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preference和appeal 高考频度:难易程度:1. (2013浙江)People develop preference for a particular style of learning at early age and these preferences affect learning.A.a ; anB.a ; 不填C.不填; theD.the ; an【参考答案】A【归纳拓展】 preference n. 偏爱,爱好,喜爱;偏爱的事物,最喜爱的东西 常与介词for搭配。give (a) preference to sb./sth. 给以优惠;优待have/show a preference 偏爱in preference to sb./sth. 而不是prefer vt. 宁可,宁愿;更喜欢;提出(声明、请求、控诉等)preferable adj. 更可取的,更好的,更合意的【易错警示】(1)preference习惯于for搭配,但在in preference to (=rather than, instead of)这个短语中要用to。I have a preference for bananas. 我更喜欢香蕉。My preference is for bananas rather than apples. 我更喜欢香蕉而不是苹果。I should choose bananas in preference to apples.(2)在preference后的同位语从句或表语从句中,谓语用(should+)动词原形表示。This is my preference that I (should) stay at home reading rather than wander about. 我更喜欢待在家里看书而不愿到处闲逛。2. (2015浙江)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or our emotions than for straight facts.A.block offB.appeal toC.subscribe toD.come across【参考答案】B3. (2015江苏)The university started some new language programs to the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.A.apply toB.cater forC.appeal toD.hunt for【参考答案】B【试题解析】考查动词短语。句意:为了满足国家丝绸之路经济带的要求,这所大学开设了一些新的语言项目。cater for满足需要,迎合,符合句意。apply to使用,应用;appeal to呼吁,恳求;hunt for搜寻,搜索。【归纳拓展】 appeal vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助 vt. 将上诉 n. 呼吁;恳求 appeal to sb.(对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣appeal to sb. for sth./to do sth. 向某人呼吁/恳求appeal for恳求,呼吁 make an appeal to sb. for sth. 为向某人呼吁或请求make an appeal to sb. to do sth. 恳求/呼吁某人做某事Bright colors appeal to small children. Small children are fond of/like/enjoy/love bright colors. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。The government is appealing to everyone to save(save) water. 政府呼吁人人节约用水。The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. 警察呼吁公众保持冷静。1. As a preschool teacher, she tried not to show in her treatment of the children in her care.A.reputationB.instructionC.adjustmentD.preference2. He speaks English fluently. And its said that he showed great for language at an early age.A.preferenceB.appetiteC.talentD.admiration3. Considering the location the price, many parents buy houses for their childrens education.A.in preference toB.in response toC.in addition toD.in regard to4. Which would you like to have for breakfast, two eggs or a bottle of milk? Rather than _eggs, I prefer _a bottle of milk.A.to eat, to drinkB.eat, to drinkC.to eat, drinkingD.eat, drinking5. Frankly speaking, I prefer at home to watch TV to going to the cinema.A.stayingB.to stayC.stayedD.stay6. Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really .A.appealed toB.taken toC.catered toD.submitted to7.My mother is addicted to TV soap operas. So is mine. I wonder whatthem so much.A.appeals toB.beats downC.brings backD.calls in8. She has to get up three or four times a night in order to her elderly mother.A.cater toB.attend toC.appeal toD.take to9. Alice, have you accepted the job in that company? Oh, yes. Its quite near and the good pay makes their offer even more to me.A.attachedB.amazingC.appealingD.associated10. What attracted the boy? It was the toy gun that took his _.A.appealB.interestC.fancyD.heart1. D【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:作为一个幼儿园老师,她试图在对待由她照管的孩子时不表现出偏好。preference喜好,偏爱符合语境。reputation名誉;instruction指导,指示;adjustment调整。 2. C【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:他英语说得很流利。据说他在很小的时候就表现出了很高的语言天赋。talent天赋,天资,符合句意。preference偏爱,偏好; appetite强烈欲望;admiration钦佩,羡慕。 5. A【解析】考查动词prefer的用法。句意:坦率地说,我宁愿待在家里看电视也不愿去看电影。根据prefer的用法及后面的to going to the cinema可知,空白处需填staying,于是答案选A。6. B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:查尔斯是个怪人,凯利从来没有真正喜欢过他。appeal to对有吸引力;take to开始喜欢,喜欢上;cater to迎合,满足需要;submit to向屈服。 7. A【解析】考查动词短语。我妈妈迷上了肥皂剧。我妈妈也是,我想知道是什么如此吸引她们。appeal to吸引,符合语境。beat down 击败;bring back使回忆起,使想起;call in召集。 8. B【解析】考查动词短语。句意:为了照看她年迈的母亲,她一个晚上得起来三四次。attend to照看


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