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单元质量检测(五)(时间:100分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASituated in Huaxi District, Guiyang, Zhenshan Ethnic Culture Village is a world of stone, where many things like door frames and roads are made of stone. Buyi men and women in their best clothes sing and dance at the village entrance as they greet visitors and invite them to join the villagers in making cake flour with rice.The village was first built during the Ming Dynasty, with a history of more than 400 years. Three sides of the village are surrounded by water. It is built against the mountains according to the local geological conditions.There are about 120 families and three fourths of them are Buyi nationality and one fourth are Miao people. On January 10th every lunar year, the villagers hold traditional dancing activities to celebrate the New Year. Buyi and Miao villagers in their best costumes sing and dance to the melodies from the Lusheng (芦笙) and the bamboo flutes to celebrate their own traditional festival. Legends said once some robbers captured the Buyi forefather in the village. The villagers failed to rescue him by themselves and asked the local Miao people for help. The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs to communicate with him and the robbers couldnt understand them. With the help of the Miao people, the forefather was rescued. Since then, the local Buyi people have formed the custom of singing and dancing to appreciate the help from the Miao. People sing and dance for three days for the festival each year.Besides this, Zhenshan villagers also celebrate the traditional “Siyueba” Festival (April 8th Festival) and the “Qiyueban” Festival (the Ghost Festival). Now, these festivals have become joyous days celebrated by Miao, Buyi, Dong, Zhuang, Shui, Gelao, and even the Han people.In Zhenshan, some young people take advantage of the festivals to make friends and choose their future husbands or wives. Girls usually make embroideries (刺绣) and give them as gifts to their lovers.1.We can infer the village is called a world of stone mainly because _.Athe villagers are very coldBthe villagers are very strongCthe village is built on a large stoneDthe village is in mountains and rich in stones解析:选D推理判断题。根据第一、二段可知,这是一个依山而建的村子,石头资源丰富,因此选D项。2Which of the following isnt a way of greeting visitors?ADressing up.BDancing and singing.CPreparing embroideries.DInviting them to make cake flour.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句和最后一段的“Girls usually make embroideries (刺绣) and give them as gifts to their lovers.”可知,欢迎游客的活动不包括C项。3The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs at first to _.Astop the robbers understanding themBshow the robbers their powerCchallenge the Buyi peopleDplease the robbers解析:选A细节题解题。根据第三段“The Miao people played the Lusheng and sang Miao songs to communicate with him and the robbers couldnt understand them.”可知选A项。4What can we learn about the “Siyueba” Festival?AIt is a newlyformed festival.BIt is only celebrated in Zhenshan Village.CIt is popular with all the ethnic minorities.DIt is a chance for young people to make friends.解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“In Zhenshan, some young people take this advantage of the festivals to make friends .”可知,D项正确。BSo often I hear people justify (为辩解) their lack of family trips because their children are not old enough to remember them.This reason is so confusing to me.Who would travel based on another persons memory?Of course the kids arent going to remember anything in infancy (婴儿期), but you will.You will remember all the sweet memories you had with them.My parents would take me to Guatemala as a child.I dont remember a lot of the trip, but I do know that when I went back as a young adult, I felt comfortable in my surroundings.I didnt spend my time there discovering a new way of life.I spent the time having fun with my family.I love looking at pictures that we took together when I was my sons age.I dont remember them, but thats not the point.The point is, I was there with my family, and I know I was happy.Now that Im a parent, I cant help but do the same.Last year, we took our 2yearold son to Disney alongside his greatgrandmother.His greatgrandmother had recently begun to suffer from Alzheimers.That trip was timed in the most magical way right before my son was old enough to remember it and right before his greatgrandmother began to forget.This makes me want to cry for them both.How did we get so lucky to have this moment to share with each other before big changes influenced our family forever?Realistically speaking, many families do not have the opportunity to travel internationally or visit pricey theme (主题) parks.I understand this more than you know, but Im talking beyond that.They are young but these forgettable moments are still changing them.They will shape your child into who they will be tomorrow.The memories we absorb as their parents are also as influential as we have not finished learning our truths either.语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。有些家长认为孩子太小记不住事情,因而认为带他们去旅行没有意义。而作者认为,虽然孩子很小,可能记不住这些,但是这些美好时光不仅会在潜移默化中塑造他们,也会对家长产生巨大的影响。5Why do some parents go on few family trips?AThey have no time.BThey can not afford them.CThey are not interested in them.DThey think their kids wont remember them.解析:选D细节理解题。根据首段中的“because their children are not old enough to remember them”可知,家长认为孩子太小记不住事情,因此家庭旅行较少。6Whats the authors impression of her childhood trip to Guatemala?AClear. BBoring.CPleasing. DHard.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第三段中的“I know I was happy”可知,作者认为童年的旅行令她感到愉快。7Which influenced the author to plan the Disney trip?AHer son. BHer parents.CSome old photos. DOther parents ideas.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“My parents would take me to Guatemala as a child”以及第四段中的“Now that Im a parent, I cant help but do the same”可知,作者如今身为母亲,受到自己的父母的启发,也带着儿子和祖母进行一次迪士尼之旅。8Why did the author want to cry when recalling the Disney trip?AShe was sorry for her grandmothers disease.BShe was worried about big family changes.CShe was moved by the timing of the trip.DShe was surprised by her sons growth.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第四段中“That trip was timed in the most magical way”可知,这次与祖母和儿子的迪士尼之旅是一段很神奇的经历,祖母患病,记忆日渐衰退,而儿子不断成长,记忆力日渐增强,作者很感动在家庭的重大改变来临之前的这个时间节点,一家人还能有机会度过美好时光。C3 Days Chengdu Visa Free TourPlaces: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Jinsha Site Museum, Thatched Cottage of Dufu, Jinli StreetBest Travel Time: Suitable for the whole year; the best months are April, May, September and October.Price: From $248Tour Itinerary (行程)Day 1 Arrival in ChengduArrive in Chengdu, the destination of your trip. You will be met at the airport and then transferred to the hotel for checkin. Enjoy your own free time for the rest of the day.Meals: Not includedAccommodation: ChengduDay 2 ChengduAfter breakfast, we will drive to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding for a halfday close contact with the lovely giant pandas. After that, we will continue to visit Jinsha Site Museum to see the Shang Dynasty and Zhou Dynasty relics.Details in the Itinerary:At Panda Base, visitors can take photos with small pandas (not included in the entrance ticket, and you need to pay extra expense)Yon can find more tips on Chengdu Panda Base Tour Tips.Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Accommodation: ChengduOptional Night Activity: Sichuan Hot Pot (generally 1 hour)Day 3 Departure from ChengduLeave from your hotel in the morning to visit Thatched Cottage of Dufu the former residence of a famous Tang Dynasty poet. And then, go to Jinli Street to take a leisure walk. After that, we drive to the airport to catch your flight to the next country.Meals: Breakfast, LunchService Ends9The ad is most probably intended for _.AJapanese touristsBAmerican touristsCChinese tourists from Hong KongDChinese tourists from the Mainland解析:选B推理判断题。广告是英文的,题目中有Visa Free (免签证), 而且价格用的是美元,因此广告更有可能是面对来自英语国家的游客,因此选B项。10How much will a person pay if taking photos with small pandas is included?A$248. BAt least $248.COver $248. DNo more than $248.解析:选C推理判断题。旅游费用248美元起,而且在大熊猫基地与熊猫拍照需要另外付费,因此一定超过248美元,选C项。11Where can a visitor learn about some of the Chinese history before the Tang Dynasty?AAt Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.BIn Thatched Cottage of Dufu.CIn Jinsha Site Museum.DOn Jinli Street.解析:选C细节理解题。第二天行程中提到, 在金沙遗址博物馆可以了解到商朝和周朝的遗物,商朝和周朝在唐朝之前,故选C项。DKindergarten outside? Yes, indeed. Its part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education. The schools are called Forest Kindergartens. The numbers are small so far in the US., but the idea is well established in Europe, with schools in Britain and Switzerland. By far the most of such schools are in Germany, which has more than 400 Waldkindergartens.Some schools feature several hours of outdoor schooling. Children enjoy a good amount of outdoor education each day, rainy or sunny. In all cases, students are active not sitting at desks but walking, running, jumping and solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms of their shoes before their parents find out.Seriously, the focus is on activities at these schools. All of these activities just have to be good for the childrens physical wellbeing as well. Childrens immune systems actually get stronger after all of the outdoor activities. Other studies have shown that graduates of Waldkindergartens show a higher ability to learn when they progress through their academic careers.Other schools are all outdoors, all the time. This is the case with the Cedarsong Nature School, on Vashon Island, Wash. Students at this school come dressed for the weather, because they spend their whole threehour day outdoors, in a private fiveacre forest, not only doing all manner of physical activities but also learning much more than “just what nature has to offer”. The school, begun in 2008, runs four days a week. Organizers, one of whom traded in her law practice to help start the school, hope to expand the school week to five days soon.In a time when so many children are being classified as obese (肥胖的) because they watch too much television and play too many video games. These outdoor schools serve as a reminder that children should open their eyes to the nonvirtual (非虚拟的) world around them.12According to the passage, which is NOT the benefit of the Forest Kindergarten?AIt provides enough exercise.BIt helps choose future careers.CIt builds up the immune system.DIt develops problemsolving skills.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二、三段可知,森林幼儿园能让孩子们很好地锻炼、增强免疫力及培养解决问题的技能。13What can be inferred from the passage?AThe outdoor education is popular in the US.BSchools dont provide outdoor classes on rainy days.CThe Cedarsong Nature School arranges 3hour schooldays.DMost of the European countries have built Forest Kindergartens.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第四段第三句“Students at this school come dressed for the weather, because they spend their whole threehour day outdoors .”可知,在每个上学日里,该学校的学生每天只需要学习3个小时。14Whats the writers attitude towards the outdoor schools?ANeutral. BDisappointed.CNegative. DSupportive.解析:选D作者态度题。根据文章最后一句“These outdoor schools serve as a reminder that children should open their eyes to the nonvirtual (非虚拟的) world around them.”可知,作者对森林幼儿园是持支持态度的。15Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo advise teachers to give lessons outdoors.BTo discuss the advantages of outdoor schooling.CTo introduce a new educational pattern to readers.DTo persuade children to take part in outdoor activities.解析:选C写作目的题。全文主要介绍了一种正在流行的户外教育模式森林幼儿园,以及这种模式具体的教育方法和对孩子们的好处。.阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A Bristol teacher has proved that you dont have to earn a fortune to be able to make ends meet.Kath Kelly spent a year living on just one pound per day.This money did not include the rent of her room in a shared flat of the utility bills (水电费), which were all paid in advance._16_The motivation for the experiment came from her concern about buying a wedding present for her brother and his fiance.At the time she had an income of 10,000 a year, which meant that she was fairly hard up most of the time._17_ If she spent less than 1 a day, she could not carry the money over.She also decided not to borrow from friends.Kath was often attending free events, from book launches (签售) to gallery openings ._18_Buses were out, so every journey had to be made on foot or by bicycle, and as she could not afford phone calls, she would visit friends or leave them notes if she had anything to tell them._19_ “Instead of meeting for lunch in a cafe as we used to, wed take sandwiches and eat them on a bench (长凳) in the park,” she explains.At the end of the year, Kath was able to buy her brother and his new wife a 1,300 life membership of the National Trust as a wedding present with her savings._20_ While helping out on a farm she met her current (现在的) boyfriend and found true love at last!AShe would attend any event that might have free snacks.BShe made soups from whatever vegetables she could find.CFrom the beginning she set some very strict rules for herself.DKaths promise of poverty actually meant she went out more.EKath says her friends were great about the change in her lifestyle.FHowever, it did have to cover everything else, including clothing and food.GBesides achieving what shed set out to do, Kaths experiment also had an unexpected result.答案:1620FCAEG.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We would all love to learn how to be happy.And sometimes, the _21_ comes from a surprising place.There was an anthropologist (人类学家) who had been studying the habits and _22_ of a remote African tribe.He had been _23_ in the village for _24_ some time and the day before he was to return home, he put together a gift basket filled with delicious fruits from around the region and _25_ it in a piece of cloth.He placed the basket under a tree and then he _26_ the children in the village.The man drew a _27_ in the dirt, looked at the children, and said, “When I tell you to _28_, run to the tree and _29_ gets there first will win the basket of the fruits.” When he told them to run, they all _30_ each others hands and ran together to the tree.Then they _31_ together around the basket and enjoyed their _32_ as a group.The anthropologist was _33_.He asked why they would all go together when one of them could have won all the fruits for himself or herself.A _34_ girl looked up at him and said _35_, “How can one of us be happy if all the other ones are _36_?”Years later, the wellknown South African activist Desmond Tutu would describe the little girls _37_ process by using the word ubuntu, which means “I am because _38_ are.” People in that tribe believe that a person is a person through other people.Happiness is the _39_ of combining what we love to do with something that is _40_.语篇解读:本文为记叙文。我们都想探索快乐的秘诀。非洲的一个部落的文化为我们揭示了快乐的真谛。21A.determinationBsolutionCdesign Dconsideration解析:选B由前文的“learn how to be happy”可知本文旨在探索如何才能快乐,由全文内容可知,作者以一个人类学家在非洲作研究的故事揭开问题的答案(solution)。22A.culture BdifferenceCorigin Ddiversity解析:选A由前文的“the habits and”及后文的内容可知,这个人类学家是在研究一个非洲部落的习俗和文化(culture)。23A.surviving BsearchingCworking Dwandering解析:选C由前文中的“who had been studying”可知这个人类学家是在一个非洲部落作研究,即工作(working)。24A.quite BstillCeven Djust解析:选A由前文中的“had been studying the habits and _ of a remote African tribe”可知研究习俗和文化需要花费大量的时间。quite some表示“大量,许多”。25A.decorated BfixedCwrapped Dtied解析:选C由空后的“in a piece of cloth”可知该果篮用一块布包裹着。wrap“包,裹”,符合语境。26A.picked up Bcalled upCcleared up Dgathered up解析:选D由空后的“the children in the village”以及下文内容可知果篮准备妥当后,这个人类学家把部落里的孩子们集中(gathered up)到一起。27A.line BpictureCsymbol Dsign解析:选A由后文中的“run to the tree”“gets there first”可知,此处应是指这个人类学家在地上画了一条起跑线(line)。28A.depart BescapeCstart Dprepare解析:选C由后文中的“run to the tree”可知,此处表示当这个人类学家告诉孩子们开始(start)的时候,孩子们要跑向大树。29A.whatever BwhoeverCwhichever Dwhenever解析:选B由后文中的“gets there first will win the basket of the fruits”可知,第一个跑到那儿的人赢得这篮水果。分析句子结构及语境可知,应用whoever在此引导主语从句,表示“无论谁”。30A.held BshookCdragged Dpushed解析:选A由后文中的“each others hands and ran together to the tree”可知,此处指孩子们互相拉着手一块跑。hold“握住,抓住”,符合语境。31A.lay BsatCplayed Dunited解析:选B由后文中的“together around the basket and enjoyed .”可知,此处应是指孩子们围着果篮坐(sat)下来分享水果。32A.service BeffortCexperience Dtreat解析:选D由前文中的“win the basket of the fruits”“enjoyed”可知,孩子们一块分享水果,这是他们团队获得的款待。treat作名词时,表示“款待”。33A.excited BashamedCshocked Dannoyed解析:选C由后文中的“He asked why they would all go together”可知,这个人类学家对孩子们的行为感到很惊讶(shocked)。34A.troublesome BcrazyCnoisy Dyoung解析:选D前文提到了“children”,再由后文中的“the little girls”可知,此处表示一个年纪小的(young)女孩。35A.innocently BconfusedlyCpitifully Dhopefully解析:选A根据语境,此处指一个小女孩天真地回答。故应选innocently“天真地”。36A.curious BsadCsilent Dgreedy解析:选B根据语境,此处指小女孩表示“如果其他人难过(sad),我们中的一个人怎能快乐呢?”37A.study BgrowthCanalysis Dthought解析:选D由空后的“process by using the word ubuntu, which means .”可知,此处指这个小女孩的思维(thought)过程。38A.you BtheyCwe Dall解析:选C由后文中的“a person is a person through other people”可知,此处表示“正是因为有我们(we)才会有我”。39A.direction BsecretCtruth Dresult解析:选D本句升华了文章的主题,指快乐是把我们喜欢做的事和一些有意义的事结合起来的结果(result)。40A.meaningful BimportantCdemanding Dpractical解析:选A参见上题解析。meaningful“有意义的”。.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Jenny has a very difficult job, which keeps her very busy. Every day after getting home, she is so 41.exhausted (exhaust) that she wants to do nothing. She just wants to go to b


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