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Section Welcome to the unit & ReadingLanguage Points 品句填词1Its the glorious_(职责) for every soldier to defend our country against enemies.答案:duty2They are broadening the bridge to speed up the_(流动) of traffic.答案:flow3From mothers love,patience and understanding,I have learned what a huge_(责任) it is to raise a child.答案:responsibility4I think so,she is_(愿意) to play against any tough players.答案:willing5Your work has improved in_(数量) and quality this term.答案:quantity 单句改错1As these new products are not selling well,the members of the board have decided to cut back for production._答案:foron2As his first novel was published,he was seen to one of the most outstanding writers of his generation._答案:toas3Every day large quantities of waste water is poured into rivers without being cleaned._答案:isare4It remains to be seen whether operation was successful or not._答案:operation前加the5I believe in his words because of his constant honesty._答案:去掉in 完成句子1这张桌子是那张的3倍大。This table is three times as _答案:big as that one2他工作的确努力,并且能及时完成任务。He _hard,and can finish the job in time.答案:does work3许多来自中国的科学家出席了会议。_some scientists from China.答案:Present at the meeting were4我们贫穷的日子一去不复返了。_the days when we were poor.答案:Gone are5如果我们遇到我们当中没有人能够处理的情况怎么办?_we meet with a situation that none of us are able to deal with?答案:What if 课文语法填空People are having a debate 1._ whether 2._(develop) the economy or protect the environment.3._ Lin Shuiqings opinion,it is our duty to cut back on production and reduce the 4._(quantity) of things we make and buy.5._Qian Liwei thinks that many businessmen are not 6._(greed) and they dont hide their responsibilities,either.As far as he 7._(concern),the people 8._(operate) these factories are deeply concerned about the environment,and we 9._ give them more credit.In fact,many people are willing to pay a little 10._(high) price for things that are friendly to the environment.答案:1.about/on2.to develop3.In4.quantities5While6.greedy7.is concerned8.operating9should10.higher A卷 单句语法填空1The students also set up _(debate) teams.答案:debating2Unfortunately,we rushed the fallen old man to hospital,only to be told that we were _ (responsibility) for him.答案:responsible3Many students _ (belief) that the choice of their courses and universities should be based on their own interest.答案:believe4In order to meet the market competition,modes of business _(operate) have undergone rapid change.答案:operation5Buyers consider it too risky to buy large _(quantity) of products at present because the market is uncertain.答案:quantities6Those air conditioners are our bestselling _ (production) because they are easy to handle and work with little noise.答案:products7The _ (recycle) water is used to water plants.答案:recycled8If we let this situation go as it is,our _ (environmental) will suffer a great destruction.答案:environment9He is too willing _ (help) those in poverty.答案:to help10There is no need to rush and its no use _(arrive) there too early.答案:arriving 阅读理解Protecting animals that are in danger is not a big priority for young people, according to a recent survey.Compiled(汇编) by the aircraft maker Airbus,the survey was announced at London Zoo on 16 May, a week ahead of the UNs International Day of Biodiversity(生物多样性) on 22 May.Forty percent of the 10,000 5 to 18yearolds who participated ranked watching TV or playing computer games higher than saving the environment.School reporters from Mayfield School and College in Barking, London, commented on the possible future effect of the surveys results.Fardus,16,said,“I do care about animals becoming extinct, as each animal is involved in a circle of life.Without each animal the world would lose its function.”He added,“We are the future generation and we need to live on the resources that animals give us.”Sophie, 16, said,“Animals are basically like us.Theyve got to live.Theyve got to eat.And its important to look after them as well as they look after us.” She believed one reason for young childrens lack of awareness(意识) was their addiction to computer games and other electrical products.Naila, 16, said,“No matter how big or small they are, animals play a really important part for the earth.”She added,“If all the animals are extinct, the future generation of children wont have anything left, and it will be the adults fault because theyre not thinking about the childrens future.”“You cant blame young people for not caring,”she said,“Because the generation that are already here are teaching us not to care by hurting animals and causing environmental damage.”【解题导语】英国一项针对青少年进行的调查显示,大部分青少年对于野生动物保护还不够重视,这种意识还有待加强。1Which would be the best title for the passage?AYoung People Pay Less Attention to Protecting AnimalsBYoung People Spend Much Time on TV and ComputersCWild Animals Are in Great DangerDWild Animals Are Part of the EarthA解析:标题归纳题。本文是一篇新闻报道,它主要告诉读者一项调查的结果,并希望引起读者的反思,这项针对青少年的调查表明,现在青少年对环境问题以及野生动物的保护关心不够。2What does the underlined word “priority” in Para.1 most probably mean?ASomething useful.BSomething popular.CSomething important.DSomething interesting.C解析:词义猜测题。根据下文可知,当今青少年对于保护动物这件事情不够重视,因此判断这里的priority一词意为“优先之事,重要之事”。3What do we learn about the survey?AIt was aimed at teenagers.BIt was conducted by London Zoo.CIt was announced on May 22nd.DHalf of the participants were from middle schools.A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“.10,000 5 to 18yearolds who participated.”可知这项调查是针对青少年进行的,故A项正确。该调查的结果是在5月22日(国际生物多样性日)之前在伦敦动物园发布的,但并不是伦敦动物园发起的,因此B、C两项错误,D项无依据。4According to Sophie, one reason that young people arent aware enough of protecting animals is that _Athey dont like animals at allBthey pay more attention to electrical productsCthey are affected by people who hurt animalsDthey arent taught to protect animals at schoolB解析:细节理解题。由倒数第三段最后一句话可知,Sophie认为青少年缺乏保护动物意识的一个原因是“他们沉溺于电脑游戏和其他电子产品”,因此B项正确。 完形填空To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant.We _1_ hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter.When our _2_ came,I started walking towards an empty table.By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got _3_ on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped _4_ my hands and went flying in the air.The tray, and its contents,_5_ on a man who was just about to _6_ a bite of his sandwich.I stared, greatly _7_, as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt.Then I _8_ my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of _9_Instead, he said“Its OK.”to _10_ me before he disappeared into washroom.Still shaky and unsure _11_ to do next,my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look _12_A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and _13_ our table.My heart almost stopped _14_I thought he was going to ask for my father s _15_ and call him.To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said,“_16_ yourselves new hamburgers.”He then walked _17_ without even finishing his food.He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse,_18_ he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still _19_ in this world.Ill never _20_ his actions.【解题导语】作者讲述了自己在快餐店吃饭时发生的一件难忘的事:作者的汉堡和可乐洒了,弄脏了别人的衣服,不但没有被责骂,对方反而给作者钱让他再买一份。1A.arrangedBmadeCorderedDdemandedC解析:A.arranged安排;B.made制作;C.ordered点餐;D.demanded要求。根据首句可知地点环境是restaurant,所以排除arranged和demanded。再看此句动作发出者是we,动作承受者是汉堡包和可乐,所以作为顾客只能是点餐,故选C。2A.foodBturnCbillDmenuA解析:A.food食物;B.turn轮流,变化;C.bill 账单;D.menu菜单。根据上一句点餐之后,自然是指“我”们所点的食物来了,故选A。3A.fixedBcutCcaughtDtiedC解析:A.fixed固定;B.cut切割;C.caught卡住;D.tied 系。“我”钱包上的带子卡在了椅子上,get caught 被卡住,故选C。4A.byBfromCoutDinB解析:A.by被;B.from从;C.out离开;D.in在内。下一句中说in the air,说明此时盘子已经“脱手”了,“from my hand”表示托盘从“我”手中飞了出去,故选B。5A.stoodBknockedCfellDhungC解析:A.stood站;B.knocked撞;C.fell跌倒,落;D.hung悬挂。托盘从手中滑落,盘子里的东西洒在了一位男士身上,故选C。6A.tasteBchewCswallowDtakeD解析:A.taste品尝;B.chew咀嚼;C.swallow吞咽;D.take拿;那位男士正准备咬一口他的三明治, take a bite 咬一口,故选D。7A.discouragedBdisappointedCshockedDannoyedC解析:A.discouraged泄气;B.disappointed失望;C.shocked震惊;D.annoyed 使烦恼。作者将食物泼洒在男士身上后感到很是震惊,故选C。8A.closedBrubbedCnarrowedDrolledA解析:A.closed关闭;B.rubbed擦;C.narrowed变窄;D.rolled滚;作者很害怕地闭上了眼睛,故选A。9A.bitternessBanxietyCangerDsorrowC解析:A.bitterness苦;B.anxiety渴望;C.anger 生气;D.sorrow悲伤。作者闭上了眼睛的同时准备承受那位男士的愤怒,故选C。10A.satisfyBcomfortCencourageDpraiseB解析:A.satisfy使满意;B.comfort安慰;C.encourage鼓励;D.praise表扬。根据Instead, he said “Its OK.”,说明是为了安慰作者,故选B。11A.whatBwhoChowDwhichA解析:A.what什么;B.who谁;C.how怎样;D.which哪一个。作者不知道接下来做什么,所以用what,故选A。12A.mildBmodestCcalmDhonestC解析:A.mild温和的;B.modest谦虚的;C.calm镇静的;D.honest诚实的;“我”和朋友们尽力镇定下来,故选C。13A.pushedBapproachedCdrewDlaidB解析:A.pushed推;B.approached靠近;C.drew画;D.laid放;那位男士从洗手间出来直接朝我们走过来,故选B。14A.breakingBtremblingCsinkingDbeatingD解析:A.breaking破坏;B.trembling抖动;C.sinking下沉;D.beating跳动。 当那位男士朝我们走来时我的心几乎都停止跳动了,故选D。15A.helpBpositionCnumberDjobC解析:A.help帮助;B.position位置;C.number 数字,号码;D.job工作。作者以为那位男士会要自己父亲的电话号码并给父亲打电话。call提示前面应该是电话号码,故选C。16A.PrepareBBuyCFindDCookB解析:A.Prepare准备;B.Buy买;C.Find发现;D.Cook做饭;结果那位男士给了“我”一些钱,还说:“再给自己买新的汉堡吧”。根据语境可知,选B。17A.onBaroundCupDoffD解析:A.on继续;B.around周围;C.up向上;D.off离开。那个男士随后走开了,故选D。18A.soBbutCalthoughDsinceB解析:A.so因此;B.but但是;C.although虽然;D.since 自从。空格前的意思是:那位男士本可能会使事情更糟糕, 空后却是:他选择了不同的处理方式,故前后句子是转折关系用but,故选B。19A.kindnessBhappinessCpolitenessDbrightnessA解析:A.kindness善良;B.happiness快乐;C.politeness礼貌;D.brightness聪明。根据上文故事的描述可知,展现在眼前的是一位和蔼大度的人,故选A。20A.ignoreBrefuseCopposeDforgetD解析:A.ignore忽视;B.refuse拒绝;C.oppose 反对;D.forget忘记。本句是文章的结尾句,最后表达的是永远不会忘记这位男士的举止行为。结合空格之前说的never可知选D。B卷 阅读理解AEvery year, about 75,000 Great White Pelicans fly away from Eastern Europes cold winter to East Africa, where they spend the summer. Its a long journey and the main stop is in Israel.The Great White Pelican is a huge bird. Its the largest bird in the world to make such a long journey. Its diet is mainly fish and it eats about 1.4 kilos each day.The pelicans love to gather in large numbers. Until recent years, there were plenty of water supplies(供给) in Israel. Frequently, the pelicans arrive in Israel tired. They cannot continue their long journey until they have rested. However, for a variety of reasons, these water supplies have dried up and the pelicans have had to find other food sources.Fish farming has become big business in Israel. As you may imagine, a fish farm is something pelicans could usually only dream of! In the summer months when the Great White Pelicans passed through, Israels fish farmers began to lose tons of fish. Some farms were even forced to close their business. Something had to be done.The Israel Ministry of Agriculture considered the problem carefully. How could it stop 75,000 huge pelicans from arriving in Israel? It decided this was not possible. It chose a place with a plentiful supply of water, and provided money for local farmers to buy food, which they fed to the pelicans. The pelicans soon understood this and now arrive at the place to feed and rest. They no longer have to rely on the fish farms for food.Its a solution that seems to have worked. At one point, it looked as if the Ministry would stop the money. One criticism(批评) was that with so much food, the pelicans would never leave and would become even more expensive. However, there was such outcry from environmentalists and farmers that the money remains.Perhaps their large numbers in Israel will attract birdwatchers from all over the world to visit the amazing sight, and tourism can bring new income to the country.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。每年白鹈鹕大军都迁徙到非洲过冬,而以色列是中途重要休息的地方。然而,成千上万的白鹈鹕为以色列的农民带来了不少的烦恼。1What can we learn about Great White Pelicans?AThey are loners.BThey winter in Israel.CThey are good at longdistance flying.DThey reduce their intake during their journey.C解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的“Its a long journey and the main stop is in Israel.”以及第二段中的“Its the largest bird in the world to make such a long journey.”可知,白鹈鹕擅长长距离飞行。2What problem did the fish farmers face?AThe pelicans damaged the local environment.BTheir farms were closed by the government.CThe water supplies were not enough.DThey suffered a heavy loss of fish.D解析:细节理解题。由第四段中的“Israels fish farmers began to lose tons of fish”可知,每年当地农民因为白鹈鹕的到来都会损失数吨的鱼。3What measures did the government take?AThey prevented the pelicans stopping in Israel.BThey encouraged farmers to develop tourism.CThey gave farmers money to farm more fish.DThey found a new place for the pelicans.D解析:细节理解题。由第五段中的“It chose a place with a plentiful supply of water, and provided money for local farmers to buy food, which they fed to the pelicans.”可知,政府为白鹈鹕重新选择了一处食物供应充足的地方。4What is the authors attitude to the pelicans in Israel?AOptimistic.BUnclear.CDoubtful.DUnconcerned.A解析:推理判断题。由最后一段“Perhaps their large numbers in Israel will attract birdwatchers from all over the world to visit the amazing sight, and tourism can bring new income to the country.”可知,作者认为以色列境内的白鹈鹕可能为发展旅游业、增加人们的收入注入新的活力。由此可知,他对以色列白鹈鹕这一问题持乐观的态度。BDebates over the benefits of recycling started in 1996 when a writer called John Tierney said “recycling is garbage”. According to him, “Recycling programs offer mainly shortterm benefits to a few related groups while diverting(转移) money from real social and environmental problems. It doubles energy consumption and pollution while costing taxpayers more money than dealing with old garbage. Recycling may be the most wasteful activity in modern America.”Environmental groups were quick to respond to Tierney by issuing reports detailing the benefits of recycling and showing how municipal(市政的) recycling programs reduce pollution and the use of resources while decreasing the amount of garbage and the need for landfill spaceall for less, not more, than the cost of regular garbage collection and disposal(处置)But in 2002, New York City, an early municipal recycling pioneer, found that its muchpraised recycling program was losing money, so it eliminated glass and plastic recycling. According to the Mayor, the benefits of recycling plastic and glass were outweighed(大于) by the pricerecycling cost twice as much as disposal. Meanwhile, low demand for the materials meant that much of it was ending up in landfills anyway. NYC closed its last landfill and brought in a more efficient system, with more famous service providers than it had used previously.The lessons learned by New York are applicable everywhere. Some early recycling programs waste resources and lead to new trash. But the situation has improved as cities have gained experience. If managed correctly, recycling programs should cost cities and taxpayers less than garbage disposal for any given amount of material. Even though the benefits of recycling over disposal are various, individuals should keep in mind that it better serves the environment to reduce and reuse materials before recycling even becomes an option.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要探讨了垃圾回收是否弊大于利。5John Tierney thought that recycling _Ais a waste of moneyBleads to a lack of employersCis beneficial to the environmentDwill become popular in the futureA解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的“Recycling programs.diverting(转移) money from real social and environmental problems.costing taxpayers more money than dealing with old garbage.”可知,John Tierney认为回收是浪费资金的行为。6Whats the meaning of the underlined word “eliminated” in Paragraph 3?ARequired.BForgot.CEncouraged.DCancelled.D解析:词义猜测题。根据第三段的“its muchpraised recycling program was losing money”及“the benefits of recycling plastic and glass.cost twice as much as disposal”可知,纽约市的塑料和玻璃回收项目处于亏损状态,由此可推断该市取消了这些回收项目。7What does the last paragraph imply?AWe should make recycling an option.BPublic recycling programs are in a bad situation.CWe should develop the awareness of resource saving.DCostsaving should be considered first in recycling work.C解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的“it better serves the environment to reduce and reuse materials before recycling even becomes an option”可知,作者认为,回收可能会变成一种选择,但我们应当有减少浪费和循环使用资源的环保意识。8What can be the best title for this passage?AThe Harm of RecyclingBIs Recycling Really Beneficial?CThe Recycling Work in New York CityDIs Environmental Protection Making Progress?B解析:标题归纳题。文章主要根据一个争论引出了关于垃圾回收是否有益的探讨。 七选五The food chain is the order in which animals and plants eat each other in order to survive. 1._ Every ecosystem has a different food chain, depending on which animals and plants live there.The lowest part of the food chain is the plants. They are called producers because they produce their own food using the sunlights energy. This process is called photosynthesis(光合作用). Animals are the consumers of the food chain. 2._Some animals only eat plants. 3._ And some animals, like wolves, foxes or lions, feed on other animals. Each food chain has a predator(捕食者), the strongest animal that is not eaten by others. Hawks or polar bears are such predators that control their habitats.Many creatures belong to more than one food chain. 4._ Food chains that are connected to each other are called food webs. When an animal dies, it is eaten up by bacteria and other organisms. Th


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