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实施英语教学的有效策略,陈淑玲,2013.4 湖南常德,6 years old,1985,twice,10.29,104,17,Contents,二、什么是有效课堂,三、课前、课中与课后的策略,四、有效课堂教学策略的评价,五、结束语,OUTLINE,一、理论依据,一、理论依据,义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是: 通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,促进心智发展,提高综合人文素养。 综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面整体发展的基础之上。,基本理念,(一)注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值 (二)面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点和个体差异 (三)整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性 (四)强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性 (五)优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力 (六)丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道,教学建议,(一)面向全体学生,为每个学生学习英语奠定基础 (二)注重语言实践,培养学生的语言运用能力 (三)加强学习策略指导,培养学生自主学习能力 (四)培养学生的跨文化交际意识,发展跨文化交际能力 (五)结合实际教学需要,创造性地使用教材 (六)合理利用各种教学资源,提高学生的学习效率 (七)组织生动活泼的课外活动,拓展学生的学习渠道 (八)不断提高专业水平,努力适应课程的要求,评价建议,(一)充分发挥评价的积极导向作用 (二)体现学生在评价中的主体地位 (三)依据课程目标要求确定评价内容与标准 (四)注意评价方法的合理性和多样性 (五)形成性评价要有利于监控和促进教与学的过程 (六)终结性评价要注重考查学生的综合语言运用能力 (七)注意处理教学与评价的关系 (八)(九),二、什么是有效课堂,传授者Teacher,学习者Student,在设定的时间范围内,运用一定的教学策略完成预定的教学目标,并获得预期效益的最优化,使学习者与传授者双方获得最大的进步与发展。,是否达成传授者所预定的教学目标,学习者是否能够掌握既定的教学目标并能达到一定程度的运用,教学策略 课前课中课后,Effective Class,三、有效课堂的教学策略,有效课堂的课前准备,有效课堂的 课后教学反思,有效课堂的 课中教学策略,Contents,(一)有效课堂的课前准备,对教学目标的设定,关注教学过程的设计,对教学内容深度与宽度的把握,有关教学辅助的准备,1,对学生的了解,制订教学目标前必须思考: 学生将要学什么? 学生学完后将能做哪些他们以前不会做的事?,教学目标的制定,具体,可观察,可检测,通过听力活动,听懂关于学习困难及其解决措施的描述。 通过听力活动,获取关于学习困难及其解决措施的信息。 通过听,记录学生学习英语的三个具体困难的关键词,补全专家所给的相应解决建议的关键信息。,教学目标案例分析(目标1),理解不定代词词组(eitheror, not onlybut also,neithernor)的意义和用法。 运用不定代词词组(eitheror, not onlybut also,neithernor)描述/谈论英语学习方式。 初步运用不定代词词组(eitheror; not onlybut also;neithernor)给出学习建议。,教学目标案例分析(目标2),了解和掌握关于单词记忆、语法学习和听力等方面的学习策略。 结合本课所学语言和内容,讨论并总结有效开展英语学习的建议,如:单词记忆、语法学习和听力理解等。,教学目标案例分析(目标3),课程目标的描述使用行为动词,了解/理解知识:找出、辨认、命名、标示、排列、选择、列题纲、阐述、说/答出具体事实,名称、地点、事件等; 运用知识和发展技能 :询问,描述,讲述,举例说明、做计划、表演,展示,说明,推测,想像,创造,表达个人见解,写出,改编 认知和思维能力以及文化意识的发展体现知道为什么,区分,分类、比较、归纳与概括、举例、推理、判断等,学生能够运用本课所学词汇和语言结构,通过什么方式或运用何种策略,完成什么事情。,关注教学过程的设计,教师的教学设计要做到: 有目标(以目标为出发点和落脚点) 有学生(预设学生的重难点) 有操作设计(活动与活动之间的内在联系) 有学习过程(层层递进,合理搭设台阶) 有交流、互动(师生、生生互动) 有逻辑(每一步之间的衔接),对教学内容的深度与宽度的把握,教师是课程的建设者与开发者,应该因地制宜,有意识、有目的地开发和利用各种资源,使学生获得对英语理解的同时,在思维能力、情感态度与价值观等方面得到进步和发展。,对教学内容的深度与宽度的把握,1.拓展学科资源 2.捕捉意外资源 3.注重活动资源 4.运用报刊杂志、英文广播资源 5.开发主体资源,对教学内容的深度与宽度的把握,在实际中就会出现这样一个问题,有些教师无限制的扩展教学的内容,不断增加、扩大知识的深度与广度。,有关教学辅助的准备,教学辅助包括多媒体课件,电影,英语歌曲,学生课堂所需要物品等等。这些辅助手段的利用是语言教学中有效的辅助与补充,可以充分激发学生的思维与兴趣,也可以给所有学生留下深刻的印象。在教学I can 时,老师可以让学生准备小提琴、画笔、跳绳等等。,对学生学习程度与状况的了解,1.对学生学习进度、前一阶段学习内容及其对相关背景知识的预测与了解,是决定授课内容与授课深度的重要指标。 2.学习者个体之间既表现出一些共性的、稳定性的特征,又表现出多样化的差异。,呈现,讲解,重点,难点,座位安排,传统媒体,组织形式,自我调控,媒体效用,(二)有效课堂的课中教学策略,导入是有效课堂的重要一环,1,有效活动的组织与实施,问题提出的技巧,对学习者的关注,语言的有效输入与输出,导入时有效课堂的重要一环,图片导入 英语歌曲 猜谜语 Brainstorming Video Clips Guessing game Tongue Twisters,Brainstorm: Objects in the classroom,Whats this?,We can see it. Everyone can feel it. All of us know it. Though we can hardly change it. However well try our best. Even harder than we expected. Reach it we will.,We can see it. Everyone can feel it. All of us know it. Though we can hardly change it. However well try our best. Even harder than we expected. Reach it we will.,Guessing game!,happy,balloon,kid,Childrens Day,worker,international,rights,Labour Day,together,fireworks,family,Spring Festival,Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot. Well weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.,阅读课的导入原则,应根据语篇特征确定合适的切入点和选择合适的导入方式。 导入要与语篇内容相结合,不能只是话题的关联。 通过导入挖掘已知,引发对语篇内容的预测、梳理或思考。 利用导入的语境自然呈现相关知识(语言知识和背景知识),扫除部分阅读障碍。,My hero Dr Norman Bethune,Birthdate Job Education Life/working experience Achievement Influence Evaluation/comments,Read quickly and find out which aspect(方面) is not mentioned in the article?,What do you expect to read about Dr. Bethune in the article?,导入案例分析:二年级下第10单元 A perfect holiday,T: What do you do in your holiday? S1: I travel. T: Where did you go ? S1: Qingdao and Huangshan. T: Do you like it? S1: Yes. T: What do you do in your holiday? S2: I play computer games.,A:What do you usually do yourself at home? B: I usually A: What do your parents usually do for you? B: They usuallyfor me.,Lead-in,Do you do housework at home?,Pre-reading:prediction,1. Do you think you would have a perfect holiday when your parents are not around? Why / Why not? 2. Which of the following words do you think will be in the passage? Why? depend, teenager, life skill, burn, enough, homework, on business, empty stomach,A perfect holiday ?,Yes?,No?,Lets talk:,What will you do if?,If you have a lot of pocket money,,I will _ .,Pocket money,Piggy bank (存钱罐),buy some CDs,Lets talk:,What will you do if?,If your father warns you not to play computer games?,I will follow what he says., w:n ,Lets talk:,What will you do if?,If your computer has a virus?,I will ask someone to mend it and take it off.,病毒,修理, vairs , mend ,卸下,弄走,语言的有效输入与输出,L.G. Alexander:“Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard; Nothing should be read before it has been spoken; Nothing should be written before it has been read.”,语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的能力;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。因此,听、说、读、写既是学习的内容,又是学习的手段。 语言知识是语言能力的有机组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基础。 -课程标准,案例 外研版新标准教材八(上) Module 9 Animals in danger,Tiger,Guessing game!,Pre-listening activity,Sound,panda,Guessing game!,Pre-listening activity,Sound,Animals they are talking about:,While-listening activity,1.It was interesting_ about the Wolong Panda reserve. 2.It is sad _ all those animals in danger. 3.It just isnt right_ whales or elephants for their meat. 4.It is hard _killing.,to learn,to think about,to kill,to stop,Listen and fill in the blanks,While-listening activity,details,Language?,1.We need _them better. 2.We need _ the animals live in peace.,What can we do?,to protect,to help,Problems:,1.Many animals have no place _,to live in.,2.Their water is too dirty_.,to drink,While-listening activity,details,Language?,Read aloud,While-listening activity,Read and fill in the blanks,Sally was very excited _ the pandas, and she thought it was interesting _ about the Wolong Panda Reserve. But Lingling felt sad _ about all the animals in danger. So we need _ them better. And its not right _ animals for their meat or fur. As our villages and farms grow bigger, many animals have no place _. We should find out what we can do_ the animals.,to see,to learn,to think,to protect,to kill,to live in,to save,Post-listening activity,Language?,1.Topic: a report about an animal in danger according to the following tables and given structures) 2.Number of students: 3 3.Team work(S1 on name ,home; S2 on feelings; S3 on problems and what we can do; then share your ideas and make up a report) 4. Time limit: 4 min.,Report,Post-listening activity,Group work,Chinese Golden Monkey, Its sad to hear Its not right for sb. to Its hard for sb. to We need to ,Golden monkey lives in China. It is smart and quick. Its sad to hear they are in danger. Its not right for people to cut down trees. I think we need to grow more trees .,Post-listening activity,Chinese White Dolphin (for Team1&4),Its sad to hear Its not right for sb. to Its hard for sb. to We need to ,Post-listening activity,Active or passive?,Listen and answer,What are Sally and Lingling talking about?,Why animals are in danger.,While-listening activity,Listen and fill in the blanks,Their feelings:,1 Sally was _ to see the pandas. It was _ to learn about the Wolong Panda Reserve. 2 Its _ to think about the animals in danger. 3 The _ thing was to hear how many animals are in danger.,Why animals are in danger:,1 People _ whales or elephants for their _. 2 People _ animals lands and forests and make them have no place _. 3 People make their water too _ to _.,While-listening activity,The baby elephant is _to have new teeth. Its _ for the mother elephant to see it, because people may _ the baby _ the ivory.,Mom, my teeth have started to grow up.,excited,sad,kill,for,I feel _ to see the pictures. Ill try to _ _.,sorry,ask my relatives not to buy products made of ivory,Complete the dialogue with infinitives:,A: Did you see the pictures just now? B: Yes! I was so sad _. A: Why did the mother elephant die? B: Maybe someone killed it. It makes me mad _. A: Yes, the poor baby elephant didnt want _. B: I think we need _.,1.Topic: a report about an animal in danger according to the following tables and given structures) 2.Number of students: 3 3.Team work(S1 on name ,home; S2 on feelings; S3 on problems and what we can do; then share your ideas and make up a report) 4. Time limit: 4 min.,Report,Post-listening activity,Group work,有效活动的组织与实施,Tell me, and I will forget.,Lecture Blackboard & Chalk Informative but Passive Teacher-centered,Demonstration Picture / Gesture Overhead Projector / Movie / TV Demonstrative Courseware Impressive and Effective Teacher-centered,Show me, and I will remember.,Communicative Activities Learning by doing Interactive and Cooperative Student-centered,Involve me, and I will learn.,什么样的活动为有效活动?,要有明确的目的 要有情景、有语境,情景和语境要真实 尽量贴近学生生活和经验,并能在实际生活中应用; 在完成任务的过程中学生要能用上所学的知识和技能 注重学生使用语言的完整性、流畅性和正确性,活动1: 认识方位介词 目的: 了解方位介词所表达的具体含义 方式: 看图学习方位介词 过程: 教师展示图片,学生了解介词含义 技能体现:根据图片,准确认知介词的不同含 义。,Prepositions of place,above,in the middle of,near,behind,beside,in front of,The prepositions expressing the position.,far from,活动2: Describe your classroom 目的:正确使用方位介词: in, on, next to, in the front of, at the back of 方式:口头描述 过程:用所学的there be句型描述自己的教室 技能体现:能用there be 句型准确有序的描述 所在教室的位置和教室内的各种设施。,Prepositions of place,活动3: Its me! 目的:正确使用方位介词:in the row/line,between, in front of, behind, near the door, by the window , on ones left/right side 方式:用抽签的方式来介绍同学所坐位置 过程:准备一个包含所有本班同学名字纸条的盒子,让 同学随意抽取一个签,使用适当介词描述所坐位 置,然后被描述的同学自己站起来说 “Its me!” 技能体现:能够准确使用方位介词描述座位; 能够准确听出方位介词含义,并且做出迅速 回应。,Prepositions of place,活动4: My new school! 目的:正确使用方位介词,按方位顺序介绍学校的位置及学校的各种设施,让学生更加了解并热爱自己的新学校。 方式:学生根据学校的平面或立体图,按照空间顺序使用正确的方位介词和所学句型描述学校的概况。 过程:1. 让学生课前画好学校的平面或立体图,了解概况。2. 课上教师展示图片,教授生词,完备各样信息。 3. 学生分组来介绍学校的概况。 4. 课后学生写出一篇描述学校概况的文章。 技能体现:在从信息的输入到输出过程中,能够熟练使用方位介词来描述一个环境,同时注意空间顺序,尽可能充分使用所学单词.,Prepositions of place,问题提出的技巧,英语课堂提问的重要性。 把握提问的时机与节奏。 1导入新课时提问 2呈现重点时提问 3课堂小结时的提问,问题的层次与类型。, 回忆性提问。 理解性提问。 分析性提问。 综合性提问。 评价性提问。,提问的操作步骤,提出问题 学生回答 教师反馈,思考,1 你是在提出问题之前还是之后点名让学生回答问题的?,2 在点名让学生回答问题之前,你给他们留足思考的时间了吗? 留了几秒钟?,3 在学生回答问题中或回答问题后的短暂停顿中 ,你着急了吗?,4 你对学生的回答提供反馈了吗?,对学习者的关注,1.关注学生的感情 2.关注学生的语言 3.关注学生的兴趣 4.关注学生的学习过程(关注课堂上 学生的提问,关注学生的动态生成). 5.关注学生的学习结果,(三)有效课堂的课后教学反思,学生们在教学中参与度高吗,课后的反馈与反思,教学过程中哪些活动效果好,学生在检测中出现哪些差错,为什么,为什么有的学生没有积极参与活动,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,(三)有效课堂课后的教学反思,学生的表现达到预期目标了吗?,我的教学还有哪些方面需要改进?,哪些内容学生已经掌握/没有掌握?为什么,- 对教学中的


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