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加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空I had to visit my sister in another town, because her husband was seriously ill. My whole family could not go because school was in session. My children stayed home in their fathers _1_ except the youngest child who was just one year old. I was _2_ about taking a train journey alone with my daughter. I _3_ that I had to go, so I gathered all my courage and got on the train. After waving _4_ to my husband, I settled down. There were three other passengers in that compartment (隔间). Two of them were quite elderly, while one was a young man. My daughter was crying, _5_ her dad. I tried to _6_ her, but it didnt work. I _7_ giving her water and some biscuits, but her _8_ wouldnt stop. By this time I was getting worried about the _9_ being caused to other people. One of the oldies was sleeping, but the other one seemed to get _10_. However, much as I tried, my daughter _11_ crying.Just then, the young man _12_ to take my baby in his arms. He stood with her near the window, and _13_ talking to her in a gentle voice. My daughter stopped crying _14_, listening to the young man. I was both _15_ and relieved especially because the annoyed elder was now happily reading his book. The stranger handed my daughter back when she was in a(n) _16_ state. I thanked the young man and settled down to rest.During the long _17_, this young man continuously _18_ me. He fed my baby, sang to her and told her stories. When I arrived at my destination, I thanked this man again who had come to my _19_.After so many years, I _20_ remember this stranger on the train with a grateful heart.语篇解读:作者带着幼小的女儿乘火车。女儿哭个不停,但作者却束手无策。幸亏一个年轻人主动帮忙,成功地让女儿不再哭,帮助作者摆脱困境。1A.sightBcontrolCcare Dheart解析:选C根据“My whole family could not go because school was in session.”可推断出,除了小女儿之外,其他孩子都得待在家里让孩子的父亲照顾。2A.nervous BexcitedCcurious Dserious解析:选A作者对自己独自带着女儿出行感到非常紧张。3A.guessed BdoubtedCproved Dknew解析:选D尽管作者很紧张,但她知道她必须得去。4A.hello BgoodbyeCagreement Dgratitude解析:选B根据前面的“got on the train”和后面的“settled down”可知,此处为送别场面,作者与丈夫挥手告别。5A.remembering BconcerningCmissing Dfollowing解析:选C小女儿因为想念爸爸而开始哭闹。6A.comfort BbelieveCenjoy Ddislike解析:选A作者试图安慰小女儿,但没有用。7A.advised BriskedCconsidered Dtried解析:选D作者试着给女儿水和饼干来哄她。8A.laughing BcryingCshaking Dmoving解析:选B不管作者怎么努力,小女儿还是哭个不停。上文“My daughter was crying”是提示。9A.threat BdamageCdisturbance Deffect解析:选C作者担心女儿的哭声会打扰到他人。10A.annoyed BdisappointedCconfused Dlost解析:选A根据下文“the annoyed elder was now happily reading his book”可判断选A项。11A.began BkeptCstopped Dadmitted解析:选B不管作者怎么努力,小女儿还是继续哭。12A.agreed BchoseCprepared Doffered解析:选D当作者对女儿束手无策的时候,这个年轻人主动去抱作者的女儿。13A.continued BpractisedCstarted Dfinished解析:选C年轻人抱过女儿后开始用温和的声音和她讲话。14A.obviously BanxiouslyChappily Dslowly解析:选D听着年轻人讲话,女儿慢慢地不哭了。15A.surprised BworriedCfrightened Dinterested解析:选A自己想尽办法都不能让女儿停止哭,而这个年轻人做到了,对此作者感到惊讶。16A.terrible BsleepyCenergetic Dpoor解析:选B在女儿睡着的时候,年轻人把孩子递给了作者。17A.experience BadventureCjourney Ddistance解析:选C在漫长的旅途中,年轻人不断地帮助作者。18A.helped BencouragedCwatched Dsaved解析:选A根据下文“He fed my baby, sang to her and told her stories.”可推断出年轻人是在帮作者。19A.trouble BrescueCworld Dstage解析:选B作者到达目的地的时候,再次感谢了这位帮助她的年轻人。come/go to sb.s rescue表示“帮助某人”。20A.only BneverCstill Dever解析:选C多年以后,作者依然还记得在火车上帮她忙的那位年轻人。.阅读理解External BleedingApply direct pressure. Place a clean, folded cloth over the injured area and firmly apply pressure. If blood soaks through, do not remove it. Instead, cover that cloth with another one and continue to apply pressure to the wound for 710 minutes. If the bleeding is from the ear, place a clean bandage over the ear, lay the victim on his side, and allow the blood to drain out through the bandage.Elevate the injury. Position the wounded part of the body above the level of the heart if possible while you apply direct pressure. Know the pressure points. If direct pressure and elevation dont sufficiently slow the blood flow, find a pressure point. Large arteries (动脉) found close to the skins surface supply blood to the head and to each arm and leg. The most common pressure points used during the first aid are located in the upper arms and in the creases (皱纹) above the upper legs. Apply pressure to the closest pressure point to the wound so that the artery is pressed between your fingers and the bone directly behind the artery. If using the pressure point on a leg, you may need to use the heel of your hand instead of your finger.Resort to a tourniquet (止血带,压脉器). On very rare occasions everything listed above may fail. To prevent the victim from dying, you should apply a tourniquet. Once a tourniquet is applied, it should not be loosened or removed until the victim has reached medical help. Use a tourniquet only if everything listed above has failed. If you use a tourniquet, write down somewhere on the victim the time when it was applied, so medical personnel will know how long it has been in place.语篇解读:本文主要讲述了止血的一些方法和技巧。1According to the passage, if a person is wounded and bleeding, you should _.Acover the wound with a clean, folded cloth and press itBspread some salve (药膏) on the woundCpress the wound firmly with your fingerDplace a clean bandage over the wound解析:选A推理判断题。由第一段第一、二句的信息可知。2If blood soaks through the cloth, you should _.Achange a clean one immediatelyBwash the wound at onceCpress the wound firmly with your handDcover that one with another one and press the wound解析:选D细节理解题。由第一段第三、四句的信息可知。3In this passage _ ways are mentioned to stop blood.Afour BthreeCtwo Dfive解析:选A推理判断题。第一段两种,第二、三段各一种,共四种。4According to the passage, we know that _.Ait is better to put the injured part above the head to stop bleedingBlarge arteries deep in the muscle supply blood to the head and to each arm and legCwe should use a tourniquet first to stop bleedingDthe most common pressure points lie in the upper arms and in the creases above the upper legs解析:选D推理判断题。由第二段第六句的信息可知。加餐练(二)主观题规范增分练.语法填空I live in a small village in the country. We live a very _1_ (peace) life. “Boring,” some might say, _2_ we love it. We have plenty of time to stop and chat. I have enough time to follow my hobbies, such as gardening, fishing, and walking in the countryside. I love the outdoor life, _3_ makes me realize that how beautiful our world is. But it wasnt always like this. I used _4_ (have) a really stressful job, working till late in the office every evening and often bringing work home at the weekend. _5_ advertising world was very competitive and when I look _6_, I cannot imagine how I could have stood it for so long. I had no time for the really important things in life. Because of the pressure of the job, I was addicted _7_ smoking. The day finally came when my wife decided to leave me. She _8_ (complain) that I had no time for family life. This made me realize which was _9_ (important) to me, between life and work. I talked things through with _10_ and we decided to start a new and good life together.语篇解读:忙碌的工作,充实而恬静的生活,哪个是你想要的呢?1peaceful我们过着平静的生活,peaceful“平静的”,用形容词修饰名词。2but前后为转折关系,用but。3which先行词the outdoor life指物,又因为是非限制性定语从句,故填which。4to haveused to do sth.“过去常常做某事”。5The表示特指用the。6backlook back意为“回顾”。7tobe addicted to sth.“对上瘾”。8complained/had been complaining“她抱怨”发生在过去,用一般过去时;也可以理解成过去一直在抱怨,用过去完成进行时。9more important两个中哪个对我更重要,用比较级。10herher指代作者的妻子。.短文改错My parents wanted me to study hard so that I could enter in a top university one day. In order not let them down, I spent most of my time study. When others were playing outside happy, I was studying. Therefore, no matter how hard I studied, my results were still not very good. One day, my teacher had a talk with us. She suggested I took a break sometimes. I follow her advice. And I have made a big improve in my studies. So take a break from time to time is really impor


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