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Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship阅读障碍词convincev说服,劝服unlocked adj.未锁的spirit n精神;情绪A Forever Friend“A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”Sometimes in life,You find a special friend;Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.Someone who makes you laugh until you cant stop;Someone who makes you believe that there is true love in the world.Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.This is forever friendship.When youre down,And the world seems dark and empty,Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times.If you turn and walk away,Your forever friend follows,If you lose your way,Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on.Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be OK.And if you find such a friend,You feel happy and complete,Because you need not worry.You have a forever friend for life,And forever has no end.Match the word with its meaning.1closeA(使)旋转,(使)摆动2trust B筹措(金钱)3chat C偷,盗窃4financially D喜怒无常的5moody E数量6amount F亲密的,亲近的7raise G信赖,信任8theft H闲谈,聊天9swing I财政上地10interpersonal J人际关系的,人与人之间的答案:15FGHID610EBCAJ.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1Seeing the funny clown appear on the stage, all the audience burst out laughing.突然发生,突然起来2The bad man knocked over the old man with the black car.撞伤,撞死3By that time I had lost interest in that idea.对失去兴趣4I see him at the library from time to time.偶尔,有时5Although the old scientist has finished the difficult experiment, he is still going through the results.仔细检查6Turn round and let me look at your back.转过身来1What kind of friend do you like?In my opinion, a good friend should be_friendly,_helpful,polite,_generous,_honest,_loyal,humorous,_warmhearted,_responsible,_patient,_brave,_selfless_and_so_on.2Has your friend ever made a foolish mistake, or has he ever hurt you either on purpose or by accident? Do you expect your friend to act like Lian Po, the general of the kingdom of Zhao, who carried a rod on his back and asked for punishment, or do you just think that letting a friend make a mistake is better than taking action that risks destroying a friendship? Read the passage and find out what the writers friend Roy did and what the writers reaction was.Fastreading1Read the text quickly and finish the following question.What is the main idea of the passage?The passage is about _the_story_of_the_writers_friend,_Roy,_who_changed_from_a_kind,hardworking_and_popular_student_to_a_problem_student_involved_in_theft.2Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each part.Paras.1、2AI found Roy stole other students wallets.Para.3 BI found Roy stole the money raised for a charity by accident.Paras.4、5 CI got to know Roy and made friends with him.Paras.68 DUnhappy things happened to Roy and he changed completely.答案:CDAB.CarefulreadingRead the text carefully and choose the best answer.1What do we know about Daniels life when he moved to London?AHe was popular.BHe liked telling jokes.CHe was very shy and lonely.DHe had several old friends in his new class.2Which of the following is TRUE about Roy?ARoy moved to a larger house a year ago.BRoy was more hardworking after his father died.CRoy stole Daniels money.DRoys family led a harder life after his fathers death.3What do we know about the big fair?AThe fair was held for Roy.BThe money from the fair might have been taken away by Roy.CRoy wasnt present at the fair that day.DAll the people knew it was Roy that stole the money from the fair.4What can we learn from the passage?ARoy was dismissed from the class.BRoy never stole other students money.CMr White scolded Roy seriously.DRoy needed help with life and schoolwork.答案:14CDBD.StudyreadingAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1Roy, who had always been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody.句式分析尝试翻译罗伊原来和他父亲关系十分亲密,而父亲去世后他彻底地变了,变得沉默寡言、闷闷不乐。2Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats.句式分析尝试翻译因为我把东西忘在了衣帽间,我就进去取,这时我发现罗伊正在翻别人的衣服口袋。3I really hoped that Roy would explain why he had been stealing, but instead he started avoiding me.句式分析尝试翻译我真希望罗伊能跟我解释他为什么偷东西,但相反地他却开始回避我。阅读理解AThey are the sort of friends who are so close that they trust each other with their lives.If one falls, the other is there to catch him.They are Wellman, whose legs were permanently injured nine years ago in a rockclimbing accident, and Corbett, an experienced rock climber.Together, they climbed up Half Dome, the famous 2,000foot rock in the Yosemite National Park, through one of the most difficult routes (路线)During the climb, Corbett took the lead, hit in the metal spikes (尖状物) that guided the ropes and climbed up.Then, after Wellman pulled himself up the rope, Corbett went down to remove the spikes and climbed up again.This process was repeated time and again, inch by inch, for 13 days.Wellmans job was not easy either.He got himself up the rope through upper body strength alone.In all, Wellman figured that he had done 5,000 pullups up the rope on the climb.However, when the two men first met, they never talked about climbing.“He knew that was how I got injured,” Wellman said.Until one day Wellman decided that he wanted to climb again and they started training.Their climb of Half Dome was not all smooth.At one point, pieces of rock gave way, and Corbett dropped down quickly.Wellman locked their rope in place, stopping the fall at 20 feet.His quick action probably saved his friends life.“Your partner can save your life you can save your partners life,” Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends.“There are real close ties.”语篇解读:友谊能克服困难,甚至挽救生命。Wellman和Corbett的攀岩经历很好地印证了友谊之珍贵。1Which of the following was a challenge for Corbett in climbing Half Dome?ATo climb up to remove the spikes.BTo climb it twice.CTo do 5,000 pullups up the rope.DTo lock the rope in place.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“.Corbett went down to remove the spikes and climbed up again.”可知,Corbett实际上是在同样的高度爬了两次。因此B项正确。2Why did the two men never talk about climbing when they first met?ACorbett was poorly trained.BWellman had lost interest in climbing.CCorbett didnt want to hurt Wellman.DWellman hadnt decided whether to climb again.解析:选C推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的 “He knew that was how I got injured” 可知,Corbett与Wellman 从不谈论关于攀岩的话题是因为Corbett知道Wellman 是如何受伤的,因此不想伤害他。因此C项正确。3What do we know about Wellman?AHe climbed Half Dome by himself.BHe was disabled in a traffic accident.CHe stopped rockclimbing for some time.DHe was saved by Corbett during the climb.解析:选C推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“Until one day Wellman decided that he wanted to climb again and they started training.”可知,Wellman有一段时间不愿攀岩,但是Corbett并没有劝他而是直到Wellman自愿重新开始时才在一起训练。故C项正确。4The main idea of the text is that _.Atwo heads are better than oneBfriendship is precious in lifeCthe disabled should never give upDa man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated解析:选B主旨大意题。根据整篇文章的意思可以知道作者之所以写这篇文章就是想告诉人们友谊在人的一生中是非常珍贵的。故B项正确。BYour friend might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away.Life has changed for millions of children across the world who now make friends online.Whether you use chatrooms (聊天室), QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are part of virtual community (虚拟社会)“I seldom talk with my parents or grandparents, but I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ,” said Foxs Shadow, the online nickname used by a Senior 2 girl in China.“Eighty percent of my classmates use QQ after school.”QQ is the biggest messaging service in China.Four million people used it one Saturday night in October, according to Tencent, the company which developed QQ.And Foxs Shadow might well have been one of them.“I log_in on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel bored.I usually spend about 10 hours chatting online every week,”she said, “But I hardly talk with strangers, especially boys or men.”Even though she likes chatting, she is careful about making friends with strangers online.“You dont know who you are talking to.You should always be careful about who you trust online.”Many people would like to meet offline when they feel they have got to know someone very well.Foxs Shadow once met one of her online friends face to face.It was a girl who was a comic (喜剧) fan like herself and they went to a comic show together.A 16yearold Beijing boy, known online as Bart Simon, dislikes QQ users.“I used to chat on QQ, but I found that most people were talking about useless things,” he said.Now he chats online in English, using MSN.“I only chat online because Ive got friends in Japan, the USA and Singapore,” he said, “I want to learn more about foreign cultures.” But he spends little time chatting as he sees it as a waste of time and money.“If you are really addicted (沉迷) to it, sometimes you cant listen carefully in class,” he said, “And the friends in your real life are always more important than those socalled friends you meet online.”语篇解读:本文主要是围绕着网上聊天交友展开的。5How many messaging services have been mentioned in the passage?A2.B3.C4. D5.解析:选C细节理解题。由第一段最后一句可知,本文提到了四种信息服务方式:chatrooms, QQ, MSN和ICQ。6Whats the meaning of the phrase “log in” in the fourth paragraph?ATake off. BGet online.CSet out. DSet up.解析:选B词义猜测题。由该词组所在句子的上下文可推出,log in 表示“登录,上网”。7What is the best title of the passage?AChat OnlineBCaught in the WebCDo You Know Messaging ServiceDQQ, MSN and ICQ解析:选A标题归纳题。本文主要介绍网上聊天的相关事情,用Chat Online作标题最适合本文内容。8According to this passage, which friends are more important?AFriends you meet online.BForeign friends.CFriends in your real life.DFriends we meet offline.解析:选C细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句可知现实生活中的朋友才是最重要的。CAmerica is a mobile society.Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change.Neither side feels hurt by this.Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while then no more.If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship.This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life.They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they dont show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time.This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous_with_our_time.Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at the airport even in the middle of the night to meet a friend.We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends.The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine.They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus.And they expect that we will phone them from there.Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real.We will find ourselves treated hospitably.For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters.So accept their hospitality at home!语篇解读:文章主要介绍了美国人和中国人对待友谊、朋友的不同观点和做法。9The writer of this passage must be a(n)_AAmericanBChineseCprofessor Dstudent解析:选B细节理解题。从第一段 “This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand .” 可知本文的作者是一名中国人。10The underlined words “generous with our time” in Paragraph 3 probably mean “_”Astrict with timeBserious with timeCcareful with timeDwilling to spend time解析:选D推理判断题。从下文 “.we, as hosts, will appear at the airport .to our foreign friends.”可推知。11A suitable title for this passage would probably be “_”AFriendships between ChineseBFriendships between AmericansCAmericans hospitalityDAmericans and Chineses views of friendships解析:选D标题归纳题。文章主要讲美国人和中国人对待友情的不同观点。Roys StoryI remember the first time I met Roy.He was standing in the centre of a group of boys, and he was telling a joke.When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing.Roy laughed too, a loud happy laugh.“Popular boy,” I thought to myself.My name is Daniel.I was the new boy in the class.Our family was from the north of England, but my father had been offered a better job in London, and our whole family had moved there.I was twelve and, having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school.There were 33 students in my new class, and most people werent very interested in a shy new boy.Roy was one of the few people who were kind to me.He often invited me to join his particular group, and as a result, I started getting to know people.Roy and I became good friends.We trusted each other and we could talk about personal matters, things that were important to us.Five years later, Roy and I are still in the same class.But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car.He died a few days later.The family had to move to a much smaller house in order to manage financially.Roy, who had always been very close to his father, changed completely, becoming silent and moody.He had always been a clever, hardworking student but now he seemed to lose all interest in his work.He started losing friends.These days,Roy and I see each other from time to time, but were no longer close.About three months ago, a group of us were playing football together after school.Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it, and found Roy going through the pockets of peoples coats.In his hand he had a wallet and I knew it wasnt his! My mouth fell open and I just looked at him.Roy went bright red.“Ill put it back right now,” he said, and he did so.I turned round and walked out without saying a word.I really hoped that Roy would explain why he had been stealing, but instead he started avoiding me.At the same time, small amounts of money started disappearing from students lockers.I wondered if the thief was Roy but decided not to say anything to anyone.I hoped it wasnt him.Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for a charity.It was very successful and by the end of the day, we had made about 500.Our class teacher, Mr White, came and chatted to a group of us that included Roy, and held up a box for us to see.“Theres 500 in here,” he said with a smile.But to our surprise, the next morning, we were told that the money had been stolen.Mr White had left the box in a classroom for a few minutes, and when he came back it had disappeared.The head te


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