



Section Grammar课后篇巩固探究一、用恰当的情态动词完成下列句子1.As a doctor,you try your best to cure your patients.答案:should/ought to/must2.In some parts of the world,you boil the water before drinking it.答案:must/have to3.He have stayed at home this morning.I saw him shopping in another city.答案:cant/couldnt4.You smoke in this part of the hospital.答案:mustnt5.You keep a simple first aid box at home for any accidents.答案:ought to/should6.You take care of yourself when Im away.答案:ought to/should7.You have finished the article.The deadline is last Friday.Sorry.I have been busy these days.Could you give me three days more?答案:ought to/should8.He have caught a bad cold last night,for his forehead felt burning.答案:must二、借助合适的情态动词完成句子1.I left my handbag on the train,but luckily someone gave it to a railway official.How unbelievable to get it back!I mean,someone might (steal)it.答案:have stolen2.I told Sally how to get there,but perhaps I (write)it out for her.答案:should have written3.Oh,Ive missed a good chance.Yes,you (take)the job when it was offered to you.答案:should have taken4.Do you think the rain will affect the result of the football game?The players are used to such weather;it not make any difference to them.答案:should5.I thank you too much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.答案:cant6.I use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the train comes by my house.答案:neednt7.Its quite warm here;we turn the heating on yet.答案:neednt8.People drive after drinking alcohol.答案:mustnt9.Days later,my brother called to say he was all right,but say where he was.答案:wouldnt三、单句改错1.One ought not be punished for what he hasnt done.答案:在be前加to2.It was playing computer games that cost the boy plenty of time that he ought to spent doing his lessons.答案:在to后加have3.You oughtnt to be talked so much.答案:talkedtalking4.We havent enough books for everybody.Some of you will have to sharing.答案:sharingshare四、完形填空I was at the bus stop,heading home after a long,busy day,when I served guests at a restaurant.Suddenly,I realized Id left behind my 1 with $80 worth of tips(小费)and one of my photos in it! I couldnt afford to 2a days pay.When I ran back,the3 was closed.So I had to tell myself:Id try to 4 about it this evening.The next day was much 5than the one before.I was already6five tables there,when a white-haired7 sat down in my section(区域).No matter how 8I was,I made sure to give them the best9I could.After their meal,I10 them for their kindness.The couple had left the11by the time I picked up the tip.This wasnt right,I thought;there was much more than twenty dollars.It was too much for a tip.I12again;forty dollars!Quickly,I13 around to look for the couple.Theyd left the restaurant.14,I went to the hostess.“Did you see that15couple who once sat in my section leave?” I asked.“Oh,they are my parents,and have gone home,” the hostess said.“They told me about you.Yesterday they 16your wallet.Since you were very17just now,they let me give the wallet to you.By the way,they said they were very 18 with your service and gave you twice as much as a(n)19.” How kind they are!I will always try my best to 20customers well in future.1.A.schoolbagB.suitcaseC.walletD.coat答案:C解析:根据空后的with $80 worth of tips可知,“我”落下的是钱包(wallet),故选C项。2.A.lose B.finish C.waste D.spend答案:A 解析:根据上一句可知,“我”把装有80美元的小费和照片的钱包丢了,故本句意为:我承受不起“丢失(lose)”一天的工资。故选A项。3.A.stationB.schoolC.bankD.restaurant答案:D 解析:根据短文第一段第一句中的at a restaurant可知,“我”跑回“餐馆”(restaurant)的时候,餐馆关门了。故选D项。4.A.thinkB.forgetC.complainD.remember答案:B 解析:句意:今天晚上我尽力“忘记(forget)”这件事,故选B项。5.A.brighterB.busier C.luckierD.hotter 答案:B 解析:根据下一句讲述的内容“我已经在服侍五桌客人”可知,第二天比前一天“更忙(busier)”。故选B项。6.A.putting awayB.taking awayC.waiting onD.cleaning up 答案:C解析:由第一段第一句中的“I served guests at a restaurant”可知,“我”是在一家餐馆工作。本句句意为“我已经在服侍(wait on)五桌客人了”,故选C项。7.A.manB.lady C.couple D.stranger 答案:C解析:根据本段第七句“The couple had left.”可知,本题应该选择couple。句意:这时一对白发苍苍的夫妇坐在我服务的区域。故选couple。8.A.busy B.happy C.relaxedD.calm 答案:A 解析:根据上一句可知,“我”当时非常忙碌,故此处表示“无论我多么忙碌(busy)”。故选A项。9.A.placesB.dishesC.food D.service 答案:D解析:“我”一定要尽我所能给他们最好的“服务(service)”。故选D项。10.A.paidB.thankedC.treatedD.praised答案:B 解析:句意:他们吃完饭后,我“感谢(thank)”他们的好意。11.A.cafe B.table C.money D.me 答案:B 解析:“我”在餐馆里工作,这对夫妇是来进餐的。故此处应用“餐桌(table)”。句意:到“我”拿起小费时,这对夫妇已经离开餐桌了。故选B项。12.A.included B.enjoyed C.checked D.shouted答案:C 解析:句意:我又“检查(check)”了一遍,40美元。故选C项。13.A.turnedB.traveledC.showedD.drove 答案:A 解析:turn around意为“转身”。句意:“我”迅速“转身(turn around)”去寻找这对夫妇。故选A项。14.A.AnywhereB.HoweverC.RecentlyD.Finally 答案:D 解析:根据上一句“他们已经离开了餐馆”可知,此处句意为“最后(Finally)我去找老板”。15.A.good B.honestC.friendly D.aged答案:D 解析:根据第二段第四句中的white-haired可知这对夫妇上了年纪。故选aged。16.A.set upB.put up C.picked upD.made up 答案:C 解析:根据第一段可知,昨天“我”把钱包落在餐馆了。句意:昨天他们“捡到了(picked up)”你的钱包。故选C项。17.A.upsetB.angryC.busyD.sad 答案:C 解析:句意:由于你刚才很“忙(busy)”,他们让我把钱包还给你。18.A.satisfiedB.popularC.angryD.moved 答案:A 解析:根据这对夫妇给“我”留在桌上40美元可知,他们对“我”的服务很“满意(satisfied)”。19.A.change B.tipC.jobD.honor 答案:B 解析:根据下一段第一句“How kind they are!”可知这对夫妇给了“我”两倍的“小费(tip)”。 20.A.draw B.serve C.win D.keep答案:B 解析:因为“我”给顾客提供了好的服务,所以这对夫妇给“我”两倍的小费。因此,今后,“我”要尽力为顾客提供好的“服务(serve)”。 五、七选五阅读理解导学号19294010We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life,but most of us dont do a very good job.1 So,you have to give a speechand you are terrified.You get nervous,you forget what you want to say,you stumble over words,you talk too long,and you bore your audience.Later you think,“Thank Goodness,its over.Im just not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again.”Cheer up!2 Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making.Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion?Why are you speaking?Then,gather as many facts as you can on your subject.Spend plenty of your time doing your research.Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.Use as many examples as possible,and use pictures,charts,and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly.3 Dont talk down to them.Treat your audience with respect.They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.Just remember:Be prepared.Know your subject,your audience,and the occasion.Be brief.4 And be yourself.Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.If you follow these simple steps,you will see that you dont have to be afraid of public speaking.In fact,you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!Youre not co


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