



Module 4 Which English Great Scientists高效演练稳达标【基础巩固题组】. 语境填词1. This factory computers. Its is optimistic about the and sale. (produce)2. The government is attaching more importance to the younger generation. In a sense, it is the duty of every to do what they can for the cause of of China. (educate)3. That old boiler last night. The could be heard two kilometers away. (explode)4. The reduction in taxes (support)by most people. 5. Large quantities of oil (import)from abroad every year. 6. Mike often attempts to escape (fine)whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 答案:1. produces producer production2. educating educator education3. exploded explosion4. is supported 5. are imported 6. being fined. 完成句子1. Our company gained profits after he . 他上台之后我们公司盈利了。2. can become your friend. = become your friend. 并非每个人都能成为你的朋友。3. Shangrila its quiet natural scenery. 香格里拉以其恬静的自然风光闻名。4. the earthquake, thousands of people lost their homes. 由于地震, 成千上万的人失去了家园。5. Its raining now, but I think it will soon. 天还在下雨, 不过我想天很快就会放晴。6. , no tests or exams should be ignored in any situation. 总而言之, 在任何时候都不可以忽视任何一个测验或考试。7. Doctors have in curing this uncommon disease. 医生在治疗这种罕见疾病方面已取得重大突破。答案:1. came to/into power2. Not everybody Everybody cant 3. is known for4. As a result of5. clear up6. In brief7. made a great breakthrough【教材变形题组】. 教材与语法填空根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world. He was born and 1._ (bring)up in China. When he was a boy, he 2._ (educate)in many schools and was given the nickname, “the student who asks questions”. He was interested in plants from an early age, and he studied agriculture in college. 3._ a young teacher he began experiments in crop breeding. He thought there was only one way 4._ (have)more rice quickly. That was to cross different species of rice plant. The results of his experiments 5._ (publish)in China in 1966. Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male and sterile. When the 6._ (nature)sterile male rice plant was discovered in 1970, it was a breakthrough. As a result of his discoveries, Chinese rice 7._ (produce)rose by 47. 5% in the 1990s. Yuan Longpings rice was exported 8._ other countries. The new hybrid rice, whose yield is much 9._ (great)than 10._ of other types of rice, has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China. 答案: 1. brought 2. was educated 3. As 4. to have 5. were published 6. naturally 7. production 8. to 9. greater 10. that . 教材与短文改错根据课文内容, 对下面材料进行修改。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。The first military use of rockets was in 1232. The Song Dynasty was at the war with the Mongols. During the battle of Kaifeng, the Song army shot“arrows of flown fire”. The tubes were attached on a long stick which helped keep the rocket move in a straight direction. Soon the Mongols learned how make rockets themselves and it is possibly that they introduced them to Europe. Between the 13th and 15th centuries there were many rockets experiments in England, France and Italy. It were used for military purposes. One Italian scientist even invents a rocket which could travel over the surface of water and hit a enemy ship. 答案: 1. 去掉第二句中的第二个the2. 第三句中的flownflying3. 第四句中的onto4. 第四句中的movemoving5. 第五句中在how后加to6. 第五句中possiblypossible7. 第六句中的rocketsrocket8. 第七句中的ItThey9. 第八句中的inventsinvented10. 第八句中的第二个aan. 教材与话题写作用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。1. _ nothing can _. 对每一个人来说, 很显然什么也代替不了母亲的爱和照顾。2. His mother, who_, spent_. 他的母亲, 有许多优秀品质, 在他的教育上花了大量的金钱。3. He became_ in his field soon after he_ Shandong University. 从山东大学毕业后不久他就成为他所在的领域里的杰出人物。4. His first book_ last week. 上周他的第一本书出版了。5. It is_ that he achieves success. 是因为母亲的支持他才获得成功的。答案:1. It is clear to everyone that;replace mothers love and care2. has many fine qualities;a large quantity of money on his education3. an outstanding figure;graduated from 4. was published5. as a result of his mothers support 组篇公式: 句3改为非谓语动词作状语; 加入适当的过渡词(in brief等)_【参考范文】It is clear to everyone that nothing can replace mothers love and care. His mother, who has many fine qualities, spent a large quantity of money on his educ


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