



议论文和说明文(1)议论文(2018长春外国语学校四模)Do you have a dream? It is part of your life? Everybody had dreams. I have a _1. C_ ,too. When I slept,I would dream of living it; when I _2. D_ ,I would work for living it. One day,somebody told me,“To _3. C_ is better than to arrive. ” Hearing this,I _4. D_ laughed it off,not quite understanding how that was even _5. A_ . And I didnt realize how true it was _6. B_ I had what I wanted. Then I suddenly realized that the person living the dream was different from the one who had _7. B_ fot it. Since then,I have made a great _8. A_ to work for the realization of my dream. _9. C_ ,I achieved what I had wanted. I have now become a wiser,calmer,stronger and more passionate person. The journey had _10. B_ me a lot. I made mistakes and learned from them. I _11. A_ and learned to get up again. I cried and I learned to wipe away my tears. I made friends and learned to _12. A_ people. I made enemies and learned to value _13. C_ . The journey had transformed a caterpillar(毛虫) into a beautiful butterfly,eagerly waiting to _14. D_ the world with her newlyfound wings. We all know that our _15. B_ isnt as perfect as it is in the fairy tales. It _16. D_ great ambition and courage to fulfill our dreams. But we should remember that even if _17. A_ gets in our way,nothing will _18. B_ us. So friends,always remember:“Experience is the best _19. C_ and there are no guarantees that one will become an artist. Only the _20. A_ matters. ” So lets drink to a new journey. Cheers!文章大意:梦想的实现需要雄心和勇气。要记住:即使有什么会妨碍我们,也没有什么能阻止我们,经历的过程最重要。1Areason BpermissionCdreamDquestion解析:reason理由;permission许可;dream梦想;question问题。句意为:每个人都有梦想,我也有一个梦想。故选C。2Agot in Bgot throughCgot onDgot up解析:结合上句“When I slept,I would dream of living it”可知该句意为:当我起床的时候,我为实现这个梦想而努力。故选D。3Agather BescapeCtravelDreturn解析:gather聚集;escape逃脱;travel旅行;return归还。句意为:旅行比到达目的地更好。故选C。4Aever BevenCalmostDjust解析:句意为:听到这句话,我只是一笑而过,不太明白那怎么可能。故选D。5Apossible BdifficultCcertainDnecessary解析:参考上题解析可知选A。6Abecause BuntilCifDafter解析:not. . . until. . . 直到才。句意为直到我拥有了我想要的东西,才意识到它是多么的真实。故选B。7Apaid BworkedCpreparedDwaited解析:pay支付;work工作;prepare准备;wait等待。句意为:我突然意识到实现梦想的人与为之努力的人不同。故选B。8Aeffort BresearchCpromiseDdifference解析:effort努力;research研究; promise许诺;difference不同。句意为:我为实现梦想而努力。故选A。9ANormally BRegularlyCFinallyDActually解析:normally正常地;regularly有规律地;finally最后;actually实际上。句意为:最后我得到了我想要的。故选C。10Apleased BchangedCpressedDworried解析:please使满意;change改变;press按压;worry担忧。句意为:这个过程使我改变了许多。故选B。11Afell down Bset downClooked outDput down解析:fall down跌倒,倒下;set down记下;look out小心;put down放下。句意为:我跌倒了,又学会了再次站起来。此处与空后的get up相对应。故选A。12Avalue BaskCmissDsee解析:value重视,珍惜;ask问;miss错过;see看见。句意为:我交到了朋友,也学会了重视别人。故选A。13Aplans BchoicesClessonsDconcerns解析:plan计划;choice选择;lesson功课,教训;concern关心。句意为:我树了敌,也学会了重视教训。故选C。14Asave BimagineCenjoyDexplore解析:save挽救;imagine想象;enjoy喜爱;explore探索。句意为:殷切期待着用她新发现的翅膀去探索世界。故选D。15Astudy BlifeCplanDcreation解析:句意为:我们都知道我们的生活不像童话故事中那样完美。life生活。故选B。16Aattracts BadvisesCpraisesDtakes解析:句意为:实现梦想需要雄心和勇气。It takes. . . to do sth. 做某事需要。故选D。17Asomething BanythingCnothingDeverything解析:句意为:但是我们应该记住,即使有东西挡住我们的道路,也没有什么会阻止我们。something某事。故选A。18Apersua


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