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1,Practice 4,Sentence Translation II,2,Part I. C-E Translation,中国的批评界怎样的趋势,我却不大了然,也不很注意。 译文:I am not too clear, not too interested, either, regarding current trends in Chinas literary criticism. Re:原文受事在前,施事、行为在后。译文按照英语与徐习惯,将施事,即主语“I”,和表语am not too clear, not too interested的位置提到了前面。 If you pay attention to someone or something, you watch them, listen to them, or take notice of them.,3,Part I. C-E Translation,Re: 注意 If you pay attention to someone or something, you watch them, listen to them, or take notice of them.(96 attention 7) If you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it.(240 care 1) If you notice something or someone, you become aware of them.(1127 notice 1) COLLINS COBUILD(NEW EDITION, COMPLETELY REVISED) 上海外语教育出版社,4,Part I. C-E Translation,Re: 趋势 A tendency is a worrying or unpleasant habit or action that keeps occurring. .(1720 tendency 1) A tendency is a part of your character that makes you behave in an unpleasant or worrying way .(1720 tendency 2) A trend is a change or development towards something new or different.(1786 trend 1) COLLINS COBUILD(NEW EDITION, COMPLETELY REVISED) 上海外语教育出版社,5,Part I. C-E Translation,沙发上坐着一个人。 译文:A man was sitting on a couch/sofa. Re:句中“一个人”为施事,“坐着”为行为,是行为在前、施事在后。译文中都调整为施事在前,行为在后。,6,Part I. C-E Translation,早晨的公园里,遛鸟者时常可见。 译文: A. Early in the parks we often see people walk with caged birds in hand. B. Taking a walking in parks with caged birds in hand is a common scene in the early mornings.,7,Part I. C-E Translation,Re: 原文省略施事,处在主语位置的“遛鸟者”实际上是受事,“时常可见”是行为。也就是说,原文受事在前,行为在后。两个译文都做了语序调整。 译文A增添了人称代词we作主语,按照英文习惯,句子以“施事+行为+受事”的语序排列; 译文B的调整更大,有生命的受事“遛鸟者”转化为无生命的现象“taking a walkwith caged birds in hand”充当译文的主语,行为动词“(时常可)见”被转化为名词a common scene跟随联系动词is 之后,句子以“主语+连系动词+表语”的语序排列。 就效果而言,译文B表达更地道,英语的韵味更足。,8,Part I. C-E Translation,我们明天上午九时动身。 译文:We are going to start at nine tomorrow morning. Re:句中状语位置都有原来主、谓之间移到了宾语后的句尾。,9,Part I. C-E Translation,他们肩并肩以疯狂的速度向那座石塔奔去。 译文: A. They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda. B. Side by side and at a fantastic speed they ran towards the stone pagoda. C. Side by side they ran at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda. Re:同一个汉语句子,可用三个语序不同的英文句子来表达,这是因为英语状语的位置更灵活。三个译文仅在状态的侧重点上有些差别。 肩并肩 shoulder to shoulder,10,Part I. C-E Translation,他一九三五年八月二十二日早晨六点三十分诞生在湖南的一个小县城。 译文:He was born in a small town of Hunan Province at six thirty on the morning of August 22, 1935. Re:使用一系列表示时间或地点的状语时,汉语中的顺序通常是由大到小、由远及近,而英语则大体与汉语相反。 汉语原文: 英语译文:,11,Part I. C-E Translation,设在位于纽约市中心一座摩天大楼第四十层楼里的那间办公室,就是他工作的小天地。 译文: The office on the fortieth floor of a skyscraper in the center of New York City is the world he works in. Re:使用一系列表示时间或地点的状语时,汉语中的顺序通常是由大到小、由远及近,而英语则大体与汉语相反。 原文: 译文:,12,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:工作的小天地 The New World of Work (/mscorp/execmail/2005/05-19newworldofwork.mspx) Published: May 19, 2005 By Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation,13,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:工作的小天地 Working World /,14,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:工作的小天地 World of Work /wow/PrintEditions/lang-en/index.htm,15,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:工作的小天地 World at Work /waw/home/html/home.jsp,16,Part I. C-E Translation,一九四九年解放以前,中国人民曾经遭受世界罕见的恶性通货膨胀的灾祸。 译文:Before liberation in 1949 the Chinese people suffered from some of the worst inflation the world had ever known. Re:原文两个定语都放在中心词“灾祸”之前。译文省略了作宾语的“灾祸”一词,由inflation(通货膨胀)取而代之。两个定语调整为一前一后的位置。 原文: 译文:,17,Part I. C-E Translation,如果说白天的广州城像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街闪烁。(碧野广州抒情39字) 译文: If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it becomes a luminous pearl, with a sea of lights twinkling in the streets after the sun sets in the west.(李定坤 译 32字) ,18,Part I. C-E Translation,Re: become If someone or something becomes a particular thing, they start and develop into that thing, or start to develop the characteristics mentioned.(136 become 1) COLLINS COBUILD(NEW EDITION, COMPLETELY REVISED) 上海外语教育出版社 twinkle vt.使闪耀,使闪烁 如:The star seemed to twinkle hope to us.,19,Part I. C-E Translation,如果说白天的广州城像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街闪烁。(碧野广州抒情 39字) 译文:If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it is like a sea of lights twinkling the streets like a luminous pearl when the sun is falling down.(李超 译 31字) ,20,Part I. C-E Translation,(原文 碧野广州抒情) (李定坤 译 32字 3个分句) (李超 译 30字 2个分句),21,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:选自 碧野广州抒情-诗意盎然景美情深 广州抒情是碧野1962年写的岭南秋日这组散文中的第一篇。在这篇散文里,作者用高度的概括力和深情的笔调,描绘了广州这座南国花城的秀丽景色,展现了羊城的风土人情和人民美好的生活,赞颂了新生活的建设者和保卫者。是一篇景美情深、诗意盎然的散文佳作。,22,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:翡翠 jadeite deidait ;jade deid 翡翠,也称翡翠玉、翠玉、硬玉、缅甸玉,是玉的一种,颜色呈翠绿色(称之翠)或红色(称之翡)。是在地质作用过程中形成的主要由硬玉、绿辉石和钠铬辉石组成的达到玉级的多晶集合体。另外在动漫中也有以“翡翠”为名的人物形象出现。 英文名称jadeite,源于西班牙语plcdode jade的简称,意为佩戴在腰部的宝石。,23,Part I. C-E Translation,Re:夜明珠夜明珠是一种稀有的宝物,是在黑暗中,人眼能明视的,天然的、能自行发光的珠宝。通常情况下所说的夜明珠是指荧光石、夜光石。它是大地里的一些发光物质由最初的岩浆喷发,到后来的地质运动,集聚于矿石中而成,含有这些发光稀有元素的石头,经过加工,就是人们所说的夜明珠,常有黄绿、浅蓝、橙红等颜色,把荧光石放到白色荧光灯下照一照,它就会发出美丽的荧光,这种发光性明显的表现为昼弱夜强。此外,部分工艺品也利用萤石的特征制作一些冠以“夜明珠”名称的饰品。“夜明珠” 在古代“夜明珠”又称“夜光璧”,“明月珠”等。著名“夜明珠”有“随珠”、“悬黎”、“重棘之璧”、“石磷之玉”等。 我国民间流传的“夜明珠”,都有着奇异的发光性能,能在无光的环境中发出各种色泽的晶莹光辉。“夜明珠”在中国年文明史中是最具神秘色彩,最为稀有,最为珍贵的珍宝,并为皇权私有。“夜明珠”有着很深厚的历史底蕴和文化内涵。,24,Part I. C-E Translation,25,Part I. C-E Translation,Re: The Luminous Pearl电影:夜明珠 1939 导演:郑小秋 爱情( luminous lju:mins adj. 发光的;明亮的;清楚的 ) legendary luminous pearl 新世纪汉英大词典P1895R glowing pearl; garnet :nit石榴石;深红色; bead bi:d n. 珠子;滴;念珠,26,Part I. C-E Translation,女主人已经离开人世,再没有人喂它了。它好像已经意识到这一点 译文: He must have been aware that nobody was going to feed him after the death of his mistress.(张培基 译) Re: 汉语原文: 英语译文:,27,Part II. E-C Translation,Its good youre so considerate. 译文:你想的这样周到是很好的。 Re:主语从句换序,28,Part II. E-C Translation,On and on Byron talked. 译文:拜伦滔滔不绝地讲述着。 Re:状语换序,29,Part II. E-C Translation,Send us a message in case you have any difficulty. 译文:万一有什么困难,请给我们个信。 Re:“如果”、“虽然”也有放后半句的,但这样过于欧化的状语从句还是少用为好。 状语换序,30,Part II. E-C Translation,Never before has our country been as united as it is today. 译文:今天,我们国家空前团结。 Re:倒装句换序,31,Part II. E-C Translation,He witnessed the sixth post-war economic crisis of serious consequence that prevailed in various fields in the USA. 译文:他亲眼目睹了美国战后第六次后果严重的、 波及各个领域的经济危机。 Re:,32,Part II. E-C Translation,Re: 原文:次第定语时间定语本质性定语、中心词判断性定语陈述性定语国别定语 译文:国别定语时间定语次第定语判断性定语陈述性定语本质性定语、中心词 原文: 译文:,33,Part II. E-C Translation,For this reason, our company explained solemnly to your company many times in February last year. 译文:我公司为此于去年二月郑重地多次向贵公司解释。 Re:,34,Part II. E-C Translation,Re: 原文:目的状语、主语、谓语 方式状语 指涉状语 频度状语 时间状语中的月份 时间状语中的年份 译文:主语目的状语、主语、谓语 时间状语中的年份 时间状语中的月份方式状语 频度状语 指涉状语、谓语 原文: 译文:主语,35,Part II. E-C Translation,Cheerful, efficient and warm-hearted, they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable. 译文:他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。 Re:状语换序,36,Part II. E-C Translation,Formerly a worker himself, he was now an engineer. 译文:他过去是工人,现在当了工程师了。 Re:同位语换序,37,Part II. E-C Translation,From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland, they were warmly received by their compatriots. 译文:从他们走上祖国土地的时刻起,他们就受到同胞们热情地接待。 定语从句换序,38,Part II. E-C Translation,But before she went to join her husband in the Belgic capital, Mrs. Crawley made an expedition into England, leaving behind her little son upo


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