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课时跟踪练(二) Warm up & Lesson 1Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually (终于) works for the Times.2You get a wonderful sense of achievement (成就) when you get to the top.3After a little gentle persuasion (劝说),Bela agreed to let us in.4The police are out searching (寻找) the yard for clues.5Please accept our sincere apology (道歉)6You must try and keep your spirits (精神) up.7The frightened (受惊的) child gripped his mothers arm.8Sailors (海员) do not earn much money but they do see life.9Even if you travel in ideal weather,sea journeys (旅行) take a long time.10Christopher Columbus was one of the great explorers (探险家).单句语法填空1It was the middle of the night when my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.2He wrote a letter where he explained what had happened in the accident.3Do you know the trouble I have buying (buy) the ticket for the concert?4While shopping, people sometimes cant help being_persuaded (persuade) into buying something they dont really need.5I must apologise for not having been able to write to you.6The moment he got home, the boy set about doing (do) his homework.7Large quantities of graduates go to the city in search of jobs.8When he came to, he found himself lying (lie) in the hospital.9The reason why he resigned is known to us.10The policeman with whom Mr.Henry is talking is a friend of mine.选词填空1We had_no_trouble_in finding this address.2Did you reach the top of the mountain?Yes.Even I myself didnt believe I could make_it.3Every year, as_many_as 10,000 visitors come to visit the Han Tombs from other provinces.4According_to Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires.5Hungry beggars wandered the streets in_search_of food.6If you get_into_trouble,_Ill step out and help you out.课文语法填空Eric the Red, whose ancestors came 1.from Scandinavia, was one of the Vikings who achieved achievements in his voyage all his life. According 2.to the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric the Red 3.was_forced (force) to leave 4.where he lived because he was charged with murder. He left Iceland and then discovered Greenland where he persuaded some people 5.to_go/into_going (go) to live. Following Eric, another man, 6.whose name was Biarni, 7.eventually (eventual) reached and landed on Greenland because of an unexpected storm. In the year 1002, Erics son, Leif, also made great 8.contributions (contribute) in 9.discovering (discover) other lands such as presentday Canada and Newfoundland. They are the first records we have of 10.Europeans (Europe) sailing to the Americas. .串点成篇微表达上周我们举办了一次化装舞会,为此(用“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句)我们准备了大约一个月。人人都玩得很开心,尤其是迈克。根据 (according to)他的行为表明他已经喝醉了,但是他坚持自己开车回家。他翻遍口袋寻找到 (in search of,make it) 钥匙。我们告诫他酒后开车会惹上麻烦 (get into trouble)。最终 (eventually),我们说服 (persuade) 他让汤姆开车送他回去。Last_week,_we_had_a_dress_ball,_for_which_we_had_prepared_about_a_month._Everyone_had_fun_at_the_party,_especially_Mike._According_to_his_behaviour,_he_got_drunk,_but_he_insisted_on_driving_home_by_himself._He_went_through_his_pockets_in_search_of_his_keys_and_made_it._We_warned_him_of_getting_into_trouble_if_he_drove_after_drinking._Eventually,_we_persuaded_him_to_be_driven_home_by_Tom._二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空My Air Force room in Florida was empty and quiet I was alone. My five roommates were gone for their _1_; I had chosen to _2_ behind in the camp. Being young and far from my home, I felt _3_. My room was comfortable enough, but I hadnt _4_ until then what made it so the presence of others walking, joking or just lying on their _5_. I was not able to sleep. In fact, I _6_ being alone sometimes, but tonight was _7_. Turning over again and again in the darkened room gave no _8_. The last sign of daylight had disappeared, _9_ to my inner depression. _10_, the Christmas lights on the tall pine trees would only _11_ me of my great misery. _12_, I heard weak sound of men attempting to sing. Yes, the voices grew louder and came my way. I _13_ still, enjoying the sound. In the corridor (走廊) outside my _14_, voices came near enough for _15_ to hear Christmas carols being sung. Suddenly, there, four airmen, identities unknown, were slightly unsteadied by holiday cheer. The first held a Coke bottle with a _16_ candle stuck in its top. The others _17_ a dancing line behind him.Seeing I was in the room, with joyful _18_ in the flickering(摇曳的) light, they sang me several carols, _19_ me a merry Christmas and left as fast as they had arrived.I slept soundly soon after, burying my face in my pillow, _20_ that someone had cared.语篇解读:本文讲述了作者在圣诞之夜独自一人,形影相吊,后来一群人出现给他唱了圣诞颂歌并祝他圣诞快乐,让他重新快乐起来,因为他感觉到了别人的关心。1A.presentsBfightsCholidays Dweekends解析:选C根据第15空后“Suddenly, there, four airmen,identities unknown,were slightly unsteadied by holiday cheer.”以及第10空后“the Christmas lights on the tall pine trees”可知故事发生的时候正好是圣诞节,作者的室友都出去度假了。故C项正确。2A.remain BsleepChelp Dwork解析:选A根据后一句“Being young and far from my home”因为我离家很远,别人都出去度假了,我选择留在营地里。故A项正确。3A.guilty BsillyCcurious Dlonely解析:选D根据第一句“My Air Force room in Florida was empty and quiet I was alone.”可知我独自一人,而且这又是圣诞节,我感觉很孤单。故D项正确。4A.prepared BrealizedCrecovered Dawoken解析:选B我的房间很舒适,但是直到室友们都离开的时候,我才意识到让我的房间舒适的是:室友的存在。故B项正确。5A.toys BfoodCbeds Dfloors解析:选C我的房间舒服的原因是其他人的存在,根据本空前面的动词lying“躺”,可知是指躺在床上。故C项正确。6A.imagined BpreferredCsuggested Dbegan 解析:选B本句是指有时候我宁愿独自一人,但是今天不一样。今天是圣诞节,需要和很多人在一起庆祝。根据句意可知B项正确。7A.different BbusyCgood Dsimple解析:选A参见上题解析。8A.balance BeffortCcomfort Dprogress解析:选C作者在漆黑的房间里翻来覆去地睡不着,感觉怎么样也不舒服。故C项正确。9A.adding BappealingCleading Dsticking解析:选A最后一丝日光消失了,夜幕降临了,难熬的夜晚来临了,这更增加了我内心的压抑。漆黑的夜是最难熬的。add to“增加”;appeal to“吸引,迎合;呼吁”;lead to“导致”;stick to“坚持”。故A项正确。10A.Therefore BOtherwiseCYet DBesides解析:选D日光消失让我更加压抑,而且高高的圣诞树上的光提醒我这是圣诞节,这更增加了我的痛苦。上下文之间是递进关系,所以D项正确。11A.cure BremindCrob Dthink解析:选B高高的圣诞树上的灯光在提醒着我这是圣诞节,应该和家人在一起,这让我更加痛苦。故B项正确。12A.Suddenly BSadlyCUnluckily DLately解析:选A在安静的夜里,突然我听到了别人唱歌的声音。根据语境可知A项正确。13A.stared BsangClay Dobserved解析:选C根据第7空后“Turning over again and again in the darkened room gave no _8_.”中的turn over“翻转”,说明我已经躺在床上了。所以本句使用lie“躺”,我躺在那里一动不动,欣赏着音乐。故C项正确。14A.house BroomCschool Dcamp解析:选B根据第18空前“Seeing I was in the room”中的 in the room,可知这些人在我的房间外面唱歌。故B项正确。15A.us BthemCwhom Dme解析:选D根据文章第一段可知我独自一人在房间里,我的室友们都出去度假了。所以此时能听到声音的只有我一个人。故D正确。16A.lighted BfallingCburned Dflying解析:选A根据空格线后面的candle,可知本句使用lighted,表示“点燃的蜡烛”,lighted“点燃的”;falling“正在下落的”;burned“烧焦的”;flying“飞翔的”。故A项正确。17A.broke BcrossedCformed Ddrew解析:选C第一人拿着一个顶部有一根点燃着的蜡烛的可乐瓶子,其余的人在他的后面形成一个跳舞的队形。A、B、D三项与名词line不搭配。故C项正确。18A.noises BquarrelsCnecks Dfaces解析:选D在漆黑的房间里,在蜡烛摇曳的灯光下,能看见的只有那些人快乐的脸,不会是噪音、争吵和脖子。故D项正确。19A.predicted BpromisedCwished Doffered解析:选C这些人给我唱了圣诞颂歌,希望我圣诞节快乐,然后迅速离开了。动词wish可以表示祝愿。故C项正确。20A.grateful BsatisfiedCdoubtful Dhopeful解析:选A之前作者感觉很孤单,在圣诞节的夜晚独自一人睡在营地里,但是这一群人的出现让作者重新快乐起来,因为他感觉有人关心他。故A项grateful正确。.短文改错D


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