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Unit 4 Making the news制作新闻晨读记忆An Amateur JournalistJane is a housewife, but delighted to work as an amateur journalist. It is a dilemma for her to rush between family and work, and it is also unusual for the News Department to depend on an amateur to cover crimes. But Jane is really gifted. It is admirable that she is seldom accused of making mistakes. And, eager to become more professional, she concentrates on her job and updates herself now and then.Once she is informed of a new case, her normal working process is as follows: first, she makes appointments with guilty people for interviews. She usually demands to record what they say so as to acquire accurate stories. Meanwhile, a technically good colleague will assist her in taking photographs. Second, she assesses whether they are deliberately hiding the truth. If she is skeptical about their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes thorough stories ahead of the deadline and submits it to the senior chief editor, who polishes and approves every section. Finally, her stories will be published in different editions of their magazine.业余记者 简是一名家庭主妇,但却非常乐意做一名业余记者。在家和工作之间奔波总是使她左右为难,而且对于新闻部来说,依靠一名业余人员来报道罪案也是不同寻常的,但是简真的很有天赋,让人钦佩的是她极少因为犯错而受到责备。因为渴望做得更加专业,她全神贯注于工作,且时不时地就提升自身的业务水平。 一旦接到新案子的通知,她通常的工作程序如下:首先,她和有罪的人约了作采访。为了获得准确的新闻,她通常要求做录音,同时,一位技术上好的同事会协助她拍照;接着,她对受采访的人是否有故意隐瞒真相作出评估。如果她怀疑他们的话,就会亲自调查案件;然后,她在截稿期限前写出详尽的报道,呈交给高级主编,由他对每个部分做润色和批准;最后,她的新闻就发表在杂志的各个版本中了。I.单词盘点1._(n.) 记者;新闻工作者2._(n.) 编辑_(vt.) 编辑;校订_(n.) 版本;版次3._(n.) 照片 (v.)给照相_(n.) 摄影师4._(adj.) 快乐的;欣喜的_(n.) 欣喜;愉快;乐趣 5._(adj.) 值得赞扬的;令人佩服的 _(vt.) 钦佩;欣赏6._ (adj.) 不同寻常的;独特的 _(adv.) 不寻常地;非常 _(adj.) 通常的;平常的 _(adv.) 通常;经常7._(vt.) 帮助;协助;援助 _(n.) 助手;助理;售货员8._(vt.) 递交;呈递(文件等) 9._(n.) 职业;专业 _(adj.) 职业的;专业的 n.专业人员 10. _(n.) 同事11._(adj.) 渴望的;热切的 _(adv.) 渴望地;热切地_(n.) 渴望;热切;热心12._(vi.&vt.)集中;聚集 _(n.) 集中;专心;关注13._(n.) 业余爱好者14._(vt.) 更新;使现代化 15._(vt.) 获得;取得;学到 16. _(vt.) 评估;评定_(n.) 评估;评定17._(vt.) 告知;通知18._ (n.) 最后期限 19._(adv. ) 期间;同时 20. _(n.) 情况;病例;案例21. _(vt.) 指责;谴责;控告 22._(adv.) 故意地 _(adj.) 故意的;蓄意的 23._(adj.) 怀疑的(skeptical) _(adv.) 怀疑地 24._(adj.) 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的_(n.) 内疚;有罪;犯罪 25._(n.) 进退两难的困境;窘境26._(n.) 要求;需求 (vt.) 强烈要求 27._(vt.) 出版;发行;发表;公布28. _(n.) 部分;节 29._(adj.) 技术上的;技巧方面的 _(adv.) 技术上;工艺上 30._(adj.) 彻底的;详尽的31._(adj.) 有天赋的_(n.) 天赋;礼物 32._(n.) 家庭主妇33._(n.) 罪行;犯罪34._(n.) 部门;部;处;系 35._(adj.) 精确的;正确的 _(adj.) 不精确的;不正确的36._(adj.) 年长的;高年级的;高级的37._(vt.) 擦亮;磨光;润色38._(adj.) 主要的;首席的 (n.) 首领;长官39._(vt.) 赞成;认可;批准 _(n.) 赞成;同意;批准40._(v.) 加工;处理(n.)过程;程序;步骤41._(n.) 约会;任命II.短语回顾1.集中;全神贯注于 _2.依靠;依赖 _3.因指责或控告 _4.为了(做) _ 5.在前面 _6.通知某人某事 _7.记在心里 _8.约会;预约 _9.对有敏感的嗅觉 _10.应该;本应 _III.句式扫描1.Never will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.(教材P26)周阳永远也不会忘记他在一家知名的英语报社第一天上班的工作任务。2.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin(HX),was to strongly influence his wife as a journalist.(教材P26)他与他的新老板胡新的讨论对他记者生涯注定会产生重要影响。3.Not only am I interested in potography, but I took an amateur course at my university to update my skills.(教材P26)我不仅仅只是对摄影感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。4.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. (教材P26)只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的信息。5.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?(教材P26)你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你们的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?6.This is how the story goes.(教材P26)这就是故事如何发展的。7.A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win. (教材P26)一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,为了让别的队赢球。8.Only then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.(教材P29)只有在那时我才开始设计一栋新桥梁工作。IV.小试牛刀 .单词填空1.I am very_(delight) to accept it.Thank you for your lovely doll.2.After graduation she got an_(admire) job.3.My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now_(depend)4.He is a_(profession) artist; he lives by selling his pictures.5.I believe the house was_(deliberate) set fire to.6.The figures of the missing will_(publish)tomorrow.7.I wondered if I could have an_(appoint) with the doctor the following day.8._(accuse) of stealing money,the man was brought to court.9.I waited patiently hoping that someone would come to my_(assist)10.We were able to get the_(inform) we needed from the Internet.11.Keep me _(inform)of what happens.12.My father _(approve) of my going abroad. .短语填空concentrate on,accuse.of,make an appointment,be supposed to,so as to,be skeptical about,depend on,ahead of1.If you have _ with a customer,you should keep the time.2._ your study if you want to catch up with the class.3.You can never _ his arriving on time.4.The newlyappointed mayor was_ cheating on his income tax.5.They _ be here an hour ago.6.Can you tell me_time if youre coming?7.China is paying more and more attention to education_catch up with advanced countries in science and technology.8.I_the result of the research.单句填词1.A team of nurses_the doctor to perform the operation last night.(assist)2.Although he has been studying abroad,his parents try to keep him_of what has happened at home.(inform)3.She may be late, in_case we ought to wait for her.4.Her mother demanded that she_the homework on time.(finish)5.It was demanded in the regulation that the books should_to the library within two weeks.(return)6.These flowers demand_.(water)7.We all dont approve of his_in public.(smoke)8.The teacher said that students attention must be_on the efficiency.(concentrate)9.You can depend on_that he will always love you.10.Little _she care about what she looks like; all she cares about is her job performance.11.Not until two days after the earthquake_she find her mother alive.IV. 单句改错1.They demanded that the right to vote was given to every adult.2. We should try to acquire good habit of reading.3. He promised to keep me inform of how project was getting along.4. You can never depend on that he can arrive on time. English or Chinglish?知与不知No no noTeacher:OK class,who can translate the following into English:“知之为知之,不知为不知”?Student:Know is know;no know is no know .知识扩展正确翻译:Be certain of what you know and dont pretend to know things you dont.摘自Kirk Kenny笑死我的英文书参考答案I.单词盘点1.journalist 2.editor;edit;edition 3.photograph;photographer 4.delighted;delight 5.admirable;admire 6.unusual;unusually;usual;usually 7.assist;assistant 8.submit 9.profession;professional 10.colleague 11.eager;eagerly;eagerness 12.concentrate;concentration 13.amateur 14.update 15.acquire 16.assess;assessment 17.inform 18.deadline 19.meanwhile 20.case 21.accuse 22.deliberately ;deliberate 23.sceptical ;sceptically 24.guilty;guilt 25.dilemma 26.demand 27.publish 28.section 29.technical; technically 30.thorough 31.gifted;gift 32.housewife 33.crime 34.department 35.accurate;


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