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Section Grammar对应学生用书P55基础题.单句语法填空1The pain of the wound on the leg is unbearable and the wound looks as if _ (swell)答案:to swell句意:腿部伤口的疼痛难以忍受,伤口看起来好像要肿了。as if to swellas if it is to swell。此处是状语从句的省略。2As we know, the ice turns into water when _ (heat)答案:heated句意:众所周知,冰加热会变成水。when heatedwhen the ice is heated。此处是状语从句的省略。3Mary, how about going to the movies after supper?_ (sound) great.答案:Sounds句意:玛丽,晚饭后去看电影如何?听起来不错。Sounds great是“It sounds great”的省略。4How are you getting along with your preparations for the journey?Everything goes better than _ (plan)答案:planned句意:你的旅行准备得怎么样了?一切比原计划的更好。than plannedit was planned。此处是状语从句的省略。5The thing didnt go well as _ (expect)答案:expected句意:事情不如预期发展的好。as expectedas it was expected。此处是状语从句的省略。6If _ (convenience), you can find a little spare time to chat with me.答案:convenient句意:如果方便的话,你可以找点空闲时间与我谈谈。If convenientIf it is convenient。此处是状语从句的省略。7Tom often has nothing to do but _ (read) every time I drop in on him.答案:read句意:每次我顺便去看汤姆时,他经常除了读书什么都不会做。不定式作介词but, except, besides等词的宾语,且前面有实义动词do的某种形式时,常省略不定式符号to。8Though _ (surprise) to see us, the old man gave us a warm welcome.答案:surprised句意:虽然那位老人看到我们很吃惊,但还是给予我们热烈的欢迎。Though surprised to see usThough he was surprised to see us。此处是状语从句的省略。故填surprised。9The plan is so practical that once _ (begin) we will carry it out thoroughly.答案:begun句意:这个计划如此切合实际,一旦开始我们就要彻底执行。once begunonce it is begun。此处是状语从句的省略。10_ we arrived at the bus stop even one minute late, we would have missed the bus.答案:Had句意:如果我们甚至晚一分钟到公共汽车站,我们就赶不上这趟公共汽车了。Had we arrivedIf we had arrived。在虚拟条件句中可省略if,但要将were, had, should提前,构成部分倒装。.单句改错1Hi, are you a scientist in CAS?No, but I would like._答案:like后加to2Did you notice Jack to enter the bank and withdraw some money?_答案:去掉to3Though tiring, Professor Wang still kept giving the students a lecture._答案:tiringtired4You can do it if you mean to do._答案:去掉第二个do5While was in Beijing, I paid a visit to the Summer Palace._答案:去掉was或was前加I6We heard Jack was badly injured in a traffic accident. If not, lets go to see him._答案:notso7Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he wont tell anyone even though asked._答案:asked后加to8It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covering in thick clothes._答案:coveringcovered9There are some health problems that, when not being treated in time, can become bigger ones later on._答案:去掉being10Jack must have been playing football and Mary does her homework._答案:doesdoing.完成句子1Work hard _, or youll regret.趁年轻要努力学习,否则你会后悔的。答案:when young2They attended the meeting on time _.正如计划的一样,他们按时出席了会议。答案:as planned3He came back three days later _.他比预料的晚回了三天。答案:than expected4Will it clear up tomorrow?I _.明天天气会放晴吗?我希望这样。答案:hope so5_, try to speak English as often as you can.如果可能的话,尽可能经常讲英语。答案:If possible能力题.阅读理解Tracey Webb and her husband Keith were driving friends home to Tavistock late on 11 May when they saw two cars that had just crashed badly. The couple had only completed their first aid training on the previous day, but they didnt hesitate (犹豫) to act. Tracey said, “We stopped our car, and our friend Drew called 999. I ran to the cars first and checked the people. Both drivers were very shocked, but they were up and walking around. However, there was a front seat passenger trapped in one car so I asked Drew to also call for a fire truck.”“I shouted to Keith to help the drivers, then climbed into the back seat of the car and sat holding the head of the trapped passenger, a 17yearold boy. Both his legs were caught under the dashboard (仪表板). The car was full of broken glass. The passengers head was covered in glass and tiny cuts.” Tracey added, “He was crying in pain, so I kept talking to him to calm him down. Following my first aid training, I checked for signs of injury and asked some of the boys medical history to pass on to the doctors.” “An ambulance came first, and the doctors said I was doing exactly the right thing. I sat holding the injured passengers head upright and still for another 20 minutes and finally handed over to a doctor just before the firemen cut off the roof of the car.” Throughout the process, the couple both stayed calm and focused on what they had learned during their first aid course.“If I had not taken my first aid training, the situation could have been very different that night. We saved a life,” said Tracey.1On seeing the car accident, Tracey immediately _.Acalled for an ambulanceBasked the firemen for helpCchecked the men in the car accidentDclimbed into the car to save the injured boy答案:C细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“I ran to the cars first and checked the people.”可知,特雷西立刻查看这起交通事故中人们的情况。故选C。2What was wrong with the 17yearold boy?AHe was seriously injured and couldnt see.BHe got trapped in the car and couldnt get out.CHis head hit the dashboard and was covered in cuts.DHis legs were cut by pieces of glass and losing blood.答案:B细节理解题。根据第三段的描述可知,男孩被卡在车里动弹不得。故选B。3When the doctors said Tracey did the right thing, they meant that Tracey _. Achose to take first aid courses Bwaited for the doctors to come Cwas kind enough to save a stranger Dkept the boy calm and protected his head答案:D推理判断题。根据救护车到来前特雷西所做的救援工作及第五段第二句可推知,所谓正确的事情是指特雷西让男孩保持冷静并保护他的头。4What do we know from the text? ATracey was too shocked to act at first. BThe drivers in the accident were badly injured. CTracey thought the first aid training is very helpful. DThe couple were driving home when the accident happened.答案:C推理判断题。根据最后一段中特雷西所说的话可知,她认为急救训练非常有用。.完形填空 I had to visit my sister in another town, because her husband was seriously ill. My whole family could not go because school was in session. My children stayed at home in their fathers _1_ except the youngest child who was just one year old. I was _2_ about taking a train journey alone with my daughter. I _3_ that I had to go, so I gathered all my courage and got on the train. After waving _4_ to my husband, I settled down. There were three other passengers in that compartment (隔间). Two of them were quite elderly, while one was a young man. My daughter was crying, _5_ her dad. I tried to _6_ her, but it didnt work. I _7_ giving her water and some biscuits, but her _8_ wouldnt stop. By this time I was getting worried about the _9_ being caused to other people. One of the oldies was sleeping, but the other one seemed to get _10_. However, much as I tried, my daughter _11_ crying. Just then, the young man _12_ to take my baby in his arms. He stood with her near the window, and _13_ talking to her in a gentle voice. My daughter stopped crying _14_, listening to the young man. I was both _15_ and relieved especially because the annoyed elder was now happily reading his book. The stranger handed my daughter back when she was in a(n) _16_ state. I thanked the young man and settled down to rest. During the long _17_, this young man continuously _18_ me. He fed my baby, sang to her and told her stories. When I arrived at my destination, I thanked this man again who had come to my _19_. After so many years, I _20_ remember this stranger on the train with a grateful heart.1A.sight BcontrolCcare Dheart答案:C根据“My whole family could not go because school was in session.”可推断出,除了小女儿之外,其他孩子都得待在家里让孩子的父亲照顾。2A.nervous Bexcited Ccurious Dserious答案:A此处表示作者对自己独自带着女儿出行感到非常紧张(nervous)。3A.guessed Bdoubted Cproved Dknew答案:D由上下文可知,尽管作者很紧张,但她知道(knew)她必须得去。4A.hello Bgoodbye Cagreement Dgratitude答案:B根据前面的“got on the train”和后面的“settled down”可知,此处为送别场面,作者与丈夫挥手告别。5A.remembering Bconcerning Cmissing Dfollowing答案:C此处指小女儿因为想念(missing)爸爸而开始哭闹。6A.comfort Bbelieve Cenjoy Ddislike答案:A此处表示作者试图安慰(comfort)小女儿,但没有用。7A.advised Brisked Cconsidered Dtried答案:D由语境可知,此处指作者试着(tried)给女儿水和饼干来安慰她。8A.laughing Bcrying Cshaking Dmoving答案:B由语境可知,不管作者怎么努力,小女儿还是哭个不停。上文“My daughter was crying”是提示。9A.threat Bdamage Cdisturbance Deffect答案:C此处指作者担心女儿的哭声会打扰到他人。disturbance名词,意为“打扰”,符合语境。10A.annoyed BdisappointedCconfused Dlost答案:A根据下文的“the annoyed elder was now happily reading his book”可判断,此处选A。11A.began Bkept Cstopped Dadmitted答案:B此处指不管作者怎么努力,小女儿还是继续(kept)哭。12A.agreed Bchose Cprepared Doffered答案:D由上下文可知,正当作者对女儿束手无策的时候,这个年轻人主动去抱作者的女儿。13A.continued Bpractised Cstarted Dfinished答案:C此处表示年轻人抱过作者的女儿后开始(started)用温和的声音和她讲话。14A.obviously Banxiously Chappily Dslowly答案:D此处表示听着年轻人讲话,作者的女儿慢慢地(slowly)停止了哭闹。15A.surprised Bworried Cfrightened Dinterested答案:A由语境可知,作者自己想尽办法都不能让女儿停止哭闹,而这个年轻人却做到了,对此作者感到惊讶(surprised)。16A.terrible Bsleepy Cenergetic Dpoor答案:B此处是指在作者的女儿困倦的时候,年轻人把孩子递给了作者。17A.experience Badventure Cjourney Ddistance答案:C此处是指在漫长的旅途(journey)中,年轻人不断地帮助作者。18A.helped Bencouraged Cwatched Dsaved答案:A根据下文“He fed my baby, sang to her and told her stories.”可推断,年轻人是在帮助作者。19A.trouble Brescue Cworld Dstage答案:B此处是指作者到达目的地的时候,再次感谢了这位帮助她的年轻人。come/go to ones rescue表示“帮助某人”。20A.only Bnever Cstill Dever答案:C由语境可知,多年以后,作者依然(still)记得在火车上帮助过她的那位年轻人。.语法填空Mary will never forget the first time she saw him. He suddenly appeared in class one day, _1_ (wear) sunglasses. He walked in as if _2_ (buy) the school. And word quickly got around that he was from New York City. For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _3_ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. But she quickly realised that it wasnt her, it was probably the fact that she sat in _4_ last row. _5_ he thought he could escape attention by sitting at the back, he was wrong. It might have made it a little _6_ (hard) for everybody because it meant they had to turn around, but that didnt stop the kids in the class. Of course whenever they tu


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