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,Data class,Operation plan,Financial plan,Product forecasts,production process,Inventory control,Sales management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & development,Cost accounting,Employing plan,Sales,Accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Financial,Plan,Production,Inventory stock,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials supply,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,C,C,C,C,C,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,C,U,U,U,U,Equipment load,U,U,U,U,U,C,U,C,Achievement evaluation,Check1: No null row/column,Check2:Each column can have only one C,Check3:Each column have one U least,Data class,C U U,Technical preparation,Marketing,Finance and accounting,Personnel,U U U U,C,U U U U,C C U U,U U C U,C C U U,U C U,C U U,U U U C,U U C,U C U,U U C U,U U C,U U U,U C,C U,U U U,Operation plan,Financial plan,Asset size,Product forecasts,production process,Inventory control,Sales region management,Dispatch,Operations sequence,Material Requirement,Production Capacity Planning,Product design & development,Cost accounting,Employing plan,Market analysis,Financial accounting,Shipment,Ordering service,Achievement evaluation,Financial plan,Plan,Production,Inventory cost,Materials list,Part requirement,Task form,Material stock,Staff,Cost,Order goods,Sales region,Client,Technological process,Materials supply,Equipment load, 定义信息结构 - 划分子系统、确定子系统的实施顺序,4. Subsystem division子系统的划分 BSP method is According to information used and create to dividing subsystems, it try to divide the enterprise process create information and use in a subsystem, and a reduction in the information exchange. The procedure is as follows: BSP方法是根据信息的产生和使用来划分子系统的, 它尽量把信息产生的企业过程和使用的企业过程划分在一个子系统中,从而减少了子系统之间的信息交换。划分子系统的步骤如下:,(1)Make U/C matrix. Using defined functions and data class to make a form of function and data, i.e. U/C matrix, as shown in the table. Rows of the Matrix respect data, and columns represent function, and use letter U (use) and C (create) mean the functions use and create data. The intersection superscript C means the data generated by the corresponding function. Marking U means the function using this data class. 作U/C矩阵。利用定义好的功能和数据类作一张功能数据类表格,即U/C矩阵,如表所示。矩阵中的行表示数据类,列表示功能,并用字母U(use)和C (create)表示功能对数据类的使用和产生, 交叉点上标C的表示这个数据类由相应的功能产生,标U的表示这个功能使用这个数据类。,(2) Adjustment function/data class matrix. At beginning class and process data is in random arrangement, U, C in the matrix arrangement is dispersive, will have to be adjusted.调整功能/数据类矩阵。开始时数据类和过程是随机排列的,U、C在矩阵中排列也是分散的,必须加以调整。 First, according to a list of function arrangement, each functional groups arrange according to the resources in the life cycle of four stages. Functional groups with the same types of function, such as “business plan” “financial planning” belong to plan group, divided to groups “operating plan”.首先,功能这一列按功能组排列,每一功能组中按资源生命周期的四个阶段排列。功能组指同类型的功能,如“经营计划”、“财务计划”属计划类型,归入“经营计划”功能组。 Secondly, in data arrange this line, making the matrix C closest to the main diagonal line. Because the function group is not absolute, may be appropriately allocate function group without the destruction logic function, make U also close to main diagonal line. After the function of above of the matrix/figures adjusting, can get the function/data class matrix displayed table below.其次,排列“数据类”这一行,使得矩阵中C最靠近主对角线。因为功能的分组并不绝对,在不破坏功能组成的逻辑性基础上,可以适当调配功能分组,使U也尽可能靠近主对角线。上表的功能/数据类矩阵经上述调整后,得到下表表示的功能数据类矩阵。,(3)Draw functional groups corresponding box, and give a name, this is subsystem, see table below. 画出功能组对应的方框,并起个名字,这就是子系统,见表所示。 (4)Use arrows put down in the box with the U connected, stand for the data flow of between subsystem. For example, data class “plan” create by the operation subsystem, and technical preparation subsystem may use this data class.用箭头把落在框外的U与子系统联系起来, 表示子系统之间的数据流。例如,数据类“计划”,由经营子计划系统产生,而技术准备子系统要用到这一数据类。,In the whole system logic division we should be paid attention to:在整个系统逻辑的划分中要注意的是: Along the diagonal line draw subsystem one after another, can neither overlap, nor miss any data and functions. Small squares division is arbitrary, but it must give all the “C“ element contains within in a small squares.沿对角线一个接一个地画,既不能重叠,又不能漏掉任何一个数据和功能。 小方块的划分是任意的,但必须将所有的“C”元素都包含在小方块之内。,After divide Subsystems, there are several “U“ stay out the red square, this is the of data connections between subsystems in future, or shared data resources. These use arrow express.子系统划定之后,留在小方块(子系统)外还有若干个“U”元素,这就是今后子系统之间的数据联系,即共享的数据资源。将这些联系用箭头表示。 Use arrows put the U which out of the boxes to connected with subsystem, stand for the data flow of between subsystem. For example, data class “plan” create by the operation subsystem, and technical preparation subsystem may use this data class.用箭头把落在框外的U与子系统联系起来, 表示子系统之间的数据流。 例如,数据类“计划”,由经营子计划系统产生,而技术准备子系统要用到这一数据类。 The direction of arrows means the data class create by a subsystem and will use by another subsystem.,Analysis for MIS 管理信息系统的系统分析,Part one: Understanding of analysis, and the task of system analysis对系统分析的理解和系统分析的任务 Part two: Feasibility Analysis可行性分析 Part three: Contents of detailed investigation 详细调查的内容 Part four: Data describe tool (DFD and DD)数据描述工具(数 据流程图和数据字典) Part five: Confirm the new management model, establishing new system logic model or program确定新的管理模 型,建立新系统的逻辑模型或方案,Part one: Understanding of analysis, and the task of system analysis对系统分析的理解和系统分析的任务,1.The understanding of MIS analysis对管理信息系统的系统分析的理解 System analysis, also called needs analysis, is lead by system planning, and take detailed investigation of system, on the basis of thoroughly understand the original information system, then analyzes, compare and judgment on all kinds of schemes of new system, complete design the logical model of new system, solve the system “do what“ problem.系统分析,也称为需求分析,是在系统规划的指导下,对系统进行深入详细的调查研究,在充分认识原信息系统的基础上,对新系统的各种方案进行分析、研究、比较和判断,完成新系统的逻辑模型设计,解决系统“做什么”的问题。 System analysis is an important segment of MIS development. Its work quality in largely determines the success or failure of the system. 系统分析是开发MIS的重要环节,其工作的好坏在很大程度上决定了系统的成败。,2. MIS analysiss task管理信息系统分析的任务 MIS analysis mission is: on the basis of have full understanding to the original information system, through the problem identification, feasibility analysis, detailed investigation, systematic analysis, finally complete the logic design of new system or says logical model, solve “do what“ problem. 管理信息系统系统分析的任务是:在充分认识原信息系统的基础上,通过问题识别、可行性分析、详细调查、系统化分析,最后完成新系统的逻辑方案设计或者称逻辑模型,解决“做什么”的问题。,Part two: Feasibility Analysis可行性分析,一、可行性分析的概念和内容,1. The concept of feasibility analysis可行性分析的概念 Feasibility analysis is to determine the possibility of MISs success through the needed information technology and the possible investment or cost or the benefits general, and it all according to the problem have definite. 可行性分析是根据确定的问题,通过分析新系统需要的信息技术、可能发生的投资和费用、产生的效益,确定将开发的管理信息系统成功的可能性。 2. The contents of feasibility analysis可行性分析的内容 (1)Feasibility in management: the administrative staffs attitude to application project and the conditions of management. 管理上的可行性:指管理人员对开发应用项目的态度和管理方面的条件。 (2)Feasibility in technology: analysis whether the present software and hardware can satisfy the requirement to new system, and take the level of developer into account. 技术上的可行性:分析当前的软、硬件技术能否满足对系统提出的要求,以及考虑开发人员的水平。 (3)Economic feasibility: it mainly on the estimate cost and evaluating the economic effectiveness of project. 经济上的可行性:主要是预估费用支出和对项目的经济效益进行评价。,二、可行性分析报告,Feasibility analysis report includes the following parts:可行性分析报告的包括以下部分: 1. System briefly 系统简述 2. The goal of the project 项目的目标 3. The required resources, budget and expected efficiency. 所需资源、预算和期望效率 4. The conclusion to the project credibility. 对项目可信性的结论,(1) introduction 1. Abstract 2. Background 3. Definition 4. Reference material (2) the premise of feasibility study 1. Requirements; 2. Target; 3. Conditions, assumptions and restrictions; 4. Feasibility study method. (3) the preliminary investigation and analysis of current system 1. The enterprises objectives and tasks; 2. Enterprise organization and management mechanism; 3. The situation of current information systems; 4. The current business process and subsystems division; 5. The new system development conditions; 6. The main existing problems and weaknesses; 7. The Analysis of user development tasks and demands,(4) the preliminary plan new system 1. The new system goal; 2. The size of the new system; 3. The computer system configuration; 4. The progress of the new system development plans, including various stages manpower, money, equipment needs; 5. The influence of realization new system to Organizations and management model. (5) the feasibility study 1. The necessity of developing new system; 2. The economics of new system development; 3. Develop new system technology feasibility; 4. The feasibility of organization management; 5. Environmental feasibility; 6. Operation feasibility. (6) alternative other schemes (7) the feasibility analysis conclusion,The feasibility report example,(一)引言 1摘要 2背景 3定义 4参考资料 (二)可行性研究的前提 1要求; 2目标; 3条件、假定和限制; 4进行可行性研究的方法。 (三)对现行系统的初步调查与分析 1企业的目标和任务; 2企业的组织机构及管理机制; 3现行信息系统的概况; 4现行业务流程和子系统划分; 5新系统的开发条件; 6存在的主要问题和薄弱环节; 7对用户提出的开发任务和要求的 分析。,(四)新系统的初步方案 1新系统的目标; 2新系统的规模; 3计算机系统的配置; 4新系统开发的进度计划,包括各阶段 的人力、资金、设备需求等; 5新系统实现后对组织机构、管理 模式的影响。 (五)可行性研究 1开发新系统的必要性; 2开发新系统的经济性; 3开发新系统技术方面 的可行性; 4组织管理方面的可行性; 5环境方面的可行性; 6操作方面的可行性。 (六)可供选择的其他方案 (七)可行性分析的结论,可行性研究报告的编写,The specific content of library preliminary investigation :对图书馆进行初步调查的具体内容为: (1) library scale: The quantity and kinds of books;图书馆的规模:现藏书册数、种类; (2) the main business;图书馆的主要业务; (3) the departments of library;图书馆下设几个部门; (4) the number of library worker;图书馆职工人数; (5) the education status of worker;职工受教育程度; (6) major acquisition unit;主要购书单位; (7) books coding mode;图书编码方式; (8) how many readers borrow books in here;现有多少读者在此借书; (9) reader borrow books vouchers;读者借书凭证; (10) readers classification;读者分类; (11) the attitude of leadership to develop new system;图书馆的上级领导对开发新系统的态度; (12) the funding of development the new system;开发新系统要投入的资金; (13)the development time of the new system (regulation on how long development completed.开发新系统的时间(规定多长时间开发完成)。,Case analysis - a university library MIS preliminary investigation 案例分析 某高校图书馆管理信息系统初步调查,feasibility analysis可行性分析,Through a preliminary investigation of the system, having a concrete understanding of all aspects of library. Now we analyzed the feasibility of this library MIS.通过系统初步调查,对某单位图书馆的各个方面有了具体的了解。现对该单位开发图书馆管理信息系统的可行性进行分析。 1 Technically feasible技术上可行 Hardware equipments required in this system, such as servers, PCs and printers and network fittings etc, all these devices have sales and lower prices on the market, can satisfy the system function requirement. Software, the operating system using Windows NT, using database management system Visual FoxPro, these software has been extensively applied in the MIS development, technically are more mature. Therefore it is technically feasible.该系统所需硬件设备,如服务器、PC机、打印机及网络配件等,市场上有销售且价格较低,能满足系统功能要求。软件上,操作系统采用Windows NT,数据库管理系统采用Visual FoxPro,这些软件在MIS开发中已被大量应用,技术上都比较成熟。因此技术上是可行的。,Case analysis - a university library MIS 案例分析 某高校图书馆管理信息系统,2 Economically feasible经济上可行 Because of superior leadership urgently need using the computer for the library management, therefore to strongly support develop library MIS, appropriations funds 250 000 RMB for the development.由于上级领导急需采用计算机来进行图书馆的管理,因此对开发图书馆管理信息系统大力支持,拨款25万元作为开发经费。 3feasible in Management管理上可行 This unit library has a good management structure. Books are encoding by Chinese library classification. Each person borrow books has a library card, and established files in the library for everyone. So it is feasible on management. In addition, the library management personnel is also strongly support the development of the system, and formulated the training plan, and making material preparation and work preparation to MIS implementation.该单位图书馆有很好的管理体制。图书采用中图法编码方式。每位借书人均有借书证,同时图书馆还为每位借书人建立了档案。因此管理上可行。另外,图书馆管理人员对开发该系统也是大力支持的,同时制定了培训计划,并进行了实施MIS的物质准备和工作准备。 To sum up, the development of library management information system in technology and economy, management are feasible. 综上所述,开发图书馆管理信息系统在技术上、经济上、管理上都是可行的。,Part three: Contents of detailed investigation 详细调查的内容,1. The organization structure survey组织结构调查 Refers to an organization (departments, enterprises and workshop etc) and the part of the relationship between each other.指的是一个组织(部门、企业、车间等)的组成以及这些组成部分之间的相互关系。 A to organize the internal department division组织内部的部门划分 B leadership and be leaders relations领导与被领导关系 C of information transmission relationships信息资料的传递关系 D material flow relations and capital flow relations物资流动关系与资金流动关系 E departments work contents and responsibility各部门的工作内容与职责 F all levels organizations existing problems and its requirements to the new system 各级组织存在问题以及对新系统的要求 2. Management function survey.管理功能调查 Function is organizations to function concrete manifestation, any system has a goal, in order to realize the system target, the system must have various functions.功能是各组织机构职能的具体体现,任何一个系统都有一个目标,为了实现系统目标,系统必须具备各种功能。,Management business survey管理业务调查,3. The business management procedure survey管理业务流程调查 According to the information flow process, investigate each links processing business and information source, processing methods, calculation method, information flows to and output information form etc. 按信息流动的过程调查各环节的处理业务、信息来源、处理方法、计算方法、信息流经去向、信息输出形态等。,Business processing department or personnel 业务处理单位、部门或人员,Department or personnel outside the system 系统外的部门或人员,material flow or information flow 物流或信息流,All kinds of documents, reports etc 各类单据、报表等,Management business flow chart管理业务流程图 (Transaction Flow Diagram, TFD) The diagram Used to describe the business relationship, homework sequence and management information flow between system internal departments and personnel. 用于描述系统内各部门、人员之间存在的业务关系、作业顺序以及管理信息流向的图表。,workshop,Picking List,Warehouse management,approved Picking List,Warehouse Worker,Material lack notice,buyer,Rush orders,Supplementary purchase order,supplier,Materials plan,unapproved Picking List,Inventory account,Makings blotters,Requisition notice,available,unavailable,order contract,Have order,Not order,notice to take delivery,warehouse warrant,Inventory Report,the department concerned,No plan,plan,Send goods,Example - a enterprise material management business flow chart,车间,领料单,库长,已批准领料单,库工,缺料通知单,采购员,催货单,补充订货单,供货单位,用料计划,未批准领料单,库存帐,用料流水帐,领料通知,有货,无货,订货合同,已订货,没订货,提货通知单,入库单,库存报表,有关部门,无计划,有计划,发出货物,实例某企业物资管理业务流程图,2. The data flow investigation.数据流程调查 Abstract the data flow in the original system independently, abandon the substance elements (such as specific organization, goods, personnel, etc.) from the data flow process to single examines the actual business data processing mode. 把数据在原系统内部的流动情况抽象地独立出来,舍去了物质要素(如具体组织机构、货物、人员等),单从数据流动过程来考查实际业务的数据处理模式 (1) Collect original systems all input documents (such as warehouse warrant, receipt,), output reports and data storage medium (account books, list);收集原系统全部输入单据(如入库单、收据、凭证)、输出报表和数据存储介质(帐本、清单); (2) Make clear the processing method and calculation method of each link;弄清各环节上的处理方法和计算方法; (3) Indicate production department submit department , storage place frequency and result of various vouchers, reports, accounting books, the etc;注明各种单据、报表、帐本的制作单位、报送单位、存放地点发生频度和发生量等; (4) Indicate the type of various data, length and scope.注明各项数据的类型、长度、取值范围。,ONE. Data flow diagram数据流程图 Data flow chart is a main tool can comprehensive description information system logical model, it can use a few symbols comprehensively reflect the flow of information in the system, processing and storage conditions. So as to shake off its physical content. 数据流程图是一种能全面地描述信息系统逻辑模型的主要工具,它可以用少数几种符号综合地反映出信息在系统中的流动、处理和存储情况。从而摆脱其物理内容。,Part four: Data describe tool (DFD and DD) 数据描述工具(数据流程图和数据字典),External entity 外部实体,Data flow数据流,Data storage 数据存储,Data process 数据处理,External entity: refers to those people or outside things dont control by system, the system of. 外部实体:是指不受系统控制,本系统以外的人或事物。 Data processing: refers to data logical processing, it expressed data processing logical function. 数据处理:是指对数据的逻辑处理,它表达了对数据处理的逻辑功能。 Data flow: pertaining to data flow direction and its name. 数据流:说明数据的流动方向及其名称。 Data storage: used to indicate the data storage place, such as folders, ledger. 数据存储:用来表明数据保存的地方,如文件夹、账本。,1. basic illustrations of data flow diagram数据流程图的基本图例.,Because the actual data processing process is often compare multifarious, so should according to system view, using the top-down method of hierarchically drawn. 由于实际数据处理过程常常比较繁杂,故应该按照系统的观点,采用自顶向下逐层分解的方法绘制。,2.Drawing 画法,Draw the top-level data flow diagram画出顶层数据流图 Draw the others each layer data flow diagram画出其余各层数据流图 Draw the aggregate data flow diagram画出总的数据流图,S,1,2,3,1.1,1.2,1.1,1.3,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4,3.1,3.2,3.3,E,E,E,E,E,E,Top-down hierarchically自顶向下逐层分解, determined the overall function of data flow diagram确定数据流程图的总体功能; find the origin and finish of the data flow diagram, they are external entity, the boundary is the system;找出数据流程图的起点与终点,它们是外部实体,是系统的边界; finding out output data flow and input data flow of external entity :找出外部实体的输出数据流与输入数据流: Starting from external entity output data stream, according to the logic need of system, gradually draw a series of logical processing, until find the input data flow ext


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