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高级英汉翻译 主讲:臧红宝 外国语学院英语系 Mar. 16,2012,请于上课前交作业 放在各组第一排,Warm-up,复习,Every life has its roses and thorns. 人生有苦有甜。,Translation methods:,domesticating translation ? foreignizing translation ?,lick ones boots Diamond cuts diamond. a flash in a pan,A flash in a pan 昙花一现 lick ones boots 拍马屁 Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手, The wealth he had boasted for years turned out to be the emperors new clothes.,Culture and translation,Definition Classification Relation Translating the culture,广义的文化是指人类创造的一切物质产品和精神产品的总和。狭义的文化专指语言、文学、艺术及一切意识形态在内的精神产品。,2.1 Translation and Culture,4.1 文化的定义与分类,文化分类,二分法: _,物质文化、非物质文化,CONVENTION FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE ?,Paris, 17 October 2003,汉英翻译与文化的关系,语言自然是文化的一部分 (戏曲与语言) 语言发展的源头活水(窗窗纱信息的窗口) 语言与文化的交流(三生有幸、 Braille ), ZENG Wen-hua,Language, Culture and Translating,translator,语言是文化的重要组成部分,与文化有着血肉不可分的密切关系。,翻译不仅是语言转换,更确切地说,是文化转换。,New,4. Culture and translation 5. Comparative Studies of Chinese and English languages,例证: “阿Q这回可遭了瘟” “Ah Q had met his Waterloo.” meet your Waterloo: to fail at something that you have always been successful at until now 此译在中国广受批评。 “文化传真”备受推崇。,文化与翻译,狭义的文化翻译,指“原文中特有文化内容/因素的翻译”。the definition of cultural translation in a narrow sense refers to the translation of the specific cultural elements existing in the original text.蔡平,2005,文化翻译策略发展的总体趋势,那就是从归化向异化的发展,从趋同向独立的发展。the general trend in the development of cultural translation strategies: from domesticating translation to foreignizing translation. The Translators Invisibility: A History of Translation, Lawrence Venuti , 1995,春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、放鞭炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年”的魔鬼。除夕之夜,一大家子定会在一起会餐,最受欢迎的主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好运吉祥。,春节前,人们打扫屋子、在大门上贴大红对联、放鞭炮。据传说,这样做是为了驱赶一个叫“年”的魔鬼。 Before the Spring Festival, people clean their houses, put red couplets on their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tales, for driving a demon di:mn named Nian away.除夕之夜,一大家子定会在一起会餐,最受欢迎的主食是饺子,人们认为它能带来好运吉祥。 On the eve of the Spring Festival, a get-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Jiaozi, which is supposed to bring good fortune. /,文化传真并非万能,例:美帝国主义的侵略意图是司马昭之心路人皆知。 1 The aggressive intentions of the American imperialists are none but Si-Ma-Zhaos heart which is known to every pedestrian. 2 The aggressive intentions of the American imperialists are none but an open secret. 3 The aggressive intentions of the American imperialists are as plain as the nose on face.,“文化特有项” “令外国读者不知所云的”,“如果认为出典十分重要,不可取而代之,那只能加注解释一番”,但如果两者之间没有直接的联系,只是借用,则加注“反而分散读者的注意力,消弱译文的效果。,打起黄莺儿,莫叫枝上啼。啼时惊妾梦,不得到辽西。-金昌绪春怨 1 When she dreamed that she went to Liao-hsi To join him there, they awakened her. -Bynner 2 Their warbling broke the dream wherein My lover smiled to me. -Fletcher 3 From dreaming of my dear Far off on the frontier. -许渊冲,Translation and Culture,Warble,verb (of a bird) sing softly and with a succession of constantly changing notes ,Translation and Culture,John, Anderson, my joy, John, When we were first acquent, Your locks were like the raven, Your bonnie brow was brent. -爱尔兰 彭斯 你的头发是黑得像乌鸦-梁遇春 美感上似有欠缺理 “你的头发乌黑”-王佐良,Translation and Culture,约翰安德森,我的老头子,作者:罗伯特彭斯 翻译:晚枫 出处:/column/rhapsodia/2011-02-10/131806.html 约翰安德森呦,我的老头子 想当年你我初相识 你头发乌黑亮黝黝 两道剑眉真叫个直,忠实并非全部照搬,省略未必造成损失 沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌 “have features that can make fish sink and birds alight, and looks that can outshine the moon and put the flowers to shame” -汉英词典 1. 意象重叠 2. “鱼”和“雁” 无法让译文读者与女子的美貌联系到一起 3. 将其略去,无损原意,Translation and Culture,传统习俗,Kissing doesnt last; cookery does. 甜言蜜语不可靠,粗茶淡饭才长久。,地理环境-fish,there are plenty more fish in the sea used to console someone whose romantic relationship has ended by pointing out that there are many other people with whom they may have a successful relationship in the future 海里好鱼多的是;天涯何处无芳草,语言是文化的重要组成部分,与文化有着血肉不可分的密切关系。翻译不仅是语言转换,更确切地说,是文化转换。 文化翻译策略发展的总体趋势,那就是从归化向异化的发展。,5 Comparative Studies of Chinese and English languages,文字对比Chinese characters 语音对比-Pinyin 词汇对比 句法对比 篇章对比,2.3 linguistic comparison,2.3 linguistic comparison,2.3.1 Chinese character,2.3 linguistic comparison,Alphabetic script Ideographic script,拼音文字 表意文字,Formation of characters p25,The presumed methods of forming characters were first classified by the Chinese linguist Xu Shen, whose etymological dictionary Shuowen Jiezi (说文解字) divides the script into six categories, the lish (六书).,2.3 linguistic comparison,Pictograph,象形字 Examples include 日 for “sun”, 月for “moon“, and 木 for “tree“,2.3 linguistic comparison,Indicative character,指事字 For instance, by modifying 刀 , a pictograph for “knife“, by marking the blade, 刃 for “blade“ is obtained.,2.3 linguistic comparison,associative character,会意字 For instance, combining 日 “sun“ and 月 “moon“, the two natural sources of light, makes 明 “bright“.,2.3 linguistic comparison,morpheme-phonetic character,形声字 also called semantic-phonetic compounds.,2.3 linguistic comparison,Written styles,There are numerous styles, in which Chinese characters can be written. The Shang dynasty Oracle Bone script and Zhou dynasty scripts found on Chinese bronze inscriptions being no longer used, the oldest script that is still in use today is the Seal Script (篆书).,2.3 linguistic comparison,Scripts that are still used regularly are the “Clerical Script“ (隶书) of the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, the “Regular Script“ (楷书) used for most printing, and the “Semi-cursive Script“ (行书) used for most handwriting. The Cursive Script (草书literally “grass script“) is not in general use, and is a purely artistic calligraphic style.,2.3 linguistic comparison,Oracle bone script (literally “shell bone writing“),2.3 linguistic comparison,Chinese Bronze Inscriptions 金文,2.3 linguistic comparison,The most complex Chinese character still in use may be bing (pictured right), with 57 strokes, which refers to Biang biang noodles, a type of noodle from Chinas Shaanxi province.,2.3 linguistic comparison,2.3.2 语音对比,2.3 linguistic comparison,tonal language intonation language,声调语言 语调语言,Pinyin, or more formally Hanyu pinyin, is the most commonly used Romanization system for Standard Mandarin. Developed by a government committee in the Peoples Republic of China, the system was initially approved by the Chinese government on February 11, 1958. Since January 1, 2009, it is also the official romanization system in Taiwan.,2.3 linguistic comparison,Initials and finals,Unlike in European languages, initials (声母) and finals (韵母) - and not consonants and vowels - are the fundamental elements in pinyin.,2.3 linguistic comparison,汉语为了追求音节的平衡和句法的完整性,往往需要重复,而英语没有平衡音节的顾虑,以简洁为宗旨,尽量避免词语的重复。,语音与翻译 1、他的工作是洗桌子和漆桌子。 He was to wash and paint tables. 2、好办法,美国人出钱出枪,蒋介石出人 What a splendid idea! The United States supplies the money and guns and Chiang Kai-shek the men.,音 译,芳芳 fangfang fang:1 a large sharp tooth, especially a canine tooth of a dog or wolf (犬或狼等的)尖牙,犬齿 2 the tooth of a venomous snake, by which poison is injected. (毒蛇的)毒牙 3 the biting mouthpart of a spider. (蜘蛛的)螯牙,口器 赛德仁律师事务所 ?,单位名称的翻译很难,音和意很难两全,而且搞不好读音为产生负面的联想。赛德仁律师事务所这个名称汉语寓意很好,但英语很难找到一个词涵盖,按拼音来翻译,又不能让英文读者接受。 流行的好办法就是起一个跟汉语发音近似,又有较好寓意的英文名字。“可口可乐”是个经典,让人有无尽的联想,发音又跟原文近似。基于上述原理,查找词典,sad-,shad-,sed-, shed-, sid-, shid-,等等开头的词语要么有贬义,要么毫不相干,最后想到shield 这个词,发音接近,最值得推荐的一点是其寓意:,盾牌-引申为a person or thing providing protection 保护人;保护物。 作为律师事务所,为客户提供法律帮助,保护他们的利益不受侵犯,再没有比这个更加能带来安全感的词了。所以我推荐用 Shieldrin Law Firm 来翻译。shield与“赛德”发音近似,-rin 与“仁”发音近似。这一个造出来的词在音上接近,更重要的是其寓意。而且网上搜索,还没有见到重名的。,Words,1. 两种词义 概念意义 关联意义 2. 英汉词义涵盖范围不同 3. 词汇语义对比 4. 词语翻译与语境 5. 活用词典与重视搭配,1. 词义:概念意义与关联意义,一个词的词义不是单一的个体,而往往是由多方面组成的统一体。 词义可以分成 概念意义(Conceptual Meaning) 关联意义(Associative Meaning),概念意义(conceptual meaning): 概念意义是词义的核心,它直接地,明确地表示所指对象。,关联意义(associative m


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