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图表示作文可分为“读图”作文和“读 表”作文。所谓“读图”作文是指通过提供的画面(往往是一组图画),用文字把图画中的故事描述出来。此类作文在全国高考中屡见不鲜。上海2002年高考作文题虽也是图画,但只有一幅。它完全不同于全国高考中出现的“读图”作文。其实,它更像是一篇命题作文。“读表”作文是指通过表中提供的数字,得出一个结论或形成一种看法。,图表作文,2000年全国高考 假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2000年2月8日清晨,你目击一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列图画写出报告。 1、目击者应该准确报告事实; 2、词数100左右; 3、结尾已为你写好,At 7:15 on the morning of Feb.8.2000,I was footing eastward along the Park Road. I was about to reach the T-crossing near the City Park when I noticed an old man coming out of the City Park and was trying to cross the street. Suddenly,a yellow car,which had come down the 3rd Street,turned sharply right at the corner. It was driving so fast that neither the driver nor the old man was able to react effectively. Regretfully,the woman driver did not stop to look after him but fled as quickly as possible. Badly injured as he was,the old man tried to take down the cars number. However,I managed it:which was AC864. About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.,2002年全国高考上海英语试卷 Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in over 120 words based on the picture and the instructions given below.,简要描述图片内容,结合生活实际,就图片的主题谈谈自己的感想,In the picture, we can see that the girls parents and her grand mother are helping the girl, which makes it impossible for the girl to ride bicycle on herself. What is more ridiculous, her mother even takes some medicine. In fact, this is not a picture just for fun. It tells us that parents shouldnt help their children too much. They should let their children be more independent. Many parents share the opinion that they must get every thing ready for their children so that their children could put more emphasis on their study.,They all failed to consider that with help of this kind, children wont be able to live their own life without their parents in the future. Nowadays, It is often reported that a certain college student dont know how to wash her socks! How can she compete with others after graduation? Love and attention is needed in the growth of a child, but it should never be too much or youll spoil the child and he will accomplish nothing in his life.,考生作文评析,本文内容较充实,详略得当。能根据写作要求,简要描述了图片内容,并能结合生活中的实例,谈出自己的感想。 具有较好的语言表达能力。虽然有些语法错误, 但全文流畅,结构合理,句型较多样,词汇较丰富。,读表作文,这种作文形式是在给出标题的同时,给出图表,并附以提纲提示。读表作文指通过表中提供的数字,得出一个结论或形成一种看法。2002年春季高考作文题就属于这一类。这种写作形式是一种数据,形象信息转化为文字信息的过程。写作时,考生可采用先描述后议论或夹叙夹议的方法。叙述一般在为议论大基础。所以, 除了直接引用表中有关典型数据外, 有必要做些简单计算, 切忌毫无目的地引用表中过多或全部的数据。,(2002年上海春季高考) 某城市今年每百人中手机用户增长 (示意图),人 数,1,10,20,50,根据所给图表,简要描述某城市今年每百人手机(mobile phone)用户增长情况,并试分析其增长原因。,From the chart we may see that the percentage of people owning mobile phones has risen sharply since 1995, when only 1 percent of people owned mobile phones. And in 2001 half of the population had mobile phones. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows.,First of all, peoples living standard has been greatly improved, and more and more people can afford such modern equipment as mobile phones. Secondly, mass production has brought down the prices, which contributes to the popularization of them. Last but not least, people have come to realize the importance of information in what is known as “information times”. Those who have access to the latest news are somewhat more competent in the society.,I think in the 21st century, the trend of owning mobile phones will continue. With the development of modern science and technology, not only will mobile become smaller and cheaper, they will also have more functions.,描述图表常用句式: The table/ chart/ diagram/ graph shows (that) As (is) shown in the As can be seen from the It is apparent from the chart (that) The number of (cars) + V.+ Adv.+ number and time There was a (very) Adj. + N. + in the number of + time,表述上升、下降、平稳发展等的常用词: 总计:add up to, total 上升:rise, increase, climb, improve, reach a peak 下降:fall, decrease, decline, go down, drop, slip back 平稳:remain stable 回升:recover (recovery) 波动:fluctuate 上述动词常可用下辖这些副词修饰: slowly, gradually, slightly, sharply, dramatically, steadily, suddenly, rapidly 例如:In Asia the number of “Satay World” restaurants increased rapidly from 12 in 1985 to 54 in 1995.,常用的名词: increase/ jump/ rise/ decrease/ drop/ fall/ fluctuation 修饰上述名词常用的形容词: sudden/ rapid/ dramatic/ significant/ sharp/ steep/ steady/ gradual/ slow/ slight 例如:There was a sudden rise in the number of “Satay World” restaurants between 1985 and 1995.,20世纪下半叶某城市人口增长率 (示意图),75%,10%,7%,3%,5%,学生课外生活,(2006上海秋季高考) 下表提供了你所心仪的南、北两所大学的招生信息。通过比较作出选择,并结合个人情况说明理由。,(A) I am a senior three student and will begin to receive my high education from this September. So I am considering which university I should apply for. Among the universities all over the country, the Southern University and the Northern University are my favorite ones, and both have respective advantages. The expense of the Southern University is 8,000 yuan per year, 3,000 yuan more expensive than that of the Northern University. However, the number of students that will be admitted of the Southern University is twice as that of the Northern University, accounting for 20. As to the Northern University, what attracts me most is the beneficial policy that if I apply for it, I will get an extra 20-point in my college entrance exam. Its really a remarkable factor.,Having thought twice, difficult as making the final decision is, I choose the Northern University. First, its cheaper studying there, so that my parents burden of money will relatively light. Second, 20 point is of considerable amount, which will certainly help me in my exam. Although it will enroll only 10 students, I have the confidence to be admitted. 能根据题目要求,对表格中所提供南北两所高校的不同方面进行比较,从而作出决定,并结合个人的实际,比较具体地阐明了自己对各种条件的态度和想法。表达较流利,错误很少,展示出一定的遣词造句能力,是一篇写得较好的作文。,(B) Now there are two universities to choose. And the two universities are good. I like them, too. But as far as I am concerned, I will choose the North University. First compared the South


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