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雅思阅读 - multiple choices,Candy薛,Page 2,LETS REVIEW,HEADING (把握段落整体结构,快速浏览,总括能力) 精读首句 精读段首祈使句 精读转折词后面的句子 精读for example前的总括句子 精读问号后面的关键句 精读观点句 注意词性:同义替换/名词(决定所言之物)/动词决定句子方向感,Page 3,1首尾句重点原则 2同义替换原则 3例子细节不读或者粗略跳读法 4一般选出的选项可以利用关键词 看看此段有没有提及,验证所选出的答案。 5 备选项相似的两项一般有个是答案,一个是干扰项 6 该段反复出现的核心名词一般为答案 7 喜新厌旧法,Headings做题技巧总结(review),Page 4,Brainstorming (multiple choices 题目特点),Page 5,做题步骤,看先题干,用关键词定位 (四大武器:大写,数字,特殊符号,核心名词),选项比较长,可以先在文中找到对应,然后在依次看选项,回文章中定位与题干相关的句子,阅读理解后,甄别ABCD,如果选项较短,利用选项中关键词同时定位即快又准,Page 6,Multiple choice规律和攻克点,细节选择题目遵循顺序原则, 总括选择题不用再细读文章,所选答案要和文章主题,方向一致,注意细节措辞. 选择到相关的某一句或者某几句话, 选择答案为同义词或者相关词句的改写(正确答案一般为原文的改写). 有些直接找出答案,有些要用排除法elimination process. 多项选择一般集中出现,便于考生寻找,如果不是,重点看总分关系引领的结构. 有绝对词汇(never, only, must, all, always, not at all)的选项最后再考虑,可以优先考虑其他备选项.,Page 7,Signal Words,表示次序关系 递进关系:also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore 时间先后:now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually/ultimately, finally 排列顺序:another, the second, even more, the most, the best, the least. 表示因果关系 As, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, lead to, as a result, result in, therefore, thus, hence, as, cause, contribute to , breed, cause.,Page 8,表示比较关系 对比转折:but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand 相似关系:like, as, similar to, in the same way, or 表示举例说明关系 That is to way, in other words, eg, such as, for example, for instance 表示特殊含义 最高级: -est, most, best 唯一性:only, unique, merely, barely, exclusively 比较级:-er, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable 表示目的关系 In order to, so as to, to, for,Page 9,真题热身C2T2,The high costs of running AHIs hotels are related to their_ A management B size C staff D policies 原文对应句:AHI has experienced difficulties in Australia in providing long-term profits for hotel owners, as a result of the countrys high labour-cost structure. SAHs new organisational structure requires_ A 75% of the old management positions. B 25% of the old management positions. C 25% of more management positions. D 5% fewer management positions. 原文对应句: partly as a result of this change, there are 25 percent fewer management positions, enabling a significant saving.,Page 10,真题分布统计,C3 (P17,P46, P50, P68, P71, P87, P90, P95 ) C5 (P22, P27, P42, P74) C6 (P96 ) C7 (P28, P43, P52, P73, P77, P98),Page 11,1. 利用四大武器去定位 (大写,数字,特殊符号,核心名词) 2. 简单的题目答案为文章某个单词或者 某句话的转述或者同义替换 3. 具有抗干扰能力,知道错误答案干扰方式 四宗罪:无中生有(not men


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