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Chinese Dream Culture,-中国梦文化,潘斌 Pan Bin SC10014001,As the Hollywood blockbuster Inception wowed audiences around world, more and more people are interested in dream exploration. .,Dreams are reflections of humans inner spaces and a connection between human subconscious and consciousness. And in human civilizations, dreams have always been regarded as a mystery. In primitive tribes, dreams were thought to be the indication of God or the haunting of the devil,Ancient Stories about Dreams in China,dream,Dream culture is an important part of ancient Chinese culture. There are many ancient stories about dreams in China, and the most famous one is Zhuangzhou Dreamt of Butterfly. There are also some other stories on dreams such as Golden Millet Dream and The dream of the Prefect of Nanke County,庄子认为人们如果能打破生死、物我的界限,则无往而不快乐,寓言 One day Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he turned into a butterfly,which was dancing in the flowers. He was very happy, and didnt know he was Zhuangzhou, after awaked, he didnt know whether it was Zhuangzhou dreaming of turning into a butterfly, or is it the butterfly dreaming of being Zhuangzhou.,On knight-errant Chunyu Fens birthday, many friends and family came to celebrate. With joy he was drunk.In the night, friends and relatives back, with a bit tipsy Chunyu Fen laid under a large acacia tree ,and fell asleep unconsciously. In dream, Chunyu Fen was invited to go into a tree hole. Inside the cave,its a sunny and beautifulday world, known as Dahuai country.,In Dahuai country Chunyu Fen became Zhuangyuan through the examination and married a princess to be a consort prince. He had a happy life for family with children, also got striking achievements when he was appointed to be prefect of Nanke country. But 30 years later, Dahuai country was invaded, Chunyu Fen received the emperors command, unified military expeditions. But he knew nothing of the art of war, suffered a complete defeat. Emperor was very disappointed, ordered to remove all his posts , and sent back home. Think about all his fame destroyed ,Chunyu Fen shouted a cry,awaked from the dream. 人生如梦,功名利禄俱是浮云,Based on the experiences and practices, an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness, which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams,As ancient Chinese peoples wisdom and experiences crystallized, Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams became less regarded as a superstition. To some degree, it is scientifically reasonable. Handed down over thousands of years, the profound book still has many mysteries waiting for us to explore.,Some examples from the book:,Dreamed of being beaten, life would be richer, the patient in your family will soon recover. Dream that you are arrested ,you will become a people liked by government officials Dream you met with judges , family discord will occur Unmarr


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