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,Effective Meeting Management, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 2,Goals of this module,To discuss meeting management concepts and roles played by work team members to ensure effective meeting outcomes Teach you the tools and techniques of effective meeting management To understand one of our critical differentiators in delivering to clients, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 3,Regardless of your role, you are judged on how you handle a meeting,Time Management?,Managerial / Leadership Skills?,Executive Presence?,Problem Solving Capabilities?, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 4,We participate in all types of meetings,Kick-off Project coordination Programme update Close-out Briefing Coaching Mobilisation events Brainstorming sessions,Steering group meeting Performance review Decision making Validation Gathering information Sales meeting , 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 5,Depending on the objectives, meeting require the right amount of presentation and facilitation skills,Source: How to Lead Work Teams: Facilitation Skills, Fran Rees.,Lecture / Presentation,Facilitating,Presenting,80%,20%,80%,20%,50%,50%,Decision making Problem-solving Brainstorming,One-way information sharing,Two-ways information sharing,Mobilisation, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 6,Meeting Roles, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 7,A minimum of three roles is required to run a successful meeting,Additional roles can be assigned Time Keeper Experts Decision Maker Observer “Bad Guy” ,RESOURCES,FACILITATOR,LEADER, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 8,Meeting roles: Leader,“Owns” the meeting sets the objectives Determines the participants Provides support, information, and resources Sets the tone Encourages creativity Makes decisions Demand serious preparation, attention, and effort Set high, but reasonable and achievable expectations Speak in terms of “we” instead of “I” Make the team realize that the task is important, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 9,The meeting leader owns the content and output of the meeting,The meeting leader is generally the person who wants to know “the answer” Sets the objectives of the meeting Agrees attendees Provides support, information and resources Assigns accountabilities (As) if necessary Sets the tone Encourages creativity Makes decisions,Sometimes the leader and the facilitator are the same personbut it requires more rigorous facilitation, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 10,Meeting leaders behaviour: sets the tone,Demand serious preparation, attention, and effort Set high but reasonable, achievable expectations Speak in terms of “we” instead of “I” Make the team realise that the task is important, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 11,Meeting roles: Facilitator,Guides the process Make it “safe” for everyone to participate Records group ideas and decisions Monitors time contract Brings team back on-track when needed Helps headline and clarify ideas Aids team performance Provides feedback, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 12,The facilitator owns the meeting PROCESS,Adherence to ground rules Adherence to agenda especially timings Harnesses group activity Targeting quiet members of the team Calming extrovert members of the team Ensuring full participation from all members Makes it “safe” for everyone to participate Records any issues (e.g. Car Park), ideas and decisions,The facilitator is generally responsible for the smooth running of the meeting,The facilitator should not contribute to content, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 13,Facilitators behaviour: make the meeting successful,Guides the process Make it “safe” for everyone to participate Records group ideas and decisions Monitors time contract Brings team back on-track when needed Helps headline and clarify ideas Aids team performance Provides feedback, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 14,Meeting roles: Resource / Team member,Generates ideas and recommendations Adheres to the agenda Practices good meeting behaviours Completes assigned tasks Participates actively, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 15,The team members / resourcing are responsible for contributing positively,Come prepared with any information / data that may be required, have done background research as necessary (getting the relevant input from others e.g. their direct reports) Actively listen Generate ideas and recommendations No “free loading” or sitting in the background thinking of other issues Raise concerns constructively No winging sessions Adheres to the agenda and stick to it Complete assigned tasks Participate actively Practise good meeting behaviours,Team members are generally a selection of people who have been positively identified as having knowledge to input to a meeting, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 16,Steps to Effective Meeting Management, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 17,Steps to an effective meeting,Plan,Do,Review, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 18,The majority of project time should be spent in the “plan” and “review” activities,Objectives and agenda determined Content AND process planned Determine appropriate players Roles and responsibilities defined Key contributors pre-positioned Logistics arranged Any potential barriers / personality / agenda clashes identified,Carry out the agenda Ensure all participants contribute and record group thinking Practice good meeting behaviour Bring to closure with next steps, accountabilities and timetables Benefits and concerns Bring diaries,Debrief immediately and evaluate effectiveness Compare your meeting results with your agenda and objective(s) Publish and circulate next steps Follow-up on next steps Incorporate benefits and concerns in next meeting plan,40%,20%,40%, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 19,Steps to Effective Meeting Management: Plan, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 20,Effective meetings start with good planning,Establish a clear need for a meeting To clarify information already provided To make decisions To persuade or inspire Develop a clear agenda Arrange logistics Identify participants Define roles and responsibilities Pre-position key contributors Identify and overcome potential barriers Ensure a proper meeting environment Review prior meeting benefits and concerns, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 21,Identify and overcome potential barriers,Barriers may include Uninformed participants Uncooperative participants Lack of authority to accomplish objective Unresolved conflicts between participants Solutions may include Disseminating information prior to meeting Pre-positioning participants Setting a more limited objective Not meeting Proactively working conflicts prior to the meeting, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 22,Ensure a proper meeting environment and get there before the meeting starts,Meeting place,Room set up,Equipment and materials,Refreshments, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 23,Steps to Effective Meeting Management: Do, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 24,Effective meetings require rigorous process management,Follow the agenda Record group thinking Practice good meeting behaviours Encourage participation Identify next steps Capture benefits and concerns, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 25,The agenda is your most powerful tool,Helps you prepare Communicates expectations and objectives Provides a mechanism for order and control Limits the tasks Limits the participants Measures success / failure of meeting,Guidelines for an effective agenda Identify the time, date, place and participants Describe your objectives Tell the participants how to prepare Set time limits Schedule items in optimal order Distribute in advance, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 26,The agenda should consistently contain core items,Next Steps Put up next steps at the start of the meeting so they can be added at any time Ensures we focus on action and outcomes, not inputs and problems Reinforces personal accountability to get things done Maximises likelihood of change Sets pace,Objectives provide a goal for the meeting to reach Expectations Allows the audience to gauge each others perspective and ensures participants get out what they expect can change agenda Allows re-setting of expectations e.g. we dont intend to cover that expectation Bs / Cs Gives a temperature check of where the team is Reinforce the things which have been useful Helps to understand feedback and resistance Promotes real listening and understanding Work Cs into next steps (as a separate exercise) Ensures meetings continually improve,Critical to any plan-do-review process Allows us to take ownership as a team Ensures balance of actions throughout the team Review Expectations, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 27,The group memory: flipchart recordings,Helps the group focus Provides instant record of meeting content Encourages participation “Depersonalizes” ideas Increases sense of accomplishment, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 28,Ground rules provide a “contract” for meeting behaviour,The objective of ground rules are To provide guidelines to help a team get its work done and maintain focus To create agreements on how team members will work and interact with each other For use at the end of meeting to assess how effectively the team worked A draft list of “Dos” and “Donts” which can be added to as necessary,Ground rules are suddenly important when not observed, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 29,Ground rule “Dos” encourage positive behaviours,Some typical positive ground rules include Be discrete with mobile phones Turn off mobiles or put on silent wherever possible Start and finish on time Especially important to get off to the right start and to re-group after a short break Respect each others ideas Everyone has the right to contribute and this is a safe environment to do so Headline Even if it is a complex statement or idea, explain it and then summarize Keep on the subject Use a “Car Park” to park side-issues and ensure contributions are kept focused, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 30,Ground rule “Donts” identify behaviours to be avoided,Some typical “Dont” ground rules include DONT have side meetings and more than one discussion happening at one time DONT allow hand grenades i.e. use the meeting to highlight an issue you want airing but is not anything to do with the focus of this meeting Air ideas that are disruptive to the meeting objectives, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 31,“Let me build on that“,“Help me understand“,“Could you say more“,“I wish I knew “,“How to “,“What I heard you say“,Meeting Dos,Participate openly Focus on the problem, not the person Listen actively to what others have to say Rephrase and summarize contributions Take a “how to do it“ rather than “why do it“ attitude Be positive no idea is a bad idea Headline issues no war stories Build on others ideas Use H2 (how to) and IWIK (I wish I knew) Stick to the agenda and to time contract Look for win-win situations One meeting at a time Make it enjoyable for everyone,Posting ground rules on the wall reinforces the group, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 32,Meeting Donts,Come with a hidden agenda Have side conversations or meetings Ramble Lob “grenades“ or launch “missiles“ Look for the “fatal flaw“ Violate time contracts Fall asleep Drag participants into “lose-lose“ situations,Use meeting ground rules to overcome behaviours, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 33,Steps to Effective Meeting Management: Review, 2004 Capgemini - All rights reserved Xxx/yymmdd - Effective Meeting Management, Author / 34,Meeting evaluation should include .,Evaluate effectiveness by comparing your meeting results with your agenda and objective(s) Completing team process check / effective meeting check list Circulating meeting notes in a timely fashion Following up on next steps quickly Setting up the next meeting agenda and inc


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