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Chapter Three Enquires,3.1 Introduction 3.2 Writing guide 3.3 Letters for example 3.4 Words and Phrases 3.5 Notes 3.6 Useful expressions 3.7 Exercises,二、交易磋商的一般程序,例:1、Please offer northeast soybean lowest price FOB dalian; 2、We can offer 1000MT northeast soybean lowest USD 200/MT FOB dalian, shipment for 2005.04 ,Irrevacable L/C for payment; 3、Your cable 10TH counter-offer USD 200/MT CIF Newyork; 4、Your cable 12TH We accepted .,例:1、 Can supply northeast soybean lowest ,Please BID; 2、We need 1000MT northeast soybean lowest USD 200/MT CIF Newyork ,shipment for 2005.04; 3、Your cable 10TH counter-offer USD 200/MT FOB dalian; 4、Your cable 12TH We accepted.,General Questions to start with Q1: What is an enquire? Q2: Sellers may get enquires form different customers, say, group them into two kinds: regular customers and others. Are the enquiries from these two kinds of customers the same? Try to tell the difference between these two in contents? Q3: Generally, for the reply to an enquiry, there are some essential language features, what are they?,3.1 Introduction,People often need information about prices, products, services that other company can supply. They may require a quotation or an estimate for products. An enquiry is such a request for information about certain commodity or service and the trade terms as well. It is often made by buyers to sellers and usually the first step of a business transaction. In a routine letter of enquiry, a buyer will state clearly and concisely the general information he wants, including a catalogue, a price list, a sample, a quotation, an estimate and so on. As far as the content is concerned, enquiries are of two types: general and specific. The former is sent to acquire some general information about products, such as asking for price lists, samples, catalogues, terms of payment. The latter expresses a definite wish to purchase a specific product if conditions are met, and it requires more detailed information such as price terms, quantity, port of shipment, packing. An inquiry should be written directly and clearly. And an enquiry must be acknowledged by way of establishing goodwill. Because it could lead to important business. In the reply to enquiry, all enquires should be replied promptly. Our response and the time it takes us to reply are critical to be successful. Reply today with complete information for best results.,(一)询盘 (Inquiry) 交易一方欲购买或出售某种商品,问另一方发出的探询买卖该商品及有关交易条件的一种表示。 An inquiry is a request for information. In the international business the importer may send an inquiry to an exporter, inviting a quotation and or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply asking for some general information about these goods.,说明: 1、询盘法律效力 询盘对于询盘人和被询盘人均无法律上的约束 力,而且不是交易磋商的必经步骤。 2、询盘采用的主要词句: Please advise Please quote. Please offer .,Definition: A Request for Information general enquiries(一般询盘) for general information:information about various goods. The importer may ask only for catalogues, price lists, samples, sample books, or quotations, etc., in order to get a general idea of the business scope of the exporter. specific enquiries(具体询盘) for specific information:information about some specific goods. The importer points out what products he needs and asks for a quotation or an offer for this item.,对外贸易中,询盘,也叫询价(inquiry或enquiry)是买方或买方对于所要购买或出售的商品向另一方作出的询问。询盘是交易的起点,可以分为: 普通询盘(a general inquiry):索取普通资料, 诸如:目录(a catalogue)、价目表或报价单(a price-list or quotation sheets)、样品(a sample)、图片(illustrated photo prints)等。 具体询盘(a specific inquiry): 具体询问商品名称(the name of the commodity)、规格(the specifications)、数量(the quantity)、单价(the unit price FOB CIF),装船期(the time of shipment)、付款方式(the terms of payment)等。 询盘一般多为买方向卖方发出,买方通过询盘信,简明扼要的向卖方了解一般的商品。利用E-mail 写询盘信,无须写的过分客气,只需具体、简洁、措词得体。有的询盘信开门见山,直截了当说明订购打算,希望对方给予一定优惠条件;有的询盘信则以征询的方式,不许下订货诺言,以避免结果未订购可能形成的日后交易中的障碍 。,specific enquiries,regular customers: state only the product name, quality, quantity & price other customers: state clearly all necessary trade terms including the name , quality, quantity of commodity, price terms, shipment terms, payment terms, discount, etc.,Replies to Enquiries,From an old customer,state firstly how much you appreciate it. Then provide the information asked for.,Enquiries,Replies,From a new customer,state firstly you are glad to receive it before answer the questions, and express lastly your expectation of cooperation.,3.2 Writing guide,Introduction,1. State the source of the information and make a self-introduction at the beginning of the letter. 2. State the purpose of writing the letter. For example, the writer may explain to the recipient what he wants, give a description or specification of the goods he requires or express his willingness to enter into business relations with the recipient, etc 3. End the letter by expressing the expectation for an early reply.,The following structure may be referred to in writing an inquiry:,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,1. inquiry (enquiry) n. 询盘,询价 make (or: send, give, fax) sb. an inquiry for sth. 向某人询购某种商品 We thank you for your inquiry for sunflower seeds. 我们感谢你方有关向日葵籽的询盘。 Upon receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall send you our quotations and samples. 一收到你方具体询盘,我方立即给你方寄出我方的报价及样品。 At present, there are large inquiries for our “Cool” Brand Air Conditioner in our market. 目前,我们市场有大量对我“凉爽”牌空调的询盘。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,inquire v. 询价,询购,询问 inquire for sth. 询购某种商品 Thank you for your letter of September 1 inquiring for 3,000 m/ts Northeast Rice. 感谢你方九月一日询购三千公吨东北大米的来信。 The ladies pyjamas you are inquiring for are now out of stock. 你方现询价的女士睡衣没货。 We are inquiring about the supply of sugar and coffee. 我方正在询购糖和咖啡的货源。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,2. be interested in 对(某商品)有兴趣, 常用以表示有意购买某种商品,是打算购买 某种商品的初步表示。 We are interested in the import of Chinese silk neckties. 我们对进口中国丝绸领带感兴趣。 They have customers who are interested in your six designs of Ornamental Cloth. 他们有客户对你方六种图样的装饰布感兴趣。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,be interested to do sth. 对做某事感兴趣 They are interested to export Hand-Embroidered Silk Scarf. 他们对出口手绣丝围巾感兴趣。 interest n. 兴趣 We have/take/feel no interest in the terms of payment on D/A basis. 我们不想用D/A的付款条件。 interest v. 使感兴趣 The garments on display at the fair were attractive, especially their fashionable styles interested the visitors very much. 交易会上展出的服装很吸引人,特别是时尚的款式令参观者非常感兴趣。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,3. quote quote v. 报价 quote sb. a price for (or: on) sth. 报给某人某种商品的价格 Please quote us your lowest prices for personal computers. 请报个人电脑的最低价。 We quoted this article at US$278 per case. 这种商品每箱报价二百七十八美元。 Would you please quote us your best price FOB Dalian for (or: on) 1,000 pieces of leather jacket. 请报一千件皮夹克的最好大连船上交货价。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,4. market market n. 市场,行市 come to the market 上市 find a market 找销路 a good (poor) market 畅销(滞销) in the market for 要购买 an advancing market 市场上涨 a brisk market 市场活跃 a strong market 市场坚挺,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,They are in the market for table-cloth and pillowcases. 他们要购买桌布和枕头套。 Please keep us informed of the supply and demand position in your market. 请随时告知你处市场的供求状况。 The market is strengthening. 行情在上涨。 market v. 推销,销售,在市场上出售 There is no difficulty in marketing these traditional products in the Southeast Asian market. 在东南亚市场推销这些传统产品不会有困难。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,In order to meet your needs in marketing, we take this opportunity to recommend “ Good Luck” Brand Electric Fans. 为满足你方销售需求,我方借此机会向你方 推荐“好运”牌电风扇。 marketable adj. 适销对路的,可销的 The goods are not marketable in our area at the price you quoted. 按你方报价,这种产品在我们地区没有销路。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,5. place v. 发出,置于,售出 If the quality of your goods is good and the price is acceptable to us, we will place a large order with you . 如你方产品质量好,价格可接受,我们将与 你方大量订货。 We regret that our customers have places their orders elsewhere. 很遗憾我方的客户在其他地方已经订货了。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,6. order n. 订单 place (or: make, send) an order for sth. 订购某项货物 If your price is in line, we will send you an order for 1,000 sets. 如果你方价格与市价相符,我方将订购1000 台。 Please see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time. 请务确保此订单在规定的时间内装运。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,order v. 订购,订(货) If you allow us 5% discount, we will order 5,000 dozen. 如果你方给予5%的折扣,我方将订购5000 打。 Can you supply the goods from stock if we order immediately? 如果我方立即订货,你方能有现货供应吗?,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,in order 整齐无误,妥当 Would you please sign and return one copy for our file if you find everything in order? 如果你方觉得一切妥当能否签署且返回一份 供我方存档? in good (bad) order 情况良好(不好) The goods have arrived in good order. 这些货完好无损地抵达。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,7. be in a position to do sth. 能够 be not in a position/in no position to do sth. 不能做某事 be in a good position to do sth. 很有能力做某事,完全能做某事 be in a difficult position to do sth. 很难做某事,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,We are very sorry to say that we are not in a position to agree on your counter-offer. 很抱歉告之我方不能同意你方的还盘。 We are in a position to offer you 50 metric tons of soybean, FAQ, 2002 crop. 我方可以报给你方五十公吨大豆,2002年收 成的大路货。 We are in a good position to meet your requirements. 我们完全可以满足你方的需求。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,8. discount n. 折扣,折价,贴现 allow (or: give, make, grant)% discount off (on) the prices of goods 按货价给予%的折扣 They make 20% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,他们予以八折优待。 at a discount 低于正常价格,打折扣(货物 无销路) The products are selling at a discount. 该产品正以低价销售。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,9. competitive adj. 有竞争力的 competitive price 有竞争力的价格 competitive power 竞争能力 compete vi. 竞争 We have to compete with a lot of suppliers for European market. 我们要与很多供货商竞争欧洲市场。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,competition n. 竞争 Those who can make their fit for customers needs will survive in the competition. 那些产品适合消费者需要的企业才能在竞争中生 存。 competitor n. 竞争者,竞争对手 The superior quality, attractive design and favorable price of their products will enable them to defeat the competitors. 他们产品的优良质量,诱人的设计,合理的价格 将使他们击败竞争对手。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,10. refer v. 谈到,谈及,参考;提交;参阅 refer to sb. for sth. 向某人打听(查询)某事 e.g. We refer you to our letter of October 1. 请你方参阅我们10月1日的函。 reference n. 谈到,谈及;参考;查询 e.g. Reference is made to your letter of May 5. 兹提及你方5月5日的来信。 A copy of our feasibility study report will be sent to you for your reference. 我们将寄送一份可行性研究报告供你方参考。 With(in) reference to 关于,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,11. contact v.t. 与联系,与接洽(和 approach同义,但被动语态用approach较多)。 e.g. Please contact (approach) us again. 请再与我们联系。 contact n. 联系,交往 e.g. We have been in contact with that company for nearly two years. 我们与那家公司有近两年的交往。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),New Words & Expressions,12. available adj. 可利用的,可供应的,可得到 的(做定语时前置后置均可,后置较为常用)。 commodities available for export 供出口的商品 not available 缺货 The only opportunity available now is the Harbin Fair. 目前唯一的机会就是哈尔滨交易会。 We are sending you under cover a catalog covering the goods available at present. 随函附上一份我方目前可供之货的目录单。,Unit Three Inquiries(询盘),13.be suitable for “适合” e.g. I want to buy some clothes that are suitable for cold weather. He is not suitable for this work.,Words and Expressions,14.When quoting=When you are quoting The use of “quote”: quote sb. a price for sth. e.g. This is the best price I quote you. quote sth. at + price e.g. The shares are currently being quoted at 54 pence a share.,Words and Expressions,15. terms of payment “支付条款,支付方式” 16. Should your computers be of good quality and Should用于if / in case 后,可以省略if / in case,将主语与动词倒置,表示“万一” e.g. If you should change your mind, do let me know. =Should you change your mind, do let me know.,Words and Expressions,17.in your favor “以你方为受益人” 18.refer to “参阅,向某人或某事物查询信息” e.g. As to terms of payment, please refer to our letter dated September 16. You can refer to the dictionary if you have any difficulty in reading the essay. refer sb. / sth. to sb. / sth. “将某事物/人送交某人/事物谋求指点、帮助、行动支持” e.g. The nurse referred the patient to a specialist for treatment.,Words and Expressions,Words and Expressions,19.on behalf of sb. (US in behalf of sb.) =on sb.s behalf (US in sb.s behalf) “做某人代表或代言人,为的利益” e.g. The government must act on behalf of the people. 20.principal “委托人,当事人”,“主犯” e.g. I must consult my principals before accepting your proposal.,Words and Expressions,21.grant “给与,答应” e.g. The minister granted journalists an interview. 22. quantity discount “数量折扣” 23.L/C at sight “即期信用证” 24.selling seasonslack season,25.We would appreciate it very much if you give us a prompt reply. =We appreciate your early reply. =Your early reply is appreciated. =We look forward to your early reply.,Words and Expressions,26. Appreciate的用法,We appreciate your kind cooperation.(接名词)感谢你方的真诚合作。 We shall appreciate it if you will send us a sample book soon.(接代词) 如能立即将样品簿寄来将不胜感激。 We shall appreciate your sending us a sample book soon.(接动名词) 如能立即将样品簿寄来将不胜感激。 为了表示客气,还可以使用虚拟式句子: We shall appreciate it if you would send us a sample book soon. 如能立即将样品簿寄来,我们将不胜感激。,外函中表示感激的表达方式还有:,We should be thankful if you would We should be grateful if you would . We should be obliged if you would .,Words and Expressions,27.pro forma invoice “形式发票,报价单”,28.a consignment of “一批货物” 29. should like 婉转地表示意愿,“想要,希望” e.g. I should like to make a phone call, if possible.,What is a proforma invoice?,什么是形式发票,“Proforma”是拉丁文,它的意思是“纯为形式的”,所以单从字面来理解,Proforma Invoice 是指纯为形式的, 无实际意义的发票。 形式发票是一种非正式发票,是卖方对潜在的买方报价的一种形式。这种发票本来是卖方在推销货物时,为了供买方估计进口成本,假定交易已经成立所签发的一种发票,而实际上,并没有发出货物的事实。由于形式发票上详细载明了进口货价及有关费用,所以有些国家规定可以凭形式发票申请进口许可证,或作为向海关申报货物价格之用。 形式发票与商业发票不同的是在发票上有“形式”字样。发票上一般注明价格和销售条件,所以一旦买方接受此条件,就能按形式发票内容签定确定合约。,形式发票式样,Words and Expressions,30. Import Licence “进口许可证” 31. act as “充当,担当,起作用” e.g. I dont understand their language, you have to act as the interpreter.,Words and Expressions,32. sole agent “独家代理” 33. agency agreement paper “代理协议书” 34. in advance “提前,预先” e.g. The rent must be paid in advance.,Words and Expressions,35.enclosed please find “随信附上” = We enclose e.g. Enclosed please find three copies of our latest catalog. 36.draw ones attention to “让某人注意” e.g. She drew my attention to an error in the report.,Words and Expressions,37. be guaranteed for one year “保修一年” 4.back=back up /support “支持,帮助;提供资金支持” e.g. This plan is backed by a state-owned corporation. 38. by separate post = under separate cover,Words and Expressions,39.advertise “给做广告”,可以直接跟宾语,如advertise sth. n. advertisement ad. 40. a brand name “品牌,品名” 41. profit margin “盈余,利润幅度”,Words and Expressions,42.urge “竭力推荐或力陈某事物” urge sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事 5.as as possible asap “尽可能地” e.g. You must finish your work as soon as possible.,Words and Expressions,43.be in a position to do =be able to e.g. Im sorry Im not in a position to help you. 44. a ready sale “畅销”,(1) Dear Mr. Haan: Re: Parts for Machine Type B-114 We purchased from you ten sets of the captioned machine in 1989. The machines have been very satisfactory. However, at present we need a large quantity of parts/accessories as per the enclosed list. Please send us as soon as possible your proforma invoice by fax and hard copy in quadruplicate by airmail. You are kindly requested to quote the FOB New York rate. The parts and accessories are urgently needed so we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return fax. Sincerely, Wang Liming Manager WLM/sm Encl.: a copy of inquiry list.,Re: Parts for Machine Type B-114 We purchased from you ten sets of the captioned machine in 1989. The machines have been very satisfactory. 标题:B-114型机器零部件 我方于1989年从贵公司购买了10台标题所示机器。其令人非常满意。,However, at present we need a large quantity of parts/accessories as per the enclosed list. Please send us as soon as possible your proforma invoice by fax and hard copy in quadruplicate by airmail. You are kindly requested to quote the FOB New York rate. 但目前我方急需一大批零部件,如所附清单所示。请尽快用传真发来形式发票,且空邮硬拷贝一式四份,并告知纽约船上交货价。,as per 按照 As per your request, we have shipped all your orders by S.S. “Atlas”. 我方已按要求将贵方全部定货装上了“Atlas”号轮。,enclosed list 所附清单 enclosed adj. 所附的 Please quote us for the supply of the items on the enclosed enquiry form, giving your prices CNF Lagos. 请按随函所附询价单开列的产品报来拉哥斯成本加运费价。 You will find details in the enclosed. 详情请见附件。,a large quantity of 大量 We understand you are in need of a large quantity (quantities) of ammonium sulphate, and wish to have a share in this business. 我方得知贵方需要大量硫酸铵,我方希望能参加这项交易。 quantity n. 数量 You say you will require a large quantity. About how many do you mean? 你说你需要的数量很大,大约是多少呢? We will allow you a discount of 5%, but only on items ordered in quantities of 100 pieces or more. 我方可给予5%的折扣,不过定货数量在100或100件以上的产品才有此种折扣。,You are kindly requested to请 On receipt of our L/C you are kindly requested to effect immediate shipment. 接到我方信用证后,请立即装船。,rate n. 价格 We ask you to send us samples of Tussah Silk and quote best rates. 请贵方寄来柞蚕丝的样品并报来最低价。,The parts and accessories are urgently needed so we wish to receive your proforma invoice by return fax. 由于急需零部件,故盼即传真回复形式发票。,urgently adv.紧迫地 We shall be glad to know when we may expect shipment as the goods are most urgently needed. 由于该批货物需要非常急迫,如蒙告知何时可望装运,则十分高兴。,(2) Dear Mr. Wang: Subject: Parts of Machine Type B-114 Thank you for your letter of Feb. 15th, 2001 and the enclosure requesting quotes for parts for the captioned machine. As requested, we are submitting our quotation in triplicate and wish for you to place your order with us as early as possible because we have a large backlog. We await your decision. Sincerely, Sander De Haan International Sales Manager,Thank you for your letter of Feb. 15th, 2001 and the enclosure requesting quotes for parts for the captioned machine. 贵方2001年2月15日来函及要求报标题所示机器零部件之价格附件已收到,谢谢。,Thank you for 已收到,谢谢! Thank you for y


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