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你真的想要成功吗? Do you sincerely want to succeed?作者:Kenneth Roman. PresidentMy title is taken from the philosophy of the great financier (and fraud), Bernie Corhfeld.我的题目是摘自大财政家(也是骗子)Bernie Cornfeld 的个人哲学。Bernie became a multimillionaire in the years after World War II by selling mutual funds. More important, almost all of Bernies salesman became millionaires in their own right.二次世界大战后,Bernie因销售互助公债而致富成为千万富翁。更重要的是,几乎所有为Bernie 工作的销售员,后来个个都变成为百万富翁。The technique he used in interviewing to find the right people is fascinating. The key question was always:当他在甄试适当人选时,所用的晤谈技巧是相当吸引人的。他的主要问题总是问:“Do you sincerely want to be rich?”“你真的想要有钱吗?”Of course, we all want to be rich. The point is, do you sincerely want to be rich. Are you willing to do the work, to know what is required, to have the discipline - and make the personal sacrifices - to be rich?当然,我们每一个人都想要有钱。重点是,你真的想要有钱。你是否愿意去做,去知道必须具备的条件,去培养必要的纪律iiiiii 做一些个人的牺牲iiiiii 为的是要有钱?Theres a story about Marion Harper, who built Interpublic, chiding his executives on a Friday night in Kansas City ”You are too home-oriented.” Perhaps an extreme example.Interpublic公司的创办人Marion Harper有这么一个故事:某一周五晚上他在Kansas City对着公司的主管咆哮“你们太家庭导向。”这或许是个太极端的例子。Do you sincerely want to succeed?你真的想要成功吗?David Ogilvy said, “If you are tend your rose garden, Ill admire you the more, But dont complain when you dont get promoted.”David Ogilvy 曾说:“当你在悉心照顾你的玫瑰园时,我会相当地羡慕你。但是当你没有升迁时,千万不要抱怨”。Of course what David did was to tend his rose garden and do more work than anybody else in the place.当然,David Ogilvy 所做的是不仅照顾他的玫瑰园,同时他比公司任何人做更多的工作。You are about to catriculate in the Ogilvy & Mather account training program. Weve been running this program for over 18 years, honing improving it each year. By now, it is probably the best training program in the business. A graduate school in advertising administration.现在你们将开始这个奥美的业务训练课程。我们已经持续进行了18年了,并且每年不断地改进,去旧存菁。目前,几乎可以说是业界最好的训练课程。就好象是广告管理中的研究所。Its all here if you want to take advantage of it.所有的资料都列在这里iiiiii 如果您想好好利用它。So her are some thoughts for you to keep in mind as you embark on your account management career:所以这里是一些想法,当你从事广告业务时应该谨记在心的:1. Remember that clients hire us for advertising 1永远记得,客户是为了做广告才找我们的iiiiii Not for marketing .researchmediapromotion. 不是为了行销iiiiii 市调iiiiii 媒体iiiiii 促销。All these are vital elements in the process - things that contribute to advertising to sales and to setting us apart from all other agencies.所有这些项目是广告过程中的一些重要元素这些元素对广告iiiiii 对销售iiiiii 有相当的贡献,同时是让我们与其他代理商有所差别的原因。But they are means - not ends. The purpose of our business and the reason clients hire us is advertising.但是这些是方法而不是结果。我们这行业的目的及客户为何选择我们的理由是广告。We have a creative heritage that must never be forgotten.千万不要忘记我们有一个创意的祖荫。Unless you learn how to recognized, encourage and defend great advertising, theres only so far you can go in this business.除非你学会如何去辨认、鼓励,并保护伟大的广告,否则你在这行业的成就就仅止于此了。2. Become a student of advertising .2成为一个广告的学生。Our first Smith Barney commercial with John Houseman says, “Good investments dont come up and bite you on the bottom.” Good advertisements dont either.John Houseman在我们第一支Smith Barney的影片中说,“好的投资不会自动找上门来:。好的广告亦然。You must know that to look for -key visual, selling ideas, campaigns. Consumer benefits, not manufacture claims or product attributes. Emotional benefits as well as rational promises.你必须知道寻求重点主要视觉点,销售创意,系列广告活动,消费者利益点,而非厂商的诉求或产品属性。感性的利益点和理性的承诺点一样都重要。Do you homework - be firm in refusing to support copy you find wanting. Demonstrate that you know the different between brilliant creative workand that which is simply flashy.做你的家庭作业当你拒绝去支持一篇你觉得不够好的文案时,态度要坚定。必须证明你自己知道如何分辨杰出的创意作品iiiiii 以及只是昙花一现的东西。3. Use researchand judgement.3善用调查iiiiii 并加以判断The research report is not a report card. The numbers are there to help make a judgement.调查报告并非一份资料卡,数据本身是用来协助判断。Research is there to guide copy development not to decide after the fact whether it is any good. That means more pre-research more research that will help the copywriter.调查是用来引导文案之发展iiiiii 而不是事后用来判断做得好不好。也就是说应多做事前测试iiiiii 愈多的市调对文案人员愈有益。Encourage people to think about fresh ways to test copy and to help us all develop the best advertising solution. Dont fall into the mold of applying standard solutions for all problems.鼓励大家思考新的方法来测试文案,进而帮助我们发展出最好的广告创意。不要陷入老是以标准模式来解决所有问题的巢厩。Be on guard against turning off ideas that are not conventional. Go for the long haul, the big idea.当创意因与传统不同而遭拒绝时,必须严加防卫。努力寻找具长期性的大创意。4. Great strategies are your responsibility4 杰出的策略是你的责任The biggest single contribution you can make to identify a unique and meaningful strategy is to guide the advertising.你最重大的贡献就是确认一个独特又有意义的策略来引导广告。Simple strategies. Strategies that talk to consumer needs. Competitive strategies that build brand preference. Sensitive strategies the identify real leverage points - product benefits or brand image.简洁的策略。针对消费者需要诉求的策略。建立品牌偏好的竞争性策略。确认真正有力的特点产品利益或品牌印象的灵敏策略。Well-written strategies. Bill Philips says that the ultimate strategy is what the boss wants to do. That may be a little cynical but do make sure that the boss strategy is simpleclear and can lead to great advertising .策略必须妥善的书面画,Bill Philips说最终的策略是老板所要的策略,这虽然有些讽刺iiiiii 但是请确定老板的策略是简洁iiiiii 清楚iiiiii 并且能引导杰出广告的产生。5. Keep in touch with your business5 持续不断接触客户的行业That means more than talking with the client and reading all the reports.这意味着不只是和客户交谈及阅读所有相关的报告。Get into the field regularly.(You dont have to go 3,000 miles away - New Jersey and Long Island are important markets, too. )还须定期地深入业界。(你不须跑到三千里以外iiiiii 我们的四周就有许多重要市场)Dont just check shelves in stores. Talk to store managersto consumergo beyond the product manager.不只是看看商店的货架陈列。和商店老板交谈iiiiii 和消费者谈谈iiiiii 超 越产品经理所做的事。I cant remember ever going on a field check or some group sessions without coming back with at least one idea that could help us do a better job.我几乎每一次到产品销售现场实地勘察以及参加一些团体座谈会回来后,至少都会产生一个新的创意来帮助我们将工作做得更好。6. Learn how to sell 6学习如何销售Learn how to sell - ideas、advertising, other services.学习如何销售创意、广告、其他的服务。Presentation decks or boards are OK much of the time, but look for opportunities to put on a show. Put some show business into your presentations.大体上来说,提案时利用一些陈列板或卡纸是不错的,但是我们应该找机会做一下秀。在你的提案中加入一些生动活泼的表演。Pin ads on the walls for meetings. Blow up key visuals. Take several small ideas and turn them into a big idea. Give projects names. Get excited - get your audience excited about an idea.开会时先将作品钉在墙上。将主要视觉画面放大。将许多小创意转化成为一个大创意。为计划活动取名字。带动令人振奋的气氛让听众为一个创意振奋不已。Learn how to sell our services. We are evolving into a new form of agency creating outstanding advertising and mobilizing other services and offices for our clients. You must understand these services, and how they fit.学习如何销售我们的服务。我们正在演进成为一个新形态的代理商创造杰出的广告,并且为我们的客户提供其他的服务与协助。你必须很清楚地了解这类服务及如何适用于客户上。The problem in this business is not ideas. We have lots of them. The challenge is to sell ideas.我们这一行业的问题并不在于创意。我们有很多的创意,但我们的挑战是如何将创意销售给客户。7. Encourage contributions from all departments7 鼓励所有部门一起贡献Dont set up artificial barriers.不要树立一些认为的障碍。We want the creative groupand any other departmentto comment on all areas of marketing. We want everyone to feel they can make a contribution to the advertising. Andmost importantwe want to maintain a healthy balance between account and creative groups. Thats the best atmosphere for creative work.我们希望创意小组iiiiii 及任何部门iiiiii对行销所有层面提出看法。我们希望每一个人都感觉到自己能对相关广告有所贡献。并且iiiiii更重要的一点iiiiii我们希望创意部与业务部一直维持在一种健康的平衡状态。这也就是最佳的创意气候。But people cannot make contributions unless they are informed and involved. Make it your responsibility to set up briefing for all departments on the total business situation. Then be prepared not to be defensive but to listen carefully.但是除非人们熟知并参与状况,否则他们很难有所贡献。因此你有责任将所有业务的状况对所有部门做周全的简报。然后准备毫无防卫的。很仔细的聆听别人的意见。We are experimenting with a new organization concepts-teams, to capture the energy and cohesion of a new business team. This represents an evolution of the role of the account manager from someone who directs to one who leads. A more rewarding role, I am convinced.我们正在尝试一种西年的组织概念小组团队,去结合一个团队并发挥其潜在的能力。这意味着业务经理角色的演化,将以往指挥的角色转变为领导的方式。我相信这是一个令人比较有收获的角色。8. Push your job. Dont let it push you.8 推动你的工作,不要让工作来推动你。Develop a sense of urgency. Beat deadlinesdont just meet them.培养一种紧急的意识,超越期限日iiiiii 而不只是准时而已。Learn how to handle paper quickly and efficiently. Dont let pile up on you. 学习快速而有效的处理文件,不要让他们堆积如山。Initiate and anticipate. Dont just react to problems. You might aim to send at least one idea to your client every week.主动创新并且预期事情。不要只是对问题产生反应。你应该立定目标每个星期至少提供给客户一个创意。Take control.控制每件事9. Make your boss job easier9减轻你上司的工作负担Search for ways to reduce his or her workload - not add to it.寻求方法减轻上司的工作量iiiiii 而不是增加其工作量。Its easy to ask your boss to do your thinking, but YOU must cope with problems and develop solutions. Some day you will be grateful when people youve worked with and trained demonstrate they can do this.求助于上司帮你思考问题是相当容易的,但是你必须学着去面对问题并且想办法去解决处理。有一天当那些一起和你共事过以及你曾予以训练的人都表现出可以独挡一面时,你会觉得非常欣慰。And remember - ask for more to do. It shows you can handle your job (and get your boss promoted).并且请谨记要求做更多的工作,如此显示你能处理好自己的工作(并且使上司获得升迁)。10. Learn how to write well10. 学习如何写得更好Writing is not something you are born with. It can -and must - be learned.书写能力并非与生俱来的,它可以而且必须从学习中得来。Every piece that comes from your office - whether it goes inside the agency or outside - must be edited. Clear, concise writing. No jargon - or abbreviations, or misspellings, or bad grammar. I judge a persons thinking and professionalism on the basis of their writing. So bepreparedIm ready to judge you on any piece of paper that happens to come across my desk.每一件从你那里出来的文件不论它是在公司内部使用或是要送出公司外都必须谨慎编写。清楚并且简洁的书写。没有术语或者缩写,或者错别字,或者拙劣的文法。我判断一个人的思路及专业的基础在于其书面工作,所以请准备iiiiii 我随时都要针对你传送到我这儿的文件予以评断。11. Be a builder 11 做一名建造者 New business is your business.争取新业务是你的责任。That comes from doing a terrific job on your current clients. Your client will eventually move on, to another division or another company, and should leave with the impression of O &M as the best agency. Treat every project as a new business presentation.而这些是来自于对目前客户工作出色表现。客户总是会变动,被调到别的部门或换到别家公司,一定要让他们感觉奥美是最好的代理商。对待每一件工作都要像在对一个新客户般的态度。Develop personal relationships that go beyond your current client list. Wander around the hallsmeet other product groups, new product managers, whether or not you have any business with them. Stay in touch with former clients and former employees. They will almost always turn up in another company and become either a client or a prospect.发展超越目前客户以外之人际关系。四处走动iiiiii 会见其他产品部门、新的产品经理。不论你是否与他们有任何工作上之关系,继续不断的和以前的客户及以前的员工保持联系,他们几乎都可能出现在其他公司而成为你的客户或潜在客户。Pick an ideamake it happen. New products arent created by laundry lists of concepts, but by careful thought and analysis. Be a godfather to one good idea. Make it happen.慎选创意。让它实现。一张长长的写满概念的清单,并不能创造新产品,必须经过深思熟虑与分析,才可创造出新产品。有好的创意时应好好保护它,并且使其实现。Bill Philips created Electric-Perk Coffee for General Foods by single-mindedly pushing this idea at everyone who would listen, for three years. It turned out to be good for General Foodsand good for Bill Philips.Bill Philips帮GF想出了Electra-Perk Coffee之创意,一心一意推动了三年,才说服了所有的人接受它。结果是不仅对GF产生效益iiiiii 亦对Bill Philips产生效益。Ultimately, Our job is to build client businesses. We must be creative strategists to help our clients grow.总而言之,我们的工作是增进客户的业务。我们必须是具创意的策略家,才能帮助客户业务成长。12. Pay attention to details12. 注意细节Nothing is too small for your attention.任何小事都需要你的注意。Its easy to have terrific meeting diminished in some way by an oversight on a small logistical detail.一些粗心大意的小疏忽,很容易让一个杰出的会议大打折扣。When you get a media plan, assume there is a mistake in it you must find. When you present a storyboard, make sure it has been timed.当你拿到一份媒体计划时,必须假设其中有一处错误,你一定要找出来。当你提示脚本时必须确定已算好秒数。Be a worrier.当个忧心重重的人。The same principle works in new business. After a particularly good presentation, We guard against complacency. We worry and assume we came in a close second. We try to figure out what else we could have done to get the business.同样的道理适用在新客户的开发作业上。当一个杰出的提案结束后,我们需慎防自满。应该要担心并且假设自己是第二位,而试图设法做一些我们能做的事,以争取到客户。13. There is no one route to the top.13. 没有一步登天的捷径 Some accounts get a reputation for offering an inside track, but the facts dont bear this out. Bill Philips and I have worked on package goods, but Mike Turner has become an expert on corporate and industrial accounts, Graham Philips made his remark on Shell, and never having worked on package goods doesnt seem to have hurt Jock Elliotts career.某类客户似乎拥有使广告人易于成名的声誉;但事实不见得如此。Bill Philips和我都曾做过包装产品的客户,而Mike Turner则成为企业与工业性客户的专家,Hank Bernhard因汽车类客户建立他的事业,Graham Philips Bill Philips因Shell而扬名。同时Jock Elliott并没有因为从来未做过包装产品的经验而使事业受到影响。 I could make a case that the best accounts to start on are TWA or the American Express Service Establishment programsretail businesses that give you a lot of exposure to a lot of advertising - and a lot of responsibility very quickly. 我可以举例说明最好的开始是从负责TWA或美国运通旅游推广等客户。零售业通常可以很快地使你接触到许多的广告以及担起很多的责任。Or I could make the point that starting to work in Publishers Clearing House would teach you the disciplines of mail order, or Owens-Corning Fiberglas would educate you in dealer distribution systems and merchandising. 或者我可以重点提示,就是开始在Publishes Clearing House客户上工作,这个客户可以教你有关邮购之训练,或在康宁餐具上工作可以教育你零售点的配销系统及产品管理知识。Realistically, it makes sense to get package goods exposure at some point in you career, They are big accounts, and the analytical disciplines help in any business. 实际上,在你的事业历程中,有些包装产品经验是有道理的。他们是大客户,而且相关分析的纪律,有助于任何客户的作业。 The point is, get a variety of account experience - and dont worry about what accounts you are assigned to. There are no bad accounts. 上述重点是, 要具有处理各类客户的经验而且不要担心你会被分派到什么客户。事实上是没有什么坏客户的。14 Keep balance in your life.14. 保持生活平衡状态Dont make long hours a habit. Long hours make you an uninteresting drone. Be careful about becoming too narrow.不要让长时间工作变成一种习惯。如此会使你成为一个无趣而庸懒的人。你要小心自己变得愈来愈狭窄。Read - and read more than Ad Age, Business Week and The Gallagher Report. Go to shows, movies, art galleries, concerts.阅读不只是阅读Ad Age ,Business Week 及Gallagher Report这类有关广告之书籍。读一些其他的书刊。去看看表演、电影、参观艺廊、听听音乐会。Develop at least one outside interest that will stretch your mind. Develop an inquiring mind.至少寻求一项工作以外之兴趣发展来拓展你的心胸,培养追根究底的精神。I have given you a litany of ideas that will help you grow as an account manager.我已经给你们一连串的建议来帮助你们进步成长为一个业务经理。We have a lots of advice on how to become better advertising men and women.我们有许多报道有关如何成为一位好的广告人才的建议资料。We have published a virtual library of advice on what it takes to succeed in this business:我们亦出版过一些如何在这行业中成功的书刊:Principles of Account Management -by Bill Philips业务管理的原则Bill Philips 著How to Get Promoted (and other speeches) - by Andrew Kershaw 如何获得升迁Andrew Kershaw著Confessions of An Advertising Man - By David Ogilvy 一位广告人的自由David Ogilvy著Its all there - if you are sincerely interested. Interested in getting these thoughtful pieces, studying them, applying them, and reminding yourself of what it takes by re-reading them at least once every year.全部都列于此了iiiiii 假使你真正感到兴趣的话。有兴趣获取这些经验谈,那就去阅读它、应用它,并且记得提醒自己至少再去重新阅读一次。There was a nice piece in Harpers magazine on The Virtues of Ambition, Which starts by noting that “As drunks have done to alcohol, the singleminded have done to ambition - given it a bad name.”在Harpers杂志中有一篇精彩的The Virtues of Ambition (野心的


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