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Food,1. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. (Line 2),as a result: 结果(作状语) 相当于so, therefore, etc.,常用于句首,也可用于句末,表示因果关系。亦可作插入语。,She studied hard. As a result, she made fast progress in the studies.,He slipped and broke his leg. As a result, he will have to be away from school for two or three months.,He has won the game. He is in high spirits as a result.,今天的晚会因为你而美丽。,因这场战争引起的其它事情也随之发生。,The party tonight is beautiful as a result of you,Meanwhile other events had occurred as a result of this war.,比较:as a result of 表示“由于的结果,由引起的”,因此,来自一种文化的人常常会认为来自另一种文化的人所吃的一些食物是令人厌恶或令人作呕的。,1. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. (Line 2),2. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. (Line 12),be first/second on a list of 在名单中名列第一/二,你总是我最需要的时候想到的第一人。,谁是本周流行榜第一? 流行榜变得快得让你难以想象。,You are always first on the list of things that I need most., Who is first on the list of pop stars this week? The list changes faster than you can imagine.,例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中排名第一,但它在美国人最喜欢的蔬菜中名列第二十一。,2. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. (Line 12),3. Thieves will not usually enter a house where there is a dog because the dog will bark and possibly attack a stranger who is trying to get into a house. (Line 43),where there is a dog是定语从句,修饰 a house, 关系副词where 在定语从句中作状语; because引导的是原因状语从句,说明Thieves will not usually enter a house 的原因; who is trying to get into a house 是定语从句,修饰先行词a stranger。,They generally go to places _ the air is clean and the scenery is beautiful. A) there B) when C) which D) where,完成下面的句子。,D,盗贼一般不进入有狗的住宅,因为狗会吠叫,而且可能会袭击试图进入屋子的陌生人。,3. Thieves will not usually enter a house where there is a dog because the dog will bark and possibly attack a stranger who is trying to get into a house. (Line 35),4. There is some evidence that some ancient Egyptians did not eat pork. (Line 47),that引导的是同位语从句,对与之同位的名 词作进一步的解释,同位语从句一般只由 that引导, 常用在idea, fact, concept, doubt, news, belief, hope, evidence, explanation, opinion, plan, proposal, sign, suggestion, truth, theory, thought等抽象名词后。,There are signs _ restaurant are becoming more popular with families. A) that B) which C) in which D) whose,完成下面的句子。,A,有迹象表明一些古埃及人不食猪肉。,4. There is some evidence that some ancient Egyptians did not eat pork. (Line 39),She _ at the sight of some bloody scenes of that horror movie. 她看到那部恐怖片中的几个流血的场景后感到非常恶心。,我妹妹晕车很厉害。,felt quite sick,My sister becomes seriously sick in the car.,他今天吐了好几次。,He has been sick several times today.,她的新工作是照顾那个病人。,我们的经理患流感已经半个月了。,Her new job was taking care of that sick man.,Our manager has been sick with influenza for two weeks.,Im getting sick of the same routine every day.,让我感到吃惊的是,她对上网 聊天儿已经感到厌烦了。,我对每天一成不变的生活感到厌倦了。,To my surprise, she has already been sick of the online chatting.,I am a college student now. But my mother always _. (把我当成算不了什么的小孩子),很多年轻人把模特看作是非常时尚的职业。,regards me as a little kid who counts for nothing,Many youngsters regard model as a very fashionable profession.,应该在适当的时间公布事情的真相。,It is reported that the Presidents speech to the black voters _. (非常符合时宜),was quite appropriate for/to the occasion,The truth of the matter should be released at an appropriate time.,That fund raising show staged various wonderful programs _. (符合演出的主题),appropriate to the theme of the show,你不应该剽窃他的创意。,学校准备为那项研究计划拨款。,You should not appropriate his originality.,Our school was prepared to appropriate money for that research program.,任何人都不应该侵害集体利益。,No one should appropriate common benefit.,今天的人们越来越关注食品的营养与保健功能。,Todays people pay more and more attention to the nutrition and health care of food.,Biologists of that laboratory are researching _ _ of agarics. 那个实验室的生物学家们正在研究木耳的营养价值 。,_ of that brand moved off recently. 那个品牌的营养食品十分畅销。,The nutritious foods,Cameras are forbidden.,禁止拍照。,Smoking is forbidden in the auditorium.,礼堂内禁止吸烟。,他的父亲不让他去游泳。,His father forbade him to go swimming.,任何人都不得对展厅内的珍贵文物拍照。,Anybody is forbidden from taking pictures of those precious antiques in the exhibition hall.,中国跳水队不允许队员参加过多的商业活动。,Chinese national diving team forbids all the team members to participate in too many commercial activities.,Anyone is prohibited from riding bicycles on the sidewalk.,Students are forbidden the use of the elevator of the teaching building.,任何人都不得在人行道上骑自行车。,学生不能使用教学楼的电梯。,That newly-upgraded virus- killing software gave her computer _ _. 那款新升级的杀毒软件可以很好地保 护她的电脑不受各种电脑病毒的攻击。,他的风衣(dustcoat)能够很好地为他挡雨。,His dustcoat provided him with good protection against rain.,他的风衣(dustcoat)能够很好地为他挡雨。,那款新升级的杀毒软件可以很好地保护她的电脑不受各 种电脑病毒的攻击。,That newly-upgraded virus-killing software could protect her computer from/against all kinds of computer viruses.,His dustcoat protected him against/from the rain.,请将例句1, 2改用动词 protect。,Apparently, the email services are still the most important function of the Internet.,很明显,电子邮件服务仍然是因特网的最主要的功能。,That woman _ when she heard the news that her son had already been set free by the kidnappers. 很明显,当听到绑匪已经释放了自己的儿子的消息后,那 位妇女感到如释重负。,was apparently relieved,_ the US government knew nothing about its Chinese counterparts efforts on the protection of the Intellectual Property Right (IPR). 很明显,美国政府对于中国政府在保护知识产权方面的 努力知之甚少。,It was apparent that,When did that murder occur?,那起谋杀案是什么时候发生的?,不要让这种错误再次发生。,Dont let the mistake occur again.,That he should have some deep personal objection had never occurred to me.,Instantly a new idea occurred to Harry Potter.,哈利.波特很快想到了一个新的主意。,我从未想到他竟反对得如此厉害。,完成下面的句子。,is sufficiently qualified,你昨晚睡够了吗?,Have you had a sufficient sleep last night?,请选择 “enough”或 “sufficient”的适当形式填空。,1. Tom has _ money to buy a new Mp3 player.,2. We need _ proof to prove that she is innocent.,3. He didnt study hard _, so he failed in the final exam.,4. He has acquired _ proficiency to read English literary works.,6. We have people _ to finish the task on time.,5. Its late _ for us to stop todays work.,enough,sufficient,enough,sufficient,enough,enough,Where was she raised?,她是在哪儿长大的?,Raising that kind of sheep needs some professional knowledge.,饲养那种绵羊需要一些专业知识。,我们想将孩子养育成体面的人。,We want to raise our children to be decent men and women.,通过例句了解 raise 的其它含义:,1. The car raised a dust as it went by.,2.He raised me spirits with encouragement and kind words.,3. I dont wish the subject to be raised again.,4. The foolish prince raised an army against his father.,5. His long absence raised fears about his safety.,扬起;举起;抬起,提高;提升,提出,招募;筹集,引起,Your watch requires adjusting.,你的手表需要调一下了。,我需要两名志愿者来帮我的忙。,I require two volunteers to help me.,All the applicants are required to turn in a piece of resume.,I will do all that is required of me.,所有的申请者都必须递交一份个人简历。,凡是要求我做的,我一定做到。,请选择 “demand”, “need” 或 “require”的适当形式填空。,1. To become a qualified lawyer _ study and experience.,2. I _ to know the truth of the incident.,3. All passengers are _ to show their tickets.,4. Her health _ that she go to bed on time.,6. This work _ your attention without delay!,5. You hair _ cutting.,requires,demand,required,requires,needs,demands,7. That child _ his fathers guidance.,needs,the taboo against eating pork,He is the first on the list of ,to kill cows for meat,The cow manure can be burned to make cooking fires.,不吃猪肉的禁忌,他在名单中排名第一。,杀牛吃肉,牛粪可以被用来生火做饭。,To do this requires a lot of energy.,the pig-eating taboo,to spread a disease,the pork that is not cooked sufficiently,吃猪肉方面的禁忌,传播疾病,做这件事要花大力气。,未熟透的猪肉,Food,反说正译 英语中一些做反面表达的词、短语甚至句子往往可以从正面表达。,虽然他一再解释,疑团仍然存在( 动词) 许多人认为首相辞职实际上很丢面子。 (副词) 3. He was an indecisive sort of person and always inconstant. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。 (形容词) 4. “Dont unstring your shoes, Roody,” she said. 她说:“把鞋带系上,罗比。”(动词),The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations.,2. Many agreed that the Prime Minister had in effect given up his position dishonorably.,5. Dont lose time in posting this letter. 赶快把这封信寄出去。(短语) 调查结果清清楚楚说明病人死于癌症。(短语) 今天下午学生统统要交书面作业。(短语),6. The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer.,7. Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon.,8. Jim was no end upset because he couldnt go swimming.,吉姆非常不高兴,因为他不能 去游泳。(短语),9. The significance of these incidents wasnt lost on us. 这件事引起了我们的重视。(句子) 10. Ashurst saw at once that Phil was not all right. 埃瑟斯特马上看到菲尔出了毛病。(句子) 11. Such behavior couldnt long escape notice. 这种行为迟早会被发现。(句子) 12. He was not going to lose sight of me. 他一直在监视我的行踪。(句子),Food,英语文章常用的“转、合”表达方式,1. 有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的情况。 after all 毕竟 on the contrary 相反地 but 但是 in contrast 相比之下 yet 仍然, 然而 unlike 与不同 however 然而 whereas 然而 nevertheless 尽管如此 nonetheless 尽管如此 all the same 但是 conversely 相反 unfortunately 不幸地 though 尽管如此 still 仍然 although 虽然,语篇连贯(四),2.有关“合”的常用词语(1):用于小结段落中上文的内容、引导最后一个扩展句或引导结尾句表示段落的结束。,in fact 事实上 despite / in spite of 尽管 by comparison 比较而言 by contrast 对比而言 as a matter of fact 事实上 in reality 实际上 on the other hand 另一方面 finally 最后 as has been noted 如前所述 hence 因此 as I have said 如我所述 in brief 简言之 at last 终于 in conclusion 总之 at length 最后, 终于 in consequence 结果 in short 简而言之 by and large 一般说来 in summary 概括地说,2.有关“合”的常用词语(2):用于小结段落中上文的内容、引导最后一个扩展句或引导结尾句表示段落的结束。,no doubt 毫无疑问 briefly 简单地说 undoubtedly 无疑 above all 最重要的是 truly 的确 as a consequence 因此 so 所以 as a result 结果 obviously 显然 for this reason 正因为如此 certainly 无疑 in a word 一言以敝之 in sum 总而言之 for that reason 正因为如此,consequently 因此 therefore 因此 eventually 最终 thus 因此 accordingly 于是 to sum up 总而言之 indeed 的确 to conclude 总而言之 surely 无疑 to summarize 总而言之 in the final analysis 分析归结到一点 as the above examples show 如上述例子所示,提示: 1. 上面所列各种“启、承、转、合”表达方式只是一个基本分类。在不同的上下文中,有的表达方式如:naturally, obviously, consequently 等可以表达多种逻辑关系。在具体的上下文中究竟哪一个为最佳表达方式仍需进一步甄选。,2. 并不是任何一个段落都有一个完整的“启、承、转、合”过程。一般说来,“启、承”比较固定,而“转、合”则往往要取决于文体和段落的发展方法。,你在写下面这篇作文时,怎样注意连贯与衔接?,Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Eating Habits of College Students. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.,饮食方式; 饮食口味; 学生应养成良好的饮食习惯。,Eating Habits of College Students.,A sharp-eyed visitor will soon notice that on campus different students may have different eating habits. At cafeteria (自助餐厅) or dorm flat, some watch TV while eating. Some may read a book or magazine at dinner table. Still some may swallow their meals when they read before news stands (报栏) or head for their dorms or classrooms. Generally speaking, most students eat at school cafeterias, but some students prefer off-campus restaurants.,College students have various tastes due to a lot of factor


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