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Module8 Unit1 They sit around tables. Dongming Primary School Pei Wenjing,Dear Miss Pei, How are you now? I miss you very much. I took photos of my school for you. The children sit around tables in America. We sit in lines in China. They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises. In America, school starts at 9 oclock. It finishes at 3 oclock. In China, we start school at 8 oclock and finish at 4 oclock. School is fine here. But I miss my Chinese school. Love from, Cathy,敬爱的粟老师: 您好! 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,转眼间我们就长大了,不再是以前调皮无知的小孩子,这中间,掺杂着多少您的心血啊!要不是您每天辛苦地备课,给我们传授知识,为我们批改作业,我们也不会更聪明,学到更多的东西。老师,您如天上的启明星,因为有了您,我们不再迷失,因为有了您我们找到了人生道路上前进的方向。 教师是天底下最为神圣的职业。淡泊名利,视学生为珍宝,用无私而伟大的爱默默无闻地引领学生进入知识的殿堂,遨游在知识的海洋中。老师是风雪夜中的一盏灯,照亮了学生前进的道路。将心血和青春全部献给了她热爱的事业,为无数人点燃了永恒的前进希望。所以,我一定要好好学习,用优异的成绩来回报老师这无私而又伟大的爱! 您是我最敬爱、最喜欢的老师。我想对您说:“老师,您辛苦了,谢谢您!” 祝您: 天天开心,工作顺利! 您的学生:韦兰屹 2010年7月29日,Dear Miss Pei, How are you now? I miss you very much. I took photos of my school for you. The children sit around tables in America. We sit in lines in China. They sing songs together every morning. We do morning exercises. In America, school starts at 9 oclock. It finishes at 3 oclock. In China, we start school at 8 oclock and finish at 4 oclock. School is fine here. But I miss my Chinese school. Love from, Cathy,Chinese shool,VS,American school,chopsticks,a knife and fork,rice,bread,Chinese New Year,Christmas,Chinese shool,VS,American school,Dear Cathy, I am good now. We miss you very much. I get up at six oclock every morning. I have breakfast at seven oclock. I go to school by bike. I have English classes from Monday to Friday. We sing songs and watch TV in class. I love my students and you! Love from, Miss Pei,1,3,2,2,3,1,3,1,2,homework,Write a letter to Cathy to introduce your school life. 给Cathy回一封信介绍一下你的学校生活,2. Show the text for your parent


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