



Unit 4 Global warming全球变暖晨读记忆 Refresh Our Environment As the director stated on behalf of his researching group, the data of this graph makes a clear presentation of the future environmental tendency. On one hand, the quantity of fuel keeps on decreasing by 9% per year while the growth of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. On the other hand, the mildly but steadily going up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes like widespread floods. Without disagreement, they subscribe to the view that it is humans existence and their randomly consuming energy that result in this phenomenon. Many people have a commitment that developing nuclear power or energy from outer space will stop bad consequences coming about. However, scientists and educators are opposed to this view even if our needs may be met on the whole. They tend to advocate refreshing our circumstances by saving energy and recycling waste. It is suggested that we use energy-saving appliances such as electrical motors, microwaves and so on and not be casual about little things like recycling a can. So please glance around and see what you can do. So long as everybody makes contribution, we will not have to put up with this problem anymore.恢复环境生机正如那位主任代表他的研究小组所说明的那样,这张图表的数据清楚地描述了未来环境的趋势:一方面,燃料的数量以每年9%的速度持续减少,同时,大范围污染的增长已经成为一种全球趋势;另一反面,平均气温轻微却稳定地升高正在造成像广泛的洪涝那样的灾难。无不同意地,他们一致赞成是人类的存在和任意的消耗能源才造成了这一现象。许多人都信奉开发核能和外太空能源会防止糟糕的后果发生的理论,然而,即使这样可以基本上满足我们的需要,科学家和教育家们仍然反对这一观点。他们更倾向于拥护用节省能源和回收废料的方法恢复环境生机,并建议我们要使用节省能源的器具,如电力发动机、微波炉等,还建议我们不要对如回收罐子这种小事漫不经心。因此,看看你身边是否有你能做的事,只要每个人都作出贡献,我们就不必再忍受这个问题的困扰了。I.单词盘点1._(vt.) 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完_(n.) 消费者2._ (n.) 图表;坐标图;曲线图 3._(adj.) 胡乱的;任意的4._(n.) 现象 5._(vi.) 同意;捐赠;订阅(vt.)签署(文件);捐助6._(n.) 燃料7._(n.) 量;数量 _(n.) 质量;品质8._(vi.) 趋向;易于;照顾 (vt.)照顾;护理 9._(prep.) 每;每一 10._(n.) 资料;数据11._(n.) 趋势;倾向;走向 12. _ (n.) 大灾难;浩劫13._(n.) 洪水;洪灾 14._(n.) 干旱;旱灾 15._(vt.) 反对;反抗;与(某人)较量_(adj.) 反对的;对立的16._(adj.) 温和的;温柔的;淡的17._(n.) 结果;后果;影响18._(vt.) 陈述;说明_(n.) 陈述;陈说 19._(n.) 种类;范围 20. _(vi.) 看一下;扫视 (n.)一瞥21._(adj.) 平稳的;持续的;稳固的 _(adv.) 平稳地;持续地22._(n.) 倾向;趋势23._(adj.) 分布广泛的;普遍的 24._(adj.) 平均的25._(n.) 生存;存在 _(vi.) 存在26._(adj.) 外面的;外部的 _(adj.) 里面的 27._(vt.) 拥护;提倡;倡导28. _(n.) 承诺;交托;信奉 29._(n.) 污染;弄脏 30._(n.) 生长;成长31._(adj.) 电的;与电有关的 32. _(adj.) 随便的;漫不经心的;偶然的33. _(n.) 发动机34 ._(n.) 容器;罐头35._(n.) 环境;情况36._(n.) 微波炉;微波37._(vt.) 使恢复;使振作38._(n.) 教育工作者;教育家39._(n.) 贡献 _(v.) 贡献40._(n.) 显示;演出41._(adj.) 核的;核能的;原子核的42._(n.) 分歧;不一致II.短语回顾1.发生;造成 _2.同意;赞成;订购 _3.大量的 _4.上升;增长;升起 _ 5.导致 _6.反对 _7.即使 _8.继续 _ 9.大体上;基本上 _10.平均 _11.代表的一方;作为的代言人 _12.忍受;容忍 _ 13.只要 _14.等等 _ III.句式扫描1.That probably doesnt sound very much to you or to me but it is a rapid increase when compared to most natural changes.(教材P26)这对你我来说很可能是无所谓的,但是跟多数自然变化相比较而言,这却是一种快速的增长。2.There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer but there is fierce debate over whether it is human activity that has caused this global warming or whether it is just a natural phenomenon.(教材P26)毋庸质疑的是地球正在变暖,但关于它变暖的原因是由于人类活动所致还是一种自然现象还存在激烈的争论。3.Without the “greenhouse effect”, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.(教材P26)如果没有这种 “温室效应”,地球的温度将比现在的温度还要低33摄氏度左右。4.Some people think future global warming would cause the sea level to rise by several meters; others predict severe storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases, and the destruction of species.(教材P27)有人认为全球变暖会导致海平面上升好几米;也有人预言会出现严重的风暴、干旱、饥荒、疫病和物种的灭绝。5.It is thuman activity that has caused this global warming.(教材P27)是人类活动造成这种温室效应。6.Together, individuals make a difference. (教材P30) 众人拾柴火焰高。7.Your contribution counts. (教材P30)你的贡献很有价值。IV.小试牛刀 .单词填空1.She_(glance) round the room before she left.2.We_(advocate)using cloth or paper bags instead of plastic ones.3.The computer will generate apparently_(randomly) numbers.4.Child as he is,he has many interests,_(rang)from chess to swimming.5.Every year a large amount of paper is_(consume)in our country.6.He didnt work hard at his lessons._(consequent),he failed in his examination. .短语填空go up,result in,be opposed to,so long as,come about,subscribe to,put up with,on behalf of1.I dont know how it_that she came late on Mondays.2.Its my honor to give a speech to the advanced teachers here_my company.3.The noise coming from outside is reaching a point where we will no longer be able to_ it.4.Jacobs does not_the belief that people are basically good.5.The car crash_three people being killed and one injured.6.The price of oil has_by over 50 percent in less than a year.7.At first they_the scheme,but we managed to argue them round.8.I dont care about the price,_the car is in good condition.单句填词1.Its_(state)that they had got married secretly.2.It was because his wild language that resulted_ his complete failure. 3.To put it in a more simple way,what we are_ (oppose) to is political discrimination.4.The witness made a _(state) that he had not seen the woman before.单句改错1.You may borrow the book as long as you will keep it clean.2. It always take me three hours to finish my homework3.A number of new machines were introduced from abroad, resulted in an increase in production.4.There is no doubt whether they will agree with you on this matter.参考答案I.单词盘点1.consume;consumer 2.graph 3.random 4.phenomenon 5.subscribe 6.fuel 7.quantity;quality 8.tend 9.per 10.data 11.trend 12.catastrophe 13.flood 14.drought 15.oppose;opposed 16.mild 17.consequence 18.state;statement 19.range 20.glance 21.steady;steadily 22.tendency 23.widespread 24.average 25.existence;exist 26.outer;inner 27.advocate 28.commitment 29.pollution 30.growth 31.electrical 32.casual 3


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