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Module 3 课下能力提升(十二).阅读理解True friends double your happiness and half your burdens.Basically how you would like a true friend to be is what you should be like to your true friends.Trust, forgiveness, responsibility are some elements of a true friendship.True friendships are hard to achieve.And whats more, life is short.So treasure these friends if you already have them.If you dont continue to search, because once you have them, life will become so much easier to live, no matter what happens.I have been through very difficult times and I dare say, without my friends, I would not have made it.Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them, not to mention time.When your friends need you, and when things are not going too well on your side, it is often so easy to turn_a_deaf_ear_to their requests.It is especially during these times that you must find the strength to help your friends.And it is during these times that your friendship will be made stronger.And you must always be happy for their successes, even when things are not going too well for you.It might be hard to do this, but it is something that you need to learn.Think about all the sacrifices your friend has made for you and all the times when he was happy for you despite his own troubles.Think about all the happy times you enjoyed and the sad, difficult times you went through together.That should give you plenty of patience to actually be a true friend.Remember:true friends are the next best thing to family.They will always be your supporters.语篇解读:真正的朋友使你的幸福加倍, 使你的负担减半, 如果你想你的朋友怎么做, 你就应该这样做以成为他人真正的朋友。1What is the best title for this passage?AA precious friendshipBA true friendCA happy timeDFriend, a treasure解析:选B标题归纳题。文章开篇点题,指明真正的朋友使你的幸福加倍,使你的负担减半,如果你想你的朋友怎么做,你就应该这样做以成为他人真正的朋友。下文围绕着这个论点进行阐述,故答案为B项。2True friendships are hard to achieve because _.Afriendships can help you through difficult timesBfriendships need lots of energy and patienceCyour friends need you to give more help to themDyou should be always on your friends side解析:选B细节理解题。根据第二段“Friendships need lots of energy and patience to maintain them, not to mention time.” 可知,友谊需要很多精力、耐心和时间去维持,故答案为B项。3The underlined phrase “turn a deaf ear to” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”Apretend not to knowBtake no measures toChave no means toDturn to a deaf for解析:选A词义猜测题。根据上下文可知,当你的朋友需要你的时候,并且当事情并不利于你这一方的时候,很容易对他人的请求置若罔闻,故答案为A项。.阅读七选五Meeting strangers is a necessary part of everyday life.Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to make strangers like you instantly.Smile! _1_ Walking up to a stranger with a sincere smile on your face instantly warms the situation and makes you look friendlier and more approachable.It sets a positive tone for the interaction and shows that youre a nice, friendly person.Use ones name a few times.Once you learn a strangers name, try using it in the conversation a few times. _2_ Then, you can avoid the embarrassment of using the wrong name._3_ Opening your talk with a joke will get you liked faster.Have a few humorous opening lines in your back pocket and try your best to improvise (即兴创作)Even if your joke doesnt land, the fact that youre trying to have fun will make you more likeable.Open your body language.The saying goes that actions speak louder than words, and in this case, it can certainly be true.One of the best tips Ive heard is to open your body language.You should keep your arms out, keep your legs wide, and keep your head pointed toward the person youre talking to._4_Get them to talk about themselves.People love talking about themselves, and they particularly love talking about their passions. One of the best ways to get strangers to like you is to ask lots of questions that keep them talking about themselves._5_ Youll probably see them light up as they talk.ABreak the ice with a joke.BTalk to strangers politely.CIn addition, eye contact is also essential.DPay attention to them and ask some sincere questions.EThe importance of smiling cant be ignored.FInstead, its a habit you should develop as part of your daily life.GIt is because repeating the strangers name will help you remember it.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了让陌生人喜欢你的几个方法。1.解析:选E根据本段主题句“Smile!”和后文“Walking up to a stranger with a sincere smile on your face instantly warms the situation and makes you look friendlier and more approachable.”可知,微笑的重要性是不容忽视的。2解析:选G根据后文“Once you learn a strangers name, try using it in the conversation a few times”可知,所填内容承接上文,这是因为重复陌生人的名字可以帮助你记住它。3解析:选A根据后文“Opening your talk with a joke will get you liked faster”可知,要用幽默打破沉默。4解析:选C根据前文“You should keep your arms out, keep your legs wide, and keep your head pointed toward the person youre talking to.”可知,所填内容也是对body language的进一步论述。5解析:选D根据前文“One of the best ways to get strangers to like you is to ask lots of questions that keep them talking about themselves.”可知,此处承接上文,关注他们并且问一些真诚的问题。.完形填空My friend Linda lives a very busy life.Yesterday, I called her and invited her out for supper.But she _1_,saying she had too many things on her todo list.Linda is not _2_.There are many people like her.There is no doubt that our daily lives are filled with _3_ on our time.We are _4_ hurrying here and there trying to fit all of these activities into a _5_ day.So, what are we doing for ourselves? Do you realize that we are not _6_ or enjoying the pleasure of the day? This is not the kind of life we should _7_.A busy life prevents us from _8_ the important little things in our life.We should _9_.An interesting and effective way to _10_ you to appreciate all those important little things in life is to sit down away from distractions and do the _11_ things.You can take a pencil and _12_,and write down all those things that you _13_ you will have to do during the course of a week.Make sure you write each one of these on one line and leave _14_ between each point.Once you have your _15_, review it to be sure you havent left anything out.Next, _16_ each point each time, and decide whether you must do this _17_.If you must do it, write an alternative point to express it or how to make it more _18_.For example, if one of your mustdos is commuting to work, you may not be able to _19_ this activity, but you can make it more pleasant, such as listening to some of your favorite songs.You dont have to go through life with _20_.It is up to you to change it.语篇解读:我们过着忙碌的生活, 而错过了生活的乐趣, 这样是不对的。1A.hesitatedBrefusedCexplained Dargued解析:选B根据“saying she had too many things on her todo list”可知作者的朋友“拒绝”了她的邀请。2A.funny BsmartChappy Dalone解析:选D根据“There are many people like her.”可知作者说她的朋友Linda不是唯一一个这样的人,故选D。3A.demands BsurprisesCskills Drelationships解析:选A根据下文内容可知,此处为毫无疑问,我们的日常生活充满了对我们时间的“要求”。4A.hardly BhappilyCgradually Dusually解析:选D根据“our daily lives are filled with _ on our time”可知我们“经常”急忙地跑来跑去。5A.priceless BgreatCnormal Dunique解析:选C我们通常都急忙地跑来跑去,故这里是指“普通的”一天。6A.arranging BappreciatingCcaring Daccepting解析:选B我们活得太匆忙,所以没有“领会”和享受生活的乐趣。7A.save BmentionCfear Dlive解析:选D作者认为我们不应该“过”这种忙碌而享受不到生活乐趣的生活,故选D项。8A.improving BshowingCenjoying Dignoring解析:选C根据语境,可知作者认为忙碌的生活让我们无法“享受”生活中那些小而重要的事情。9A.change BstartCstruggle Dseek解析:选A作者认为我们不应该过这样的生活,故她认为我们应该“改变”,过一种更好的生活。10A.order BhelpCadvise Dforce解析:选B后面给的那些建议是用来“帮助”我们珍惜生活中那些小而重要的事情的。11A.embarrassing BexcitingCrewarding Dfollowing解析:选D作者在后面具体告诉我们该怎么做,故这里是指“后面的”事情。12A.video BmagazineCpaper Dbook解析:选C需要写下一些事情,故除了笔之外还需要准备“纸”。13A.guess BthinkCimagine Dpretend解析:选B作者让我们写下那些我们“认为”在一周内必须会去做的事情。14A.space BworkCmoney Dtime解析:选A根据后文的“write an alternative point to express it or how to make it more .”可知这里是让我们在行与行之间留些“空间”出来写这些内容。15A.opinion BsuggestionClist Dplan解析:选C这里是指完成这张记录下需要做的事情的“单子”之后。16A.express BmakeCdevelop Dreview解析:选D根据“decide whether you must do .” 可知作者建议我们“再看一遍”单子上的内容。17A.experiment BsurveyCactivity Dproject解析:选C这里是指单子上记录下我们认为应该要做的事情,故选C项。18A.noticeable BinterestingCvaluable Dnecessary解析:选B作者建议我们享受生活的乐趣,故这里是指把要做的事情变得更“有趣”。19A.avoid BproveCconsider Dfind解析:选A去上班一般是无法“避免”的。20A.regrets BdifficultiesCcosts Dexperiences解析:选A根据作者给我们的建议,可知这里是指我们可以过一种不会被“后悔”充斥的生活。.语法填空As our lives get busier, _1_ becomes more important to spend the little free time _2_ we have with people we really want to see, people we love and who really love us.Once I read a book about how to get rid of _3_ (necessary) possessions (私人财物)It said you should ask _4_ (you): Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is no, you should throw it away.Maybe we should ask similar _5_ (question) about our friends.What kind of friends will you _6_ (possible) need to edit? Sometimes its an old friend.Somebody who you used _7_ (have) a lot in common with, but who, when you meet now, you have very little or nothing to say to.Or it might be a new friend who you get _8_ quite well with, but who is taking up too much of your time.Next time one of these people calls you and _9_ (suggest) a meeting, think, “Do I really want to see this person?” and if the answer is no, say no, and _10_(make) an excuse.That way youll have more time to spend with your real friends.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了如何度过自己的业余时间。1it设空处在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构to spend the little free time .love us ,故填it。2that/which设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the little free time, 且在从句中作宾语,故填that/which。3unnecessary由get rid of和throw it away可知,此处表示的是“不必要的”物品,故填unnecessary。4yourself


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