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Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars.阅读理解(建议用时16)A2017复旦附中高三检测Space exploration has always been the province of dreamers: The human imagination readily soars while human ingenuity (创造力) struggles to follow. A Voyage to the Moon, often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649. Cyrano was dead and buried for a good three centuries before the first manned rockets started to fly.In 1961, when President Kennedy declared that America would send a man to the moon by the decades end, those words, too, had a dreamlike quality. They resonated with optimism and ambition in much the same way as the most famous dream speech of all, delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. two years later. By the end of the decade, both visions had yielded concrete results and transformed American society. And yet in many ways the two dreams ended up at odds with each other. The fight for racial and economic equality is intensely pragmatic (讲求实用的) and immediate in its impact. The urge to explore space is just the opposite. It is figuratively and literally otherworldly in its aims.When the dust settled, the space dreamers lost out. There was no grand followup to the Apollo missions. The technologically compromised space shuttle program has just come to an end, with no successor. The perpetual argument is that funds are tight, that we have more pressing problems here on Earth. Amid the current concerns about the federal deficit, reaching toward the stars seems a dispensable luxuryas if saving onethousandth of a single years budget would solve our problems.But human ingenuity struggles on. NASA is developing a series of robotic probes that will get the most bang from a buck. They will serve as modern Magellans, mapping out the solar system for whatever explorers follow, whether man or machine. On the flip side, companies like Virgin Galactic are plotting a bottomup assault on the space dream by making it a reality to the public. Private spaceflight could lie within reach of rich civilians in a few years. Another decade or two and it could go mainstream.The space dreamers end up benefiting all of usnot just because of the way they expand human knowledge, or because of the spinoff technologies they produce, but because the two types of dreams feed_off each other. Both Martin Luther King and John Kennedy appealed to the idea that humans can transcend what were once considered inherent limitations. Today we face seeming challenges in energy, the environment, health care. Tomorrow we will transcend these as well, and the dreamers will deserve a lot of the credit. The more evidence we collect that our species is capable of greatness, the more we will actually achieve it.篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。作者认为太空探索一直都是梦想家的领域,它激发了人类的想象力和创造力。1The author mentions Cyrano de Bergerac in order to show that_.Aimagination is the mother of inventionBingenuity is essential for science fiction writersCit takes patience for humans to realize their dreamsDdreamers have always been interested in science fiction答案:A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句中的“The human imagination readily soars while human ingenuity (创造力) struggles to follow.”可知,人类想象力汹涌澎湃,而人类的创造力也苦苦地紧追不舍,也就是“想象是创造之母”。故选A。2How did the general public view Kennedys space exploration plan?AIt symbolized the American dream.BIt was as urgent as racial equality.CIt sounded very much like a dream.DIt made an ancient dream come true.答案:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“In 1961, when President Kennedy declared that America would send a man to the moon by the decades end, those words, too, had a dreamlike quality.”可知,1961年肯尼迪总统宣布美国将到20世纪60年代末把人类送到月球上,那样的话语同样也像是做梦一般。故选C。3What does the author say about Americas aim to explore space?AIt may not bring about immediate economic gains.BIt cannot be realized without technological innovation.CIt will not help the realization of racial and economic equality.DIt cannot be achieved without a good knowledge of the other worlds.答案:A 推理判断题。根据第二段最后三句“The fight for racial and economic equality is intensely pragmatic (讲求实用的) and immediate in its impact. The urge to explore space is just the opposite. It is figuratively and literally otherworldly in its aims.”可知,为种族和经济平等的斗争非常讲求实用,能够产生立竿见影的效果,而探索太空不可能产生立竿见影的经济效果。故选A。4Which of the following is the closest to the underlined phrase “feed off” in the last paragraph?Asupport BcontradictCweaken Dsubstitute for答案:A 词义猜测题。根据最后一段第一句“The space dreamers end up benefiting all of usnot just because of the way they expand human knowledge, or because of the spinoff technologies they produce, but because the two types of dreams feed off each other.”可知,太空梦想家们的努力终将造福我们所有人,其原因不仅在于他们拓展人类知识的方式,或者他们研发出来的衍生技术,而是因为两种类型的梦想可以相互扶持。可知feed off是“support”的意思。故选A。5What is the authors attitude toward space programs?ACritical. BReserved.CUnbiased. DSupportive.答案:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“The space dreamers end up benefiting all of us”可知,作者是支持梦想家们的,也是支持美国的太空探索项目的。故选D。1province n. 领域;省份2deliver vt. 发表;递送;交付3compromise vt. 让步;放弃 n. 折中,妥协4civilian n. 平民;老百姓5credit n. 荣誉;信用1come to an end 结束 2.appeal to 呼吁;上诉;要求B2017成都毕业班诊断NASAs New Horizons probe (宇宙探测器) flew by Pluto (冥王星) this morning, sending back historys first upclose looks at the vast freezingcold world. Closest approach came at 7:49 am. EDT. To celebrate, NASA gave out the latest photo of Pluto. It showed a reddish world with an amazing heartshaped feature on its surface.After todays close encounter, all the nine solar systems traditionally recognized planets have now been visited by a spaceshipa huge project begun in 1962 when NASAs Mariner 2 probe flew past Venus, a planet in the solar system. More than 1,200 scientists, NASA guests and important persons, including 200 reporters, watched the flyby live at New Horizons mission control center.That close encounter has been a long time coming. The $723 million New Horizons mission launched in January 2006 but began taking shape in 1989. “New Horizons is a capstone mission,” Glen Fountain, mission project manager told Space. com. “It is the first completion of the observations of our solar system. It is giving us a new idea about how we human beings fit into the universe.” “New Horizons faced a crazy number of challenges,” Stern, a driving force behind New Horizons said, “So many people stuck with this for so long. They got knocked down; they stood up. They got knocked down again; they stood up again.”In a coincidence, todays close approach falls on the 50th anniversary of the first flyby of Mars, another planet, which was completed by NASAs Mariner 4 spaceship.There are no longer nine officially recognized planets, of course. The International Astronomical Union regarded Pluto as “a dwarf planet” in 2006 in a decision that remains controversial (有争议的) today.篇章导读:文章主要讲述了对太阳系行星冥王星的探测以及对其地位的讨论。6Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?AIdeas still vary in the identity of Pluto.BOnly scientists could watch the flyby live.CMars is the first planet visited by a spaceship.DNew Horizons mission aimed to observe the solar system.答案:A细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“The International Astronomical Union regarded Pluto as a dwarf planet in 2006 in a decision that remains controversial (有争议的) today.”可知,对冥王星的认识还是有争议的。故答案是A。7Glen Fountain may probably agree that _.Ait is the most difficult to land on Pluto in the solar systemBNew Horizons mission is a long and troublesome projectCtheir strong determination leads to the successful flybyDpeople are likely to find new ways to fit into space答案:D细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Its giving us a new idea about how we human beings fit into the universe.”可知,格伦方丹认为人们或许会发现另外一种方法去探究太空。故答案是D。8Which is the best title for the passage?AA New Horizons ProbeBNASAs Huge ProjectCPluto, a Controversial PlanetDA Close Approach to Pluto答案:D主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了对太阳系行星冥王星的探测。故答案是D。1encounter n. 相遇;遭遇 vt. 遭遇;遇到2mission n. 使命;任务3launch vt. 开始从事;发起;发射4observation n. 观察;观测5anniversary n. 周年纪念日1give out 分发;发出;公布2regard.as. 将视为.七选五(建议用时7)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 2017衡水中学三调It is generally believed that money cant buy happiness. However, that may not be always true. According to a recent article, in the last few years, a new research has given us a far deeper understanding of the relationship between what we earn and how we feel. Broadly speaking, people with higher incomes are happier than those who struggle to get by. But it also shows you need to spend wisely if you expect those bank notes to put a smile on your face. _1_1Buy experiences, not material goods.In a recently published study, Professor Ryan at San Francisco State University in the US, found that when people dont have much money to spare, they tend to stick to material goods. _2_ But they actually provide both more happiness and more lasting value.2. _3_No matter how much money you spend on something and how special that product is, you will get used to having it over time and lose interest in it. With the same money you spend on one big object, you can buy many little things. Buying small things means you can get frequent small pleasures.3Be sure to buy time._4_ For example, that big house in the suburbs may seem like a good idea, but a 2014 study by researchers from University of Zurich in Switzerland found that people with longer time on the way reported lower life satisfaction, all other things being equal.4Try giving it away.Elizabeth Dunn, professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, found that in nations as diverse as Canada, South Africa and Uganda, giving away money consistently made people happier. _5_ABe sure to buy what you like.BHere are some ways to better spend your money.CBuy lots of little things, rather than one big thing.DThere are a lot of reasons someone might buy something.EPeople think experiences only provide temporary happiness.FThis was even true when people giving away were relatively poor.GConsider how the things you buy will affect how you spend your time.篇章导读:本文是议论文。文章就如何更好地消费给出几条建议。1B承上启下的过渡句。主要引领下文四条建议。2E结合上下文并紧扣小标题中的关键词buy experiences可知,答案为E。3C根据该段中关键语句“With the same money you spend on one big object, you can buy many little things. Buying small things means you can get frequent small pleasures.”可知,C项符合语境。4G该段关键词为“buy time”,G项为“Consider how the things you buy will affect how you spend your time.”,紧扣小标题,符合语境。5F该段关键词为“give away”,即赠送的乐趣。.语法填空(建议用时8)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 2017河北名校联考A police car pulled up in front of an older womans house, and her husband climbed out. The polite policeman _1_ (explain) to his wife that “this elderly gentleman” said that he was lost in the park and that couldnt find his way home. “How could it happen?” she asked _2_ (surprise). “Youve been going to that park for over 30 years! How could you get lost?”Getting close _3_ his ear so that the policeman couldnt hear, he whispered,“I wasnt lostI was just too tired _4_ (walk) home. _5_ I wanted to do is have someone send me home.”Old age is like _6_ (climb)a mountain. The _7_ (high) you get, the more tired and breathless you will become. Your bodies will become less _8_ (cooperate) than before as you age. But you can have a better view when you reach the top of the mountain _9_ one can have a longer view of the past and can therefore understand the future with more clarity. It is your attitude that matters.George Bernard Shaw said, “Some are younger at seventy than most at seventeen.” I think it is because they have a broader outlook. _10_ will take a lifetime to climb the mountain, but, for me, the view will be worth the journey.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文为议论文。变老并不可怕,只要我们的心态年轻,即便身体老了,也能像年轻人那样生活,享受生活。1explained考查动词的时态。句中缺少谓语,且故事发生在过去,故用explained。2surprisedly考查词性转换。用副词来修饰主语她当时说话的神态。3to


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