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动 名 词,structure,1,动名词的作用(主,表,宾,定) 2,动名词的逻辑主语,一,动名词的作用: 主语,表语,宾语,定语,Breaking away from industrial agriculture as the solution to hunger may be very hard for some countries. (剑7,T2,R) 【练】如果我生别人的气,就意味着我让别人控制了自己的情绪。 Getting angry at others means that,(一)动名词-作主语,【知识点】动名词做主语时,位置要求: 一般放句首,谓语动词用单数 有时候放句末,仅限于某些特定的句型。,It is no use crying over the spilt milk. 覆水难收 句型一:It is no use/good doing sth. 句型二: There is no point/use/good (in) doing sth. “干某事没有必要/没有意义/没有用”,【练1/3】现在让我出去和人约会没有用。如果我碰上了意中人,我自然会爱上他的。可是在现在这个时候我跟谁也不会有结果的,除非是为了解解闷。 _. I might really like if I met him at the time, but who, right now, has no chance of being anything to me but a transitional man. There is no use dating with others.,【练2/3】等到老了再说 “我会对这个或那个发生兴趣”就没用了。 Its no use starting to say when you are old “I will take an interest in this or that.”,【练3/3】 1) _ (长时间看电脑屏幕)damages your eyes. 2) _ (不戴眼镜)can make your eyesight worse. KEY: 1) Watching computer screens for a long time 2) Not wearing your glasses,(二)动名词-作表语,If the job is running a small business or an autonomous unit within a larger business, high achievers should be sought. (剑6,T3,R) 如果工作是经营一家小型的企业,或者是较大企业中的一个独立部门,就应该寻找能力强的人。,Peter: Another odd thing I see would be girls holding hands. If two girls their age did that in Britain we would think they were gay! Nick: Its just because girls get very close to each other and treat them as sisters. Peter: I think thats very touching but Im glad the boys dont do that!,(三)动名词-作动词宾语,When the local government in Cambridge, England, considered introducing Singaporean techniques, it faced vocal and ultimately successful opposition. (剑3,T4,R) T/F/NG The government in England succeed in introducing Singaporean technique.,我无法想象跟马告别。在过去的三年里,这已经成为我的生活方式。 -Tim (“成吉思汗之路”挑战者,20042007, 1万公里) I cant imagine saying goodbye to the horses. Its become my way of life for the last three years.,这次你对我妹妹态度粗鲁就算了,但下不为例。 I will overlook your being so rude to my sister this time but dont let it happen again.,后面一般接动名词作宾语的动词,appreciate, avoid, enjoy, involve, practice, suggest, keep, imagine, finish spend time,在介词后面做宾语,【知识点】介词+ n./doing. 【练1/3】 As an alternative to using a single-occupancy vehicle, carpooling involves two or five commuters sharing a vehicle. Q: What is carpooling?,【练2/3】在这篇文章中,我将说明支持这一观点的理由。(剑5,G,TA,R) In this essay, I will gave my reasons for _. holding/supporting this opinion. 【练3/3】通过读书我能学到很多东西。 I learned a lot by/through reading.,(四)动名词-定语,动名词做定语,一般表示所修饰的名词的用途。 a growing number of people 【练】分院帽,【练】分院帽;安眠药;梳妆台;出发点 sorting hat sleeping pill dressing table starting point,二,动名词的逻辑主语,判断区别: Nick insisted on reading the letter. Nick insisted on my reading the letter. 动名词的复合结构: 所有格/宾格/普通格动名词 His/him/Tom,【练1/3】我喜欢TOM唱歌。 I like Tom singing. 【练2/3】他们坚持学生站着。 They insisted on students standing.,【练3/3】 Tom拒绝接受邀请,这让我很恼火。 Tom refused to accept the invitation, and it makes me angry. It makes me angry that.(主语从句) Tom refused to accept the invitation, which makes me angry.(定语从句) Toms refusing to accept the invitation makes me angry. (动名词做主语),the end,复习,1,动名词的作用(主,表,宾,定) 2,动名词的逻辑主语,【课后练习】: 判断下列动名词的语法功能,滴水穿石 人生的课题就是做选择。 Constant dripping wears away a stone. The subject of life is making choices.,高分作文句子,此外,国家如果不让高中成绩未达标准的学生受高等教育,可能会因此埋没一个未来的爱因斯坦。 -(教育话题) make ones marks higher education / tertiary education Einstein Furthermore, by denying higher education to students who do not make their marks in their secondary education, the country may be ignoring a future Einstein. BONUS:Edison, Darwin, the Wright brothers, Socrates, Plato, 由于用CAI学习有着这些独特的优点,所以,没有什么东西可以抵得上做自己学习上的主人的自由,使自己的知识不断更新的乐趣以及对更多未知领域的好奇. -(现代科技) is worth / compensate for Because of these unique advantages offered by CAI, nothing can


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