



课时跟踪练(三)Section Learning about Language & Using Language一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高本课语言点针对练习.单词拼写1John is very reliable(可信赖的) if he says hell do something, hell do it.2Mary enjoyed feeling the warm sand beneath (在下面) her feet.3The view (风景) from the top of the tower was wonderful.4The flames (火焰) were growing higher and higher.5The weather forecast (预报) says the storm will hit the area at midnight.6The restaurant is open from 5 pm to midnight (午夜) every day.7From animals we get such materials as wool (羊毛), leather and furs.8John was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow (枕头).单句改错1The fans poured into the hall and couldnt wait see the famous film star.see前加to2In my views, there is no need to care too much about your clothes.viewsview3These were so difficult questions that none of us could settle them.sosuch4As usually, I walked the dog along the street.usuallyusual5I dont want to go to the station alone, so I ask you to go there with company.withfor本单元语言点温故练习.单句语法填空1They are the graduates (graduate) who graduated from Wuhan University and now are playing an important part in our factory.2If I see him, I will_give (give) him your message.3After we lost the game, John said that he didnt really care about it.4The little girl insisted on playing (play) with her brother.5Teachers asked that every student should attend classes on schedule.6I dream about/of playing a leading part in a film.7After graduation, she couldnt wait to_return (return) to her hometown.8The manager thought he was a reliable (rely) person and told him all about the new plan.9However hard he may try, he couldnt open the door.10The flower is pleasant to_smell (smell).补全句子1They planned a holiday in May but they changed_their_minds and went in June.(mind)他们计划在五月去度假,但是他们改变了想法,在六月去的。2He moved to Beijing in 2013 and he has_lived_there_ever_since.(ever since)他在2013年搬到了北京,从那以后一直住在那里。3We are_determined_to/determine_to_carry_out all our plans.(determine)我们下定决心要实施我们的全部计划。4He insisted that I_(should)_go_to_attend_the_meeting,_and I agreed.(attend)他坚持要求我去参加那个会议,我同意了。5He seems to_be_very_reliable,_so I can_hardly_wait_to_make_friends_with_him.(reliable; can hardly wait to do)他看起来很可靠,因此,我迫不及待地想和他交朋友。.多维演练1prefer点点练用所给词的适当形式填空The professor preferred giving (give) lectures to students to being_invited (invite) to attend meetings.He preferred to_die (die) rather than tell (tell) the secret.She prefers that her daughter (should)_get (get) along well with her new classmates.I prefer him to_come (come) to see me right now.2persuade面面观用所给词的适当形式填空/补全句子The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people are persuaded to_eat (eat) more fruit and vegetables.While shopping, people sometimes cant help being_persuaded (persuade) into buying something they dont really need.He is sure to come.Ive_persuaded_him_to_join_in (我已经说服了他加入) our conversation.Finally, I persuaded_him_not_to_transport (说服了他不要运输) these goods by ship.3such/so . that多棱镜Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.It is such a heavy suitcase that I cant carry it upstairs.He worked so hard that he made great progress.天气太热,以至于大家都没法集中精力工作。(一句多译)It_was_so_hot_a_day that nobody could focus their attention on work.It_was_such_a_hot_day that nobody could focus their attention on work.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.阅读理解As I stuck in the mud (泥),with my bike on top of me, I wondered what had forced me to come here. Madagascar is not a good place for a cycling holiday:one of the worlds poorest countries, only 11 percent of roadway is paved (铺). South of the town of Antalaha, where I started, the road was in worse condition.I appeared from a week in the wilderness and reached the start of the Route National 5 at Maroantsetra, but my dream of a smooth road and speed was suddenly destroyed by mud. The “worst road in the country” changed my bicycle into a burden (负担) for days. Finally, I_was_claimed_by_the_road. Tired. Alone.As I wiped (擦) the mud from my face and looked upwards, I was greeted by a Malagasy man. He helped me stand up and smiled playfully while he pointed to my bike, which sat next to his. I started again. But I fell again in the mud. Angrily, I told him to go on, but if he understood he showed no sign of it. His smile forced me back onto the bike. We continued like this for hours. But I fell less. Studying my quick guide, slowly I learned. As we passed through a village, a group of children saw me and shouted loudly. His only words were:“Their parents tell them white people steal and eat them. Funny, no?”I tried to ask why, but he had already set off.I tried to catch up; as I got closer, he took it as a challenge and sped up. We raced along the road. I rode a little faster and I was just behind, about to catch up with him. With a smile, he sped up and was away, leaving me breathless.语篇解读:本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了作者在非洲马达加斯加骑行遇到困难的时候,一位当地人激励自己继续骑行的故事。1What was in the authors mind when he was in the mud?AHe considered his experience a special pleasure.BHe made up his mind to continue challenging himself.CHe tried to think out a new road for cycling in Antalaha.DHe regretted having the cycling holiday in Madagascar.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段中的“I wondered what had forced me to come here.”及下文对马达加斯加当地路况的介绍可知,作者来到这里骑行发现路况很差,这让他后悔不已。2What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?AThe author chose another road.BThe author decided to ask for help.CThe author lay on the road for a rest.DThe author had no confidence to ride on.解析:选D句意理解题。根据第二段中的“but my dream of a smooth road . for days”及“Tired”可知,泥泞的道路使作者疲惫不堪,让他失去了继续骑行的信心。3How did the Malagasy man help the author?ABy showing him the right way.BBy wiping the mud from his bike.CBy riding in front of him all the way.DBy teaching him how to ride in the mud.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Studying my quick guide”及第四段中的“I tried to catch up; as I got closer, he took it as a challenge and sped up.”可知,那个马达加斯加男人一直在作者前面骑行来鼓励他。4Whats the best title for the text?AA lonely tripBA bicycle raceCA lesson in cyclingDA road in Madagascar解析:选C标题归纳题。根据文中作者在马达加斯加骑行遇到困难时受到一位当地人的帮助可知,作者从中受益匪浅。.语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Have you ever been upset _1_ yourself when you forget something important? Maybe you think you have a bad memory.Do you know your memory can be _2_ (develop)? Here are some ways for you to have a try.Be positive (积极的)Do not tell yourself your memory is bad, or your mind will believe it and you wont remember things _3_ (easy). If you think you can, then you can.Relax yourself.People are too nervous _4_(remember) things well._5_(relax) will help you a lo


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