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1,基本检索技巧 -如何利用主题词在CAplus中查找信息,2,什么是STN 联机前的准备工作 在线操作,内 容,3,STN- The Scientific & Technical Information Network,由美国化学文摘社(CAS)和德国卡尔斯鲁厄(FIZ Karlsruhe) 经营, 日本科技情报中心(JICST)在日本代理 收录超过200个科学和技术数据库,涵盖了广泛的学科 完整的CAS的数据库 CAplus, CA Registry, CASREACT, MARPAT 重要的专利数据库 DWPISM ,INPADOCDB, EPFULL, BIOSIS , USPATFULL/USPAT2, PCTFULL, and more 用先进的计算机语言访问, 显示和可视化数据库中的信息,4,STN检索界面,STN有以下三种访问方式: a. STN on the Web b. STN Express c. STNEasy STN on the Web和STN Express都是指令检索界面,其检索功能完全一样,区别在于STN on the web是通过网页访问,而STN Express是通过客户端访问。 STNEasy采用的是对话框似的访问方式,无需使用指令,操作方法简单,因此不能达到对文献检索精而全的要求。,STN检索界面,5,STN中可使用的指令,在STN中,可用的指令超过20个 /training/stncommands/index.html,其中,第一列是最常用的5个指令,STN中可使用的指令,STN中可使用的指令,6,联机前的准备工作,7,联机前的准备工作 确定要查找的关键词 查找同义词、不同拼写方式和缩写 使用合适的截词符 使用合适的连接符,8,同一主题的文献,作者有可能使用不同的同义词和缩写 一些了解同义词、缩写的方法 和同事讨论 做一次初次检索在得到的记录中寻找替代词 使用在线词典或词库 (将在高级检索技巧中讨论) 尝试一些网站, e.g. / /,查找同义词和缩写词,9,使用合适的截词符,使用截词符可以检索到包含相同一组字母的词语。从而做到省钱和省时 STN中的截词符号有,使用合适的截词符,10,在字/词间使用合适的连接符,在STN中,使用的连接符有:,11,练 习,请确定下面检索问题的主要概念及其同义词,并用合适的连接符建立检索式 检索问题: 1. Method to analyze heavy metals in wastewater from gold mine tailings. 2. Understanding the links between human chromosomes and the onset of diabetes in old patients,12,题1的主要关键词及其同义词: heavy metals: wastewater: sewage, wash water , effluent , waste liqs, drainage gold: aurum tailing: S heavy (a) metals 后得到L1 S wastewater (or) sewage (or) wash water (or) effluent (or) waste liqs (or)drainage 得到L2 S Gold (or) aurum 得到L3 S tail?得到L4 S L1 AND L2 AND L3 AND L4 题2的主要关键词及其同义词及其同义词? Chromosomes: Diabetes: Old patients:,13,在线操作,14,以例子说明在CAplus中查询主题词的步骤,15,CAplus 简介,CAplus收录了150多个国家的约10000万多种期刊及50个国家和两个专利组织的专利,最早的文献可以回溯到1840年 涵盖的学科包括应用化学、化学工程、有机化学、生物化学、物理化学、无机化学和分析化学 CAplus中的记录包含有题录信息、摘要和主题及物质索引等,16,CAplus中收录的文献种类的比例,17,CAplus中的一篇记录,了解数据库内容的一个很好方法就是仔细查看它的记录,ACCESSION NUMBER: 1998:137530 CAPLUS Full-text DOCUMENT NUMBER: 128:221420 ENTRY DATE: Entered STN: 09 Mar 1998 TITLE: UV damage on human hair. A comparison study of 10 UV filters AUTHOR(S): Gonzenbach, H.; Johncock, W.; De Polo, K. -F.; Blankenburg, G.; Fohles, J.; Schafer, K.; Hocker, H. CORPORATE SOURCE: Roche Vitamins and Fine Chemicals, Geneva, Switz. SOURCE: Cosmetics ISSN: 0361-4387 PUBLISHER: Allured Publishing Corp. DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal LANGUAGE: English CLASSIFICATION: 62-3 (Essential Oils and Cosmetics) ABSTRACT: UV-induced alterations in virgin blond Caucasian hair and in virgin black Asian hair were assessed in a preliminary study by measuring color changes, mech. properties (single hair friction, combing force and tensile strength), FTIR spectroscopy and classical amino-acid anal. The amino-acid anal. seemed the most sensitive test. Next, virgin blond Caucasian hair were treated with 10 protective test formulations and exposed each to simulated sunlight. The different results can be attributed to qual. differences in deposition induced by the formulation.,原始文献有7页,作者所写,简写,18,CAplus中的一篇记录,接上页),SUPPL. TERM: UV damage hair filter amino acid INDEX TERM: Hair preparations (creams; study of UV damage on human hair) INDEX TERM: Hair preparations Hair preparations (emulsions; study of UV damage on human hair) INDEX TERM: Shampoos Sunscreens (study of UV damage on human hair) INDEX TERM: Amino acids, analysis ROLE: ANT (Analyte); ANST (Analytical study) (study of UV damage on human hair) INDEX TERM: 56-89-3, Cystine, analysis 60-18-4, Tyrosine, analysis 73-22-3, Tryptophan, analysis 498-40-8, Cysteic acid ROLE: ANT (Analyte); ANST (Analytical study) (study of UV damage on human hair),索引词,索引副标题,CAS Registry Numbers (物质的系统编码),CAS Role (物质的详细信息),19,CAplus中的检索字段,其最常用检索字段:,注:CAplus中有39个常用检索字段,具体信息请见STN Database Summary /support/stngen/dbss/index.html,20,CAplus中的检索字段,如果只查找专利,则其最常用检索字段有:,注:CAplus中有53个字段供检索专利,具体信息请见STN Database Summary /support/stngen/dbss/index.html,21,检索步骤,运用主题词在CAplus中检索文献的步骤,22,检索步骤,运用主题词在CAplus中检索文献的步骤,检索步骤,23,检索问题: What has been reported on the antitumor activity of antibiotics derived or produced from Streptomyces bacteria?,24,第一步:确定关键的主题词,25,第二步:确定关键词语的同义词或缩写,Antitumor:anticancer, antineoplastic, antitumour, anti-tumor Antibiotics: immue, resistant,26,进行初步检索有助于帮助我们决定检索策略是否正确 在初步检索时,将连续用到三个基本指令,第三步:进行初步检索,27,运用FILE指令进入数据库,= FILE CAPLUS FILE CAPLUS ENTERED AT 20:34:16 ON 24 OCT 2006 USE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF YOUR STN CUSTOMER AGREEMENT. PLEASE SEE “HELP USAGETERMS“ FOR DETAILS. COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (ACS) Copyright of the articles to which records in this database refer is held by the publishers listed in the PUBLISHER (PB) field (available of this information, without the prior written consent of CAS, is strictly prohibited. FILE COVERS 1907 - 23 Jul 2009 VOL 151 ISS 4 FILE LAST UPDATED: 22 Jul 2009 (20090722/ED) This file contains CAS Registry Numbers for easy and accurate substance identification. Effective October 17, 2005, revised CAS Information Use Policies apply. They are available for your review at: /infopolicy.html,第三步A:进入数据库,进入数据库后有数据库的基本信息,包括更新及数据库覆盖年代等信息,28,运用EXPAND指令确定要查的词语是否在数据库中存在 当运用主题词查询时,使用EXPAND非常有用 确定在数据库里是否存在该词 确定词语的不同拼写形式(需用哪个截词符) 通过EXPAND,可以获得与检索词相近的词语列表,就象打开了一本字典,第三步B:确定检索词,29,=SET EXPAND CONTINUOUS SET COMMAND COMPLETED = E ANTITUMOR E1 1 ANTITUMOOR/BI E2 1 ANTITUMOPR/BI E3 287132 ANTITUMOR/BI E4 1 ANTITUMORACTIVITY/BI E5 1 ANTITUMORAGENTS/BI E6 2360 ANTITUMORAL/BI E7 1 ANTITUMORALE/BI E8 1 ANTITUMORALEN/BI E9 1 ANTITUMORALER/BI E10 3 ANTITUMORALLY/BI E11 19 ANTITUMORALS/BI E12 1 ANTITUMORAND/BI = E E13 1 ANTITUMORCANCER/BI E14 3 ANTITUMORGENIC/BI E15 1 ANTITUMORGENICITY/BI E16 1 ANTITUMORGENICS/BI E21 32 ANTITUMORIGENESIS/BI E22 476 ANTITUMORIGENIC/BI E23 11 ANTITUMORIGENICITY/BI E24 1 ANTITUMORIMMUNOPOTENCY/BI,第三步B:确定检索词,30,第三步B:确定检索词,E anticancer E37 1 ANTICANATOXIN/BI E38 1 ANTICANCE/BI E39 58673 ANTICANCER/BI E40 1 ANTICANCERACUTE/BI E41 2 ANTICANCERAL/BI E47 6 ANTICANCERIGENIC/BI E48 1 ANTICANCERLIN/BI = E immune E85 1 IMMUNDOMINANT/BI E86 1 IMMUNDUS/BI E87 262389 IMMUNE/BI E88 2 IMMUNEACTIVE/BI E94 1 IMMUNEASSOCD/BI E95 1 IMMUNEASY/BI E96 1 IMMUNEBODIES/BI,31,= E ANTIBIOTIC E97 27 ANTIBIOTHERAPY/BI E98 1 ANTIBIOTI/BI E99 101225 ANTIBIOTIC/BI E100 2 ANTIBIOTIC8907/BI E101 44 ANTIBIOTICA/BI E102 5 ANTIBIOTICAL/BI E103 199 ANTIBIOTICALLY/BI E104 1 ANTIBIOTICAS/BI E105 1 ANTIBIOTICCOMBNS/BI E106 2 ANTIBIOTICCS/BI = E STREPTOMYCES E107 1 STREPTOMYCER/BI E108 1 STREPTOMYCERS/BI E109 30604 STREPTOMYCES/BI E110 1 STREPTOMYCESA/BI E111 1 STREPTOMYCESAUREOFACIENS/BI E112 1 STREPTOMYCESERYTHREUS/BI E113 1 STREPTOMYCESROSEOFLAVUS/BI E114 5 STREPTOMYCESS/BI E115 1 STREPTOMYCESSP/BI,第三步B:确定检索词,32,通过EXPAND可以发现词语的不同拼写形式 运用词语的不同拼写形式将使检索信息非常全面 有两种方式能将这些不同拼写形式的词语组合在一起: STN指令设置 截词符,第三步C:建立检索式,33,自动设置 使用指令SET PLURALS ON,STN可以自动检索到词语的单复数形式 使用指令SET ABB ON,STN可以自动检索到词语的缩写形式 使用指令SET SPELLINGS ON,STN可以自动检索到词语的英美不同拼写形式,第三步C:建立检索式,34,使用截词符 运用截词符能够检索到词语的: 单/复数 前缀和后缀 词语的英/美拼写形式,第三步C:建立检索式,35,第三步C: 建立检索式,请使用合适的截词符,确保能同时检索到下面的词语 antitumor, antitumorigenic, antitumorigenically, antitumorigenicity, antitumoral (antitumor?) antibiotic, antibiotics (antibiotic#),第三步C: 建立检索式,36,使用 SEARCH检索目标记录,= SET ABB ON SET COMMAND COMPLETED = SET PLURALS ON SET COMMAND COMPLETED =SET SPELLINGS ON SET COMMAND COMPLETED = s (antitumor? or anticancer?) and (antibiotic# or immune) and e109 288258 ANTITUMOR? 58921 ANTICANCER? 199139 ANTIBIOTIC# 262389 IMMUNE 11 IMMUNES 262393 IMMUNE (IMMUNE OR IMMUNES) 39521 STREPTOMYCES/BI L1 1365 (ANTITUMOR? OR ANTICANCER?) AND (ANTIBIOTIC# OR IMMUNE) AND STRE PTOMYCES/BI,第三步D:运行检索,37,运用 D SCAN 评估初步检索结果,其目的在于: 确定结果是否是你想要的 查看数据库中是否有其他可用的特定技术用语 它是免费的 运用D SCAN 将从结果集中随机显示答案(在CAplus中,其只显示标题和索引信息),第四步: 评价结果,第四步:评估结果,38,= D SCAN L1 1191 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS IC ICM C12P019-56 ICS C07H015-252; A61K031-71 CC 16-2 (Fermentation and Bioindustrial Chemistry) TI IT-62-B substance and medicinal composition containing the same ST neoplasm inhibitor IT62B Streptomyces fermn; antibiotic IT62B fermn Streptomyces IT Antibiotics Fermentation Neoplasm inhibitors Streptomyces (antitumor antibiotic IT-62-B from Streptomyces ) IT Neoplasm inhibitors (nasopharynx, antitumor antibiotic IT-62-B from Streptomyces ) IT Pharynx (nasopharynx, neoplasm, inhibitors, antitumor antibiotic IT-62-B from Streptomyces ) IT 176259-62-4P, Antibiotic IT 62B RL: BPN (Biosynthetic preparation); THU (Therapeutic use); BIOL (Biological study); PREP (Preparation); USES (Uses) (antitumor antibiotic IT-62-B from Streptomyces ) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):1,第四步:评估结果,39,L1 1191 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS IC ICM C12P001-06 ICS A61K035-74; C07G017-00; C12P001-06; C12R001-465 CC 16-2 (Fermentation and Bioindustrial Chemistry) Section cross-reference(s): 1, 63 TI Manufacture of NA22598B1 and NA22598B2 as anticancer agents, and their manufacture with Streptomyces species ST anticancer NA22598B1 NA22598B2 manuf Streptomyces IT Antitumor agents (antibiotic ; manufacture of NA22598B1 and NA22598B2 as anticancer agents with Streptomyces sp.) IT Antibiotics (antitumor ; manufacture of NA22598B1 and NA22598B2 as anticancer agents with Streptomyces sp.) IT Fermentation Streptomyces (manufacture of NA22598B1 and NA22598B2 as anticancer agents with Streptomyces sp.) IT 226900-64-7P, NA 22598B1 226900-71-6P, NA 22598B2 RL: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BMF (Bioindustrial manufacture); BPN (Biosynthetic preparation); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); PRP (Properties); THU (Therapeutic use); BIOL (Biological study); PREP (Preparation); USES (Uses) (manufacture of NA22598B1 and NA22598B2 as anticancer agents with Streptomyces sp.) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):1,第四步:评估结果,40,L1 1191 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS IC ICM C07C065-36 ICS A61K031-194; A61P031-04; A61P035-00; C12N001-20; C12P007- 50; C12R001-465 CC 16-2 (Fermentation and Bioindustrial Chemistry) Section cross-reference(s): 1, 10, 63 TI Novel polycyclic compound, TEL68M, its fermentative manufacture, and its use as antibacterial and antitumor agents ST antibacterial antitumor TEL68M manuf Streptomyces IT Antitumor agents (antibiotic ; manufacture of TEL68M as antibacterial and antitumor agents with Streptomyces sp.) IT Antibiotics (antitumor ; manufacture of TEL68M as antibacterial and antitumor agents with Streptomyces sp.) IT Antibiotics Fermentation New natural products Streptomyces (manufacture of TEL68M as antibacterial and antitumor agents with Streptomyces sp.) (下页继续),第四步:评估结果,41,IT 343782-05-8P RL: BAC (Biological activity or effector, except adverse); BMF (Bioindustrial manufacture); BPN (Biosynthetic preparation); BSU (Biological study, unclassified); THU (Therapeutic use); BIOL (Biological study); PREP (Preparation); USES (Uses) (manufacture of TEL68M as antibacterial and antitumor agents with Streptomyces sp.) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):1 L1 11916 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS CC 74 (Fermentations) TI Production of antitumor antibiotics of the encalin group by actinomycetes IT Antibiotic substances (encaline group, from Streptomyces) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):0,第四步:评估结果,42,第五步:调整检索策略,用主题词检索时,常因不同的人员会有不同的结果 通常,可以使用更宽泛的词语使检索更全面或者使用更确定的词语使检索更精确 初级检索后需要考虑的问题有: 这些结果是你需要的吗? 大部分的结果都是相关的吗? 是否可以接受结果数?,43,第五步:调整检索策略,将采用什么方法?,44,第五步: 调整检索策略,添加可替代的词语,45,检索更完整的查询,= S (ANTITUMOR? OR ANTITUMOUR? OR ANTI-TUMOR? OR ANTICANCER? OR NEOPLASM INHIBIT?) L2 265344 (ANTITUMOR? OR ANTITUMOUR? OR ANTI-TUMOR? OR ANTICANCER? OR NEOPLASM INHIBIT?) = S (ANTIBIOTIC# OR ANTIBACTER?) L3 238537 (ANTIBIOTIC# OR ANTIBACTER?) = S (STREPTOMYCES OR ACTINOMYCETES) L4 40479 (STREPTOMYCES OR ACTINOMYCETES) = S L2 AND L3 AND L4 L5 1608 L2 AND L3 AND L4,第五步: 调整检索策略,46,第五步: 调整检索策略,47,= S L2 (S) L3 (S) L4 L6 808 L2 (S) L3 (S) L4,第五步: 调整检索策略,用使结果更精确的连接符连接检索词,48,= D SCAN HIT L6 808 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS TI Studies on the isotetracenone antibiotics. II. Kerriamycins A, B and C, new antitumor antibiotics TI Studies on the isotetracenone antibiotics. II. Kerriamycins A, B and C, new antitumor antibiotics IT Antibiotics (from Streptomyces violaceolatus, kerriamycins as) IT Neoplasm inhibitors (kerriamycins) IT Streptomyces violaceolatus (kerriamycins from) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):1,第五步: 调整检索策略,评估新的检索结果,49,L6 808 ANSWERS CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS TI Novel antibiotics, K93-0711-R4 and K93-0711-R6, and their manufacture with Streptomyces species ST anticancer antibiotic K930711R manuf Streptomyces; adriamycin resistant P388 leukemia inhibition K930711R IT Antitumor agents (antibiotic; manuf. of antibiotic K93-0711-R4 and K93-0711-R6 with Streptomyces sp. for inhibition of adriamycin-resistant P388 leukemia cell line) IT Antibiotics (antitumor; manuf. of antibiotic K93-0711-R4 and K93-0711-R6 with Streptomyces sp. for inhibition of adriamycin-resistant P388 leukemia cell line) IT Antitumor agents (leukemia; manuf. of antibiotic K93-0711-R4 and K93-0711-R6 with Streptomyces sp. for inhibition of adriamycin-resistant P388 leukemia cell line) HOW MANY MORE ANSWERS DO YOU WISH TO SCAN? (1):0,第五步: 调整检索策略,评估新的检索结果:,50,第六步: 显示结果,运用DISPLAY指令显示结果详细信息 当使用DISPLAY的时候,需要输入三部分信息: 答案集L号码 答案数 格式,51,第六步: 显示结果,52,第六步: 显示结果,默认情况下,CAplus中的答案集是按照时间顺序从最新到最早排列的,= D L6 1,808 IBIB ABS L6 ANSWER 1 OF 808 CAPLUS COPYRIGHT 2006 ACS on STN ACCESSION NUMBER: 2006:910077 CAPLUS TITLE: Study on mechanisms of action of enediyne antitumor antibiotic lidamycin AUTHOR(S): Gao, Rui-juan; Li, Dian-dong; Zhen, Yong-su CORPORATE SOURCE: Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100050, Peop. Rep.China SOURCE: Zhongguo Xinyao Zazhi (2006), 15(13), 1039- 1043 CODEN: ZXZHA6; ISSN: 1003-3734 PUBLISHER: Zhongguo Xinyao Zazhi Youxian Gongsi DOCUMENT TYPE: Journal LANGUAGE: Chinese AB Lidamycin (LDM), one of nine-ring enediyne anti


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