad? Not at all.I havent earned (not,earn) much,but Im glad to contribute to our motherland.阅读理解AWe lived in a very quiet neighborhood.One evening I heard a loud crash in the street.Earlier that evening my wife had asked me to go to the store to get some soft drinks.It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly practice her driving,so I sent her to the store in my truck.At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my truck.I enjoyed having it,but I said,“Guy,my heart is not set on that truck.I like it but it is just metal and wont last forever.Never set your heart on anything that wont last.”After hearing the loud noise,the whole family ran outside.My son shouted,“Dad!Dad,Holloy crashed your truck.”My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting thoughts.Was anyone hurt?Who else was involved?As I ran to the door,I heard a voice in my heart say,“Here is a chance to show Holly what you really love.Shell never forget it.”The accident had occurred in my own driveway.Holly had crashed my truck into our other vehicle,the family van.In her inexperience,she had confused the brakes and the gas pedal.Holly was unhurt physically,but when I reached her,she was crying and saying,“Oh,Dad,Im sorry.I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.Later that week a friend stopped by and asked what had happened to my truck.I told her the whole story.Her eyes moistened and she said,“That happened to me when I was a girl.I borrowed my dads car and ran into a log that had fallen across the road.I ruined the car.When I got home my dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.”Over 40 years later,she still felt the pain of the night.It was a deep wound on her soul.I remember how sad Holly was the night she crashed our truck,and how I comforted her.One day,when Holly thinks back on her life,I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of property.I repaired the van,but the dent(凹痕) in my truck is still there today.Every day it reminds me of what really matters in my life.1Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?AAll Is Well That Ends Well BHow to Educate Children CWhat Really MattersDHe Who Makes No Mistakes Makes Nothing答案C解析标题归纳题。根据文章最后一句“Every day it reminds me of what really matters in my life.”可知本文讲什么是重要的,故选C。2According to the passage,the underlined word “moistened” can be replaced by “ ”Awere closed Blit upCwere wide open Dbecame wet答案D解析词义猜测题。根据本段最后一句“When I got home my dad knocked me to the ground and began to kick me.”和下一段的“Over 40 years later,she still felt the pain of the night.It was a deep wound on her soul.”可以猜出他的朋友讲她的经历时眼里有眼泪,故选D。3According to the passage,it was because that the crash was caused.AHolly mistook the gas pedal for the brakes BHolly was drinking a soft drink while drivingCsomething was wrong with the brakesDthe family van was parked in the wrong place答案A解析细节理解题。根据第五段中“.she had confused the brakes and the gas pedal.”可知Holly当时误把油门当刹车踩了,故选A。4The main purpose of the passage is to inform readers that .Ait makes no sense to punish the children when they make mistakes Blove is more important than possessions Cit is dangerous to let children drive at an early ageDwe should always forgive others mistakes答案B解析写作意图题。根据倒数第二段“.I want her to know that I love her a thousand times more than any piece of property.”可知爱大于一切,故选B。BEverybody loves to play board games sometimes,but it is surprising to know how long this pastime has been in existence.Some of the earliest board games are over 5,000 years old.The oldest is probably Senet,an Ancient Egyptian game which has been found in burials from before 3000 BC.The game involves an element of luck,and so it was thought by the Ancient Egyptians that those who won the game were protected by God.For this reason,games of Senet were often buried alongside the dead body,to be used on the dangerous journey to the afterlife.The game can also be seen on a number of paintings in tombs.The game board is set out as a grid of three by ten rows,and uses two sets of at least five pawns.The actual rules are unknown,although some historians have proposed rules which were used in the Senet sets available today.The Royal Game of Ur,also known as the Game of Twenty Squares,is another ancient game which dates back to the First Dynasty of Ur,in 2600 BC Mesopotamia.It was played with two sets of seven counters,one black and one white,and three foursided dice(骰子)Although the ancient rules are unknown,a stone tablet has been found which describes a reliable record of how the game was played in 177 BC176 BC.Both Senet and the Royal Game of Ur probably came into existence long before the game backgammon(西洋双陆棋),which itself has a long history.The game of Nard,which existed in Iran in around 3000 BC,used two sets of fifteen counters,four dice and the same board as the one used in backgammon today,although the initial starting positions and rules are different.Similar games were played in Ancient Rome and India.5The text is meant to introduce .Aa common origin of board gamesBthe unknown rules of board gamesCseveral kinds of earliest board gamesDthe newly discovered board games答案C解析主旨大意题。文中作者主要对几种早期的棋盘游戏做了简单介绍。故选C项。6What do we know about the game of Senet in Paragraph 1?AIts actual rules are still in use.BIt used to be played in tombs.CIt is probably the oldest board game.DIts design is closely related to God.答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“The oldest is probably Senet.”可知,Senet可能是最古老的棋盘游戏。故选C项。7What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?AA brief introduction to the Royal Game of Ur.BA reliable account of the First Dynasty of Ur.CThe recent discovery of an ancient board game.DThe original rules found in a stone tablet.答案A解析段落大意题。文章第二段主要介绍了the Royal Game of Ur的历史和玩法。故选A项。8What does the underlined word “itself” in the last paragraph refer to?AThe game of Senet.BThe Royal Game of Ur.CThe game backgammon.DThe game of Nard.答案C解析代词指代题。句中的which引导定语从句,指代上文的the game backgammon,itself又是which的同位语。故选C项。.语法填空A:You dont look smart this morning.I can see youre not happy.B:I had never expected this would have happened to me.We 1.had(have) a power failure at home last night.A:How come?Did anyone in the family do anything 2.wrong?B:Youve guessed it.It was all my fathers 3.fault.A:What did he do?B:I was just watching a wonderful football feature program on TV 4.when the lights suddenly went out.A:5.Why was that?B:You see,wed just had our dinner.My mother was washing my jeans in the washing machine.And the air conditioners were on in both rooms.I was in my room 6.watching TV.A:What was your father doing then?B:He wanted to warm his tea in the microwave oven.He plugged it in and the fuse broke.And everything stopped all of 7.a sudden.A:Your nextdoor neighbor is an electrician,isnt he?B:Yes.8.Luckily(luck),he happened to be at home.He came and fixed it up.But 9.it was half an hour later.I had already missed a lot.A:It was an 10.annoying(annoy) experience for a sports fan like you.But dont miss the basketball final this evening.Make sure there is no power failure tonight.短文改错Dr.Einstein was inviting to give lectures all over the United States as soon as he becomes famous.So he got familiar with his driver.One day,her driver asked for Dr.Einstein to let him give the lecture instead of Dr.Einstein.Dr.Einstein agreed because nobody there had never seen him before.When the driver appeared on the platform,he accepted a warm welcome.The driver performed wonderful.But when the driver was about to leave,a young man asked him very difficult question.The driver was very clever.He smiled at Dr.Einstein or said it was such easy that his driver could answer it.答案Dr.Einstein was to give lectures all over the United States as soon as he famous.So he got familiar with his driver.One day, driver asked forDr.Einstein to let him give the lecture instead of Dr.Einstein.Dr.Einstein agreed because nobody there had seen him before.When the driver appeared on the platform,he a warm welcome.The driver performed .But when the driver was about to leave,a young man asked him very difficult question.The driver was very clever.He smiled at Dr.Einstein said it was easy that his driver could answer it.书面表达寒假将至,班级里很多同学都打算去海南度假。就选


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