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Section Integrating Skills & Cultural Corner 品句填词1America _(宣布) war on Japan in 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbor.答案:declared2The test was extremely difficult, and no one _(得分) more than 90 points.答案:scored3The _(最后的) result of the football game between China and Japan is 21.答案:ultimate4The workers in the capital are _(抗议) against a high rate of unemployment.答案:protesting5This kind of washing machine is of high _(质量), so it sells well all over the country.答案:quality6There is now intense _(竞争) between schools to attract more top students.答案:competition7Their 21 _(胜利) over the Australians was completely unexpected.答案:victory8It was a very_(艰难的) decision but we feel we made the right one.答案:tough 单句改错1When John saw the manager coming into the meeting room, he rose to his foot at once._答案:footfeet2Hearing the meeting declaring close,all the representatives applauded for a long time._答案:closeclosed3Shortly after the accident,two scores police were sent there to keep order._答案:scoresscore4Its up to you decide whether to eat out or at home._答案:decide前加to5With proper measures,the economy in China is picking out again now._ 答案:outup 课文语篇改错The final event in the Olympics is the marathon, which had been an Olympic event since the modern games began in 1896. Now, there are marathons in over sixty countries and hundred of cities around the world. One of the most famous marathons is in the New York, and are watched by two million people. But maybe one of the most beautiful marathons is the Great Wall Marathon, where most competitors find is the toughest course to run.The marathon is the finally Olympic event so it is thought to be the hardest. However, it is usually so excited that it has attracted more people. Experts believe even people who are not good at sports can run a marathon unless they train it.答案:The final event in the Olympics is the marathon, which been an Olympic event since the modern games began in 1896. Now, there are marathons in over sixty countries and of cities around the world. One of the most famous marathons is in New York, and watched by two million people. But maybe one of the most beautiful marathons is the Great Wall Marathon, most competitors find is the toughest course to run. The marathon is the Olympic event it is thought to be the hardest. However, it is usually so that it has attracted more people. Experts believe even people who are not good at sports can run a marathon they train it. 单句语法填空1(2019天津实验中学高二期中)The mother hurried to pick _ her child when she saw him slip down onto the snow.答案:up2The farmers protested _ building a new factory on their farmland.答案:against3(2019湖北黄冈高二期中)It is up _ you whether you will apply for the position of this company.答案:to4It was by far the _(tough) decision that I had made in my life.答案:toughest5It _(declare) by the government that these small coal mines would be closed by the end of 2019.答案:was declared6They are holding a gathering _(protest) against the governments policy.答案:to protest7He fell over a rock when he climbed the hill and struggled_ his feet.答案:to8Its reported that a large number of _(compete) from 20 countries will take part in the marathon.答案:competitors9Her son is said _(study) in America and he will come back next month.答案:to be studying10You have turned 30 and you should have got married._ what? Im living a colorful and happy life now.答案:So 阅读理解I am a long distance runner. When I was thirty one, I was in a serious car accident. The doctor told me that they would try to get me to walk “normally” but I would never run againterrible news for someone who views running as the oxygen she breathes. The doctors were right. For the next nine and a half years, I was unable to run more than twentyfive feet.In 2006,I began selftraining to take part in a 60mile walk. Three months into preparing, I realized that walking 45 hours a day was too long. If only I could jog part of itthat would cost me less time. I started jogging without my knees aching. Slowly, I increased the distance. The doctors were proved wrongit only took nine and a half years to do so.While practicing, I suffered a lossa dear friend suddenly died. His work had been to help women to accept themselves and reach their fullest potential. He believed that people should let nothing hold them back from achieving their goals. Soon after his death, a crazy thought entered my mind:what if I could run the LA Marathon?I knew that if I didnt train to my fullest,the doctors would win. So I trained seven days a week. And I succeeded in crossing the finish lines of many marathons all over the United States to the astonishment of my doctors. They never believed I would achieve that.The aches and pains I experience while training and racing are nothing compared to the suffering people whom I respect must accept.【解题导语】作者酷爱长跑,一场事故几乎使她丧失了跑步的能力,在朋友的鼓励下,经过自己的努力,作者又出现在长跑的运动场上。1What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 1?AShe loved running very much.BShe lost heart after the accident.CShe often felt it was hard to breathe.DShe didnt believe what the doctors said.A解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的“I am a long distance runner.和.terrible news for someone who views running as the oxygen she breathes.”可知,作者热爱跑步。2The author tried jogging because she wanted to _.Aprotect her feetBget more practiceCsave some timeDcatch up with othersC解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第三句“If only I could jog part of itthat would cost me less time.”可知,作者当时试着慢跑是为了节约时间。3Why did the author decide to join in the marathon?ABecause she wanted to make more friends.BBecause she was so sorry for the loss of a friend.CBecause she wanted to prove the doctors were wrong.DBecause she was encouraged by her dead friends words.D解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的第三句“He believed that people should let nothing hold them back from achieving their goals.”可知,作者的这位朋友认为人不应该让任何事情来阻止自己追求梦想。正是受到这位朋友所说的话的鼓励,作者决定参加马拉松比赛。4The writers story tells us _Awhere there is a will, there is a wayBa friend in need is a friend indeedCby falling we learn to go safelyDa good medicine tastes bitterA解析:推理判断题。作者通过自己不懈的奋斗重新跑起来的事迹告诉我们有志者,事竟成。 完形填空I first played tennis when I was 5 years old.I went to my local community center to _1_ a tennis camp there. It was so much fun because I learned about tennis and got to spend a lot of time with my friends.Learning to play tennis was a bit _2_ at first and it took a lot of practice before I was able to even hit the ball _3_Even though I loved playing tennis at _4_, I decided to take a break from it to do other _5_When I was ten years old, I _6_ to start playing tennis again.This time I _7_ more often.Ive been playing tennis ever since. When I was 10,I took _8_ to learn how to score and get the ball in the lines and I even joined an actual tennis _9_When I was in 6th grade,I _10_ both doubles and singles in the tournaments(锦标赛)Doubles is when two people play together against two other people _11_ singles is when one person plays against the other person. Playing tennis tournaments helped me become a _12_ tennis player because being competitive showed how to focus.Learning how to fix my _13_ has helped me with things _14_ just tennis such as homework and volunteer work.Im so _15_ I tried tennis when I was five.If I hadnt, I may _16_ have met all the amazing people on my team and I wouldnt have _17_ all that tennis has taught me.Playing a sport has kept both my mind and body _18_ and is really fun. Thats why I _19_ everyone to go out and do something you love; it can _20_ you in the long run!【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过学习打网球而使身心受益,所以作者建议人们多出去参加自己热爱的活动。1A.attendBbuildCcelebrateDvisitA解析:根据下文内容可知,作者参加了(attend)网球夏令营。2A.relaxingBdifferentCtoughDfunnyC解析:根据空后内容可知,学习打网球需要大量的练习,由此可推知起初它有点困难(tough)。3A.specificallyBcorrectlyCcarefullyDbravelyB解析:根据语境可知,此处指在作者能够准确地(correctly)击球之前做了很多练习。4A.campBschoolCcollegeDhomeA解析:上文中的a tennis camp是信息提示,指作者喜欢在夏令营(camp)打网球。5A.dutiesBsportsCexperimentsDhobbiesB解析:根据下文中的“start playing tennis again”可知,作者这时暂时停止打网球,转而做其他的体育活动(sports)。6A.pretendedBagreedCguaranteedDdecidedD解析:此处作者回顾了十岁时候的情况,那时作者决定(decided)再次开始打网球。7A.succeededBimaginedCpracticedDlistenedC解析:根据语境可知,此处指作者练习(practiced)网球的次数更加频繁。8A.picturesBlessonsCtracksDmessagesB解析:为了学习更多的打球技巧,作者参加了打网球的课程(lessons)。9A.teamB


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