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实用汉英翻译技巧,McDull,?,翻译对比:中年人的寂寞,我已是一个中年的人。一到中年,就有许多不愉快的现象,眼睛昏花了,记忆力减退了,头发开始秃脱而且变白了,意兴,体力,什么都不如年青的时候,常不禁会感觉到难以名言的寂寞的情味。尤其觉得难堪的是知友的逐渐减少和疏远,缺乏交际上的温暖的慰藉。 I am already a middle-aged man. At middle age, I feel sad to find my eyesight and memory failing, my hair thinning and graying, and myself no longer mentally and physically as fit as when I was young. I often suffer from a nameless loneliness. The most intolerable of all is the lack of friendly warmth and comfort due to the gradual passing away and estrangement of more and more old pals.,汉译英中句子结构的重组,重组的原因: 1、原文句子很长 2、逻辑需要 3、句子的连贯 4、语言的特点 “西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性;中国语法是软的,富于弹性惟其软的,所以中国语法以达意为主,如,初系的目的格可兼次系的主格,又如相关的两件事可以硬凑在一起,不用连接词。” “所以英国人写文章往往化零为整,而中国人则往往化整为零。” 王力中国语法论,将汉语原文拆成多个英语句子 例1:有的人以为散文不可捉摸,拿起笔来先害怕。 Some people regard prose-writing as something difficult to master. Once they take up the pen, they are seized with a kind of fear. 例2:改革开放以来,成都已建设得更加雄伟壮丽了,现代化的高楼大厦林立,城内外遍地鲜花。 Since the reform and opening to the outside world,highrises have made Chengdu still more majestic and splendid. Plenty of tall towers have risen up. Flower beds overspread downtown and the suburbs.,将汉语两个或两个以上句子在译文中合为一句 例1:从那时到现在,已经整整五十年了。这是光辉的五十年,不平凡的五十年。 Fifty years have elapsed since that day fifty glorious years, fifty extraordinary years. 例2:太阳刚刚落下地平线。柔风阵阵吹在脸上,怪痒痒的。 The sun had just sunk below the horizon and a gentle breeze caressed ones face.,例3:王先生心里有事,急促地走着。可是,满街光怪陆离的景色,不断地闯进他的眼帘。 Mr. Wang walked hurriedly along, preoccupied with his own thoughts, but the kaleidoscopic street scenes continuously forced themselves on his attention. 试译:我们必须扫除这个最大的障碍。这个障碍的扫除要靠中美两国政府的共同努力。 We must clear away this biggest obstacle, the removal of which depends on the joint efforts of the Chinese and American governments.,重新构建句子结构 1. 汉语的分句译为英语的短语 例1:的确散文比诗容易写,但也须下番功夫,才能写好。 It is true that prose is easier to write than verse. But to write prose well, we still have to make an effort. 例2:中国昂首挺立于世界之林,越来越成为任何人都不能忽视的巨大力量。 Standing firm and proud among the nations of the world, China has become an ever stronger force which no one can ignore. 试译:这孩子长的越来越壮实了。再过几年,干起活来恐怕没有人比得上他。 The boy is growing stronger and stronger. In a couple of years he might have no equal in work.,2、分句的谓语部分译成短语 例1:某些居心叵测的政客们只知道挖空心思为“西藏独立”制造理论依据,却没有想到使他们自己陷入了自相矛盾的境地。 Some ill-intentioned politicians, racking their brains to fabricate a theoretical justification for “Tibet independence” is unaware that they have landed themselves in self-contradiction.,例2:现在最大的问题就是日本的某些军国主义分子违背本国人民的意志,妄图掩盖抗日战争中“南京大屠杀”的滔天罪行。 The biggest issue now is that some of the militarists in Japan, in defiance of the will of the Japanese people, are trying in vain to cover up the towering crimes of the bloody massacre in Nanjing during the Anti-Japanese War.,3、主谓结构中的谓语译为短语 例1:老人听到外甥这些坚贞不屈,视死如归的豪言壮语,激动和伤痛的感情冲击着他,不由得老泪纵横。 On hearing his nephews unflinching and fearless talk, overwhelmed by feelings of sorrow and distress, the old man gave way to a flood of tears. 试译:我们用自己动手的方法,达到了丰衣足食的目的。 By using our own hands we have attained the goal of “ample food and clothing.”,4、改变主谓结构的其他情况 例1:有些青年人认为超前消费才显得豪华气派,这种想法是错误的,是不适合我国的国情的。 Some young people think that spending money ahead of time may show their rich and mighty way of living. This wrong view does not tally with our national conditions. 例2:矛盾不断出现,又不断解决,就是事物发展的辩证规律。 The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradictions constitute the dialectical law of development of things.,例3:在经济持续增长的新形势下,进一步改革我国国有企业的经营体制已经成为当前迫切需要解决的问题了。 Under the new circumstances brought by the sustained development of economy, further reform of the management setup of our state-owned enterprises now has become an urgent problem to be solved.,5、主动变为被动 例1:25年前尼克松访华后,中美两国建立了外交关系。 Diplomatic relations were established between China and the United States after the Nixons visit to China 25 years ago. 例2:从1997年起,我国人民每年7月1日都要热烈庆祝香港回归祖国这个大喜的节日。 The reunification of Hong Kong with her motherland on the red-letter day of July 1, 1997 is warmly celebrated every year. 试译:记者立刻将这位国际闻名的科学家团团围住,向他提出了一个又一个得问题。 Pretty soon the world-famous scientist was surrounded by a crowd of reporters and was snowed under with questions.,翻译练习:,尽管我已退出外语教学第一线,不少青年朋友扔经常向我求教有关各种技术和文学汉译英的难题。遗憾的是,他们的初译稿不是语法出错,就是习惯用法成问题;真正够水平的太少。因此我放弃为他们改稿润色加工的念头,只好亲自从头译起。随着岁月的流逝,年龄的增长,要想做的事太多,我的时间和精力又实在有限,“越俎代庖”终非长久之计。因此下决心编写一本实用汉英翻译教材,以供急需之用。 Even though I have staged down from regular teaching, many a time young friends still come to me, trying to enlist my help to crack the hard nut of translating technical documents or literary work from Chinese into English. Unfortunately none of their attempts is up to the standard of a qualified piece of work; at other times I have to do the re-translation and give up the thought of correcting and polishing their manuscripts. As time advances, I am getting on in years, much has to be done, yet my time and energy are so limited. It is not a permanent solution to “run the whole show” for my young friends. Therefore, I think it quite necessary to compile a practical textbooks of translation from Chinese into English to meet the urgent need of today.,语言对比:静态与动态,在这种情况下,劳资关系必然变得冷酷无情。 Work relations in such a situation are necessarily harsh and impersonal. 在任何社会里,用货币作为交换媒介,都可能出现通货膨胀。 Inflation is a possibility in any society that uses money as a medium of exchange. 试译:整个城市披上了节日的盛装。 The whole city is in holiday array. 这是一篇颇有说服力的文章 This is an article that carries conviction. 今年国庆节是星期五 National Day falls on Friday this year.,汉语无主语句的译法,1、运用被动结构 例1:新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。 Plenty of lawns apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan River. 例2:公共场所禁止吸烟。 Smoking is forbidden in public places. 例3:一旦发现错误,必须立即改正。 Mistakes must be corrected once they are found out.,2、采用“There+be”,“It+be+to”等等结构 尤适用于格言,谚语 例1:活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn. 例2:没有改革开放,就没有今天的经济发展。 Without reform and opening to the outside world, there would be no economic development of today.,3、采用倒装语序 在电脑展销会上,和美国IBM,康柏等名牌产品一道展出的还有国产品牌机,如“联想”、“长城”等新型多媒体电脑。 At the Computer Fair, on display together with those famous American IBM, Compaq & AST computers were also Chinas well-known latestmodels of multi-media personal computer such as “Legend” and “Great Wall”, etc.,4、采用祈使句 请勿吸烟! No smoking! 此处禁止停车! No parking! 请讲大声一点。 Speak louder, please. 闲人免进! Off limits! 举起手来! Hands up! 请勿践踏草坪! Please keep off the lawn!,5、补出主语 例1:弄得不好,就会前功尽弃。 If things are not properly handled, all our efforts are in vain. 例2:青年人和老年人不同,女青年和老太太不同,不考虑这些情况,恐怕就解决不好“代沟”问题。 The young are different from the aged and so are young ladies from old ladies. If you do not take this into consideration, I am afraid, you cannot solve the problem of “generation gap”.,汉语无主语句翻译练习,1、没有耕耘,就没有收获。 No pains, no gains. 2、以下是出席这次国际科学研讨会代表的名单。 The following is a list of the delegates to this International Science Seminar. 3、留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 A) As long as the green hills remain there, we dont need to worry about firewood. B) While there is life, there is hope. 4、以其人之道,还治其人之身。 A) Pay somebody back in his own coin. B) Deal with a man as how he deals with you. 5、请勿高声喧哗! Keep silence, please!,词汇积累:汉译英中虚词的处理,1、竟然 例1:搞环境保护的通知真马虎,昨晚下那场大雪,竟然没来校园巡视 The gardeners were indeed very negligent. They didnt even come out to patrol the campus in


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