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Unit 4 Living Planet 阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解AIf you want to be a writer and have always dreamt about the day when a worldfamous author would not only read your writing, but also, shower you with prizes then that day has finally arrived at least for those of you that are attending 4th8th grade.Thats because Pseudonymous Bosch, the bestselling author of The Secret Series is looking for you right here, on DOGO news!All you have to do is participate in our fictional writing contest.To enter, you can click here, then watch the video and listen carefully to instructions from Pseudonymous Bosch.After that, log into your iDOGO account.Select from one of three categories Funny, Mysterious or Strange and begin writing your fictional tale.Remember, any entries that contain facts about yourself or even worse, any bad language, will be automatically disqualified! Also, your story has to range between 100300 words.And, while your work is done, we will be unable to send the entry to the author until we have your Parental Consent on file.So make sure you print one out and have your parent/guardian fill it, sign it and send it to us either via email at or via snail mail to the office address specified on the form.Now, believe it or not, Pseudonymous Bosch is going to read every single entry and decide the winner in each of the three categories.Those lucky individuals will receive a set of the entire collection of The Secret Series, as well as, his new book Write This Book: A DoItYourself Mystery all autographed by the author of course!If you are still unclear about any of the rules, let us know by writing in a comment and we will try to reply the best we can.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章就一次写作竞赛作了详细说明,包括报名须知、参赛作品要求以及参赛细节等。1Who is the contest intended for?AProfessional textbook authors.BAnyone who is good at writing.CBig fans of Pseudonymous Bosch.DSome students interested in writing.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一段中的“If you want to be a writer .that day has finally arrived at least for those of you that are attending 4th8th grade.”和第二段第一句可知,这一比赛是专为四到八年级的有志于成为作家的学生举行的。2Which of the following entries might be accepted?AA joke using offensive languages.BAn essay on the origin of languages.CAn adventure story of about 200 words.DA story based on the writers childhood.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知只有C项符合比赛要求。3What should participants submit to make sure Pseudonymous Bosch reads their writing?AAn outline for their writing.BA photograph of themselves.CA completed application form.DAn agreement a parent has signed.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段中的“we will be unable to send the entry to the author until we have your Parental Consent on file”和“have your parent/guardian fill it, sign it”可知,档案中必须放入家长或监护人签名的同意书。BPamela Malhotra and her husband Anil KMalhotra have spent the last 25 years buying abandoned agricultural land and reforesting it, to return the land to a biodiverse rainforest for elephants, birds and other creatures.The couple owns 300 acres of land in Brahmagiri, India.Theyve spotted more than 300 kinds of birds as well as many rare and threatened animal species.But, this was not the scene in 1991 when Anil and Pamela came to this part of the country.“When I came here, it was a wasteland.The owner wanted to sell because he couldnt grow coffee or anything else here,” says Anil who worked in the real estate (房地产) and restaurant business in the US before moving to India.“For me and Pamela, this was what we were looking for all our life.”The couple had a love for nature from their childhood.When the Malhotras came to India, the pollution horrified them.“That was when we decided to do something to reclaim (开垦) the forests in India,” says Anil.“We were not looking for money.Early on, we realized that shortage of fresh water will be a concern for India and the rest of the world.Acquisition, protection and reclamation of forested lands and wildlife habitat, where vital water sources have their origin, is the only way to save ourselves,” explains Anil.They sold property (财产) they owned in America, bought the first 55 acres and began to grow a forest.Soon, they bought the land nearby as well.“Many of the farmers considered their holdings wasteland as very little grew on it and were happy to get money,” says Anil.Hunting and poaching (偷猎) was a challenge and often the locals did not understand what this couple was doing, so it required a lot of talking to create awareness.They worked with the forest department to set up camera traps and keep poachers away.“There are times I have fought with poachers,” says Pamela.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。一对美国夫妇在印度买下三百英亩的废弃土地,植树造林,造福后代。4Why did the Malhotras buy the wasteland in India?ATo build a private zoo.BTo preserve the environment.CTo develop the local agriculture.DTo protect rare birds and animals.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第一段中的“buying abandoned agricultural land and reforesting it .birds and other creatures”和第三段中的“the pollution horrified them”可以推知,Malhotra夫妇买下农民废弃的土地是为了解决当地的污染问题,保护环境。5What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 probably refer to?AThe land.BThe coffee.CThe restaurant. DThe scene in 1991.解析:选A代词指代题。根据第二段中的“.it was a wasteland.The owner wanted to sell .”可知,这样的土地正是Malhotra夫妇一直在寻找的。6What can be inferred about the Malhotras?AThey had a tough life in America.BThey lived in harmony with nature.CThey made a lot of money in India.DThey found important water sources.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Theyve spotted more than 300 kinds of birds .was not the scene in 1991”可知,经过Malhotra夫妇的努力,他们买下的废弃土地已经发生了很大变化,吸引了许多鸟类和珍稀动物。由此可见,他们与大自然相处和谐。7What might the Malhotras think of the local farmers?AThey are greedy for profits.BThey are ready to help others.CThey lack environmental awareness.DThey have no knowledge of agriculture.解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Hunting and poaching (偷猎) was a challenge .talking to create awareness.”可以推知,Malhotra夫妇认为当地农民缺乏环保意识。CA Yorkshire village in England has created what could be the worlds smallest museum.The museum has been created by transforming a disused phone box.The attraction in Warley Town only has enough room for one visitor at a time.Despite the limitations of space, it features etched (风化的) glass, old photographs and a selection of personal items from the local people that tell the history of the village.Visitors can explore the museum and learn about the history and culture of the village.The phone box was redesigned by members of Warley Community Association (WCA)After researching the uses of other phone boxes, including book exchanges and cafes, the group decided to create the museum.The work and planning were carried out by Mrs.Bailey, her carpenter husband Doug Bailey, and Warley artists Paul and Chris Czainski.And the museum was unveiled (揭牌)by mayor Howard Blagbrough.Kathryn Gallagher from WCA said,“We just started talking about what we could do with the phone box and came up with the idea.Many people are excited to come and look at it.”The theme is currently local history, but the group plans to make changes every three months.WCA has also submitted an application for the museum to be included in the Guinness Book of World Records.Eliana Bailey, WCA chairwoman, said:“Weve had a positive response.People thought it was amazing.When they saw the inside of the museum they could not believe it.Its so great to show the history and culture of the village.”语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文中介绍了英国约克郡(Yorkshire) Warley Town由废弃的电话亭改造而成的小博物馆。8Whats the museum created from?AA cafe. BA bookstore.CA library. DA telephone booth.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The museum has been created by transforming a disused phone box.”可知,小博物馆是由废弃的电话亭改造而成的。故D项正确。9Whats the theme of the museum at present?ALocal history. BBook exchanges.CLocal people. DWorld records.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The theme is currently local history, but the group plans to make changes every three months.”可知,目前小博物馆的主题是当地历史。所以A项正确。10What can we learn about the museum?AIt was redesigned by Doug Bailey.BOnly one person can visit it at a time.CIt displays some paintings of famous people.DIt has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The attraction in Warley Town only has enough room for one visitor at a time.”可知,小博物馆的空间很小,一次只能容纳一个人参观。所以B项正确。11What may be the best title of the passage?AWCAs New DesignBLets Reuse the Disused ItemCThe Worlds Smallest MuseumDThe New Museum of a Yorkshire Village解析:选C标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了Warley Town由废弃的电话亭改造而成的小博物馆,亮点在于其创意和狭小的空间,所以C项最适合作文章标题。故C项正确。DBoom said at the Paris Air Show Tuesday that passengers could fly between London and New York aboard a supersonic (超音速的) commercial airplane in about 2.5 hours within the next six years.The company also aims to shuttle passengers from San Francisco to Tokyo in 5.5 hours, vs. the current 11hour travel time.Flights from Los Angeles to Sydney would take just under 7 hours, compared with the current 15 hours.“Airlines are eager to find something new and different to offer their passengers and were thrilled that major world airlines share our idea of a future of faster, more accessible supersonic travel,” Blake Scholl, Booms founder, said at the show.Five airlines have already placed more than 70 orders for Booms fasterthansound passenger airliners, the company announced.Some experts, however, are skeptical that Boom can make its idea a reality and offer a product that makes financial sense.The European aircraft Concorde, which ended its transatlantic supersonic flight in 2003, was never commercially workable, and with an airfare of $20,000, appealed to only a very narrow slice of travelers, said Robert Mann, an airline industry expert.Fuel economy, unproven technology, and regulations against supersonic commercial flight are key difficulties Boom faces, Mann said.There are also some travel limitations.The United States and many other countries do not allow supersonic commercial flights over land, because of the loud shock wave that can be annoying to communities below.But a Boom spokesman said that its passenger airliner is being designed to minimize the noise it makes and that Boom will work to change those regulations.The company said that it will succeed where Concorde failed because Boom is using better engines and improved materials to help reduce the costs of operating its aircraft.And a businessclass ticket from New York to London could cost $5,000, Boom estimates (估计), far less than the $20,000 charged by Concorde.语篇解读:本文是一篇新闻报道。从纽约到伦敦仅需2.5小时,这可能吗?美国一家航空航天公司Boom在巴黎航空展上宣布他们的超音速飞机有望在六年内将此变为现实。12.In which aspect will Booms new airplane stand out?AIts safety. BIts speed.CIts flight paths. DIts degree of comfort.解析:选B细节理解题。第一段采用举例子、列数字和对比的写作手法,通过对三条航线目前和将来可能的飞行时间进行对比,主要说明超音速飞机可以大大缩短旅行时间,即它在速度上的优势,故选B项。13What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AThe aim of Boom.BThe partners of Boom.CThe public reaction to supersonic flight.DThe potential market for supersonic flight.解析:选D段落大意题。第二段中Boom的创始人称一些航空公司对航空创新和高速商业飞行的发展充满热情,并提到有五家航空公司已向他们订购了七十余架飞机,由此可以看出第二段主要介绍超音速飞机的市场潜力,故选D项。14What was the main reason for Concordes failure?AIt was poorly designed. BIt created terrible noise.CIt was very expensive. DIt burnt too much fuel.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“with an airfare of $20,000, appealed to only a very narrow slice of travelers”和最后一段中的“where Concorde failed .to help reduce the costs”以及最后一句中价格的对比可知,Concorde失败的主要原因是其价格太高,只能吸引极少的乘客,故选C项。15What is Manns attitude toward supersonic commercial flight?AFavorable. BDisappointed.CDoubtful. DAmbiguous.解析:选C观点态度题。第三段中Mann举了以失败而告终的Concorde的例子,又列举了一些超音速飞机面临的问题,由此可推断,他对超音速飞行持怀疑态度,故选C项。.阅读七选五Everybody likes to get a freebie (赠品)On my way to work today I was offered a bottle of new mineral water.Lucky me eh? _1_ where you can get a freebie depends on a number of factors (因素)For businesses, giving out something for nothing is an important marketing technique.They want to see our reaction and hear our feedback (反馈) and finally make us buy more._2_.They want to target the socalled trendsetters, in the hope that they will speak positively about the product and encourage people to buy more.Living in a capital city certainly improves your chances of getting a freebie._3_.So if you live in London, Paris or Beijing, youll probably see a new promotional campaign starting there first.The hope is that the fashionable people there will try and like the new item and support it on social media.Eventually everyone around the country will know about it.How businesses give away freebies is also of interest._4_: future selling, crossselling and upselling.The first is abo


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